Friday, April 09, 2010

The Police State and old Debates

Is America a police state? To a certain extent, yes. This police state is very high tech. The government has many executive order that can impose martial law and turn America into a dictatorship. Back in the Iran Contra hearings, then Rep. Jack Brooks of Texas tried to get Col. Oliver North (then with the NSC in the Reagan White House to talk about the COG. The COG is short for Countinuity of Government. Brooks was told that it was impermissible to mention that plan for secret government and martial law during an open congressional hearing. COG is connected to the PPDD51 (or the President Directive 51). This Directive is a more recent manifestation of the shadow government. Rep. Peter DeFazio explains how the Homeland Security Comission was denied access to the COG report. De Fazio is followed by Congressman brad Sherman. Sherman said that the $700 billion bankster scam was perpetuated on the American people with dire warnings of economic collaspe and chaos in the streets. Senator Inhofe fingers the perpetrator as Wall Street and Goldman Sachs operative Hank Paulson. Barack obama has kept the PDD 51 directive secret and expanded its unconstitutioanl reach by establishing the Counil of Governors. FEMA have had plans for camps for decades regardless of what Potok says. The Civilian Inmate labor Program is a document that have plans for slave labor camps. This was going out in the late 199-'s. It's related to REX 84, which was suported by Oliver North and the COG. The Civilian Inmate Labor Program continues to exist under H.R. 1444 as the Civilian Expeditory Workforce. The MAIC was supported by the Missouri State Police that singles out constitutionalists, patriots, and Ron Paul supproters as potential domesitc terrorists. This was wrong of course. The evil militraiation of America is easy to witness. The military is constnatly taking over American cities under the cover of terror, natural diaster drills, and exercises. Checkpoints are existing that violate the Fourth Amendment and Posse Comitatus. The result of these acts don't support public safety, but they intergrate the military police and the Homeland Security. LRAD sound cannons and the police were used in the banker G 20 meeting in Pittsburgh during 2009. The police worked with the National Guard and the Border Patrol. This violated the rights of the protesters who disagree with global governance or global government. This is fascism since when is militarized police needed for peaceful protesters. There was a foreign mercenary group called the American Police Force that came into Hardin, Montant. They took over a local prison and failed it to turn it into a prison Gitmo like came. Now, this American Police Force has disbanded and they are under investigated for illegal crimes. Even the Christmas underwear bomber was connected to a handler, London, and Africa. Glen Beck is a slick disinformationist too. He now disagrees with the existence of FEMA camps or plans for them (with hsi ally of the Hearst's Popular Mechanics and FOX News).

Lifenews is here. The latest birth stats prove that the United States is experiencing underpopulation due to abortion. There has been 52 million abortions since 1973 and 1.2 million + taking place each year. The latest stats from the CDC show that the birth rate is under the replacement rate, which means you are experiencing underpopulation. The National Center for Health Statistics showed the brith rate falling 2 percent in 2008 and below the replacment rate level of 2.1 children per women. The U.S. doesn't have overpopulation concern some Malthusians say. "The 2008 preliminary estimate of the total fertility rate (TFR) was 2,085.5 births per 1,000 women, 2 percent lower than the rate in 2007 (2,122.5),” the report indicated. The report said that hte number of births among teenagers have fell 2 percent. Steven Mosher was correct to say that the children are the only future a country has. Mosher is the President of the Population Research Institute. “Children are an expression of hope in the future. With the downturn in housing prices, and the upswing in the unemployment rate, it is not surprising that many couples decided to defer having children until the economic downturn had corrected itself. We will, I predict, see a bigger drop in the birthrate in 2009, when the unemployment rate closed in on 10 percent, 9.3 percent according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics," he said. Mosher told the CNA or the Catholic News Agency that birth rates are falling in Europe for the same economic reasons. Nations like Greece are seeing the problems that abortion can rbring by lowering the population to the point that there are enough workers to contribute to a nation's economy. “Look at present-day Greece, which is going over a demographic cliff because of a scarcity of children. Too few young people are entering the work force to replace retiring workers, entitlement spending is increasing at the same time that tax revenues are leveling off, and the government is technically bankrupt," he told CNA. A new UN rerport found that the global trend of fertility decline and population aging will have ddevastating economic and societal effects on the developing world (especially on women who are now targeted by UN agnecies to further reduce fertility). "World Population Ageing 2009" was published in December 2009 by the UN Population Division, a statistics research branch within the UN's Department of Economic and Soical Affairs (DESA). Fertility is decreasing in the developing world, so there will be fewer and fewer workers to support aging citizens according to the report.

