Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 2011 News and Commentaries

Tons of people from across the political spectrum are exposing Newt Gingrich’s corrupt policies. Gingrich is an intellectual and he’s very intelligent. On the other hand, he has a tendency to spew controversial (and sometimes outright offensive) commentaries regularly. Gingrich has done things that a lot of people don’t realize. Gingrich has been a Washington establishment insider for decades. He has made millions of dollars from the system that he supposedly condemns. Gingrich even bragged about earning $60,000 per speech after leaving office and referred to himself as an insider. Some people don’t receive 60,000 dollars a year, but he gets $60,000 per speech. Many real issues ought to be presented to the American people. Newt Gingrich profited from the housing collapse with taxpayer’s money, he agreed with the bailouts, and he plays the populist game with the people (when he isn’t a populist). Newt Gingrich has been accused of supporting the individual mandate in the health care law, but many parts of the health care law are legitimate. The individual mandate question has legitimate arguments on both sides. Yet, a single payer system is better than a totally for profit health care system. Newt Gingrich has been a hypocrite on various political issues as well. Newt Gingrich, Alvin Toffler, and Heidi Toffler wrote a book entitled, “Creating a New Civilization: The Politics of the Third Wave.” The book came from the mid nineties. It described the need of having a radical change in America even to the point of ending the Constitution as we know it. The book wants a new civilization to take shape inside of American society. Alvin and Heidi Toffler wrote that: “…For this wisdom above all, we thank Mr. Jefferson, who helped create the system that served us so well for so long and that now must, in its turn, die, and be replaced…” This system is the U.S. government and its laws. Even controversial radio host Michael Savage offered Gingrich $1 million to drop out of the GOP nomination since he feels that Gingrich is unelectable. Savage soon rescinded the offer.

There is nothing new under the sun. Even Karl Marx didn’t originate all of the ideas from the Communist Manifesto. He was given money by the League of the Just group. This group was related to the Bund. Some of the Manifesto’s teachings came from the teachings of the Jesuit teacher & Freemason Adam Weishaupt. He was a professor of Canon Law in Weishaupt by the time he died was in the Catholic Church. His once ally Knigge accused him of being a Jesuit agent. Weishaupt created the Bavarian Illuminati in May 1, 1776. This group desired an Utopian society to rule the world along with the destruction of monarchies and mainstream religion. This Utopian agenda is similar to the model of “The Republic” by Plato (428-347 B.C.). Plato wanted 3 classes of people in society just like the Illuminati did centuries ago. The highest class of the Bavarian Illuminati was filled with the mystery class (to control everyone since in their minds, they knew best on how to govern society. The highest classes include people like the Priest, Regent, Magus, and King). Plato believed that only a select, intellectual elite could best govern society. Plato believed in the classes of working, ruling, and the military. He wanted the elimination of marriage and the mainstream family and the state would eliminate or exterminate children found with disease or so-called “abnormalities. Even early followers of Judaism (like the Maccabees) fought against this Hellenist viewpoint within 200 years of Plato’s death. Communism has been linked to atheism for a long time. Communism believes in the extreme view that the State should supreme over the entire life of humanity. The Austrian anarcho-economic concept thinks in another extreme view. This view believes that the State should be totally (or nearly) abolished (and no massive public services ought to be given to the people).

Some people equate Nazism with socialism. This is false since socialism has an influence from some ideals of liberalism and the Enlightenment views. Also, socialism doesn’t deal with jingoistic patriotism or the promotion of genocide against human beings like Nazism does. Nazism and fascism reject the ideas of equality and true freedom. Nazism doesn’t even believe in true democracy. So, fascism is the rejection of the major ideas of the Enlightenment. I don’t agree with every concept of socialism, but Nazism is far worse than socialism. That is why many people in the Occupy movement are normal folks that desire genuine democratic principles and economic justice for all peoples. We have to make solutions to the foreclosure problems in the world as well. Even the American Association of University Professors said that educators are mostly part of the 99% and they agree with the Occupy movement. Self determination is one method out of many that individuals can utilize to develop a substantially better society in the USA. One of the many threats in the world is the corporate plutocracy (these are the same people who aided the Nazis, the same people who promoted the international slave trade, and the same people who funded the slaveholding despots who formed the criminal Confederacy back over 150 years ago). Sometimes, it takes an enemy to energize patriots. It was Governor Scott Walker’s attempts to suppress workers’ collective bargaining rights that caused a revival of the labor movement in the 21st century. This caused the developed of the Occupy Movement. Even when the police came to try to stop some of the protesters’ activities, the movement has grown by leaps and bounds. Now, people are calling for mass protests and litigation against the new voting restrictive laws passed by several states (under republican governors).  Some extreme Republicans want to steal the election of 2012 by barring as much as they can blacks, youths, elderly, students, the poor, and others from voting against reactionaries. One solution is for us to be the change in our communities.

