Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Reality and Life in the 21st Century

Potent fires are profusing their horrendous damages across Southern California. Flames ravage thousands of homes. Various government levels (from the federal, state, and local) and the brave firefighters are trying to quench the sproadic fire inferno. From Mexico and San Deigo to near Los Angeles, these locations are affected. It's wild with over 1 million people forced to evacuate. Some of it is contained via the hardwork of the firefighters, while most of it isn't. Legitimate help is necessary in that region. What's strange is that we have weather modification technology for decades, but we haven't tried to create artifical rain to help the fires in California. I wonder why that hasn't occured? Hypocrispy by Bill Maher is annoying to me. Maher acts like some vanguard of free speech, yet he utilized security to throw out peaceful individuals for just speaking in favor of 911 Truth (Youtube from Tuesday on October 23, 2007 reported on some Democrats talking about 9/11). These so-called "liberal" hypocrites like Bill Maher are just as wrong as the Neo-Cons (like O'Reilly, Hannity, Medved, Glen Beck, etc.) in my mind. These "liberal" hypocrites rightfully abhor torture, but most of them supported the starvation & torture of Terri Schiavo (This murder violated the Geneva Convention, Florida Statues that forbid withdrawing life prolonging substances like food plus water, and other laws. CFR member Fred Thompson and Chris Matthews believed that it's a family decision. Sorry Fred, killing people isn't a family decision. It's a crime period. The Government and the individual have a right to protect innocent life from being starved to death, end of story. Fred is just dead wrong. Although, I wouldn't trust the government 100% of the time since governments killed over 100 million people in the 20th century alone. Most of the people who did that were atheists like Mao, Stalin, Pol Pot, Castro, etc).

This is part of a bigger picture of dehumanization. Additionally, I believe that the existence of the "war on terror" is a contrived occurence to facilitate globalization and a new world order (George H. W. Bush proudly called for a new world order in the 1990's). That is why Dubai is a haven of Western corporations (some of which are owned by the Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, Bilderbergers, high level Mason, etc. CFR member Dick Cheney own a house in Dubai now). That's why the Bush and Bin Laden families have many business connections (The CIA and MI6 trained al-Qaeda members like Osama bin Laden for decades). That's also why the same bloodlines controlling the ancient empires of Greece and Rome (plus the European kingdoms and Empires of old) rule most of the world's lands plus political structures today (i.e. Royal Papal Knight of Malta King Juan Carlos holds the title "King of Jerusalem" and is the head of the Cintra Corporation, which wants a Trans-Texas Corridor in America. Carlos' ally is Javier Solona, who is EU foreign policy chief and a member of the Bilderberg Group. Solona said that he wants an expanded G-8 when they done little to improve the Third World and he wants China to be more integrated into the Elite. Many Presidents are related to each other and British Royalty. Even Barrack Obama is related to Cheney and Bush. This 2008 election is like a staged play). Also, the media is focusing on silly issues that most real conservatives and real liberals rightfully ignore like the USA pin on Obama, Ann Coulter, Hollywood, etc. I didn't know until recently that CFR member Norman Podheretz (a signer of the PNAC document_ Frankily, I'm not into the PNAC crowd's dream of possibly killing people in warfare if necessary to force democracy in the world. Norman used to be a "liberal" back in the 1960's like many Neo Cons were like Chris Miller) was a foreign policy adviser to Rudy Guiliani (BRIAN ROSS and AVNI PATEL from ABC on Tuesday at October 23, 2007reported on how Rudy wants to support a priest accused of molesting a child). That's why since Norman is one of the most extreme neo-cons in the nation. He said shut to the We are Change group. Rudy is not only anti-Bill of Rights but he's a neo con who is a pro-elite man. Rudy wants an expanded NATO. That's reality and life in the 21st century. The reality is also we ought to educate people on the truth and act. Action is important and righteous.

By Timothy

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