Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Facts and Life

There are conspiracy facts in the world that even the mainstream media admits are now true today. We owe a debt of gratitude to real researchers that took the time to find information that the mainstream media won’t touch. Big corporations and the governments give information publicly what they want us to here. Yet, the alternative media in enumerable occasions have presented the real truth to the world publicly. The media claimed that the Fukushima disaster wasn’t equivalent to Chernobyl. Yet, the New York Times even admits that the stricken Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant disaster is in a region that is uninhabitable perhaps for decades. This discovery was found after a government survey found radioactive contamination that far exceeded safe levels according to several media outlets. We have found out that NATO armed and trained the rebels. There has been airstrikes by the U.S. military and NATO in Libya. NATO and the West trained and funded the rebels and there is a possibility of U.S. troops on the ground in Libya. CFR President authored a piece for the Financial Times called “Libya Now Needs Boots on the Ground.” Doubters deny the widespread use of RFID chips in humans. Now, we have RFID chips in human via implantation on a widespread basis. The Washington Post reported that: “…“thousands of worried Mexicans” have been having “satellite and radio-frequency tracking products” implanted in their skin in order to protect themselves against abduction….” People denied that the U.S. government provided weapons for Mexican drug cartels. Yet, it’s public record now that the U.S. government facilitated the transfer of thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels. A CBS News report talked about this story and many ATF agents opposed these policies. This program is called Project Gunrunner. 3 of the key ATF officials involved in putting thousands of guns into the hands of Mexican drug cartels were recently promoted. The media including Rhodes Scholar Rachel Maddow deny the harmful effects of fluoride. Now, the federal government is finally admitting that high levels of fluoride in our drinking water can be harmful. In fact, the feds have reduced the “recommended amount” of fluoride in our drinking water for the first time in 50 years. CNN reported in one article that the Department of Health and Human Services and Environmental Protection Agency admitted that they want to lower the levels of fluoride in our water since there is an increase of floursis (or a condition causing spotting and streaking on children’s teeth). The FED has been caught giving big banks and their allies billions of dollars in loans in low rates during the financial recession including Wall Street. CNN admitted that high usage of cell phones can increase a risk of glioma brain tumors by 40 percent (or using a mobile phone for 30 minutes a day over a 10 year period). Bisphenol A is the chemical linked to infertility and the Super Congress received millions of dollars from the insurance, real estate, and finance sectors. The government has scapegoat Christians all of the time. The DHS report from April 2009 link people who believe in end times prophecies, believe that abortion is wrong, that believe in a new world order plan, etc. as equivalent to potential terrorists. As long as a religious person is innocent, lives their lives, etc. then they shouldn’t be equated to some terrorists at all.

Congressman Dennis Kucinich wants NATO to be made accountable for the Libyan deaths. He called on the alliance from NATO’s military chiefs to be held into account under international law for the civilian deaths in Libya. He said that if nothing will occur, then we have seen the triumph of a new international gangsterism. He is one of the leading opponents of the actions in the U.S. Congress. Kucinich believes that the NATO forces have flouted UN Security Council resolutions as acting as the air force for the rebels, which couldn’t succeed but for NATO”s attacks (and illegally pursuing regime change). He said the following: “…NATO's top commanders may have acted under color of international law but they are not exempt from international law...” Now, we have the rebels capturing the compound of Gaddafi, which was strongly fortified. Dennis Kucinich commented that if members of Gaddafi’s regime ought to be held accountable for their deeds, then NATO’s top commanders must be held accountable via the International Criminal Court for all civilian deaths resulting from bombing. NATO of course claims that they attacks are in league with UN resolutions that were passed this year. These resolutions allowed military action to protect civilians in Libya. On the other hand, UN Secretary Ban Ki-moon has expressed alarm at the number of civilians casualties in the conflict including those inflicted in the NATO air strikes. NATO’s air attacks have developed harsh criticism from members of the UN Security Council including Russia, China, Brazil, India, and South Africa (who say the action goes beyond UN resolutions on Libya). Zbigniew Brzezinski predicted that the West won’t use overt military boots on the ground but use second parties to promote Western interests in Middle East & Eurasia. This policy is expressed in the Grand Chessboard from 1997 since these elitists love to brag about what their plans are 10, 20, or even 30 years in advance of the present. The Tripoli seize by the rebels were directed by SAS soldiers and British intelligence too.  Ironically, NATO gives a terrorist group according to the State Department (or the Libyan al-Qaeda cell called the LIFG or the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group) to be a political force in the post-Gaddafi regime.  The State Department declared the LIFG a terrorist group. The LIFG will have access to weapons and may have political power once Gaddafi is not the leader of Libya anymore. LIFG was funded by the MI6 to attempt to assassinate Col. Gaddafi back in 1996. The leader of the anti-Gaddafi rebel army named Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi admitted that al-Qaeda rank among the rebels. As the Wall Street Journal reported in a piece entitled, Ex-Mujahedeen Help Lead Libyan Rebels, Al-Qaeda terrorists who worked directly for Bin Laden were tasked with recruiting, training and acting as front line field commanders for the rebel army.

