Saturday, April 17, 2010

Ron Paul Tied with Obama


Ron Paul Tied with Obama
April 16, 2010 by Keith Gardner

While I tend to smear Ron Paul in headlines for shock value, I don’t completely disagree with Ron Paul. I agree with Ron Paul on most issues. It is nice to see him in the latest Rasmussen poll being virtually tied with Barack Obama, with 41% saying they would vote for Ron Paul while 42% would vote for Obama, if they ran today against each other for President.

I don’t have a problem with Ron Paul as much as I have a problem with the Libertarian foundations which have corrupted Libertarian economic thought in terms of land, financial regulations, and monetary issues, as there are things that I really like about Dennis Kucinich, being correct on monetary issues and standing against corporate interests, but tending to really dislike him on his socialist leanings and his lack of support of the 2nd Amendment.

Fox News and even Glenn Beck seems to be promoting Ron Paul now, which I don’t know what to think about that one. I don’t see them actually trying to go on a gold standard. It would be too drastic and too many people know a gold fiat or a total free-for-all in currencies would be destructive. It is perhaps they’re trying to dilute his support. Fortunately, Ron Paul is staying relatively quiet on promoting the gold standard.

I watched the “tea party” protests on television. Most of them are promoting the Fair Tax. While I don’t agree completely with the Fair Tax, it is definitely better than the income and payroll tax that it replaces as an indirect tax on natural resources rather than just labor. I also like the progressive nature of the Fair Tax in that it includes a prebate or citizen dividend. It rewards those who take less of the world’s resources.

Fox News was again promoting the idea that the top 5% of wage earners pay 50% of the income taxes, trying to promote the idea that the working class should pay higher income taxes and the rich should get more bailouts and tax cuts. The keyword is income taxes since the bottom 95% of wage earns pay most of the payroll taxes, sales taxes, corporate taxes (indirect sales tax), and many other taxes, as well as a higher percentage of their earnings.

It should also be noted that the wealthy pay taxes to themselves since they receive the interest on the national debt. It is also the wealthy who buy land as a store of wealth, driving up the cost of land, which drives up the cost of production for things the poor need and buy and drives up the cost of starting a business or buying a home. It is also the wealthy who consume a greater percentage of natural resources, which again drives up the cost of living for the poor.

Taxation on earned wealth or production, such as income, interest, capital gains, sales, and property is bad. Taxation on found wealth, such as land value and natural resource value, is good, since it actually works to fund government and make those things which are taxed more affordable for all. Monetary expansion necessary to prevent deflation is also a good source of found wealth, which currently benefits the banks, when it should be used to help fund government free of interest.

In other news, Luke Rudkowski gets a shout out from Stephen Colbert while the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) lists him as a domestic terrorist promoting hate because he teaches the principles of MLK and Ghandi and raises funds for the 9/11 first responders while he asks political leaders the hard questions, especially involving 9/11 and the racketeering among corporate and political leaders. I think perhaps the SPLC needs to add themselves to their list of hate groups. Luke Rudkowski isn’t even partisan like the SPLC.

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