Tripoli has been most conquered by the rebels. It’s a historical time. Gaddafi could be overthrown. . NATO has used attacks to the west of Tripoli. They have disrupted temporarily the supply route from Tunisia to Tripoli. This is being used for the NATO strategy of having a siege on the Libyan capital. It is unsubstantiated whether the rebels taken the city of Sorman or most of the city of Zawiyah. The Libyan military has entered Misurata as well. The corporate media doesn’t typically report that the Libyan rebels are made up of tribal gangs and al-Qaeda under the direction of NATO and the CIA (being close to liberate Tripoli and deposing Muammar Gaddafi). Mustafa Adbel Jalil is the rebel leader. He’s apart of the al-Qaeda linked Harabi tribe. He told Al Arabiya on Sunday that his group will “strangle Gaddafi’s troops tonight” according to Bloomberg. The U.S. Assistant Secretary of State Jeffery Feltman said those Gaddafi days are number. He spoke from the CIA rebel stronghold of Benghazi. He wants Gaddafi to step down as a way to protect civilians. If Gaddafi doesn’t step down and stop resisting the foreign takeover of his country (by NATO, the U.S., and the CIA rebels who are brutalizing civilians), then the NATO bombing raids will kill more innocent Libyans. This is the beginning of the end of the era of Gaddafi in Libya indeed. The Pentagon influenced ABC/CBS/CNN/FOX, etc. networks, view the rebels of having victory. Other independent journalists show a different story like Lizzie Phelan for Russia Today. Of course, the neo-cons and supporters of NATO war crimes plus terror bombings in Libya have criticized the news reports from Russia Today. The reason is that the Russian government own Russia Today. RT all of the time show independent journalists and analysis that the mainstream media ignores. They provide an alternative view of the Libyan battles. Russia Today and Iran’s Press are government media operations. Yet, the CIA’s Mockingbird corporate media in America have Pentagon psyops presenting 24/7 propaganda. The corporate media promoted the WMD lies before the invasion of Iraq that killed at least 1.5 million people. Libya’s infrastructure is damaged. It’s good to see Kaddafi not in power in Libya, but I don’t agree win a bunch of extremists rebels lynching innocent people either.
Jesse Jackson evolution from being Pro-Life to pro-abortion is an interesting story. Catherine Davis is the founder of the Restoration Project. Her and other prolife leaders have used a bold new billboard in downtown Atlanta. It showed the link of The billboard is found in the corner of Spring and Marietta Streets. “Something is wrong,” said Catherine Davis of the Restoration Project, “when those elected to protect the interests of their constituents turn a blind eye to the horrific impact that abortion is wreaking on the black community. In New York City, for every 1,000 black babies born alive, 1,489 are aborted. In Washington, D.C. for every 100 black babies born alive, 165 are aborted! Something is wrong!” These are huge numbers and it’s a disgrace to see the extreme numbers of abortions in communities worldwide. “Can’t we at least ask the hard questions about these numbers,” asked Day Gardner of the National Black Prolife Union. “Pro-abortion groups cry racism when black prolife leaders point out the depopulation effect of abortion. I say yes racism is a factor, not on the part of pro-lifers, but on the part of those who want us to continually stream into the clinics to kill our children. All black leaders should help stop it or stay home.” “It’s outrageous that Margaret Sanger’s Negro Project to control the birth rate of Blacks is alive and thriving today because so many black leaders have sold their constituents the lie that abortion is the key to emancipating African-American women,” said Dr. Alveda King of Priests for Life. “Abortion kills babies and hurts women and families. These pro-abortion voices are not the voices of Black America.” According to Connie Eller (she is the Sister from Missouri Blacks for Life), Planned Parenthood in its 2008 tax filing admitted that Planned Parenthood desired to have the U.S. to be of a stable size. This is related to population control indeed. Back in the early 1970’s, Jesse Jackson opposed abortion. He was the head of Operation PUSH in Chicago. PUSH stands for the People’s United to Save Humanity, which is a civil rights group. He once disagreed with abortion since he felt that only in the intercession of his grandmother would have prevented his mother from aborting him. Even I could have been aborted since I was born after Roe. Would you want to be aborted if your mother decided to do it as a product of her choice? That question alone refutes abortion on demand. Many leaders like Julius Lester, Dick Gregory, Daniel H. Watts, and H. Rap Brown called upon black people to reproduce more children in order to avoid race suicide. In 1971, he believed that Vietnam was wrong and some people use tactics against families in the black communities to have population control. He once even opposed some birth