Immigration is a controversial subject. Those who oppose even legal immigration have been tied to the evil eugenics agenda. Tanton is one many that's apart of the neo-eugenics movement. John Tanton founded the anti-immigrant group called NumbersUSA and the Center for Immigration Studies (back in the mid 1990's). They decided to develop a platform to educate the public on eugenics without using the world eugenics. Eugenics was used to to enact the evil slavery system in America and the Nazis' Holocaust in Europe. Tanton knew that Americans don't want to use fake scientific arguments that certain racial or ethnic groups were inferior to others (which is false). So, he used the term genetics to promote the lie that certain ethnic groups have inherit biological IQ diferences. Tanton believed that only a select group of people should have access over scarce resources. This rhetoric existed in the early 20th century when some didn't want more immigrants in America. Today’s anti-immigrant movement focuses on criminalizing, detaining and deporting primarily non-white immigrants. Today, Roy Beck is the head of NumbersUSA. Beck claims that comprehensive immigration reform is anti-Hispanic when most Latino citizens support it. It's not a secret that a fair, flexible approach toward immigration can improve working conditions for all workers and increase tax revenues for all levels of the government. Numbers USA promotes the overpopulation myth that still is being refuted today. According to SPLC, Beck worked under John Tanton for ten years as an editor of Tanton’s journal, The Social Contract, which frequently features the writings of white nationalists. Tanton is described as the wealthy “racist founder of many of the nation’s key nativist groups” who has also dabbled in eugenics and is known for his anti-Semitism and racist statements about Latinos. Tanton co-founded, founded, and financied other anti-immigration groups like Californians for Population Stabilization, Federation for American Immigration Reform , etc. Glen Spencer, who is the founder of the American Patrol Project falsely forecasted a second Mexican-American war in 2003. The Social Contract Press wants depopulation and population control (which is tied to the eugenics mvoement). FAIR, which Tanton co-founded, received $1.2 million from the Pioneer Fund between 1985 and 1994 ("The Puppeteer," no pagination). According to eugenics expert Barry Mehler, the Pioneer Fund qualified as a "neo-Nazi organization, tied to the Nazi eugenics program in the 1930s, that has never wavered in its commitment to eugenics and ideas of human and racial inferiority and superiority." Tanton was once President of the northern Michigan branch of Planned Parenthood (and he supports radical environmentalism. Planned Parenthood was founded by racist and eugenicist Margaret Sanger). Extremists like Tanton believe in the Malthusian lie that even adult immigrants have little to no contribution to economic production in a country, so they want population growth to be cut down (especially in developed or Third World nations). The SPLC claims that Beck and Tanton's families vacationed together despite Beck trying to distance himself from Tanton. So, disagreeing with illegal immigration is fine, but promoting anti-immigration rhetoric is over the top.

