Sunday, April 04, 2010

Steve Lefemine on Easter




The LORD's Feasts recorded in Leviticus chapter 23, some already fulfilled in Christ,
and some yet to be completed in Christ, Messiah Yeshua, have been counterfeited and / or
ignored by many Christians with the help of Satan's Prime Counterfeit "Church" - the Vatican's
institution of the Roman Catholic system of Babylonian-based pagan false religion.

How is it that for hundreds of years, Christians have somehow foolishly believed the
unscriptural fable that Christ was crucified and died on a Friday afternoon and then
arose from the dead several hours short of even two days later, sometime before sunrise
on Sunday morning ? The Word of God records Christ Himself saying:

Matthew, chapter 23 (KJB):
40 for as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly;
Jon. 1.17
so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.

The Truth is that Yeshua Messiah celebrated the Passover meal with His disciples in the
evening (Matthew 26:17-20). We would say it was "Tuesday" evening [ however the start
of a new Biblical / Hebrew day always starts at sundown ]. It was then during that night and
following day that Christ was arrested, unjustly tried, tortured, and crucified (Gospel of Mark,
chapters 14 and 15), and Yeshua "gave up the ghost" after "the ninth hour" (3 PM) (Mark 15:34-37).
So Christ died on a "Wednesday" and was buried in the sepulchre (Mark 15:42-46). And as He
prophesied in Matthew 23:40, it was then THREE NIGHTS and THREE DAYS before He arose
from the grave:

Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday nights = THREE NIGHTS.
Thursday, Friday, and Saturday days = THREE DAYS.

Then sometime after sundown on Saturday night [ actually the beginning of the Biblical / Hebrew
"first day of the week" (Mark 16:2) ], Yeshua "was risen early the first day of the week" (Mark 16:9).
By the time of the discovery of the empty tomb at sunrise Sunday morning, Christ was long gone.
"He is risen" ! (Mark 16:6).

So Christ our Passover Lamb was crucified on Passover, and He arose on the Feast of First Fruits,
"the morrow after the sabbath" (Leviticus 23:11) as "the firstborn from the dead" (Colossians 1:18, KJB) ,
and "the firstborn among many brethren" (Romans 8:29, KJB).

May the Born-again, Bible-believing Church of Yeshua Messiah once again discover the Feasts of the LORD
in Leviticus chapter 23, "in a way that brings glory to Him and to His Son, Messiah Yeshua"
Israel's Feasts
and their Fullness
, by Batya Ruth Wootten, 2002 ]
, and lay aside the empty and confused counterfeit religious
observances proffered by the False Church which Christ hates, the Babylonian Roman Catholic system !

Steve Lefemine
April 3, 2010

In 2010, Passover began at sundown, Monday, March 29, and continued until sundown, Tuesday, March 30.
Passover is based upon the Biblical / Hebrew (God-given) calendar, occurring on the 14th day of the first month
of the Biblical year. (Leviticus 23:4,5).

Easter in 2010 is to be observed on Sunday, April 4 (this year, five days after Passover).
Easter is based on the solar calendar and the spring equinox, observed on the first Sunday after the full moon on or after
the spring equinox, as calculated and established by Man, at
Roman Emperor Constantine's Council of Nicea, 325 A.D.

Note: The Roman Catholic Popes have taken the place of the Roman Emperors: The modern-day Pope is both
a religious leader (albeit of a false religion) and a political leader.

Sovereign Head of Vatican City State (Pope) to visit the USA April 15-20, 2008
- "Supreme legislative, executive, and judicial power is vested in the pope,..."
- The pope "serves concurrently as bishop of Rome, supreme pontiff of the
Universal Church [sic],
primate of Italy, archbishop and metropolitan of the
Province of Rome,
and sovereign of the Vatican City State."

EASTER is NOT the day that Yeshua Messiah rose from the dead.

Christ arose at God's appointed time, on the Feast of First Fruits !!!

Hallelu-Yah !!!



Jesus died and rose, but not on Friday or Sunday
Actual text of Holy Scripture shatters popular misconception
Posted: April 05, 2009

Jesus died and rose from the grave. This you already know is one of the central themes of the New Testament.

And for hundreds of years, many have either assumed or been told that Jesus died on a Friday afternoon, was placed in a tomb
Friday evening and then was resurrected sometime around sunrise a day and a half later on Sunday morning.

But you may be surprised about what the Bible actually says concerning the timetable of these important events.


"If people would just crack open their own Bibles, they'd realize that not only are the words Friday and Sunday absent,
but the widely perceived time frame is not possible if you believe the actual words of Jesus Christ," says
Joe Kovacs,
author of the best-selling book
"Shocked by the Bible: The Most Astonishing Facts You've Never Been Told."

In "Shocked," Kovacs, a staunch defender of the Holy Bible, probes the day Jesus really died
and the day He actually rose from the grave, all based on what the Bible itself has to say,
not what centuries of misinformation and man-made tradition have led millions to believe.