control tactics as equivalent to genocide. He called abortion genocide in the Jet Magazine from March 22, 1973 on pg. 15. In 1974, Pro-lifers say that a resolution in favor of a human life amendment written by Jesse Jackson would be read at their meeting. Jesse Jackson joins Billy Graham’s wife for a constitution amendment banning abortion. Jackson and Mrs. Graham were among the signers issued by the Christian Action Council, which read in part, “A deep concern for defenseless human life, including the unborn as well as the handicapped, is a consistent element of Christian moral teaching from the days of the Apostles onward…It is not limited to any particular Christian confession or denomination.” This was in 1975. He supported the Hyde Amendment in 1977. He opposed abortion in 1980 and in 1984 he changed. He supported Medicaid funding of abortions for low income women back in 1984. He openly supported abortion in 1988. So, people change all of the time. Many people were once Pro-Life and were Pro-abortion including vice versa. My core convictions on certain issues will never change. I will be Pro-Life forever. In the real end, abortion will be a memory.
There is more exposure of the Jesuit link to the new world order all of the time. The Sabbatean Frankists according to Barry Chamish is allied with Shimon Peres. Peres was Jesuit trained in Poland. He handed over power relating to places in Israel to the Vatican in 1993 via the Olso Accords. Shabtai Tzvi invented the false doctrine of the Sabbateans. Jacob Frank supported this libertine philosophies and he was baptized in the Roman Catholic Church. Today, Middle Eastern policy is influenced by the Rome born, Jesuit-trained King Juan Carlos of Spain. The Jesuits have worked with the Freemasons for centuries. One simple example is how Jesuit Edmund Walsh worked with Freemason Douglas MacArthur to end World War II and the Cold War soon came about from it. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry and the Jesuits have used the same motto of Ad Majorem Dei Gloriam (or Glory to God in the highest). This motto is found in the 32nd Degree of Freemasonry. Freemason King Frederick the Great allied with the Jesuits in order to protect them after the Pope Clement XIV suppression of them. The Jesuits headed the Counter Reformation in order to stop the influence of the Reformation in the world and promote Papal doctrines. The papal doctrines view hierarchical theological system as ruling human beings instead of humans having the freedom of conscience. The Pope views the words of the Papacy as absolute, while nations have the right to develop legitimate laws to govern human affairs (as found in Samuel Rutherford’s Lex Rex or the Law is King in Latin). Religious liberties have been opposed by the Jesuits like they influenced the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685. This revocation forbids true religious liberty. Jesuit Pierre La Chiase and Jesuit King Louis XIV supported the revocation. This meant that even the French Bible can’t be permitted to be printed or sold in France (that was an anti-Vatican version) until the French Revolution came about.
The government in its economic policies mostly promotes the big banks for decades instead of the regular, ordinary citizen. Wall Street people are receiving record cash from the government. Steven Keen said mathematically in 2009 that giving money to the debtors is much better for stimulating the economy than giving it to the creditors. The reason is that continued, runaway economic inequality can cause depression and helping out the poor and middle class can stabilize the economy. The big banks were very insolvent in the 1980’s and they are still insolvent in 2008. The bailouts to the bankers have been shown under false pretenses. Paulson and Bernanke falsely claimed that the big banks receiving TARP money were healthy when they aren’t. They were insolvent. Tim Geithner said that the banks passed sometime of an objective stress test, but they didn’t since they were insolvent. The 2008 financial crisis harmed the creditors and the debtors. The big banks wouldn’t survive if the trillions in handouts, guarantees, loans, and other profits via the government didn’t come about (and some have the nerve to believe that the government shouldn’t help the poor in the manner that they have helped the big banks). The creditors have been heavily wiped out in Main Street. The government favored companies and bailout what it wants. Big Banks still have the mortgages and the loans have been wiped out. The governments moved the arms and legs of the big banks to pretend that they were still alive. They were no longer going concerns after they went bust. The megabanks are hoarding 1.7 trillion dollars in cash and they aren’t loaning the money out to create jobs. In reality, the corporate elite own the government and the government should be freed from corporate rule. The super rich have huge wealth and back when Ike was President, the top rate was 90 percent. These billionaires sponsor terrorism globally and they have private police forces.
