Friday, September 08, 2006

Osama Videos are Irrelevant


Osama Videos are Irrelevant

9/11 Blogger September 8 2006

• The 9/11 truth movement has said all along that Bin Laden and the hijackers are patsies

• The 9/11 truth movement has said all along that planes could not have been hijacked and flown around the country for countless minutes unless there was a stand down by -- and an overwhelming confusion of -- the military by multiple war games with live-fly hijacking and plane-into-building exercises and false radar injects

• The 9/11 truth movement has said all along that World Trade Center 1, 2 and 7 were brought down by controlled demolition
So even if the newly-released video of Osama and others planning 9/11 is real (all of the previous ones linking Bin Laden to 9/11 were either faked or mistranslated), that doesn't change anything.

They could not have succeeded unless they were tipped off to the fact that multiple, overlapping war games would occur on 9/11.
They wouldn't have gotten anywhere unless the military was stopped from following standard operating procedure on 9/11.
And the Twin Towers (and building 7) still would still be standing today absent controlled demolition.

All of the Osama videos make for emotional, Hollywood-style stunts, but they don't change the fact that 9/11 was an inside job.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Excuse for english, I wonder how could have these planes just have such easy access into the no flight zones & no F1 jets be on the tail of the aircrafts?

Why & how could the structures just fall down like a domino? I see the pressure of a 747, but wers they helped by planned explosive to weaken the strucutre somewho?

Why did the pentagon see no danger until oh 1 second :/ very odd. The White House could have been destroyed and nobody could do nothing to prevend, blow the plane from the sky with F1 jets if this occured.

Pres. George War Bush was conviniently sitting with primary school kids, he looked so bullshit.

The U.S CIA & gov are evil organisation capable of fooling many, they actually trained osama bin laden in the 80's if correct.

I think this (911) could have been a long & calculatd - planned out attack on their own country -possibly to boost weapon sales and go hard into the middle east and change the eastern world. Make fear & gain public western backing to be trusted.

or on 911, security failure was the worst in histoy, *all* high level security , counry wide was asleep. The military had the day off. The high level ppl were aware of the day happening, they could see at the end of the pike, - war in middle east and billions pummped into the gov, by weapons & occupation.

Those people who died just might of been the sacrifical ones made by their own government, I feel sorry for them (the dead).

We must not hate the general US population, but Americans & the world cannot trust the evil force of the US Government. Americans must get off their obese asses and vote the war pursuers and waring culture out.

I guess if a leader was in that did not go to war - would be assasinated in a public exexution showing the public who is in control.

Old days:

- CIA: "Ok, JFK is dead, Linded, time to go to war...



- CIA: "Ok, time to shake up the middle east, George old buddy old pal, - its time". (with a evil grin said the CIA ppl)

Dumbfounded George Dubya: "Errr, its time what"????? <:/

- CIA: "WAR!!!, George, we'll make billions, all we must do it blow up the big apple" - said the CIA - while looking at a photo of JFK.

- George Dubya: Ohhhh, ok ok. I'm dead if i say no.
