Tuesday, December 05, 2006

My Response to MAD and madthumbs

oh no, madthumbs and MAD are really intimidating me man. I'm so terrified. ha ha ha ah ha!!!!!!!!! YOu 2 surely made me wake up to your views. You know I had to say more of my opinion on this issue. Even though I don't agree with MAD on everything, that interview he had with Wes from IlluminatiNews.com was good. I will be man enough to admit to that.. Other than that he made so many false statements that I lost count. First off, 2tuff never called everyone under the sun except a couple of people temporal coadujtor. Also, 2tuff always confronted the Israel/Zionist issue including me. It's a lie to assume otherwise. I wrote about this issue very heavily. There are righteous Jews and evil Jews. The evil Jews formed the Kabbala (a belief that Moses made secret codes of the Hebrew alphabet in the Torah to give man the secrets of enlightenment and perfection. In Kabbala God's emanations instead of God himself directly created the Universe. That's similar to Gnosticism) and the Talmud [created in ca. 6th century A.D.] after their captivity in Babylon. THis was the foundation of the Sabbatean movement. That movement promoted Shabbatai as a false Messiah in the 1600's around the country of Turkey. They were banned by Orthodox Judaism and some became the Frankists. The Frankists were anti-Torah and according to Rabbi Antelman created the modern reform Movement. Offshoots of the Reform movement according to the Rabbi are the Masonic B'nai B'rith Lodge, the ADL, and some of the original ACLU members. The ACLU was invented by blatant socialists and communists. Even Roger Baldwin is quoted as wanting socialism. The ACLU is declaring war on religious speech.

Many Jesuits and Masons like Hugo Black and Earl Warren (a 33rd Degree Mason), who supported concentration camps for innocent Japanese human beings, made massive changes in American society. He was also an ex-Klansman from California. Warren (along with his Brother Freemasons William O. Douglas and John M. Harlan) banned public Bible reading from the public schools in the 1960's though he was right to promote Miranda rights in the same decade. They were heavily involved in the Political, apostate Zionist Movement. These people were suburdionate and not the rulers of the world. The reasons are they were always under high level Freemasons, the Jesuits, and other groups to carry out their plans. Without the help of Cardinal Spellman [via the U.N. {created by the CFR, globalists, socialists, and other globalists on Rockefeller-owned land in the year of 1945. Cardinal Spellman is one of the most strongest American clergyman in the 20th century will aiding the Roosevelt administration and a strong advocate of the Vietnam War}] and high level Freemasonry [like 33rd Degree Freemasons Harry Truman and Chaim Weizzman] Israel would never of have been formed. Now, Europe and America still funds Israel for its economy, so Israel is on an economy leach of the American/European power structure.

There are evil in Israel and that must be exposed, yet many Muslim radicals must be made known as well in Darfur and other locations killing my people off in Africa. As 2tuff said, Knight of Malta Juan Carlos is a strong world leader. He meet with George W. Bush in Crawford Texas. his medival titles of "King of Jerusalem" and "The Protector of the Holy Places of Jerusalem." Carlos is one big player in the Cintra corporation attempt to build the NAFTA Superhighway. Now, Israel have full of pro-Papacy, traitorous to their own Jewish people leaders like Shimon Peres (trained by the Jesuits in Poland according to Barry Chamish's research), Olmert, Sharon (who is in a coma ruling nothing), Netahayhu, Daniel Pipes, Kissinger (in the Bilderberg Group, the CFR, and the TC. He's uniting with Pope Benedict XVI. That Pope was in the Hitler's Youth and a hard liner), etc. 2tuff has a section in his forum talking about the Israel/Zionism issue. MAD and madthumbs doesn't like his opinion on this issue. Most Secret Societies either are originated or related to the ancient Mystery schools of ancient Egypt and Babylon. They worshipped many gods and tried to control the common by withholding knowledge (except unto their high priests and other elites). Akentaton (is one Egyptian Pharoah [from the 18th Dynasty] whom many Rosicurcians claim that they originated from. Akhentaton worshipped the sun god Aten. King Tut later destroyed images of the monotheist worship of the sun god). Now madthumbs is a bigger liar than MAD. This liar claimed that 2tuff was Jewish, which he isn't.

