Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Rush Limbaugh A Modern “Mr. Worldly Wiseman” And Bush/GOP Cheerleader On Murderous Iraq War

From http://www.theamericanview.com/index.php?id=702&PHPSESSID=160d64986541faa90ce6bcfb54ea2b9f

Rush Limbaugh A Modern “Mr. Worldly Wiseman” And Bush/GOP Cheerleader On Murderous Iraq War

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By John Lofton, Editor

Years ago, I spotted Rush Limbaugh for what he is, among other things: A modern version of John Bunyan’s “Mr. Worldly Wiseman” who “dwelt in the town of Carnal Policy.”
When “MWW” asks “Christian” if he would listen to him if he gave him counsel?, “Christian” says: “If it be good, I will; for I stand in need of good counsel.” But, “MWW’s” counsel is not good.
When “MWW” asks “Christian” how he came to realize his “burden” (his sin), “Christian” says: “By reading this book in my hand” (the Bible.) To which “MWW” replies: “I thought so; and it is happened unto thee as to other weak men, who, meddling with things too high for them, do suddenly fall into thy distractions; which distractions do not only unman men, as thine, I perceive, have done thee, but they run them upon desperate ventures to obtain they know not what.”

So, “MWW’s” counsel is to forget the Bible, forget God’s Word which is, supposedly, for weak men, which is something beyond understanding that leads to being distracted.
When “Christian” says that what he seeks is relief from his heavy burden of sin, “MWW” says he can find such relief in the village named “Morality” where a man named “Legality” lives and this man “has skill to help men off with such burdens as thine are from their shoulders: yea, to my knowledge, he hath done a great deal of good this way; ay, and besides, he hath skill to cure those that are somewhat crazed in their wits with their burdens.”
“MWW” urges “Christian” to send for his wife and children and take them to the village of “Morality” where “houses now stand empty, one of which thou mayest have at reasonable rates; provision is there also cheap and good; and that which will make thy life the more happy is, to be sure, there thou shalt live by honest neighbours, in credit and good fashion.”
But, we are warned: “When Christians unto carnal men give ear, Out of their way they go, and pay for it dear; For Master Worldly Wiseman can but shew A saint the way to bondage and to woe.” And, it is said, that “Christian” “began to be sorry that he had taken Mr. Worldly Wiseman’s counsel.”

In conclusion, “Christian” is given this advice about what “MWW” has said: “Thou must abhor his turning thee out of the way; and thine own consenting thereunto: because this is to reject the counsel of God for the sake of the counsel of a Worldly Wiseman. The Lord says, “Strive to enter in at the strait gate” [Luke 13:24], the gate to which I sent thee; for “strait is the gate that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.” [Matt. 7:14] From this little wicket-gate, and from the way thereto, hath this wicked man turned thee, to the bringing of thee almost to destruction; hate, therefore, his turning thee out of the way, and abhor thyself for hearkening to him.”

Well, Rush Limbaugh, like “Mr. Worldly Wiseman,” is giving counsel that is not good, which is to say counsel that is not Godly, that is not Biblical. Here’s what he said recently in a commentary on the “CBS Evening News:”

RL: My friends, it’s time to face a hard, cold fact: Militant Islam wants to kill us just because we’re alive and don’t believe as they do. They’ve been killing us for decades, so it’s time to stop pretending these terrorist incidents are mere episodic events and face the reality that our way of life is in grave danger.

Comment: Koranic/Hadith Islam — for centuries, not decades — has always taught that “infidels” (non-Muslims) must die, must be murdered, if they do not convert to Islam. But, why now do so many Muslims want to “kill us?” Is it really because we are simply “alive and don’t believe as they do?” No. So many Muslims want to murder us now not because of what we believe but because of what we have done, because our country has stuck its nose into many areas that are none of our business, such areas as our 100 percent backing of Israel, our putting our boots on the ground in Saudi Arabia and much more.

RL: Now, this threat is not just going to go away because we choose to ignore it.
Comment: Nobody is saying this — no one.

RL: Some say we should try diplomacy. Yeah, well, tell me, how do we negotiate with people whose starting point is our death? Ask them to wait for 10 years before they kill us?

