Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Icelanders Attack Police Station as Bankster Plan Unfolds

From http://www.infowars.com/?p=6177

Icelanders Attack Police Station as Bankster Plan Unfolds
Kurt Nimmo


November 25, 2008

Icelanders attack police headquaters in Reykjavik.
In October, the CBC reported on the “exceedingly polite protest” in Iceland as the bankers looted the country. A placard at a demo outside of Iceland’s parliament in Reykjavik stated: “Stay calm while we rob you.” CBC asked: “How long will these people stay polite about their losses?”
It now appears they are no longer polite, even for Icelanders. Last Saturday, protesters angry over the 50 percent devaluation of the Krona and the impending third worldization of their small country clashed with police. “Police clashed with hundreds of protesters outside a police building Saturday, and several demonstrators were sent to the hospital with injuries,” reported the Associated Press. “Police used pepper spray after protesters tried to break down a door of the police building in the Icelandic capital. The demonstrators demanded that a fellow protester being held by police since Friday be allowed to go home.”

According to the Associated Press, the “demonstrators blame the government for having failed to adequately oversee the banking industry.” In fact, many Icelanders blame the government not for overseeing the banking industry but working in a cahoots with it to loot the country. Iceland’s politicos are no different than their counterparts in Europe and the United States: they are sock puppets for the global elite who are determined to crash the global economy country by country and buy up goodies for pennies on the dollar.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
Iceland is a test case for things to come. In the months ahead, the banksters and their political minions will take down fragile economies in Hungary, the Baltic States, and other Eastern European nations, followed soon enough in western Europe and the United States. Iceland is in the process of begging for assistance from the globalist loan sharking operation, the International Monetary Fund, thus setting itself up to be looted further. “We are ready to answer any demand by countries facing problems,” declared the IMF’s boss, Dominique Strauss-Kahn.

“An IMF intervention in Iceland, which would necessarily involve accepting a series of harsh measures to restore fiscal and monetary stability, would underline the extraordinary reversal in the country’s fortunes after a decade-long, debt-fueled binge by the country’s banks, businesses and some private citizens,” the International Herald Tribune reported on October 9.
Debt is an efficient tool for leveling economies and decimating living standards. Monetary and fiscal austerity, privatization, and financial “liberalization” — as in neoliberalization — is no longer strictly for Africa and the third world, it is a prescription that will be imposed on first world nations as well. Iceland is a harbinger of things to come in New York, London, Berlin, Los Angeles, and elsewhere in the developed world.
On the day the grocery stores in America are as bare as they are in Iceland, the ensuing riots will be anything but polite.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm an Icelander and I would like to point out just a few errors in this report. First of all, the grocery stores are not empty here in Iceland. They are stocked well enough and though the prices have gone up somewhat due to the demise of our currency, people still have to shop. The people who attacked the police station and subsequently got pepper sprayed were not in the hundreds but a few disgruntled youngsters. Though I personally think the police abused their power somewhat. Those were the most obvious errors and I'm not going to argue any of the other statements that you put forth. The Icelandic government was/is in bed with the financial elite, though I am not sure we will let them sell of our resources and assets for nothing.

Timothy said...

Someone else put forth the statement, but thanks for you commentary.