People realize that the middle class and the poor are suffering in America. The middle class is suffering as well. It’s difficult to get a solid education, a good job, owning a decent home, and enjoying other benefits in America. More jobs are basically low income jobs. Radical solutions should come into America or our economic situation will not get better. We know the situation in America. In 1980, 52 percent of all jobs in America were middle income jobs now it’s only 42 of all jobs. More than 40 percent of all jobs in America are low income jobs and back in 1980, it was less than 30 percent. Only 63.5 percent of all man had a job last month. According to Bloomberg, that figure is: “…just slightly above the December 2009 nadir of 63.3%. These are the lowest numbers since 1948.” Back in 1969, 95 percent of all men between the ages of 25 and 54 have had a job. Last month, only 81.2 percent of men in that age group have had a job. According to a recent survey, only 64 percent of American would be forced to borrow money if they had an unexpected expense of 1,000 dollars. The wealthiest 1 percent of all Americans now controls 40 percent of all the wealth in America. The poorest 50 percent of all Americans only own 2.5 percent of all the wealth in the USA. The wealthiest 1 percent of all Americans now own over 50 percent of all stocks and bonds. According to the Washington Post, the average yearly income of the bottom 90 percent of all U.S. income earners is just $31,244. The cost of college tuition in the United States has gone up by over 900 percent since 1978. Back in 1965, only one out of every 50 Americans was on Medicaid. Now, one out of every 6 Americans is on Medicaid. Some people now are robbing to get money, tent cities are here, and other problems are in existence now. The left establishment blame solely the corporations and the right establishment blame solely the government when it’s bigger than that. It’s about a shadow elite using corrupt government and corrupt corporations in trying to globalize their power and centralize wealth into a feudal-like system (as admitted by Professor Caroll Quigley numerous decades ago. He was Bill Clinton’s mentor when Clinton was in the Jesuit Georgetown University). We don’t need an unconstitutional Super Congress to handle our affairs since it will only to work to benefit Wall Street interests. Both sides of the Left/Right Paradigm in the majority refuse to oppose the bailout of the big banks, they don’t want a more directed stimulus, they refuse to have an opposition to the Bush tax cuts, and they refuse to discuss other populist solutions to our problems.
The Libyan war has caused NATO and the elite to have the spoils of the world. Libya has huge oil reserves. The civil war in Libya existed since mid-February 2011. Rebel forces are taking over Tripoli and Gaddafi is nowhere to be found. People are figuring out the effect that this new reality will be upon the world economy. Rebels rule 80 percent of Libya and they want money. The European Union and NATO have taken steps to release previously frozen assets. They are entering talks to release about $1000 billion of Gaddafi’s and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development will start to lend to North Africa and the Middle East according to Ed Conway from Sky News said that Italy will benefit from the events on the group. The Libyan government owned via various investments funds, 7.2 percent of the shares in the Italian Bank UniCredit. The bank had one of the worst balance sheets in Europe as proven by the stress tests. Libyan assets are frozen, so the bank can rely on its biggest aggregate shareholder and not to sell up and push share prices further down. The combined stake was worth 2.8 billion euros in February, but it’s now worth just 1.2 billion dollars. There has been a small relief for Unicredit. James Saft from Reuters mentioned that the fall of Gaddafi couldn’t come a moment too soon. He said that the fall of the man will take pressure off energy prices. He believes that regime change will make Libyan production and exploration of resources more completely plus aggressively pursued. Low energy prices are good for the economy. The European Central Bank might reverse its hikes in its interest rates. Saft believe that consumers will be helped and the FED in America might ease off interest rate hikes. Of course, Donald Trump loves the aftermath of the war. He even overtly said on FOX & Friends that he wants the spoils of oil. He said that: “…”We are NATO. We back NATO in terms of money and weapons. What do we get out of it? Why won’t we take the oil?” he said. “Why aren’t we reimbursing ourselves? You know, in the old days, when you win a war, you kept ‘to the victor, belong the spoils.’” Libya has a huge amount of oil and gas. Yet, its resources are less than half the size of Iraq’s or Kuwait’s oil and gas. Total foreign assets in Libya are estimated to be worth $150 billion. This is according to the International Monetary Fund. These assets are mostly found in Italy, some in London, and Africa. The Libyan Investment Authority opened a branch in London, and was buying up British property. Libya’s Central bank “has 143.8 tonnes of gold.” But Libya hasn’t had the reforms to make it a “dynamic, healthy and balanced economy.” Its industries are “nationalised” and run like a “fiefdom.” But youth unemployment is high, financial markets underdeveloped, and the economy’s become more reliant on oil revenues. So it’s “extremely fragile, and will need enormous amounts of work, care and attention in order to bring it back to stability and health in the coming years.” European markets after the Libyan civil war and exploit the economic system in Libya. It can reap economic benefits. So, the fall of Gaddafi could be an economic boom of the West.