Comment: I agree. “Diplomacy” alone will not solve the religious war we are in against Koranic/Hadith Islam. If such Muslims attack us, we should fight to defend ourselves. No problem here. Meanwhile, it would help if we would abandon our involvement in areas we had no business being involved in in the first place.

RL: When good negotiates with evil, evil will always win; and peace follows victory, not words issued by diplomats.

Comment: This is dangerous, jingoistic, overly-simplistic, my-country-right-or-wrong nonsense. Biblically-speaking, from God’s perspective, America is not “good,” which to say not Godly. For example, we have “legally” murdered by abortion more than 40 million innocent, unborn babies. And we dropped the atomic bomb on two open Japanese cities in World War II. This is not good.

RL: But some Americans sadly not interested in victory, and yet they want us to believe that their behavior is patriotic. Well, it’s not.

Comment: Wrong! It is truly “patriotic” to be against Mr. Bush’s unnecessary, un-Biblical, un-Constitutional war against Iraq.

RL: When the critics are more interested in punishing this country over a few incidents at Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay than they are in defeating those who want to kill us, when they seek to destroy a foreign surveillance program which is designed to identify those who want to kill us and how they intend to do it, when they want to grant those who want to kill us constitutional rights, I don’t call that patriotic.

Comment: Who cares what Limbaugh calls “patriotic?” His blind, “good German”, Bush-cheerleader “morality” is anything but true patriotism. And what the “critics” are saying is not that they want to do nothing about those who want to murder us. This lie is simply a mindless regurgitation of Bush/Republican Party talking-points. These “critics” are simply suggesting alternative ways to fight our potential murderers.

RL: Patriotism is rallying behind the country, regardless of party affiliation, to defeat Islamofascism. Patriotism is supporting our troops in the battlefield, not undermining the mission and morale. Let there be no doubt about this, America will prevail.

Comment: “Patriotism” is rallying behind our country regardless of whether what our country is doing is right or wrong?!

“Patriotism” is supporting our troops regardless of whether their “mission” is right or wrong?! No. And because our country is Godless, it is extremely doubtful that we will “prevail” over Islamofascism. In fact, if we continue on our Godless path, we will not “prevail.”

RL: We’re the same country that survived a bloody civil war, defeated the Nazis and the Soviets. Each generation has a responsibility to the next. Our generation will not disappoint.

Comment: No, no, no! We are a very different country than we were before the “civil war” — and this drastic change was not been for the better. We were also drastically changed after World War II — and, again, not for the better. And compared to the generation that founded our country in 1620, this generation has already “disappointed!”
In a recent column, Laurence M. Vance quotes Limbaugh as having said on a recent program of his, regarding our dead and wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan:

“Now, the number of highway deaths in this country, 43,443 in 2005, is 40 to 50 times our troop losses in Iraq and Afghanistan combined. Well, ten or 20 times at least. And a whole lot more deaths per month than any civil war in Iraq, if there was or is a civil war in Iraq. I don’t know whatever happened to ‘if it bleeds, it leads,’ but there’s a whole lot more bleeding on our highways than in the war zone in Iraq out there, and a whole lot more dying going on in the American highway system than there is in the so-called civil war in Iraq. I don’t hear a word from John Kerry who served in Vietnam or John Murtha or Joe Biden or Howard Dean. For every Cindy Sheehan, there are 40 to 50 mothers who have suffered far worse heartbreak. Cindy’s son gave his life for his country, not for going to the drugstore.

“In fact, the roadway deaths is at a highest level in 15 years, 43,443 Americans every year, ladies and gentlemen, and we’re here turning ourselves into rags, pretzeling ourselves into contortions over the combat deaths in Iraq, regardless and mindless of the heroic mission that is taking place.”

Rush Limbaugh’s problem is that, with no Christian worldview, residing in the village of “Morality” (as defined by President Bush and the Republican National Committee) he is utterly clueless and bereft of any true standard by which to judge the Iraq war or anything else for that matter.

A footnote: A contributing factor that might help explain Limbaugh’s wrong-headed views may, however, be medical. Among the side-effects of OxyContin are: Nausea (in this case his views causing nausea); somnolence (he’s definitely asleep-at-the-switch on Iraq); dizziness; and constipation (his brain is clearly obstructed); and vomiting (which his remarks made me want to do.)

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