Hanna is a 2011 European American action thriller. The film was directed by Joe Wright. The whole film stars actress Saoirse Ronan as the title character Hanna. Eric Bana and actress Cate Blanchett are vital characters in the film as well. It was released in North America on April 8, 2011 and in Europe on May 5, 2011. The movie deals with the strange and controversial life of Hanna Heller. Hanna is a 16 year old girl who lives with her father Erik Heller (played by Eric Bana) in the wilderness of Finland. Erik trained Hanna to be a multilingual assassin. Hanna understands modern technology. She memorized a series of fake back stories for herself in order to be used when the time comes. Hanna tells Erik that she is ready. Hanna receives a box that has an old transmitter. She sends a message to the Marissa Wiegler (played by Cate Blanchett). Marissa is a CIA officer. The CIA captured Hanna and places her in a CIA safe house in Morocco. Erik is found out by Hanna to be a former CIA agent and Marissa wants Hanna to kill Erik. While Erik has trained Hanna to kill Marissa, Hanna was captured too easily. So, Wiegler sends a body double (played by Michelle Dockery) to speak with Hanna. Hanna kills the double, breaks free, and escapes the compound. Hanna goes into Germany with allies like Sebastian, Rachel, and Sophie (who is Sebastian and Rachel’s daughter). Hanna found them in the desert. Weigler hires a night club owners named Isaacs to try to get Hanna. Hanna kills one of Isaacs’ men when they try to capture Hanna. In Berlin, Hanna meets with one of her father's associates, a clown who lives in an abandoned amusement park in order to rendezvous with her father. However, Wiegler and Isaacs locate them and kill Erik's associate with arrows, but Hanna escapes. She eventually meets with her father at her grandmother's apartment, where she discovers that Wiegler has murdered her grandmother. Erik tells the truth to Hanna that he isn’t her father. Erik was once a part of a CIA program. This program had pregnant women recruited from abortion clinics, their children’s DNA were altered (to enhance their strength, stamina, and reflexes. On the other hand, their emotions like fear and empathy were suppressed in order to exist as super soldiers). The CIA in the higher ups called this plan a failure. The CIA killed all of the women and their genetically modified children except for Hanna. The idea of modified children or humans existed in ancient times as the alchemical human or the Perfected Man. The idea of transformation is found in Ovid’s mythical “Metamorphoses.” Hanna escaped into the cabin with Erik. Hanna’s mother Johanna Zadek was killed by Wiegler. Later, Wiegler and Isaacs arrive. Erik kills Isaacs and Weigler kills Erik. Hanna kills Weigler at the end. The movie has tons of meanings. Hanna focuses on the Cinderella story that deals with mythical transformation. The movie is about a genetically enhanced woman trying to cope in the complex world of the 21st century. In real life, some Utopians want genetically manipulated people to exist in the world (to be controlled of course without true independent thinking). In the film, the fake father in the film according to some could act as a Demiurge figure (since Erik trapped Hanna in a frozen, physical environment). Hanna is even told by the British women to look for the “god within” which is a Gnostic/New Age precept. There is a graffiti in the background of the film saying “in CCTV we trust” that defines the evil Big Brother system in the UK (with is similar to connecting this with a single omniscient Deity). The surveillance system is ever abundant worldwide.
By Timothy