Wednesday, February 13, 2008

I Will Carry ON

Yesterday, a clean sweep occured for Barack Obama and John McCain. Obama won Virginia, Maryland, and Washington D.C. like McCain. It appears that Obama is giving Hillary Clinton a run for her money. If Obama wins Wisconsin, Texas, and Ohio, there a high probability of Barack Obama earning the Democratic nomination of President. That is why Hillary is going into Texas because not only does it have a huge number of delegates. An extreme number of Hispanic voters are there in Texas. Yet, the Hispanic population in Texas is more diverse and more conservative than the Hispanic population in California. Hillary Clinton spoke yesterday in El Paso, Texas to outline her message about the economy, health care, and other subject matter. Suprisingly, Barack Obama won most of the Hispanic votes in the Virginia primary. Media pundits outline that Obama won handily yesterday (equaling of victory of 8 straight states). The reason in the media's perception is because of Obama's cross over appeal among Independents and some Republicans, the high African American vote for Obama, the young, white males, and the appeal of his message. Presently, Barack Obama has more delegates now than Hillary Clinton. His message describes a yearning for change from the old tactics of Washington to a new revitilization of the American dream. Both Hillary and Obama aren't perfect. Each candidate is dead wrong on some issues. For example, both believe in fighting and using troops to kill people in the war on terror (Clinton said that she would have a remaining contignent in Iraq. Obama spoke that if necessary he will send military troops to battle al-Qaeda in Pakistan). This war on terror isn't about protecting America since there is no evidence that Basically, This war is benefiting big multinational corporations while American jobs are depleted (Many Knights of Malta, Pilgrims, CFR members, Bilderbergers, etc. are heads of these international corporations. Globalization, monopoly capitalism instead of free-market capitalism, and the new world order are promoted as outcomes of these happenings). Also, the money sent to war in Iraq (that's trillions of dollars making our debt to rise up) isn't funded to built up American infrastructure like over schools, hospitals, roads, bridges, etc. In other words, America shouldn't activately participate in nation building. We should leave Iraq immediately to allow the Iraqis to solve their own problems. Also, each believe in abortion wholeheartedly. They claim they aren't pro-abortion, but pro-choice, yet abortion eliminates the choice of the unborn babies to live on this Earth. Abortion is murder and can create a mountain of negative side effects among many women. These side effects include possible bladder injury, hemorrhage, infection, etc. Mainstream professors like J. Lejeune, W. Bowes, and H. Gordon from the Mayo Clinic classify the beginning of life as beginning from conception. Again, John McCain won Virginia, Washington D.C., and Maryland. Huckabee was only a close second in Virginia, because Virginia is more conservative than Maryland or D.C. As a result of these and other developments, increased pressure is going unto Mike Huckabee to quick the race. Although, Mike Huckabee has every right to continue if he so desires. John McCain on foreign policy issues is just as much a Neo-Con as George W. Bush is. McCain even clamored for a 100 year occupation of Iraq if necessary. Ron Paul polled low. Paul said that he will focus more on maintiaing his Congressional district in Texas. George W. Bush today spoke on the Protect America Act. Civil libertarians and groups like the ACLU outline opposition to the Protect America Act. The reason is that according to the ACLU, this Act allows the government to monitor communications among citizens and those overseas without any legitimate court oversight in the courts or Congress (i.e. The Attorney General will issue program warrants without court review. It diminishs the power of the FISA court system to handle surveillance. It's similar to the Patriot Act whose architects were trained at the Jesuit ruled Georgetown University. The Jesuits have huge power in universities, churches, companies, and other spheres of control). There are those who want telecoms to not have liability if they are recording calls. I disagree with this. The Protect America Act is a bill that's stretches again the power of the federal government against the civil liberties of the citizens and people of America. I feel that we need to do what is right. We shouldn't promote hatred of human beings because of what they are or what they believe in. We should promote the freedom of self defense (that's why I enthusiastically subscribe to the tenets of the Second Amendment. For a long time, the Jesuit Order and many proponents of a new world order have been the enemy of the Second Amendment), the freedom of religion, and the right to life. We should endorse a policy that will increase our jobs and improve our environment without hysteria (like calling global warming similar to terrorism when the solar system is warming wihout man's help or allowing the government to control all aspects of citizens' lives) or oppressing the poor. I further reject attempts of violence or agitation to solve our problems. We should find solutions peacefully, but if anyone is immediately placing us in danger, we have every right to enact sound self-defense against a criminal. Lee Rogers from Rogue Government from February 13, 2008 made known more about FEMA. FEMA (via FEMA official Glenn Cannon) said that they in the future will organize better trains. The purpose of this plan is to allow the elderly and poor to possess easier access to escape from disaster locations. Critics say that this is using a guinea pea sceanario of train evacuations. There is reason for some concern. The reason is that FEMA inadequately protected the victims of Hurricane Katrina. That's expressed from individuals that exist across the political spectrum. Also, right now, there are FEMA camps existing and they housed many dissidents in times past (even peaceful protestors). In January 2006, Haliburton subsidiary KBR announced it awarded a contract to Department of Homeland Security, which is worth a maximum of $385 million over 5 years, to build up detention centers in America. Previous programs endorsed concentration camps like Rex (or Readiness Exercise) 84. Rex 84 wanted to house people camps in case of martial law back in the 1980's. The Iran Contra hearings exposed Rex 84. Knight of Malta Oliver North was implacted in Iran Contra by many independent authors. Something new written by Jerome Corsi is about the European trying to economically integrate with North America. This plan is called the Transaltantic Project attempting to make a Transtlantic currency by 2015. This is even beyond the North American Union plan. You couldn't make up this stuff.

