Monday, April 19, 2010

Eugenics and Historical Notes

Some want drug addicts to get sterilized for cash. This is apart of eugenics in the 21st century. Joanne Chavarria's grandmother died last summer. She turned into alcohol and smoked marijuana. She did meth too. She is from Merced, California being 32 years old. She abused drugs since the age of 12 and was 8 months pregnant at the time. She gave birth to drug addicted twins. California's Child Protective Services took the infants and Chavarria's three other children into custody. Chavarria recovered from her drug addiction by counseling and a drug rehabilitation program. She did the less orthodox process of doing a tubal ligation. She wants her tubes tied to not have kids. She worked with Project Prevention, which is a North Carolina based "charity" that gives drug addicts $300 if they go on long term birth control or undergo sterilization. This is evil since alternatives to sterilization is purely legitimate in solving drug addiction problems. The controversial founder of this drug is named Barbara Harris. She is 57 years old. She wants to prevent addicts from having children that they can't care for and reduce the number of babies born exposed to drugs.She adopted 4 children from a drug addicted woman from Los Angeles. I don't care if a person is drug addiction. These people have the same value as every other person to succeed and they ought to be given a chance to improve their lives without sterilization or stealing their children permanently. Project Prevention existed in 1997. They worked with 3,371 addicts in America. 1,253 of them have opted for tubal ligations or vasectomies. After getting in touch with the organization by calling its toll free hotline (888-30-CRACK), prospective participants must mail in arrest records or official letters from social workers to confirm they have drug problems. Those opting for IUDs or surgical implants receive $100 when the device is inserted and $100 more six months and a year later if the device is still in use. Harris depends on donations to keep the operation going, and word-of-mouth among addicts to find clients. Harris is so blatant with her propaganda that she shows a dead infant, a razor blade, and a line of crack plus a pacificer (which is race baiting, Malthusian, and slick propaganda). She claims that some things don't belong together. She wants to go into the UK to have the same policy. Of course some in the UK support her. A man gave $20,000 to fund Harris' operation. Health professionals have legitimately exposed Harris' efforts. Simon Antrobus is the chief executive of Addaction, which is a London based drug and alcohol treatment agency. Simon said that Project Prevention has no place in the UK. "Their practices are morally reprehensible and irrelevant," he says. "Sex education and contraceptive advice is part of drug treatment work in this country. Women who use drugs can access all types of contraception for free on the National Health Service including a number of long-term options." Other groups on both sides of the Atlantic have compared the program to Nazi-style social engineering, criticized Harris for implying that all addicts will become unfit parents and suggested that donations to the group would be better spent on drug treatment programs. Perhaps the most common criticism, however, is that drug addicts aren't capable of making informed decisions about their reproductive future — especially when coerced with money. Harris promotes her radical apporach. Coercion and bribery is evil in trying to sterilize drug addicts. She admits that clients frequently use the 300 dollars to secure more drugs. That does't solve anything. Chavarria still has her children in protective custody while she is in drug recovery. This eugenics propaganda is evil and it's getting more traction. It's pro-Nazi and I will oppose this evil all over my life.

