Saturday, April 10, 2010

Pro Life News

Quisling Missouri Right to Life agrees with pro-aborts.

From: "Angela Wittman" <>
Subject: Missouri Right to Life agrees with pro-aborts.
Date: Wed, 7 Apr 2010 16:22:53 -0500

From today’s

Personhood Movement Seeks End To Abortion

Missouri Right to Life leadership are quislings
By Laura Bauer / The Kansas City Star
A group of anti-abortion activists has unrolled a new strategy: Stretch the legal definition of “person” in state constitutions to cover a freshly fertilized egg in a woman’s womb. “We are defining the word ‘person’ as a human being … regardless of age, level of functioning, perceived ability or disability,” said Cal Zastrow, co-founder of Personhood USA, which formed in 2008. “When there is an innocent person, the law should protect them.” . . . The idea that life begins at conception is not new in the abortion wars. But some established abortion groups are not backing this new drive, calling it a flawed strategy. "If the amendment is meant to be a direct attack on Roe v. Wade, it is poorly advised," said a statement released by [quislings] Missouri Right to Life. "Direct attacks in law, as in war, lead to defeat if they are mounted in the wrong circumstances. It gains nothing to act without a strategy that has a decent chance of succeeding."
Click Here For The Full Story......

Quisling is a term used to describe pro-life traitors and anti-life collaborators. Missouri Right to Life is both.


Missouri RTL are quislings! I have not seen them at the St. Louis death camp in all the time I’ve been going there. They might as well join with the pro-aborts and form an alliance since they are agreeing with them instead of the pro-lifers.

For Christ's Crown & Covenant,
Angela Wittman

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain:
but a woman that feareth the LORD, she shall be praised.
Proverbs 31:30 KJV

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