New events keep rolling along. More opposition to the new world order system is ever apparent. About 5 to 10 years ago, many human beings commenting about this issue were margnalized as an "extremist." Now, there is more tolerance among the public at large to listen and comprehend the statements (about these subjects) from me and others about the Federal Reserve, the CFR, the new world order, etc. In Afghanistan, they are contemplating the similar big brother surveillance society we have in America plus the UK (as reported by the Government Security News). For example, the US. government is thinking about massive video survelliance in Kabul and all big Afghanistan urban center. They also propose to use technology to look at license plates. It's similar to the "Combat Zones That See" program that tracks many vehicles and people in foreign nations. This appartus will be a 24/7 command and control system. Afghanistan was bombed and it increased the Golden Triangle drug trade despite many US intentions of trying to destroy the opium trade. As for torture, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said it wise to assault prisoners in attempting to get information. As for me, torture is wrong at any circumstance. There has transpired a basic controversy over the NAIS. What is the NAIS? NAIS stands for National Animal Identification System. It was created to protect exporters of beef from cattle disease by tagging all of cattle in all farms in a state or it might be across the nation. Later, all farm animals under NAIS could possibly be tagged with biochips. It's "voluntary" at this point, but the federal government is attempting to encourage states to make it compulsory. Wisconsin even requires diary farmers to register their farms with a ID number linked to a GPS monitoring sytem. If they fail to register, they could lose their farms. In effect, these proposals could centralize farm animals into control into fewer hands limiting competition. That's why Big food companies (i.e. Big Agri Business groups) like Cargill Meat Solutions, Monsanto, and Schering-Plough support the NAIS. Katherine Albrecht opposes this and wrote of the Texas citizens' vibrant and potent resistence to the NAIS program. These pro-NAIS actions are occuring by the USDA without any real Congressional review. This also inhibits the rights of traditional farmers who reject this immoral oversight and control of their farm animals. That's why I oppose NAIS totally. Many police officers are overtly trying to assault the daylights of citizens.
Mike Deeson from Tampa Bay's 10 News at February 12, 2008 wrote about deputy throwing a man off his wheelchair. The incident occured because the man in the wheelchair (who is named Brian Sterner) was accused of a traffic violation. Sterner 14 years ago was a quadriplegic or he can't move his legs and have trouble moving his arms. The deputy named Charlette Jones didn't believe that Brian could stand up, therefore she threw him from the wheelchair. The footage was caught in videotape. The slam against the man was hard. Brian thought he broke his ribs. Yet, X-rays shown that this wasn't the case. Also, Charlotte and 2 other officers were suspended. Charlotte is suspended without pay. It is expected that the Tampa Bay police officers are going to be sued. This is wrong and signifies a perverted attitude of fascist behavior among many police officals (not all). Salvatore Rivieri, of the Baltimore Police Department assaulted a 14 year old kid. This was reported by the Baltimore Sun. Salvatore grabbed a boy in a headlock, pushes him to the ground, and accused the child of disrespect since the boy called him man and dude. He questions the child's upbringing. The 14 year young person is named Eric Bush. "Don't get defensive with me, you backed off me, I'm not your father, you keep that attitude for your father, you give it to me, I'll smack you upside the head" is one comment Rivieri said. He grabs the child's stakeboard and slammed him to the ground. There is an epidemic of SWAT Teams and other police officers acting aggressively against citizens. For example, Radley Balko (who wrote the report Radley Balko's "Overkill: The Rise of Paramilitary Police Raids in America" which was published by the Cato Institute, in 2006) provides details for 135 tragic cases of mistaken addresses, etc. Balko also writes of 40,000 paramilitary SWAT Team raids per year by one estimate. These raids according to Radley needlessly subject nonviolent drug offenders, bystanders, and wrongly targeted civilians to the terror of having their homes invaded while they're sleeping. It's kind of interesting that FOX News in the morning today about past 9:30 am. talked about the Great Seal. One FOX hosts says that the Masons were involved in it, while the State Department denies any sinister symbolism in it. In the near future, I will show information about the Great Seal in an upcoming long expose. What's the truth? The truth is that Benjamin Franklin was a Freemason and Rosicrucian and he was involved in creating the Greal Seal (The One Eye or the All Seeing Eye existed in Masonry. This eye emblem also existed for centuries in ancient Egypt, etc.). Many other designers weren't Freemasons like Deist Thomas Jefferson, who was a Rosicrucian although. The design being placed on the One Dollar Bill was created in 1933 via 32nd degree Freemason and Shriner President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and 32nd degree Freemason Henry Wallace (his assistant & friend was Rosicrucian Nicholas Roerich. Additionally, Roerich was part of the Theosophical Society). 13 arrows of course represent the 13 colonies, but Secret Societies have influence in the design of D.C. and its buildings (that's why in 1993, Freemasons admitted to placing cornerstones in major Washington D.C. buildings. This was explained in Christian Pinto's film entitled "Riddles in Stone") for centuries. In essence, the Great Seal is an example of what many wanted America to be which is a new nation (i.e. a new order of the ages in perfecting mankind. That's why many Rosicrucians and occultists who accept metaphysics advocate the "Perfected Man") similar to a New Atlantis. Don't take my word for it. Dr. Robert R. Hieronimus wrote a thesis on the Great Seal (who's an assistance of White House for years) about the esoteric side of the Greal Seal. Many symbols in society have multifaceted meaning and Hieronimus accepts this premise. Robert also writes that many Founding Fathers took influence from the Iriquois Native American tribes to develop the American government. There were and are great, righteous Americans though. So, not all Americans back then or now are occultists or utopians. Many Americans seeked sincere freedom or liberty and the basic oppurntunity to live out their lives in a foreright, holy way. Regardless of the haters, I will carry on.

By Timothy

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