Then he called all Christians Jews, which is a lie. He called Christianity a denomination of Judiasm, which is false. Judaism explicitly denies Jesus as the Messiah, so Christianity is an offshoot of Judaism not a demoniation of it. The "genius" Madthumbs said that all Israelites are black, which is a lie. Olive complexed Jewish people do exist from North Africa, Yemen, Iran, and India. I would say that there are black Israelites from Ethopia.The biggest lie that this liar madthumbs said is that we have no evidence to back up what we say like Eric. For years, people here and other locations have cited newspapers, books, internet sites, studies, and other sources backing up our assertion. I'll debate MAD, madthumbs, and any of them are refute them badly. Unlike them, I won't call another man a "prick" because I disagree with them like MAD did. I won't have a sick obsession with blaming Jewish people for almost everything under the sun like the liars NOvember and madthumbs do. I have a long track record in refuting people really back from NOvember, WINGTV, Michael Collins Piper, and even Alex Jones (he calls himself the father of the 911 Truth Movement, but Patriot William Cooper talked about terrorism in NYC and the heartland of America in the mid 1990's) if I have too. Now, Secret Societies weld strong power in many cultures like in ancient China, Africa, the Celts, the Romans, Persians, Gnostics, and other groups. Saturn was a symbol embraced by much of these ancients. Saturn (along with Venus) is called the sun and other connotations. By the end of the Roman Empire, the Vatican controlled most of the land and religious power in the Western world.

THe Vatican was a synthesis of Christianity and paganism (i.e. the Mithras religion, Babylonian, etc. as documentated in Alexander Hislop's book). In the Middle Ages, the Vatican continued to rule most of the political policies in Europe. They had their groups of the Roman Catholic Knights Templar and the Hospitaller to try to rule the Holy Land. Afterwards, the Knights Templar were persecuted for growing too powerful and having a stranglehold in the international banking system of Europe. The Knights Templars escaped into Scotland, while the Knights Hospitaller got much of their wealth. The Hospitaller are the ancestors of the modern Knights of Malta (who have great power. Their alias is the Sovereign Military Order of Malta involved in WWII [SMOM Franz von Papen was Hitler's friend in helping to create the 1933 concordat between the Third Reich and the Vatican], intelligence agencies, the military, and other great international power). Many of the elites were part of the Black Nobility families that still have great power today. The Jesuits existed in the 1500's to end the strength of the Protestant Reformation. Ignatius Loyola invented it and it infiltrated many kingdoms and governments. They were banned by the Pope by the late 1700's. In the 1800's, the Jesuits (via Seyes) propelled Freemason Napeloen to punish the Monarchs who banished the Jesuit Order. Later they were in full effect by the time of the Council of Vienna (which promoted internationally and ahbored legitimate freedom for citizens). The Jesuits had prominent roles in developing many Secret Societies.

For example, many of the Scottish Rite degrees were created in the Jesuit college of Clermont (as proven by a speech given by William O. Peterson, who is a 32nd Degree Freemason plus other sources. Must of Freemasonry is related to the Templars) with help from King Frederick II of Germany. Freemason Brigham Young (a founder of Mormonism. Mormonism like Scientology [created by OTO agent L. Ron Hubbard. Hubbard copies the teachings of Satanist/ British Intelligence agent ALiester Crowley. Scientology believes that an alien god created the Earth over 70+ million years ago to trap man into a PRISON PLANET. Get it, a prison planet], Romanism, Jehovah Witness [my good friend David J. Stewart wrote about the Jesuit link to this religion by helping writing their book. The New World Translation of the Jehovah's Witnesses was written by Senior Jesuits Jose Maria Bover and A. Merkz], and Islam are works-based religion) was an ally of the Jesuit De Smet. The Jesuits were key in formulating the Nazi SS infrastructure (as documentated in Edmond Paris' research along with Eric Jon Phelps). The goal of the Jesuits and many of these groups is to form a new world order (or global government) and possibly the Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem (as written about by high level Freemasons like Albert Mackey's Encyclopaedia of Freemasonry book). Everyone should reject propaganda. The drug culture is a perfect example of that. Supposedely many thought recreational usage of drugs like LSD will expand someone's conscieneness. Although, that wasn't the case. The CIA, MI6, etc. were doing LSD experiments years before the Cold War. The CIA actively allowed such drugs to ship all over the nation from California to New York. Don't worry, I will write more much more. People like madthumbs have the nerve to lie and say that we have no proof to what we write and say. People should work for solutions like activism, calling town to pass ordiances to ban illegal laws the Patriot Act, and even secession if necessary. America have many strong men, women, and children, but evil people controlled it from early on. Now, the Jesuit family of Carroll owned a lot of land in Maryland and help led the construction of D.C. (based on the constellations of Sirius, etc. David Ovason's book exposed this). Many Roman Catholic were crucial in the early building of Washington D.C. like Robert Brent (the first mayor of D.C.), Daniel Carroll, Charles Carroll, and Constantino Brumidi (the famous painter of the occult pictures in the captial dome. This was written in John Daniel's book called "The Grand Design").