The Confederacy is in debate again even in 2010. Virginia's Governor Bob McDonnell wanted Virginians to respect Confederate History month. People disagreed with that because of the controversial history of the Confederacy. McDonnell was forced to apologized for not originally mentioning words in the declaration to criticize slavery. This signifies that a revisionist neo-Confederate history is common all over the world. We know the real history of the Confederacy. The neo-Confederate is based on lies since although many factors were instrumental in causing the Civil War (like trade issues, political issues, etc.). The major issue of the Confederacy's existence was to maintain and spread the evil slavery system (not to mention that the Pope supported Jefferson Davis and the British Empire via Palmertson funded the Confederacy slavery system). The International financiers wanted a Civil War to divide America up to economically control it. This doesn't mean that all of the Union were perfect (as Lincoln made errors and war crimes existed on both sides during the Civil War). Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation didn't go far enough since it only freed the slaves in the Southern territories. He admitted as much in a letter to Treasury Secretary Salmon P. Chase: “The original proclamation has no… legal justification, except as a military measure.” These errors don't justify slavery or the Confederacy leadership's evil intensions. Lee oversaw slaves until December 1862 and Davis defended slavery his entire career. Jefferson Davis was more racist than Robert E. Lee and he was the President of the Confederacy. No real black man or black woman I know would support Davis when he demonized black people as inferior and wanted slavery throughout the war until the last moment. Toward the end of the war Davis led the fight to grant slaves their freedom in exchange for military service. When the Confederate Congress began to debate a bill that would allow slaves to serve in the army, Davis insisted that slaves who performed this service be granted their freedom, even if they didn't serve in combat roles. Davis wrote to Governor William Smith of Virginia that he promised ". . . to seek legislation to secure unmistakably freedom to the slave who shall enter the Army with a right to return to his old home when he shall have been honorably discharged from the Military Service." The South's own Cornerstone Speech and the Texas, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina had declarations of secession. The South declared that Northern abolitionists had been demanding an end to slavery for decades. Many Southern newspapers in that time in the Confederacy wanted to maintain the racist system of slavery. Here's sources to prove it. ``Our Ideal is a Pro Slavery Republic.''--Augusta, Georgia Daily Constitutionalist ``This struggle has set the seal of providence before the eyes of the world upon domestic slavery. Above all, it is this that lends an awful sacredness to this contest on our part--that the rightful claims of Jehovah are deeply involved.''--William A. Hall, in a lecture entitled ``The Historical Significance of the Southern Revolution'' These quotes from a variety of southern religious and political leaders and major southern editors make clear the central position of black slavery in this ``southern mission.'' Southern racism extended the oligarchical notion of blood and breeding beyond color, to view southern whites who were not of the planter class, and northerners, of no matter what wealth and class, as inferior beings. The neo-Confederates need to realize that state rights aren't superior to the Constitution or God-given human rights. Human rights trumps states rights. Even state governments can enact corruption and if the state can't reform themselves, the federal government has every right to make the necessary reforms. All human beings are created equal and all deserve equal protection under the law (in the basis of equality to live, to work, and to have their own pursuit of happiness). Even the Constitution offer provisions to make necessary reforms and legitimate changes to improve the conditions in society. Robert L. Dabney, the Chaplain to Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson believed that the Confederacy was moral. In its “Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union,” South Carolina, the first state to secede state that they wanted to expand the institution of slavery. The Confederate Constitution supported slavery in the words: "...``Article 1, Section 9. (3) No bill of attainder, or ex post facto law, or law denying or impairing the right of property in negro slaves shall be passed.'' Virginia's own secession ordinance, which asserted that the state was leaving the Union because the federal government had "perverted" its powers "not only to the injury of the people of Virginia, but to the oppression of the Southern slaveholding States." Alexander stephens or the Vice President of the CSA didn't want black equality and made that clear in his own words: "...Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its cornerstone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth....” This is contrary to the Knight of Malta Pat Buchannan's claim that Virginia never secceded because of slavery. Surely slavery was a significant part of the conflict for the 30 percent of Virginians who were slaves and did, in fact, welcome the advancing Union soldiers as liberators. In 1860 about 60 percent of the human beings in Virginia were slaves. Pat is known for controversial views. Buchanan supported apartheid. He wrote admiringly of neo-Nazi and ex-Klansman David Duke. He also admired the good qualities that he saw in Adolph Hitler!!! In a 1977 column, Buchanan wrote that despite his genocidal tendencies, Hitler was "an individual of great courage... Hitler's success was not based on his extraordinary gifts alone. His genius was an intuitive sense of the mushiness, the character flaws, the weakness masquerading as morality that was in the hearts of the statesmen who stood in his path." Abraham Lincoln stared printing money called “Green Backs” to fund their side of the Civil War. So, I can't support the Confederacy. This doesn't mean the Union was perfect. Some of these same Union leaders would oppress the Native Americans in the Mountain West during the latter part of the 19th century. I believe in Reconstruction, because Reconstuction at least promoted some reforms and liberties in the South. It was gone by the Black Codes and Jim Crow. We can learn about the history about the Civil War (as the Civil War has complex stories), but we should never repeat the evil legacy of the Confederacy especially in Virginia where I'm from. In Richmond, there is a Museum of the Confederacy, so this issue is personal with me. There are Confederate statues in Hampton Roads not only in Richmond too. Yet, I want to make this clear. I don't believe in hating a person, because of the region they may reside in. Many people fought for real causes and tried to improve the living in America (all across America and in the South too) today and centuries ago. Many people in the South back then wanting true freedom for all people, so bigotry against a whole region is wrong too.

HG Wells was a genius in many ways. He predicted a large part of what America and the Western world is today in a great extent. He desire America and the world to be made into an Utopia under a benevolent dictatorship. A benevolent dictatorship is that your rights are violated, but you're shown a venere of "stability" and a false sense of "tranquility and liberty." The video "Things to Come" made from the filmbased on his book The Shape of Things to Come refers to the science of Freemasonry (as being an elite class ruling people in a service system). Today, America is mostly a service economy. Wells points this out as an open Freemasonry. This cult of the world state as Wells puts it is similar to the ruling class (or Guardian elite corps) found in Plato's Utopia. Even in 1897, HG Wells wanted a new world faith. T.H. Huxley was his mention and Huxley was Darwin's good friend. Darwinian Evolution is very similar to New Age teachings about reincarnation. Darwin's relatives were Masons that believed in evolutionary thought as well. In Wells' Things to Come, he wanted the world to have no money and the world by technocrats. Today, you see new religious paradigms forming and globalization being common place in 2010. Today, Benito Mussolini has been found to be recruited by MI5. He got into politics in 1917 with the help of £100 weekly wage from MI5. So, he was a British agent like Alesiter Crowley. He fought with the Allies during WWI. Mussolini's payments were authorised by Sir Samuel Hoare, an MP and MI5's man in Rome, who ran a staff of 100 British intelligence officers in Italy at the time. Peter Martland wrote about this issue and he's a Cambridge historian. Mussolini made a fascist dictatorship in the 1920's after he had electoral fraud and blackshirt violence. His colonial ambitions in Africa brought him into contact with his old paymaster again in 1935. Now the British foreign secretary, Hoare signed the Hoare-Laval pact, which gave Italy control over Abyssinia. He was hung unpside down in Milan in his death during the end of WWII.

By Timothy

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