Tuesday, September 05, 2006

"November" from davidickeforum answered

From http://z13.invisionfree.com/THE_UNHIVED_MIND/index.php?showtopic=13865

I wanted to mention this as well. November has been obsessessive with demonizing 2tuff on this Jesuit issue. First off, it's bigger than the Jewish people and Judaism November. Have November look at religious scripts like the "Book of the Dead" and other ancient documents before Judaism was creation outlining control of human beings. Tons of these Gentile Mystery Religion scripts existed before Judaism and the Jesuits. Also, the modus operandi of the ancients is from the Mysteries from the Gentiles not Jews collectively. That's something that November from davidickeforum doesn't understand. For thousands of years, Jewish people were subjated and oppressed by Europeans and other human being. No doubt, evil Jewish people exist in the world, but to omit the Vatican/Jesuit connection to the New world order is a bad move. New information are coming through daily about the truth. Just because groups exist from the ancient times, doesn't mean that all ancient group have supreme power today. Power shifts through the centuries from the Egyptians, Chinese dynasties, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome, etc. Let's look at history. In the Middle Ages, the Vatican had most of the power in Europe. In the 1500's, the Jesuits were created by Igantius LOyola. Adam Weishaupt was trained by Jesuits and invented his Bavarian Illuminati in July 1776. Not only was he trained by Jesuits, but he died in good graces with the Roman Catholic Church according to John Daniel's research.

Today, we see the Vatican/Jesuits have had roles in the French Revolution (as proven by John Daniel's the Grand Design book), the Civil War (look at CT Wilcox's new book), The O.T.O. (a Vatican offical name Rampolla was a member), the Russian Revolution (Jesuit Maly supported it. Freemason Kerensky first ran Russia then Trotsky and Lenin took it over by later 1917. Notice that many of the original Jews involved in the Revolution were hunted down and murdered), WWI, WWII (that's 100% proven by Edmond Paris, Alberto Rivera, Eric Jon Phelps, and others. The Nazis based their SS on the Jesuits. Hitler was a baptized Catholic and was never excommunicated. Many Jesuits were in the SS and SMOM Franz von Papen was a key powerful Nazi in the Third Reich. Catholic Bishop Alois Hudal and others organized the Vatican Raltine sending Nazis out of Europe to escape prosecution. 33rd Degree Freemason Robert Jackson prevented real Nazi war criminals from being found guilty. THe Jesuit/Nazi link is suppressed by many in academia to this day), Vietnam (Catholic Diem butchered Buddhists {the religious slaughtered of Buddhists was so bad that many Buddhists burned themselves alive as a protect like Thich Quang Duc at Saigon at June 11, 1963. Diem was murdered by his own people at November 1963. It's rumored that LBJ and JFK had foreknowledge or a role in Diem's murder}, Cardinal Spellman supported the war {the war was called Spelly's war}, and Jesuit Lyons was an active supporter of the war), the Cold War (Both the CIA and KGB had SMOM members in times past like Prince Anton Turkul, William Colby, William Casey, etc. Also, each side were funded by NYC/Europe based multinational corporations like Chase Manhattan), JFK's assassination, Vatican II & the Ecumencial Movement (33rd Degree Freemason Robert Schuller and his "Brother" Billy Graham have submitted themselves under Rome), Iran Control (filled with Knights of Malta connected to that event like William Colby and Oliver North), and 9/11 plus the war on terror (many of the figures in the military are connected to Jesuit Georgetown University as explained by Brother Nicholas Rivera. One architect of the Patriot Act Viet Dinh was a Jesuit graduate from Georgetown University). The vast majority of the people on Earth aren't Jewish (who make up less than 30 million people worldwide), so Jews aren't involved in every evil conspiracy. Also, Novemeber hypocritically blames the Jews for the world's ills yet believes that the "Jews" he's refering aren't real Jews. That's being a hypocrite because according to him they aren't real Jews, but still the Jews are to be blame for our major ills.

You still have billionare Papal Knight of St. Gregory Rupert Murdoch running FOX News and Knight of Malta Juan Carols working in the Middle East plus own the Cintra corporation according to Paul Joseph Watson. All of the previous information can't be discounted as baloney or a fairly tale. November is talking about a blueprint, but common sense will tell you that the Jesuits, SMOM, high level Freemasons, and other groups running the world are doing things contrary to the OT. For example, many of them are embracing the New Age and occultism specifically condemned in the OT. November, nice try, but your tactics doesn't work. Me and other will continue to expose all evil whether the Bilderberg Group & the Kabbala all the way to the Jesuits. The Syllabus of Errors (instituted in the 1800's), the Council of Trent, and other blueprints are supported by the Jesuits and these documents are evil bashing free speech, freedom of religion, etc. So, November needs to stop fronting about this issue. This is real backed up by books, new articles, documents, and other forms of research. No one is denying evil Jewish people or evil Labor Zionists in the world. What we deny is that the Jews solely rule the world. There's a big difference. I wouldn't trust people like Daryl Bradford Smith, which even WINGTV exposes now.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

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