The Jesuits, high level Freemasons, and Rosicrucians (like Benjamin Franklin. Franklin had bastard children was in the Satanic Hells Fire Club. That's similar to the Bohemian Grove where satanic rituals are done) formed these symbols to make America a "New Atlantis" and a springboard to execute their spiritual empire globally. After the assassiantion of Abraham Lincoln (in 1865 done by JOhn Wilkes Booth. co-conspirator John Surrat had Jesuit allies and he was temporary in the Zouavre pope army unit based in Alexandria, Egypt. CT Wilcox's new book make known of this), British/Jesuit powerhouses further controlled America via high level Freemasons (Freemason Theodore Roosevelt was one man who advanced the imperalist movement to another level in the early 20th century), SMOMs, etc. That's why today U.S./British foreign policies are almost unison. I like to thank MAD and madthumbs for awaken me. Let's the games begin. Today, the Vatican/Jesuit are still very influential in universities, the ecumencial movement, illegal immigration, and other issues. This is real talk. I don't slack off. All evil groups ought to be exposed from the Jesuits, Freemasons, Labor Zionists, etc. This is only 1% of my total intellect. I could say a whole lot about these haters.

By Timothy


From http://z13.invisionfree.com/THE_UNHIVED_MIND/index.php?showtopic=17624

At the end of the day my friend jew bashers are STUMPED when their informed that:

1. Council on Foreign Relations dominates Israeli Policy same as they do U.S

2. SMOM Papal Knight King Juan Carlos of Spain dominates the Middle East and Jerusalem especially.

3. The Vatican has been handed old Jerusalem (The Holy Places) since 1993 by Vatican assassin/spy trained by Jesuits Shimon Peres along with Masonic Arafat.

4. The GENTILE Scottish Rite of Freemasonry controls all Jewish organisations via its control of the ultimate Jewish organisation known as B'Nai B'Rith of which the Rite created back in the 19th Century in New York.When Islam turned against its Papacy creator this was the reason the Crusades came as they did. Then it was the Jesuit Order who infiltrated the Middle East using high level Freemasonry and thus regained the power back within the hands of the Vatican once again. Remember all leadership over the middle east is the Muslim Brotherhood. Remember that all banking/wealth period is controlled by the Sovereign Military of Malta under International Maritime Admilarty Law bason on Vatican Canon Law. Remember that they control all Middle East finance via their Dubai. The current idiot big mouth in Iran is once again a masonic figure controlled by the Black Pope, Ratzinger, Andrew Bertie and the main figure they've placed in charge of the region being Papal Knight King Juan Carlos of Spain.

At the end of the day the same bloodlines have ruled going all the way back to Egypt and so forth and it will never change. Their illusion which I call a movie they direct well enough to fool most of the sheep but alas us awakening can see through their direction and it turns from a most excellent movie to a 'b' or 'c' grade movie from the Horror Channel quite quickly. Full of bad acting, scripts and nonsense. But alas the sheep can easily be fooled whilst playing with their I-pods, Xboxs, down the pub and so forth. Remember folks to copy the Jesuits and remove ALL wants. If you can do this then theres hardly anything they can attack you on. If you loose your job then hey you don't need much money to live on as you no longer want flash cars, houses, plasma tvs and other useless meaningless items. Go check Peter Hans Kolvenbach's office and see how sparse it is. These people understand deeply the weakeness of their enemies which is YOU! So study their strengths and let them come onto you and strengthen yourself like a firewall against Jesuit attack!Only last quote I think I should add once again:

This week Rabbi Avraham Goldstein of the Diaspora Yeshiva of Mount Zion announced that a deal with the Vatican had been done and his yeshivah would be the first in a series of accords to replace Israel as master of Jerusalem. Well, at least now HE knows. -Barry Chamish 11-30-6

Only The Facts


Yes you should see it for what is really is and thats simply Scottish Rite of Freemasonry control once again, just as they control what Judiac power is upon the Earth through their creation of B'Nai B'Rith. You should also be able to smell the Jesuit intelligence strong arm of the Central Intelligence Agency whenever you see or drink Coca Cola. These are second biggest drug smuggler in the world, second only to British SIS. All working of course for the Jesuits along with their SMOM hierachy made up of the highest [color=red]Venetian [/color]Black Nobility families.

Only The Facts



Anonymous said...

IKhwanweb is the Muslim Brotherhood's only official English web site. The Main office is located in London, although Ikhwanweb has correspondents in most countries. Our staff is exclusively made of volunteers and stretched over the five continents.

The Muslim Brotherhood opinions and views can be found under the sections of MB statements and MB opinions, in addition to the Editorial Message.

Items posted under "other views" are usually different from these of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Ikhwanweb does not censor any articles or comments but has the right only to remove any inappropriate words that defy public taste

Ikhwanweb is not a news website, although we report news that matter to the Muslim Brotherhood's cause. Our main misson is to present the Muslim Brotherhood vision right from the source and rebut misonceptions about the movement in western societies. We value debate on the issues and we welcome constructive criticism.

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