Monday, August 29, 2011

9/11 Anniversary Coming Soon

Coming soon is the tenth anniversary of the events of 9/11. I remember the events like yesterday. Large building collapsing, unanswered questions, and tons of other controversies consume the events on September 11, 2001. It was one of the most important events in my life and it was the true beginning of the 21st century. It started the age of the war on terror and all that came with it. It validated what I thought about the world. For some, 9/11 radically shifted their perspectives on their lives in genders. Some folks even changed religious and political ideologies as a result of 9/11. As for me, it made me more validated in what I thought about the composition of the world. Now, 9/11 created the 9/11 Truth Movement. The 9/11 Truth Movement in essence wants the true account of what happened on 9/11 known including justice. It’s a simple request, yet this movement has been slandered and demonized by the mainstream media, the global elite, and their allies. Yet, the truth will never die and pure inspiration will continue to seek justice about the events of 9/11. 9/11 is made up of the attacks on the World Trade Center in New York, the Pentagon attack by a plane, and the crash of Flight 93 in Pennsylvania. Forever, Osama bin Laden is in our vocabulary, yet many people don’t agree that Osama bin Laden was directly involved in the attacks (since he didn’t caused NORAD to stand down and he wasn’t in the planes at all that crashed into large buildings at all). The evils of killing innocent human being during 9/11 resulted in the evil war on terror. The illegitimate President George W. Bush supported the permanent state of warfare, he passed laws that violated our cherished civil liberties (like the Patriot Act, the USA Military Commissions Act, etc.), and he allowed torture centers to flourish worldwide with water boarding & Guantanamo Bay, and other policies. These policies continue under his Democratic successor President Barack Obama. The group September 11th Families for Peaceful Tomorrow oppose exploiting the victims of 9/11 as an excuse to lust after the war on terror. They desire peaceful resolutions to conflicts and self rule to exist among any society worldwide. Another World Trade Center is being built. Therefore, we should continue to call for an independent investigation of 9/11. 9/11 is a product of a conspiracy anyway since more than one person was involved in it as a product of a conspiracy. We should oppose the drone strikes in Afghanistan, the terrorism against Somalia, the NATO bombings in Libya, and the secretive attacks in Pakistan.

In America, it’s taboo to advocate a real poverty reduction plan in Congress by Congressional leaders. There is nothing wrong with job fairs nationwide, but a radical war on poverty is necessary as well to solve our issues. It doesn’t matter if a Democrat or a Republican in the White House, we have to discuss about these issues. Both parties are responsible for our issues in America not just the Republicans. We know what the Republicans are all about and what they desire to do. Some of them are not only overtly trying to destroy the New Deal. Some of them wish for pretty much all private services to exist without any government intervention at all. We don’t need to go into the Herbert Hoover route. Hoover was a Republican and cut federal spending, denied the need for social security or unemployment compensation, and keeps unions illegal (in the midst of record joblessness and widespread hunger). Now, we have the bipartisan commission seeking cuts to Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare. Many hunger marches came in 1930-1932, Hoover arrested people and some folks were killed. Unemployment compensation is under threat today. This commission is made up of Republicans and Democrats and they could endorse rising the Medicare eligibility age to 67 and have cuts in education, public works, and aid to local governments. This will increase hunger, poverty, and unemployment. Raising the debt ceiling has occurred more than 70 times since the Nixon administration. The bankers have received more than $16 trillion from the government. The super committee can be fast tracked (or voted up and down with little discussion and no amendment for the President to sign). Now, the President compromised with the same people that want his Presidency to be only in the length of one term. The anti-war movement is still silent in numerous instances. Meanwhile, the Congress and the White House ignores black poverty and soaring black unemployment in America. Decades ago, even the WPA hired writers, journalists, built dams, built roads, built schools, built parks, and had other projects like the Chicago State Street (which produces wealth today). It’s truly a disgrace to see after decades of King’s assassination to see people fearing ridicule instead of fearlessly promoting jobs even if this call runs in contrast to the agenda of the White House. Instead of worshipping these 2 major political parties, we should be independent and vote for the best person in our consciousnesses.

