Tuesday, September 05, 2006


From http://www.theresistancemanifesto.com/modules.php?name=Forums&file=viewtopic&t=1662

websuspect: PBS has a show on Sunday where they feature Ethics and Religon from kind of a Catholic or Protestant Christian Angel. This week they had a show about white girls of Scandanavian descent, (Blue eyes Blond hair and Big boobs.) with high SATs and play an instrument getting premium money for their eggs. They give them hormone therapy and than it says in the article here they take 20-30 eggs. I feel like personaly, they are probably lying abotu how many eggs their taking to put these girls at ease. Imagine if they took all of a girls eggs. I think it would be easy to do. Than they sell the supposedly to rich people wanting children. These are designer children being sold in the US because by this time they are calling them Embreos.

That means there fertalized. That means there going to sperm banks and pulling sperm %%% from rich white men with high IQs, Play an Instrument and are of scandanavian descent. In alot of countries this is outlawed but in the US its legal. There girls in the article are getting upwards of $7500 for their eggs and one got $80000.... But heres the big question, i think is Who is buying all these kids. we have all the admitted **** the government has been doing. They have 39 plus underground facilities. How do we know these kids arent in MK ultra programs. I mean can you imagine if someone took these super smart kids and put them in MKultra programs? The implications of this are mind boggling. While my friend John is doing a great job of telling people about 911 or even the Zombies of society walking around half asleep. We have even bigger issues looming, dark clouds of RFID, Fiat Currencies, Land Grabs, Viruses being sprayed on Lunchmeats, Toll roads on 80 major highways and a control grid of satelites and sensor arrays to keep us inline... And a very real threat of thousands of supersmart, super good looking, supertalanted superbeings being bred to run the army for the shadow government. I guess we could call them Aldus Huxleys Alphas.

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