Wednesday, October 17, 2007


Wednesday is the day. I'm still here. According to Cheney's wife, Barrack Obama is related to Dick Cheney from a relative centuries ago (New sources prove that Barrack is also related to Bush. Bush is also related to John Kerry and Hugh Hefner. This is no suprise since Presidents have been related to each other and similar bloodlines have been controlling most of the policies on the Earth for a very young time. That's history). That's weird, but outlines that all humanity is related to each other one way or another. Joel Osteen has been given a lot of media attention recently. He's trying to advance his new book. I find people like Osteen as safe "Christians" who don't take stands on controversial issues from the war in Iraq to the issue of abortion. The truth is that we ought to be controversial and stand up for our precepts without prepetual fear. One of the most stunning news now is how the NIST found the collapse of the Twin Towers is unexplainable. They found that none of steel reached above 500 degrees when the melting point of steel is 1,500 degrees. This is part of a long list of evidence refuting the offical story about 911 (including more witnesses hearing explosives going off in the Twin Towers plus Building Number Seven. William Rodriguez is one man hearing explosions in the basement of the Twin Towers. Another new witness talking about this is named Anthony Saltalamacia). The offical story doesn't add up when you look at the wargames, W199I, how the government trained al-Qaeda, the government funding al-Qaeda, the standdown of NORAD, and other facts. It's crazy now in the world when a woman was arrested for using profanity against a toilet. It's a good thing that more folks are rejecting distractions (like the psuedo-conservative Ann Coulter talking about Jews needing to be "perfected" which was innapropriate). JC Watts was right that we should also be concern about solutions to the problems of education and health care Issues with nuclear energy still abound.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice made remarks at the C.F.R. hosted Organization of American States event on October 9 that she wants a Pan-American Union. That's in our faces (these CFR puppets like Rice admit it and it's in documents. That's why they want biometrics in our passports and the construction of the Trans-Texas Corridor. That's real. Even Vicente Fox recently advocated a North American Union and a North american currency similar to the amero) yet neo-cons like Michael Medved lies and comment that the North American Union agenda don't exist. If our sovereignity isn't in danger as Medvded proclaims, why is the proposed LOST Treaty promoted (stripping the rights of nations ownership of their area of oceans. A socalist was a key inventor of the proposed LOST Treaty), the World Court, etc. are either here or proposed? The truth is that we are losing our national sovereignity. Folks wants their civil liberties protected, our individual privacy mainstream, the perservation of habaes corpus, free speech, and never allowing the government to control all aspects of society. Mormon Mitt Romney met in the CNP (along with Dick Cheney. The CNP supports ecumencialism like the Vatican/Jesuits promotes to this day. The Vatican had a negative history from agreeing with concordats with dictators like Mussolini and Hitler. Also, Vatican agents butchered many in the Vietnam War plus they killed Serbs in WWII plus in the 1990's. Even today, the Papal Knights of Malta have heavy influence in the Blackwater company's role in the present war inside of Iraq. For example, Former Pentagon Inspector General Knight of Malta & Opus Dei Joseph Edward Schmitz is a member of Blackwater. That tells me that the Vatican/Jesuits, high level Freemasonry, the Pilgrims, Bilderbergers, etc. are involved in this new world order. Even the Pope publiclly called for a new world order. The new world order is about integrating all political, economic, and religious spheres into one. That's why you see transhumanism and nanotechnology existing) which is a secret elite organization trying to infilitrate conservative Christians. I don't agree with the CNP at all. The son of the Nazi is not only pro-abortion, but is anti-gun. Catherine Elsworth from the London Telegraph on Tuesday at October 16, 2007 reported that Arnold passed a bill requiring some handguns to be marked with a serial number. Criminals can easily manipulate that and the crime rate in large urban areas are high with some of the strictest anti-gun laws in the nation. As for thanks, I thank a lot of things for being who I am. We ought to dissent, act, and oppose this evil agenda of dehumanization.

By Timothy

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