Popular Culture is real in the world. Many videos from MTV and their ilk have Masonic imagery and occult symbolism. One example is about LCD Soundsystem’s Pow Pow video. James Murphy is the founder of LCD Soundsystem. He’s the founder of DFA Records. The logo is a lightning bolt. . They have next video being called as an industry first. It allows viewers to click objects in order to win the Cheer detergent related object. The video called “Climbing Walls” by the group Strange Talk shows a bunch of young people having fun. Yet, they are dancing on a Masonic ceremonial floor with Masonic pillars and pyramids. The video looks similar to images found in a Masonic apron. The video shows a sunrise and the camera moves in the direction of the Sun. Using symbols in plain sight is very common in the 21st century world of mainstream popular culture. Researchers know about the subconscious and many people use images in order to stir people’s subconscious to gravitate into a certain behavior. Carl Jung wrote about archetypes and the subconscious for a very long time. For decades, Carl Jung believed in Gnostic theological philosophies indeed. The elite is trying to make the public more acceptance of this symbolism and New Age philosophies as the years and decades go on in the world.

The King Memorial is here. People have planned for this moment for years. After all of these years, people have looked at Dr. Martin Luther King’s words all of the time. There are people trying to use the legitimate concepts of Dr. King in trying to improve society. Others desire to exploit King’s legacy for corporate profit or just slander the man since they hate him. JP Morgan, Murdoch’s Direct TV, Exxon, Target, and Wal Mart are trying to profits from the Memorial ceremony. Ironically, in real life, Dr. Martin Luther was a critique of materialism, imperialism, cartel capitalism, and militarism. Dr. King desired a genuine revolution that promotes equality, workers’ rights, and liberty. The corporate elite hated Dr. Martin Luther King when he was alive and now they are trying to hijack the man’s legacy in order to promote their plutocratic, corporate Empire. The dedication of the $120 million stone sculpture is meant to give tribute to man that wanted to destroy the current system. The corporate elite is trying to bury real liberation movements, but real liberation can never be buried. It can go through bumps in the road, but the arc toward justice is still in existence today. Although, it is important to not embrace the sanitize version of Dr. King that some in the mainstream media promote all of the time. The media and the military industrial complex constantly promote Dr. King as some pro-business, malleable figure that only discussed about civil rights nothing more. Yet, Dr. Martin Luther King advocated people, and hatred of corporate domination in the West. That is why Dr. King constantly promotes labor rights and he constantly criticized certain aspects of capitalism. Ironically, the Dr. King memorial is still along the axis of Jefferson and Lincoln’s memorials (representing 2 people that believed in the lie of black inferiority). It is ironic that this memorial is occurring in the backdrop of the bombing of African nations by imperialists, the economic problems facing black Americans, and the ignorance of some about Dr. King’s true views on issues. This doesn’t mean be pessimistic as some are. This should give us hope to promote the truth, speak out against any evil, and never adhere to the military industrial complex’s lies at all. I think should we celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King's life. There is nothing wrong with visting the King Memorial to reflect and to be inspired to do the right thing either.

Another sick person is advocating a global super plague to harm human beings in a population control agenda. His name is John Stafford. He admits to being pro-abortion. He believes in the overpopulation hysterical myth. Yet, Population Research Institute President Steven Mosher said that the world isn’t overpopulated at all. Stafford is wrong to assume that the Black Death is necessary, which killed millions of innocent European human beings. Stafford promotes genocide. The history of population control in history deals with a group of people trying to decrease numbers of a minority group via abortion, sterilization, forced abortion, anti-poor rhetoric, etc. Stafford’s words aren’t new at all. Dr. Eric R. Pianka gave a speech to the Texas Academy of Science. He said in March of 2006 that he wanted to exterminate 90% of the world’s population via the airborne Ebola virus. Dr. Pianka wanted this since using AIDS will kill people slower. Ebola is very harsh disease that liquefying the internal organs that causes the body to dissolves itself. Pianka gave lectures to prestigious universities worldwide. He wants to sterilize human beings too and Al Gore wants to stabilize population growth. In a 2009 New York Times interview , Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg told Emily Bazelon that, “…I had thought that at the time Roe was decided, there was concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations that we don’t want to have too many of.” That’s eugenics since she hates the growth of populations that she feel is too many. LBJ wanted nations to have voluntary family planning programs back in 1967. The National Security Council back in December 10, 1974 created the NSSM-200 or the National Security Study Memorandum 200. This memo has been called the Kissinger Report. This report was a plan which the United States wanted to more aggressively have population control efforts in developing nations in order to get natural resources of those countries. They even wanted to use food as a weapon to maintain Western imperialistic hegemony in the world. The document even wanted coercion, sterilization, and abortion to get their way. Back in the 1970’s, John Holdren (whose Ecoscience Book called for forced population control efforts on the Earth) and Paul Ehlrich falsely predicted that if America reached 200 million human beings, then we will have serious issues. Harrison Brown was read by Holdren. In Harrison Brown’s book, The Challenge of Man’s Future, the one our Science Czar holds up as so important, and discovered this Nazi style infanticide statement by Brown on page 87 . ” In the absence of restraint abortion, sterilization, coitus interruptus, or artificial fertility control, the resultant high birth rate would have to be matched at equilibrium by an equally high death rate. A major contribution to the high death rate could be infanticide, as has been the situation in cultures of the past. “ These eugenicists are rather overt with their intensions. They have a hatred of human life and use dehumanization as a means to promote their goal of radical depopulation of the world’s population (under the guise of environmental matters today. We should solve our environmental problems, but we should not promote forced abortions or radical population control as solutions to these problems).

By Timothy