roaddog6 says:
thats right…everyone herd yourself back into the republican party like good little sheep. Not long ago everyone was an independent, but those days are over now. Now we have to support the republicans. We must support the right now and not the left but the right. the right. the right. we all must be republicans now. I’m so glad thats clear now. All this back and forth is making some herd members dizzy. Just praise d.c. and you’ll be ok. be a republican… a republican. obey..obey…obey.
Note by Me: I believe in owning guns, but I get the rest of this person's point.
By Timothy
scytherius says:
How outstandingly foolish. It hasn’t worked because of the grand design to transfer wealth to the elite and corporations. With enough revenue there is no problem.
But you Tea_____ go ahead. Your states are failing and your moronic Reps are killing the U.S. But, you’ve always wanted to live in your caves with your guns. Way to play into the hands of the Bildebergers, etc. The elite do NOT want a strong government because it is the only thing that can stand up to them. But you are just like the Germans before the Nazis took over. People of the future will look back and marvel at your stupidity.
Lawrence Baker