Monday, July 12, 2010

The Truth can't stop

Some still want a military option in Iran. Back in September 2002, White House Chief of Staff Andrew Staff didn't want an invasion of Iraq in the summer of 2002. By 2003, it occured. In July, the U.N., the European Union, and the U.S. Congress approved new economic sanctions against Iran. This will be used by then Iraq war hawk to promote a new campaign in a military strike in the nation of Iran. Labor Day is coming up. There is the November mid term election campaign. There is the charge that Democrats and President Barack Obama are soft on Iran. This isn't true since Obama has threaten Iran with more sanctions if Iran continues in its activities. This is inspite of the fact that Iran is no direct to the USA at all. "By the first quarter of 2011, we will know whether sanctions are proving effective," wrote Bush's former national security adviser, Stephen Hadley, and Israeli Brig. Gen. Michael Herzog in a paper published last week by the Washington Institute for Near Policy (WINEP), a think tank closely tied to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). They want new action if the sanctions are "ineffective." They want the military option to be on the table by the first or second quarter of 2011. This is a disgrace by the neo cons. Hadley and Herzog even want the administration to plan military options now. Some neo cons want a war with Iran by next spring. Former Democratic Senator Charles Robb and Air Force General Charles Wald (ret). in a column said that Tehran could have nuclear weapons (and they pose a threat to America). Even in 2008, the neo-con Bipartisan Policy Center (via its neo con foreign policy director Michael Makovsky) promote the use of military pressure on Iran. Makovsky had a brother being a senior official at WINEP. He served as a consultant to the controversial Pentagon office set up in the run up to the Iraq War. This group promoted the Iraq war under the false premise that there was an operational tie between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein. There is the BPC report called "Meeting the Challenge: When Time Runs Out." he wants the military to be in the Gulf and work with Azerbaijan to prepare for war in Iran. The report want to blockade refined petroleum improts into Iran. John Bolton is a war hawk. He wants war not diplomacy to handle the situation with Iran. Neo cons Michael Rubin and Michael Ledeen say that a military attack could be coutner productive by rallying a rebellious population behidn the Regime. United Arab Emirates (UAE) Amb. Yousef al-Otaiba said that he doesn't want a nuclear Iran. The reason he said these words is that many Sunnis fear a nuclear Shia country of Iran having a nuclear weapons. Yet, Iran doesn't have nuclear weapons at all. Diplomacy is a whole lot better than warfare.

Toxicologist say that Corexit invades cells and allow oil to penetrate cells and organ systems. Corexit is definitely a poison. Corexit is less effective than other dispersants. It's worsening the damage caused by the oil spill. 2 toxicologists are saying that Corexist is much more harmful to human health and marine life than we've been told. There is the Gulf toxicologist Dr. Susan Shaw. She is the founder and Director of the Marine Environmental Research Institute. She dove into the oil spill to examine the chemicals present. She told CNN that she was in the oil. Shrimpers throwing their nets into the water and the nets splashed on his skin. One person had a headache that lasted 3 weeks, heart palpitations, muscle spasms, and other bad things when he worked in the Gulf. Corexit can rupture red blood cells, cause internal bleedings, and cause liver plus kidney damage. It's toxic and it can through the skin. The solvents from the dispersant Corexit can penetrate the skin. The oil can go into cells and it takes the oil into the organs. It can be toxic to every organ system in the body. Dr. Chris Pincetich is another marine biologist and toxicologist. He has an extensive background in testing the affects of chemicals on fish. He believes that Corexit can disrupt cell memberanes. Dr. Pincetich said that the EPA testing for Corexit is inadeauate. The reason is that the EPA tests for mortality is only requiared for a 96 hour time frame. His doctoral resrouce found that fish being alive after 96 hours after exposure to pesticide were dead in 2 weeks. So, the chemicals were considered non-leath for the purposes of the test, but the threat for harm is still there. Drs. Shaw and Pincetich are wildlife conservationists. But even industry scientists working for Exxon and the manufacturer of Corexit itself admit that the stuff is toxic. People are waking up about Corexit though.

There is a woman involved in infanticide case that gives birth and dumps a baby in an airplane toilet. This is a 22 year old woman from Turkmenistan. The news has made international headlines. She boarded a plan, gave birth to a baby boy, and then dumped his body in the toilet. The woman was arrested after allegedly doing so safter the crew of Turkmenistan Airline found the child. They discovered the baby after a routine check of the plane following landing in Amritsar in Northern India according to the IANS news agency indicated. Airline officials alerted airport staff, who then found and arrested Amandeep Kaur Mann. Mann is reportedly a medical student living in India and she was returning from a trip to Turkmenistan. "While on the flight, Mann was very disturbed, and she was rushing to the toilet very frequently," police told IANS. "Some co-passengers and the aircraft staff also inquired about her health." Police officials said that Mann at first would not admit to giving birth and dumping the baby, but eventually did. She and the child were taken to a local hospital near the airport. She is well and the baby almost died. A medical offfical told the PTI news agency the baby's head was stuck in the toilet and that it and the baby were taken to the hospital where the boy was eventually freed. Jill Stanek is a pro-life nurse and a blogger. She commented later on the story called the incident as "horrible." She sais that abortion advocates would exploit the story to promote abortion if abortion were illegal where Mann lives. "According to the United Nations, elective abortions are legal in Turkmenistan up to 28 weeks and in India up up to 20 weeks," she said. "If abortion were illegal in either country, pro-aborts would be blaming this insidious tragedy on that fact." "Now what will they blame it on? In reality this incident exemplifies the coarsening of regard for early human life. This mother was not ignorant. She was a medical student," Stanek added. Stanek is right that we should promote the respect of human life from conception until natural death.