David Prentice writes that creating human embryos with 3 parents are unethical and it cures nobody. UK scentists now have used a nuclear transfer or cloning technology to create 3 parent human embryos of one father and 2 mothers. These cloning technology have ethical concerns despite the rhetoric of them trying to cure people. One problem with this procedure is that the technique sacrifices 2 embryos, which is the smallest most vulnerable humans to create a third recombined embryos with 2 mothers and one father. It's not a possible cure, but it can germline genetic engineering and even eugenics. The reason is that the embryos manipulation moves us further down the slope of not just selecting children, but manufacturing them. This technology tampers the very essence of humanity. Some use these means as a means to show their contempt for life tiself. All of the embryos in this experiment were destroyed for science. It's a dangerous and arrogant belief that we can tamper with the genetic makeup of our fellow human beings. Some make the rationale for the experiment by saying that some people have diseases caused by their mitochondria (or the little energy generating factories in every cell). Mitochondria have DNA of their own coding for a handful of genes, separate from the nuclear DNA of the cell, and mutations in the mitochondrial DNA can lead to some diseases. Every cell has mitochondria to generate energy including the egg cell. When a sperm fertilizes an egg, the mitochondria from the egg cell that contributed to the new embryos are passed to every cell of the person. If those mitochondria have a mutation, the mutations are passed on as well. The cloning technique used in this experiment was designed to try to get rid of the problem mitochondria. The human cloning experiment affiar in this instance uses something different. The scientists used one cell embryos as both the DNA donor and recipient. This called an Embryo Cell Nuclear Transfer. Some in the media call these embryos fertilized eggs. This is false since on fertilization occurs, these are no longer eggs, but rather embryos. The scientific paper published in Nature uses the scientifically-accurate term: “Pronuclear transfer in human embryos to prevent transmission of mitochondrial DNA disease." After fertilization, but before the maternal and paternal nuclei have joined as a single zygote nucleus, the embryo is at the "pronuclear" stage. The scientists have transferred this nuclear material out of one embryo. This destroys the first embryo and palces the nuclear material into a second embryo. The second embryo having had its nuclear material removed or it destroys the 2nd embryo to make room for the nuclear material of the first. So, 2 embyros are destroyed to create a third recombined embryo. It has new genetic mitochrondria. The new recombined embryo has the nuclear material from one embryo and the cytoplasmic material from another embryos. The scientists let the recombined embryos develop for up to eight days before they were destroyed. As with all cloning experiments, few of the embryos developed. In this case only 18 out of 80 showed any development or divided at all, and only three of the recombined embryos made it to blastocyst stage. This was only half as good as the control “abnormal” embryos (17%), which also develop poorly when compared to normal IVF embryos (32%), again indicating that cloning and manipulation of embryos introduces problems. Cloning experiments have occured in 2007 and 2009. U.S. scientists used a similar nuclear transfer cloning technique to create cloned monkey embryos. The U.S. scientists who did the monkey experiments also supposedly have plans to seek approval from the FDA to use their technique to create genetically-manipulated human embryos. So, it's a brave new world indeed. That is why some want to ban cloning.

The case of Alfred Dreyfus is proof that anti-Semitism is never justified at all. The Drefyus affiar caused the break up of the Franco-German alliance, which festered into WWI. Alfred Dreyfus was a Jewish French captian that was falsely convicted by a military court of treasonous spying for Germany. He was sentenced to life imprionsment in Devil's Island being a penal colony. A certain Count and officer Ferdinand Walsin-Esterhazy, a paid agent of the Rothschild family, was -- as all the history books will now tell you -- the actual perpetrator of the treasonous acts for which Dreyfus was convicted. Count Esterhazy was also an intimate collaborator of Edouard Drumont, the raving editor of the notorious anti-semitic rag and scandal sheet La Libre Parole. Among those assigned from the French General Staff to hunt for clues to break up a suspected German spy ring was one Major Hubert Henry, Esterhazy's agent in military intelligence, and the man who supplied the forgeries to incriminate Dreyfus. Edmond Paris and other writers proved that the Jesuits and their supported supported Dreyfus' injustice and promoted the Franco-Prussian war of 1870. Soon, France was defeated in the 1870 Franco-Prussian War causing Germany to annex 2 French provinces. Their names were Alsace and Lorraine. Ironically, French Foreign Affairs Minister Gabriel Hanotaux tried to create a powerful alliance among France, Germany, and Russia. Freiderich List was the German economist who tried the same thing before Hanotaux. Hanotaux wanted the alliance to isololate England's imperialistic bloc in order to industrialize continential Europe. He was a French nationalist. He wanted development in Africa and a Trans-African railroad project. This was in contrast to the British empire's intention of a divide, conquer, and pillage approach in Africa. Hanotaux wanted trains, trade, mineral resource building, and science to grow in Africa. Yet, French are culpible in the imperialist agenda, so the French government isn't innocent in this affair. Hanotaux opposed the Entente Cordiale since he felt it was inspired by Britian to agitate control in Europe. The Triple Entente was funded by JP Morgan.