Adult stem cells have work against stress and depression. This has been written by David Prentice, Ph.D. Stress can form new adult neural stem cells. The hippocampus responds to environmental conditions like stress. If this area of the brain is held in isolation, then it can produce new neural stem cells that are stockpiled for later use. When conditions are more favorable like a person having various stimuli (in an enriched environment), the neural stem cells can be used to form new brain neurons. A new study has been published by the journal Neuron. It proves that adult stem cell production in the brain is responsive to experience and the environment, indicating that this may act as a form of cellular plasticity for adapting to environmental changes. A new paper is published in the journal called Nature. It further suggests that if those stored neural adult stem cells are not used to produce new neurons, you could be more susceptible to depression. NIH researchers discovered that new neurons formed by adult stem cells in the brain could protect against depression and stress in a mouse model. Yet, mice that could not develop new neurons had elevated levels of stress hormones and showed more depressive behaviors. The authors note that their results provide evidence to support a direct role for adult neuron formation in depressive illness. A new Rasmussen poll found that 55 percent of Americans believe that abortion is morally wrong most of the time. This finding is little change since the similar question in an April 2007 poll where 30 percent think abortion is morally acceptable in the majority of cases, while 15 percent are undecided. Seventy-two percent (72%) of GOP voters and 60% of unaffiliated think abortion is morally wrong most of the time. The plurality (46%) of Democrats disagree and feel abortion is not morally wrong in most instances. 48 percent of the people polled said that they are pro-abortion and 43 percent said that they are pro-life. 51 percent of female and 44 percent of males called themselves pro-choice. Most polls shows the younger generation of being more pro-life, except the Rasmussen one. The poll says that most people will take abortion into consideration in their 2012 voting decision. 41 percent of Americans in the polls say that it’s too easy to get an abortion; only 16 percent says that it’s too hard to get one, and 29 percent says that the level of accessibility is about right. Just over half (52%) agree that there should be a waiting period, while 35% disagree, the Rasmussen poll showed. Thirteen percent (13%) are undecided. When it comes to social issues like abortion, public prayer and church-state topics: 36% of voters say they are conservative, 29% moderate and 32% liberal. The national survey of 1,000 Likely Voters was conducted on August 23-24, 2011 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence.

It’s easy to see that a select few of corporations own most of the wealth in the world. A research team based in ETH Zurich, Switzerland confirmed that multinational corporations control a huge amount of capital in the world. They used the Orbis database. This global database has financial information on public and private companies. The team researched from over 43,000 corporations. They have looked at both upstream and downstream connections between them all. They have graphed the data. They found 147 entities that control nearly 40 percent of all of monetary value of transnational corporations or TNCs. These corporations have huge ownership of assets. TNCs make up the largest corporations in the world. The network maps have been developed by the authors of the report. The authors wanted to find the world of corporate finance and ownership. While this is occurring, other problems are here. Thousands of people in Georgia have lined up for free dental care. Many of these people lost their jobs. This occurred in the First Baptist Church of Woodstock from August 12-13, 2011. About 4,000 people were in line with thousands of volunteers ready to help human beings. There is widespread depression in Appalachia because of poverty, little social infrastructure, high unemployment, etc. 2008 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention survey of the area found more than one in five over the age of 45 years old suffered from coronary heart disease, and one in six had been diagnosed with diabetes. The CDC found that 48.1 percent of residents over the age of 65 were missing all of their natural teeth. Many people aged 18-19 in Americans are delaying having children, having a home, and going into college, because of the recession. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health notified community health agencies on August 12 that the state’s AIDS prevention budget would be reduced by $4.3 million.

There are the philosopher Kings of the elite. For thousands of years, the elite and their allies used the occult to promote their ways. The Kabbalah even have origins from the ancient Middle East beyond the Middle Ages. The so-called philosophers Pythagoras and Plato were involved in the mystery school teachings. Especially, Pythagoras was in support of these doctrines. According to Momilgiano in Aliean Wisdom, “…it was Plato who made Persian wisdom thoroughly fashionable, though the exact place of Plato in the story is ambiguous and paradoxical…” Many of these ancient Greeks believed in occult thought beyond just philosophical concepts. According to Aristobulus (the third century B.C. Jewish philosopher, Plato had access to translations of Jewish texts, and therefore, “…it is evident that Plato imitated our legislation and that he had investigated thoroughly each of the elements in it…Fore he was very learned, as was Pythagoras, who transferred many of our doctrines and integrated them into his own beliefs…” Eudoxus of Cnidus, who seems to have acted as the head of the Academy during Plato’s absence, traveled to Babylon and Egypt. He studied at Heliopolis, Egypt to learn the priestly “wisdom” and astrology. According to Pliny, Eudoxus wanted the magic of the cult of the Magi to be recognized as the most noble and useful of the schools of philosophy. In Laws, Plato proposed astrological ideas. E. R. Dodds is skeptical of the extent of the Magian influence on Plato’s thinking, but he’s willing to concede that: “…the proposals of the Laws do seem to give the heavenly bodies a religious importance which they lacked in ordinary Greek cult, though there may have been partial precedents in Pythagorean thought and usage. And in the Epinomis, which I am inclined to regard either as Plato’s own work or as put together by his Nachlass (unpublished works), we meet with something that is certainly Oriental, and is frankly presented as such, the proposal for public worship of the planets…” The Epinomis is a work of either Plato or his pupil Philip of Opus was influenced by the Magi. The Epinomis believes that the science that makes men most wise is astrology, but astrology isn’t a science at all. Kabbalistic thinking is found in the Timaeus (it promotes astrology). In Plato’s Republic, he wants philosopher kings to rule the Earth. The Republic represents the plans of Illuminists today like the elimination of the family, the elimination of marriage, compulsory schooling, indoctrination of the state against people, and eugenics used by the state. Plato believed that children ought to be killed if they are found “defective.” This is infanticide. Plato is said to have had contact with the Magi. Plato is one of the most famous philosophers of Western civilization. Plato used occult concepts as an excuse to promote world domination. He wanted a totalitarian state to be ruled by the “chosen people.”

By Timothy