Saturday, August 27, 2011

In Response to Lew Rockwell

roaddog6 says:
thats right…everyone herd yourself back into the republican party like good little sheep. Not long ago everyone was an independent, but those days are over now. Now we have to support the republicans. We must support the right now and not the left but the right. the right. the right. we all must be republicans now. I’m so glad thats clear now. All this back and forth is making some herd members dizzy. Just praise d.c. and you’ll be ok. be a republican… a republican. obey..obey…obey.


Note by Me: I believe in owning guns, but I get the rest of this person's point.

By Timothy

scytherius says:
How outstandingly foolish. It hasn’t worked because of the grand design to transfer wealth to the elite and corporations. With enough revenue there is no problem.
But you Tea_____ go ahead. Your states are failing and your moronic Reps are killing the U.S. But, you’ve always wanted to live in your caves with your guns. Way to play into the hands of the Bildebergers, etc. The elite do NOT want a strong government because it is the only thing that can stand up to them. But you are just like the Germans before the Nazis took over. People of the future will look back and marvel at your stupidity.


Lawrence Baker05/16/2011 10:59 AM
The ignorant, brainwashed Libertarians and Tea ____, which are really nothing more than paid for second wave Republicans, are anti-American Democracy and pro-Oligarchy Fascist.

The fact is, Social Security and Medicare are self sufficient and did not contribute one cent to the nearly 15 trillion (really 55 trillion) in National Debt. That debt comes from the Fascist Oligarchy that have purposely bankrupted the US with unjustified WARS and bankster fraud, not SS or Medicare. The Fascist want every dime of course, and are now preparing to sack our private retirement pensions funds.

What do you call low caliber short-haired monkeys with anti-Christian values and barely human that are so stupid that they act for the Fascist corporate slavers and not in their children or their own self interest?

American Taxpayers owe the banksters $ 129,087 each in National Debt and you know how banksters are, they want their money or enslave you and your family to pay the debt.

Libertarians and Tea Baggers stick out their lower lip and say like Elmer Fudd “ Wees wants big gobermint off ourn backs—Wees wants corporations to rule.—Dare is no ting American Democracy.” Ha. Ha.

Ask them what they stink about American Democracy- “government of, for and by the People” and what form of government that they want.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”. -- Benito Mussolini
Lawrence Baker05/16/2011 01:28 PMin reply to NeoNative
Snake: You can not refute anything I have said. Wa. Wa. Ha. Ha. Your lip is sticking out again! Wa. Wa. Ha. Ha.

Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”. -- Benito Mussolini

You attack Mussolini, a consummate Fascist, and his simple but true observation about Fascism. You snake-- are pathetic!

Come on, say something even more stupid about our once “American Representative Democratic Republic” (government of, for and by the People) before it was overthrown by the Fascist corporate Oligarchy.

What form of government do YOU want to live under?-- Snake posing as a Patriot?
Lawrence Baker05/16/2011 01:48 PMin reply to Plunge_Protection_Team
Plunge_Protection_Team, Tell me Plunger what does Plunge Protection Team mean, are you on the Libertarian payroll as a propagandist goon?

The Pauls position on unjust wars and banksters are just selling points to gain confidence from you sheep (read confidence man). What are the Pauls position on American Democracy- government of, for and by the People and his sworn oath to protect our Democracy?


bruinlover05/16/2011 10:43 AM
Social Security and Medicare are social safety nets. Let's say you invested in Wall St to create your retirement, then your retirement funds disappear due to Wall St. Chicanery, deregulation, and all-around jerks. Social Security will make sure that you are eating cat food or living in a cardboard box hut. Read up on American history and British history, learn about happen to people who become penniless in their old age. Medicare also exist become only extremely wealthy can afford to pay for illness and disability without health insurance.

Finally, The Pauls needs to be smacked with a very heavy American history book or forced to watch the first half of Roots. I am sick of the false equivalence between slavery and social safety nets.
Walt05/16/2011 09:45 AM
Mr. Paul is voicing and OPINION of his interpretation of Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution. I don't agree with it. SSN and Medicare works and can easily be fixed to strengthen it with the proper Congress in place that doesn't include the current crop of Republicans.

I would much rather hear his opinion of the current corporate welfare system in the form of subsidies and tax shelters and the outsourcing of American Jobs to slave wage countries.