Erik Jan Hanussen was a famous figure in Nazi history. He lived from June 2, 1889 to March 25, 1933. He was a credit figure in helping Hitler gain power in Germany. He taught Hitler a number of exaggerated gestures to use in public speaking. These gestures were a tactic in engaging the audience in more readily accept the false premises that Hitler promoted. He met Hitler back in 1926. He did an astrological chart for Hitler. Erik told Hitler that he must end the evil hex by someone to go to a butcher’s backyard located in Hitler’s hometown -- at midnight, on a full moon -- and pull a mandrake out of the ground. . A mandrake is a man shaped root with supposed medicinal properties according to European folklore. This will emit an ear shattering scream upon being uprooted. Sometime a dog would be sent on a suicide mission to pull the root while the magician plugged his own ears. Hanussen performed the ritual himself, and on January 1st of 1933 came to Hitler predicting that he would return to power on the 30th of that month, "a date roughly equivalent to the pagan sabbat of Oimelc." Of course, as is known to history, that is exactly what happened. A few weeks later, during a seance held on February 26, Hanussen predicted that the Communists would make another attempt at revolution in Germany, one that would begin by setting an important government building on fire. The next day according to Levenda was the Reichstag building being burned up. Now, it's been found that the Reichstag was either caused by the Nazis in an inside job or exploited by the Nazis (using the mentally ill man named Marinus van der Lubbe, who was convicted and executed by the Nazis) to promote the evil Holocaust. Hitler went from Chancellor of Germany to the Fuhrer of the Third Reich. Six weeks later, Hanussen was mysteriously murdered in March 25, 1933. The SA probably killed him in the outskirts of Berlin since he knew too much information (and was owed too much money. It's might of occured since the Nazis discovered his Jewish origin). Erik could of been competition to Hermann Goring and Joseph Goebbels. He has been accused of being a charlatan. He was a Czech Jewish person whose original name was Hermann Steinschneider. Erik was suspected of supported the Nazis inspite of his Jewish ancestry. He is known as a clairvoyant and proves that the Nazi empire was influenced by the occult world.

Ignace Trebitsch Lincoln is one of the most egmatic and controversial people in human history. He lived during the time WWII. He once saved the life of Adolf Hitler despite being Jewish. Eckart, Roehm, and Hitler talked about Linoln on being eccentric and Hitler said that he would offer him sanctuary for saving his life (nothing more). He was born in Hungary in April 4, 1879. He had so many jobs in the course of his life. He acted as a Protestant missionary, an Anglican priest, a British member of Parliament for Darlington, Garmny, a spy, and a Buddhist abbot in China. His real name was Abraham Schwarz or Moses Pinkeles. He was a petty criminal and fled to London in 1897. He converted to Protestantism in 1899 on Christmas day. Lincoln acted as a psy for England and Germany as well. He contacted Fran von Papen in 1915. When, Lincoln went into Germany, he became an acquaintance of Wolfgang and Erich Ludendorff. Later, in the late 1920's, Lincoln converted to Buddhism. and became a monk. He worse to the rank of abbot and established his own monastery in Shanghai. All initiates were required to hand over their possessions to Abbot Chao Kung,(Ch. 照空 Zhao Kong) as he now called himself, who also spent his time seducing nuns. During WWII, Lincoln wanted to work with the Nazis to form a Buddhist network to fight against the remaining influence in the area. SS Colonel Mesinger (from the Far East), Heinrich Himmler, and Rudolf Hess desired this plan. After Hess died from the plane crash in May 1941 of Scotland, Hitler stoped the idea. Trebitsch continued his work for the German and Japanese security services in Shanghai until his death in 1943. His story proves that international intelligence agencies have worked together across continents spanning a very long time. He died in October 4, 1943.

By Timothy

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