US, NATO Officials Openly Admit To Arming, Training Libyan Rebels, Forcing Regime Change
International mandate to “protect” civilians is and always was a complete hoax
Steve Watson
Aug 22, 2011
Video: Global Research journalist Mahdi Nazemroaya says he fears for his life and is being threatened for “not going by what NATO is presenting” as news out of Libya. He says he believes that some of the journalists covering events are “not real journalists”, but are instead working for security services.
As some quarters of the mainstream media are still reporting that the battle for the Libyan capitol Tripoli is part of a popular uprising, Senior US and NATO officials confirmed today that the intensification of fighting was initiated by NATO, as it candidly presided over rebel forces.
The New York Times today quotes an anonymous senior diplomat who states that over recent weeks NATO has been directly coordinating rebel groups, despite the fact that its UN endorsed mandate did not extend beyond “protecting” Libyan civilians and specifically outlined that NATO should not seek to influence the outcome of the conflict.
The source also stated that a significant step up in US ariel surveillance around Tripoli played a pivotal role in aiding rebel forces to erode military forces loyal to the Libyan government.
The Times report states:
NATO’s targeting grew increasingly precise, one senior NATO diplomat said, as the United States established around-the-clock surveillance over the dwindling areas that Libyan military forces still controlled, using armed Predator drones to detect, track and occasionally fire at those forces.The report also states openly that other NATO members including Britain and France sent in more special forces troops on the ground to train and arm the rebels.
“We always knew there would be a point where the effectiveness of the government forces would decline to the point where they could not effectively command and control their forces,” said the diplomat, who was granted anonymity to discuss confidential details of the battle inside Tripoli.Once again these testimonies provide evidence that NATO forces are wilfully breaking their own legal justification for involvement in Libya, and in the process arming and supporting Al-Qaeda terrorists.
“At the same time,” the diplomat said, “the learning curve for the rebels, with training and equipping, was increasing. What we’ve seen in the past two or three weeks is these two curves have crossed.”
For months now we have been reporting that NATO and the US have been arming Libyan rebels via Egypt.
We have also consistently covered the fact that special forces troops have been on the ground in Libya even prior to the conflict flaring up in early March.
President Obama has refused to admit this is the case, instead claiming over and over that there would be “absolutely” no boots on the ground.
Precisely as we predicted last month, NATO forces and their Al-Qaeda backed rebels have launched a massive assault on Tripoli in order to wrap up the looting and conquest of Libya in time for crucial talks at the UN on Palestinian statehood set to begin in less than two weeks.
Now leading globalists such as Council on Foreign Relations president Richard Haas are pouring out of the woodwork, calling for an all out occupation of Libya, exactly as was planned from the very beginning.
Anyone who still maintains that this is a humanitarian mission to “liberate” the country, and not one of aggressive foreign occupation is either willfully ignorant or seeking to deliberately distort reality.