"In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus Himself said He would be in the grave for 'three days and three nights,'" Kovacs explains.
"And in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus taught his disciples that He would rise from the grave 'after three days.' Even a child could tell you
that between Friday evening and sunrise Sunday morning, you cannot count 'three days and three nights,' as well as 'after three days.'"

Many people also assume Jesus died on a Friday, because the Bible says the Savior died on a day before the Sabbath.

But what they don't often realize is that there are two different kinds of Sabbaths mentioned in the Bible. Not only is there
is the weekly day of rest, but there are also annual days of rest, and those can fall on any day of the week, not just Saturday.

"The Bible actually tells you that the Sabbath day approaching as Jesus was dying was an annual Sabbath, not the
regular weekly Sabbath,"
says Kovacs. "And as far as Jesus rising at dawn on Sunday, the first day of the week, people often forget
that Jesus' followers only found an empty tomb that morning. Jesus came back to life at some point before that and was already gone."

These are just the beginning of the clues to determine when Jesus actually died and when he rose from the grave, and are explained
in detail in
"Shocked by the Bible."

Article continued at:


Joe Kovacs
World Net Daily Commentary

The nonexistent, evil chick called Easter
Posted: March 19, 2010
[excerpts, emphasis added]

The very first commandment of the [ Ten Commandments ] is perhaps one of the most overlooked in everyday life.

In just eight words, it states: "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
(Exodus 20:3)


Most Christians, whether knowingly or unknowingly, violate this very first commandment of God each year by placing before God
the actual name of a
pagan goddess of fertility and the dawn.

In case you haven't figured it out by now, her name is – believe it or not –

That's correct, folks. The word Easter is actually the name of an ancient, heathen goddess who represents fertility, springtime
and the dawn.

Some of her symbols are flowers, bunnies, eggs, the sun and the moon. Who'da thunk?


If you don't believe me, go ahead and
Google it. Or simply open up an encyclopedia or a dictionary to probe the pagan origins.
Feel free to ask your preacher. An honest one will have to admit it.

In different languages and through a variety of cultures, the name of this deity – who in reality does not even exist –
is spelled different ways,
including Ishtar, Astarte, Ostara, Eostre and Eastre.

Even in the Bible itself, many of God's own chosen people actually followed the customs of numerous Easter goddesses,
with her name spelled in the King James Bible as "Ashtaroth" and "Ashtoreth."

For those who have never seen Easter in this light before, take a look at what Scripture itself has to say. I'm adding emphasis
with the modern word in parentheses so you can see what God is really telling you:
    "And they forsook the LORD, and served Baal and Ashtaroth (Easter)." (Judges 2:13)
[ several additional Scripture references ]


Ladies and gentlemen, it's way past time to dump all this fertility-goddess nonsense when it comes to honoring the true Creator.

Enough with the name of Easter, the coloring of eggs, the Easter egg hunts, baby bunnies and fluffy little chicks. These are all symbols
of reproduction which have been associated with the heathen fertility goddess for millennia now.

The apostles did not find a basket of eggs or a chocolate bunny rabbit in Jesus' empty tomb, and they certainly didn't go Easter-egg-hunting
while spreading the good news of the kingdom of God.


God not only wants to be worshipped in spirit and in truth, but He wants absolutely nothing to do with this phony baloney goddess.

Is it really worth offending your Maker for the pretty-sounding, colorful lie of the nonexistent, evil chick called Easter?

Media wishing to interview Joe Kovacs, please contact him here.


Where did “Easter” get its name? Where did the concept of an Easter egg and bunny originate?
10. The names Ashtaroth or Ashtorethand Queen of Heaven where used for Semiramis by the Israelites and the ungodly peoples around them,
Judges 2:13, Jeremiah 44:17-19, etc. Other names for Semiramis include Astarte (Cyprus), Diana (Ephesus and throughout Asia Minor),
Cybele (Asia Minor), Isis (Egypt), Aphrodite, Ceres (Greece), Venus or Fortuna (Romans), Shingmoo (China), Disa (Scandanavia),
Nutria (Etruscans), Virgo-Paritura (Druids), Isi or Indrani or Devaki (India).



The Messiah arose on the Biblical Feast of Firstfruits, not Rome's "Easter"
The Saviour, the Messiah, the perfect Passover Lamb, was crucified on Passover,...
... And the Redeemer arose "from the dead the third day," on the Feast of Firstfruits.!.doc
April 9, 2009

Easter : "Christianized" Romish paganism rooted in Babylon's ancient religion 2008:
"Easter" -
Sunday, March 23
"Passover" -
Sundown, Saturday, April 19 - Sundown, Sunday,
April 20
If the Messiah was crucified after the Passover meal with His disciples
(the "Last Supper"), and of course the Resurrection occurred after the
Crucifixion; then:
How is it that in 2008, "Easter" is almost one month
before "Passover" ???
March 21, 2008

Easter is not Christian but Pagan - rooted in Babylon's ancient religion
April 2, 2007 / Revised April 6, 2007

Easter: "Christianized" paganism rooted in Babylon's ancient religion
The Pagan Origin Of Easter


Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity

Five Reasons Why Roman Catholicism is not Biblical Christianity

Evangelism to Roman Catholics by a former Roman Catholic priest:
www website is the ministry outreach of former Catholic priest Richard Bennett.

