Vivrant is what I feel today. New history is learned by me almost everyday now. It's a wonderful thing to refute people and back up of what I believe in. As for violence, I don't advocate violence in trying to solve our problems. Violence never solves anything in the long run. Everyone is talking about Rosie O'Donnell. She said that radical Christianity is just as much a threat as radical Muslims. Is this true? Well, she doesn't define specially what radical Christianity is. In truth, to suggest that every conservative (Bible believing) Christian is on par with radical Muslims is a lie and slander. Muslim radicals brutally kill people, had bombings, steal millions of square miles and other forms of evil. Conservative Christians have been slaughtered by Muslim radicals, the Catholics (through the Inquistion and other tradegies. The victims include William Tyndale, Walter Brute, and others. I can't forget about the Jesuit violence against Christians as well), have been almost sent for long jail sentences for just Bible reading, and other atrocities. These are all facts and I have all documentation to prove it. Not to mention that in the Koran at Sura 3:106-107, it mentions that those with "Black faces" go to Hell. So, that's one out of dozens of reasons that I will never be a Muslim. Of course, most Muslims aren't terrorists (some radicals are manipulated by high level Freemasonry in British Intelligence plus the Mulsim Brotherhood proven by the author Peter Goodgame) or want to kill people with whom they disagree with. Rosie is a hypocrite, because she hates the 2nd Amendment, yet has a bodygaurd with guns to protect her children. Also, Rosie doesn't know real history. Rosie certainly can't refute me in a debate. I'm known for refuting people strongly. Christians made a lot of contributions in this world and people need to respect that.
It's obvious that we don't live in a truly free society. Major Mike McCormack and Greg Palast are 2 people the perfectly exemplifies that. When McCormack came out and tried to release documents detailing the EPA cover up about the toxic poisoning of many citiezens of NYC, a SWAT Team arrested him. They justified his arrest by citing a weapons violation. It is any wonder why complex gun laws have led to unwarranted arrest and increases in crime like in the UK (where they ban individual ownership of firearms). McCormack is one of many who disagrees with the offical story of 9.11. Even many New York firefighters and police now believe that 9/11 was an inside job. Greg Palast was also arrested to just videotaping Katrina victims camp in Louisiana and Exxon Mobil's Baton Rouge refinery. Now, McCormack admits that his friends told him that they were building internment camps. This confirms many news articles about FEMA camps being built now all over the country. Note in America we have the 2005 Real ID Act, which is in effect a National ID card system. Back decades ago, IBM (whose head in that time was the high level Freemason Thomas J. Watson. Watson "brother" 33rd Degree Freemason Henry Ford recieved a Nazi award from Hitler) cataloguing Jews and others for extermination. Why would the government want to build concentration camps when the vast majority of Americans aren't connected with terrorism? This doesn't make since, unless the government wants to further control people or even want to place certain individuals into these concentration camps.
Editor and Publisher on September 15, 2006 discuss about Daniel Ellsberg wants the media to expose plans for invading Iran. There has always been speculation about this. We know that the PNAC neo-cons want an invasion of Iran by their own words. Ellsberg is the same man who leaked the Pentagon Papers to the public in 1971 (that exposed the mistakes during the Vietnam War. Remember, the Vietnam indulated America with drugs and a demoraled attitude toward society). What about Iran? Iran experienced violence and major coups from the 1950's (Operation Ajax was done in 1953 by the CIA and British Intelligence. Kermit Roosevelt, who was a relative of FDR, had a role in the coup. Mosques were blown up and innocent people died in that horrible affair) to 1979. 1979 was the year that the terrorist SAVAK secret police was overthrown, then the Muslim cleric Ayatollah Khomeini took power. American corporations plus Europeans ones supplies arms and weapons into Iran (plus Iraq) and controversial over Iran nuclear problems persists presently. It's strange history, but it isn't unusual. See, back in the Russian Revolution, high level Freemasons and Knights of Malta like Joseph Grace aided the Bolsheviks. 32nd Degree Freemason FDR even recongize Joseph Stalin in 1933. The great writer Anthony Sutton futher colloborated Western funding of the Soviets after WWII making the Cold War a farce (Remember the OSS [now the CIA, whom many of its early members were Nazis like Reinhard Gehlen] and KGB worked together during WWII). Today, it seems like the West aided our supposed "enemies" and now we want war against them.
It gets deeper. Simply put, certain groups of people dream of an integrated society of forming a one world government (David Rockefeller is quoted as wanting that for real). Subservsive and falsehoods are all over the place. I'm setting the record straight. There has new hit pieces not only against conservative Christians (which has been going on for decades now), but Patriots, dissidenters, and questioners of the 911 offical story. As for me, I will continue to expose all evil groups from the Masonic ADL to the Jesuits. People like Cheney, Bush, Chertoff, Islam Karimov (who recieved a "Cultural Diversity" Award, yet tortures innocent Muslims) and anyone connected with CFR-dominated US govenment won't get me down. I'm still here.
By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)
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