The civilizations of the Americas have existed from prehistoric times. The Native Americans are the first people in the Americas. They or the Native Americans traveled from Siberia or Asia into the North American continent. To get a picture of the origin of the inhabitants of the Americas, you have to learn about the Ice Age. The Ice Age covered the northern portion of the globe with ice. The Ice Age influenced the climate, temperature, fluana, and flora of the Earth. This large Ice Age lasted from 100,000 to about 10,000 years ago. Between 12,000 and 10,000 years ago, people first arrived into the Americas. The Ice caused a land bridge between Siberia and North America. The reason is that water froze into thick ice sheets, the sea level dropped, and these events formed the land bridge between 2 continents. This bridge is called the Bering Strait. By the time of 10,000 B.C., the Earth’s climate warmed and the land bridge was covered with water. The Native Americans are genetically related to the Asian people groups. Advanced civilizations existed in the Ancient Americas like the Olmecs, the Mayans, the Aztecs, and the Incas of course. Even British diplomat and lawyer John Lloyd Stephens marveled at the Mayan civilization. He looked at the first Maya city to be re-discovered in the modern era named Palenque. He talked about the Mayans’ great skills in arts, they had great power, and he gazed at the walls from the Mayan civilization. A burial mask of Pakal or the ruler of Palenque is known. The Incas made golden images of the llama, which is an animal from South America. People discovered the ancient Mayan site of Bonampak. This site had murals of warriors and nobles. Some musicians are shown performing music at a large celebration too. Even the Inuit peoples had snow goggles. The region between North and South America (or in Mexico and Central America) is called Mesoamerica. Meso- is a Greek prefix meaning middle. The diverse climates of the Americas influenced the development of ancient civilizations. For example, the Inuits used fur covered clothing to adjust to the cold climate. In the Neolithic period, the ancient Americas created farms and villages. Some in Mesoamerica (in the Neolithic era from 8500 B.C. to 2000 B.C.) cultivated crops like beans, sweet potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, squash, and maize. Maize is corn. Villages soon evolved into the great cities of the Americas. Throughout human history, humans formed cities from the ancient villages. The first major civilization in the Americas was called the Olmec culture The Olmecs lived in the tropical forest inside of the Gulf Coast of Mexico. It lasted from 1500 B.C. to 400 B.C. Temples and advanced art were a large part of the Olmec civilization. Stone is commonly used in Olmec architecture and art. Colossal Olmec heads (some are 40 tons in weight) are found in ceremonial places like in San Lorenzo and La Vente. People don’t know too much about this civilization. We do know that the Olmec performed trade. They made a calendar and they created a hieroglyphic writing in stone. There are images of jaguars and serpent decorations in many Olmec carvings. The Mayan civilization was heavily influenced by the Olmec civilization. They Mayan culture spread grealty from ca. 300 A.D. City states formed during the Classic period or the peak of the Mayan civilization. These city states were all over the Yucatan Peninsulas in southern Mexico and some parts of Central America. Agriculture and farming grew via the clearing of forests (and  this clearing of lands was a tactic formulate in order for individuals to create crops). Maize was grown to support new cities. Astronomy and mathematics were key parts of the Mayans. They Mayans knew about the concept of zero and formed a 365 day accurate solar calendar. They had a 260 day ritual calendar as well. has done some great research on Adolf Hitler. Hitler’s parents were Alois Schicklgruber and Klara Polzl. The mother of Alois Hitler was Maria Anna Schicklgruber. Klara was the third wife of Alois. Alois was an illegitimate child. Alois in the age of 39 assumed the surnamed Hitler. There are rumors (as popularized by Fritz Springmeier) that Hitler had Rothschild ancestry, but historians now doubt that Alois’ father was Jewish. All Jews had been expelled from Graz under Maximilian I in the 15th century, and were not allowed to settle in Styria until the Basic Laws were passed in 1849. Alois was born in 1837 and he died in 1903. Some believe that Maria Anna worked in the home of Baron Rothschild. Yet, it is true that the super rich families intermarry with each other (like the Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, the Saxe-Coburg Gothas, the Black Nobilitiy families, etc.). They intermarry with each other in the Old World and in the New World. I don’t agree totally with’s views on Jewish people since real Jewish people today do indeed live in Israel (like the Yemeni, Ethiopian, Sephardic, the Lemba, the Mizrahi, and other Jewish tribes). As the site mentions, the elite families want a monarchial like system in America with the old powers of the kings and queens still active in the world (in a feudal system). It’s a fact that many Nazis and Hitler had links with England and MI6 (or British Intelligence). Some in British Royalty once sympthatized with the Third Reich. Alois Hitler even worked in England and married the British woman Bridget Dowling back on March 12, 1911. Alois’s son from Bridget was named William Patrick Hitler. Adolf Hitler left Liverpool for Munch in May of 1913. He worked in WWI to fight for the Germans, but some believed that he acted as an agent of British Intelligence. The depression in Germany, the harsh measures from the Versailles Treaty toward Germany (the Germans had to pay insurmountable reparations), and other events caused Hitler to immorally rule Germany. President Paul von Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany in 1933. Hitler worked with the Duke and Dutchess of Windsor. Top English aristocrats loved Hitler and Hitler could speak English. The British Intelligence MI6 agents worked with both sides of WWII. Admiral Wilhelm Canaris worked with MI6. He was the head of Abwehr or military intelligence. Canaris was involved in the MI6 planning of Operation Barbarossa. Martin Bormann was a top aide to Hitler and he was another MI6 agent. MI6 agent Sir William Stephenson was one of the most powerful intelligence leaders in the world during WWII. He helped America to be involved in WWII. He worked in the offices of Rockefeller Plaza, NYC and in Bermuda. WWII allowed Israel to be a nation. The Holocaust and the events of WWII allowed the Brits to expel the Turks from Palestine. Then later, Israel was formed (in the midst of agitators like al-Husseini, etc.). For the record, not all Brits are like this. Tons of Brits from across the pond have been dedicated to promote liberty, truth, equality, and justice for all peoples. So, I want to make that absolutely clear. The Middle East is now heavily impacted or influenced heavily by Papal elites and rest of the Western globalists indeed.

By Timothy

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