A spokeswoman for the pro-abortion Vice President Joe Biden may have tried to backtrack of the comments he made. He failed to criticized the one child policy in China, but many leading pro-life and human rights advocates believes that Biden’s backtrack wasn’t sufficient. Kendra Barkoff told media outlets in an email that Biden and the White House strongly opposed the policy. This comes as a departure from Biden’s speech that he said that would not second guess the policy and fully understands why China would implement it. “The Obama Administration strongly opposes all aspects of China’s coercive birth limitation policies, including forced abortion and sterilization,” Barkoff told the conservative news outlet. “The Vice President believes such practices are repugnant.” Reggie Littlejohn is the President of the human rights group Women’s Rights Without Frontiers. His human rights group has worked directly to help the victims of the policy who have suffered from forced abortions and sterilizations, home confinement, imprisonment, and loss of other rights plus freedoms. Littlejohn told Lifenews that the statement Biden gave was progress. The reason is that it shows that the President Obama administration has now publicly admitted it knows that forced abortion and forced sterilization are official policies of the Chinese Communist Party. These actions aren’t random acts carried out by overzealous officials. Yet, she or Reggie Littlejohn want actions to oppose forced abortion to China since the White House restore funding to UNFPA. The United Nations Family Planning agency has been discovered to be complicit in the Chinese one child policy. The Obama administration renewed taxpayer funding of the agency and the previous administration revoked it. In 2001, the U.S. cut funding to UNFPA because an investigation, headed by then Secretary of State Colin Powell, found that UNFPA was complicit in the coercive implementation of China’s One Child Policy,” she said. “In 2008, the U.S. State Department reaffirmed that determination, and yet the Obama administration resumed funding in 2009. President Obama’s FY 2012 budget requests $47 million for UNFPA.” “The current administration also funds the International Planned Parenthood Federation. The IPPF works hand in hand with the coercive Chinese Communist population control machine,” Littlejohn asserts. The IPPF website states, “The China Family Planning Association (CFPA) plays a very important role in China’s family planning program. It supports the present family planning policy of the government.” “In China, a woman’s body is not her own. It is the domain of the State. To fund organizations that work hand in glove with China’s “womb police” does not constitute “strong opposition” to forced abortion and forced sterilization. Rather it constitutes complicity,” the human rights advocate says. “If the Obama administration is sincere in saying it “strongly opposes . . . forced abortion and sterilization,” then it will either insist that UNFPA and IPPF cease operation in China, or it will defund these organizations.” Joe Biden should oppose the UNFPA funding not just make true statements about the opposition to the Chinese one child policy. Forced and coerced abortions are evil indeed. Unborn Chinese boys and girls die in this policy. The deadly tolls of abortion harm millions of families in China. This policy has caused a gender imbalance or a lack of girls in the Chinese population. These human rights violations committed should be battled against in legitimate means.
David Barton is traveling with Glen beck to promote his “Rally in Courage” tour of Israel. Both men are showing their real colors. Glen Beck said the following: “…This place, so modest, so small, is where God chose to first reveal himself to mankind, and God fills it with his majesty. For as long as man has known God, he has come here to Jerusalem to touch the mantle of the Divine. Three faiths, three paths to God, and while the paths sometimes take us away from each other, they always return here, to Jerusalem." So, Beck is saying that there are 3 paths to God. Beck is a Mormon and he believes that Jesus would support his beliefs when Jesus didn’t invent Mormonism. Mormonism was invented by a man named Joseph Smith. Not all spiritual beliefs are equivalent. People love the Father, but reject the Son. The Son said these words: “…I am the Way and the Truth and the Life; no one comes to the Father except through Me." (John 14:6). These words are self explanatory that there is only one path to God and Beck opposes this precept. Mormonism has been exposed by Bill Schnoebelen and others. Mormonism believes that each Mormon man must attempt to achieve godhood in his lifetime. This is done so he can be pulled through the veil on resurrection day and given his own planet to populate and to rule. This salvation “doctrine” is a key portion of the Mormon religious tradition. This redefinition of salvation by Mormon and their other tenets prove it blatantly contrary to the orthodox, fundamental tenets of mainstream Christianity. Now, why would David Barton of Wall builders promote the Ecumenical views of Glen Beck. It isn’t a secret that New Agers promote Ecumenicalism in order to promote the new age on Earth (some New Agers believe in a New Age false Christ too). David Barton as shown in the DVD great documentary “Hidden Faith of the Founding Fathers” use historical revisionism in claiming that most of them were Bible-believing Christians. The truth is that many of these people were Masons, Deists, and harbor a strong disdain of Christian ideology or Christian religious belief systems like John Adams.
Graça Machel is a famous Mozambican politician and humanitarian. She is known as the wife of the former South African President Nelson Mandela (and the widow of the late Mozambican President Samora Machel). Yet, she is so much more than that. She is a leading international advocate for women’s and children rights. She is known as the only woman in the world to have been the first lady of 2 different countries. She was born in the rural Incadine, Gaza Province, Mozambique. She was involved in independence issues. Even when she was a schoolteacher, she joined the Mozambican Liberation Front (or FRELIMO) when she returned to Mozambique in 1973. Mozambique became independence in 1975. Machel was appointed as Minister for Education and Culture. Samora Machel or her first husband died in a plane crash over South Africa in 1986. She produced an U.N. report on the impact of armed conflict on children. Graça Machel continued to support the rights of refugee children. Back 1998, she was one of the 2 winners of the North-South Prize. Time calls her a "sturdy shoulder that the South African leans on" for her campaigns against paediatric AIDS and the abuse of children and refugees. She was re-elected as chancellor of the University of Cape Town this week, and has won many humanitarian awards. They include the 1995 Nansen Medal from the United Nations in recognition of her longstanding humanitarian work for refugees and children, and the 2009 World's Children's Prize for the Rights of the Child from the Swedish Children's World Association. There are tons of female leaders in Africa like Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, Alice Nzomukunda, Maria do Carmo Silveira, Alcinda Abreu, and other sisters.
By Timothy