Foreign policy is important to know about. Even FDR rejected his cousin's imperial American foreign policy. His cousin was Freemason Theodore Roosevelt. Some believed that Franklin Roosevelt's bout with policy in 1921 (when he was 39). Later, he studied the Founding Fathers and the study of American history. FDR's great grandfather made his fortune in Asia via the opium trade as a junior partner to the British East India Company. Some believed that FDR's polio experience caused him to have more sympthaty to the plight of the poor. This inspired Roosevelt to promote his New Deal agenda (which is made up of legitimate programs and some errors) and to end WWII. He lead a passion to end colonialism too. He suported the American committment to the principles of the American Republic (as found in the July 1928 issue of Foreign Affairs. I don't agree with the CFR of course). Roosevelt believed in respecting the opinions of mankind. He supported the Monroe Doctrine, that prevented the European Holy Alliance to prevent liberalism from rising in nations. FDR, nevertheless, launched a revival of American System diplomacy in his first inaugural address, delivered on March 4, 1933: ``In the field of world policy,'' he announced, ``I would dedicate this nation to the policy of the good neighbor--the neighbor who resolutely respects himself and because he does so, respects the rights of others--the neighbor who respects his obligations and respects the sanctity of agreements in and with a world of neighbors.'' He wanted friendship among nations and neighbors. He pushed in Congress the Philippines Indepcndence Act of 1934 that gave the Philippines its independence by 1946. He wanted faith, hope, and charity to improve relations among sovereign nations. According to Elliot Roosevelt's "As He Saw It," Franklin Roosevelt opposed imperialism. He wanted to build the standard of living, use education, and bringing more industry to Third World nations. FDR met with Mohammaed Reza Pahlevi or the young Shah of Persia. He wanted Iran to safeguard its natural wealth. He wanted Iran to have its indepedence and self determination beyond Soviet and British control.

There are ton of evidence that people are tracked, traced, and databased. People know that the war on terror is utilized to spurr the massive funding of the surveillance industy. This is a war on liberty and privacy. There has been legitimate technology that has helped people in the world. There are other forms of technology that continues warrantless wiretaps and control society. Some are high tech and other countries have tracked, traced, and databased around every corner. Governments and private companies colloborate to gather information on citizens. They are trying to trade liberty for security. There is the GPS or global positioning chips. They are appearing everywhere. They exist in cars, cell phones, and U.S. passports. They have used to track employees and private investigation. Apple said that they are collecting the precise location of iPhone users via GPS for public viewing in addition to spying on users in other ways. Internet browsers recorded people's moves by using detailed cookies on users' activisties. The NSA has been exposed as having cookies on their site that don't expire until 2035. Major search engines know where you surfed last summer and online purchases are databased. This is for advertising and customer service uses. IP addresses are collected and even made public. Controversial websites have been flagged internally by government sites. They have re-routed all traffic to block sites that the government wants to censors. Social networks don't have privacy to users while technologies exist for real time social network monitoring. Even the Cybersecurity Act tries to legalize the collection of personal information. Apple's iPhone also has browsing data recorded and stored. Most Americans oppose cybersurveillance by citizens. RFID is in credit cards too to monitor people. Some of them require your SNN. These devices has been Costco, CVS, grocery chain cards, and a wall or purse full of RFIDs. RFID has proximity cards that track people in a new level. They have loyalty cards, student ID, physical access, and computer network access. Later, developments have a RFID powder that was created by Hitachi. It's used for many uses like tracking hard currency, so we can't keep cash undetected. Traffic cameras have license plate recognitiion that has been used to remotely automate the duties of traffic cops in America. It has been used the UK to mark activists under the anti-liberty Terrorism Act. The most common use is to raise moeny and shore up budget deficits via traffic violations. This may cause a Big Brother system of tactics like using monitors to tell pedestrians not to litter. There is public sound surveillance. This technology at first have detect gunshots in public areas. Now, it's about listening for whispers for dangerous "keywords." In Europe, it's used to see verbal aggression in public places. Sound intelligence is the manufacturer of technology to analyze speech and their website touts how it can easily be integrated into other systems. The most popular biometric authentication system has been the Iris Recognition device. They are found in entry contorl, ATMs, and government programs. Recently, netowrk companies and governments have utilized biometric authentification. This includes fingerpint analysis, iris recongition, voice recognition, or combinations of these for use in National ID cards. DNA has blood taken from abies that has been taken for all people under 38 in numerous places. In the UK, DNA was sent to secret databases from routine heel prick tests. There are some reprots that show the revealed covert Pentagon databases of DNA for "terrorists." Now, DNA from all citizens is datatabased. Digitial DNA is used in 2010 to combat hackers. Microsoft's HealthVault and VeriMed partnership is to create RFID implantable microchips. Microchips now can track pets. Some want them in children. The FDA approved this technology for humans and is marketing it as a medical miracle. The people promoting these items claim that it's for our "safety." There are facial recognition technology. Anonymity in public over. Admittedly used at Obama's campaign events, sporting events, and even the recent G8/G20 protests in Canada. This technology is also harvesting data from Facebook images and surely will tied into the street "traffic" cameras. In the future, society is having predictive behavior technology. It's not enough to have logged and charted where we have been. The elite want the surveillance state wants to know where we are going through psychological profiling. It's been been marketed for such uses as blocking hackers. A scientific Orwellian world is really occuring. Nanotech is another development that can making machines form nanoparticles (it can influence behavior and decision making). With all of this information, we should have our privacy fought for and not stripped.

By Timothy

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