The Biblical Uncovering of the Pope and the Papacy
Video (56:56)
Sermon message by Jesuit-educated, former Roman Catholic priest Richard Bennett, now born-again Christian (since 1985 at 48 years of age)
"... the papacy is the antichrist ..."

None, but the Lord God, could have described beforehand, office of the Pope and Papacy.Man could never have anticipated the Papacy, only God
foretells it. That a power claiming to act for God, to be "as God," in the midst of the Christian Church, flouting His truth and mocking His own Holiness,
defies imagination. Yes a fraudulent sacramental system and false pretenses have ruled the world for ages from the very same seven-hilled city where
the pagan Roman Empire once ruled by military force. None the less we trust the Lord of Grace to save many precious Catholics from this system.
All the powers of darkness and apostasy cannot shake the Lord God's power and promises, "For by grace are you saved through faith; and that not
of yourselves: it is the gift of God: not of works, lest any man should boast." We pray for and expect a display of His love power and grace as this DVD
is viewed, to His glory and for the salvation of souls. If you personally are touched by it, please let us know.

From Tradition to Truth - A Priest's Story
Richard Peter Bennett

A Priest's Story on Location by Richard Bennett
Video (59:19)

Richard Bennett, former Roman Catholic priest, Jesuit-educated, Dominican trained.
Born-again Christian since 1985.

Berean Beacon's DVD - "A Priest's Story on Location." Photos from Richard Bennett's early life,
including a photo taken on the day of his ordination as a Roman Catholic priest. Included also are
1996 video shots taken in Dublin, Ireland at the Jesuit school that he attended, at the priory
where he was trained, and the church where he was ordained to the priesthood. These shots,
together with photos from Trinidad, WI, where he served as a priest, make this DVD a unique
insight into an account of his conversion as a Priest. Please make it known to others and kindly
link to it, if possible. Read also Richards book entitled,
"Far from Rome, Near to God:
The Testimonies of Fifty Converted Catholic Priests."

Berean Beacon - -

Pope Benedict XVI: True or False Shepherd?
4/20/2008 (SUN) John 10 (57:04)
Sermon by Mr. John Wagner, pastor
Covenant Free Presbyterian Church, Lexington, South Carolina

Pilgrims Covenant Church Tracts, Books

An Urgent Plea to Roman Catholics
Gift of $.07 each (Group 2)


Two Babylons, The
Alexander Hislop
352 pages - Paperback


"The Two Babylons - Romanism and Its Origins," by Alexander Hislop (1916):
"Where did the practices and beliefs of Roman Catholicism come from? In this scholarly classic, first published over eighty years ago,
Alexander Hislop reveals that
many Roman Catholic teachings did not originate with Christ or the Bible, but were adopted
from ancient pagan Babylonian religion, and given Christian names."

Romanism and Islam are both rooted in the pagan religion of ancient Babylon.
Roman Catholicism is NOT Biblical Christianity.

The Pope Kissing The Koran
(Karol Wojtyla - "Pope John Paul II")


Here is a photo of the Pope at the end of an audience with Patriarch Raphael I of Iraq where "the Pope bowed to the Muslim
holy book the Qu'ran presented to him by the delegation and kissed it as a sign of respect".

Queen of All
Jim Tetlow
154 pages - Paperback


Why Is Mary Crying?
Devotion to Mary doesn't please her. It breaks her heart.


Why Is Mary Crying?
©1987 by Jack T. Chick LLC
- E-mail this tract to a friend.

More "Priests For Life" Romish Paganism: Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena Dec 4-12, 2009

Are Roman Catholics Christians?
Catholics trust in their religion and good works for salvation, but neither can save. Only Jesus can!


Are Roman Catholics Christians?
©1985 by Jack T. Chick LLC
- E-mail this tract to a friend.

The Death Cookie
Introduces Catholics to the real Bread of Life, Jesus Christ.


Death Cookie, The
©1988 by Jack T. Chick LLC
- E-mail this tract to a friend.

"... I will build My church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it." Matthew 16:18
Yeshua Messiah (Jesus Christ)

Hallelu-Yah !

Steve Lefemine, pro-life missionary
dir., Columbia Christians for Life
PO Box 50358, Columbia, SC 29250
(803) 794-6273
April 3, 2010


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EASTER is from ROME, not the BIBLE !,

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