Wednesday, March 22, 2017

Showing the Truth.

Donald Trump respects Andrew Jackson. The White House is also influenced by the top adviser Stephen K. Bannon. Trump has a portrait of Andrew Jackson in the Oval Office. This year is the 250th anniversary of Jackson's birth in Tennessee. It is important for people to know the real Jackson not the farcical one as promoted by Trump. Bannon, who is a far right white nationalist, also honors Andrew Jackson. Andrew Jackson reveled in allowing the executions of deserting soldiers, Native Americans, and 2 British civilians. Andrew Jackson is a reprehensible person. Even Jefferson called Jackson a "dangerous man" and unfit to be President. Andrew Jackson would often go into a rage with his massive temper. Jackson was in office by 1829. From 1812 to 1829, America grew economically at the expense of black people who were enslaved and the Native Americans experiencing genocide. There was the construction of the Cumberland Pike and the Erie Canal. Northern industries developed and Southern agricultural resources advanced. Andrew Jackson was a Democrat and the Democratic Party was filled with Southern slave-owning aristocrats, city political machines, and sections of American capitalism. Jackson was an extremely wealthy planter and enslaver not a populist. Theft of lands under Jackson existed with the appropriation of the fertile lands of the southeast in Georgia, Alabama and Florida, taken from the so-called Five Civilized Tribes of the Southeast—the Cherokee, Choctaw, Chickasaw, Creek and Seminoles—in a forced exodus to Oklahoma remembered as “the Trail of Tears.” In executing this policy, which today would be called “ethnic cleansing,” Jackson notoriously defied a Supreme Court injunction. On economics, Jackson and the Democrats were not opposed to finance in general. He was against the re-charting of the Bank of the United States in order to promote state level banks and favored decentralized plus inflationary monetary policies. His policies contributed to the economic crisis of the Panic of 1819. Parties like the Workingmen's Party opposed Jackson. The northern Democrats responded by using racist posters to go against Whigs, abolitionists, free black people, and slaves. Jacksonian nationalism is not progressive. It is repugnant like Trump's right wing nationalism.

This is certainly monumental news. Sister Nancy Abu-Bonsrah explicitly has mentioned that she desires to use her expertise to help people in Ghana (where her relatives live in). She is dedicated, extremely intelligent, and talented to soon become a physician. Her family is with her. Also, her being the first black woman accepted by Johns Hopkins as a neurosurgery resident once against outlines the genius and the power of black women globally. She honors her family and she is her own woman. Her dreams are her own and she believes in helping people in an ubiquitous fashion. I wish more blessings for Sister Nancy Abu-Bonsrah. Yesterday was the Birthday of Sister Sonequa Martin-Green. She is now 32 years old. She is a well known actress and producer. She has been in many independent films and one of her new projects is Star Trek: Discovery. Martin-Green was born in Russellville, Alabama. She has one full sister and three older half-sisters. She had initially decided on becoming a psychologist before deciding to pursue a career in acting when she was in the tenth grade. She graduated from the University of Alabama in theater. She moved into New York City and now lives in California with her husband. She has been involved in the Walking Dead show as well. She has a child and she loves her family a great deal. Her talent is incredible and she is just getting started as a gracious, talented black woman. I wish Sister Sonequa Martin-Green more blessings.

This is a real crisis. It's a humanitarian crisis in Somalia, Kenya, other Horn of Africa nations, and Yemen. Some scholars believe that millions of children may starve to death if intervention is not shown. While Trump wants to massively cut foreign aid, which can help people in Africa, Colin Kaepernick is doing the right thing by sending resources to help those in Somalia and other nations. This is positive news and we know that more should be done. Also, this great action by Colin is representative of the interconnections of our humanity and the necessity to always help the poor and suffering. I salute Colin for his actions. Others who are a part of this effort are human beings that I honor too.

What a terrible story. First, this story is an example of white racism literally being heinous and repugnant. The skeptics, who believe in the myths of post racialism and colorblindness, are proven wrong once again. Not only did the white racist threatened adults and a black child (which is cowardly and evil). The racist also harassed another innocent human being in inappropriate ways. This is an incident that won't be covered by the mainstream media heavily and Trump will not present these stories publicly (since it contradicts his evil immigrant and Muslim scapegoating campaign. Trump on Youtube admitted that he doesn't believe that all people are created equal, so he is a racist). The fundamental point is that black people have the right to live in this country just like anyone else. We have the right to stand up and speak up for justice. We, as black people, have every right to use our self determination to advance our own power base that we control. Also, the black woman should be treated with dignity and with respect. Staten Island is a hotbed of white racism, so the person Danielle Serini should face punishment and accountability for her execrable deeds. Serini omits that she wasn't the original inhabitant of Staten Island or NYC in general. Anyone has the right to walk peacefully in her neighborhood if they desire. Serini is lower than low and a wicked person.

Truth always reigns during these times. First, Steve Harvey is filled with contradictions. He claims to be an arbitrator of morality and legitimate dating advice, but his literature and his own words are filled with stereotypes, massive profanity, misogyny, and a person who respect Trump. I will not respect Trump because of many reasons. Trump has said on tape that he doesn't believe that all people are created equal, which makes him a racist. Trump has executed nefarious travel bans and he has signed anti-environment, and anti-liberty executive orders. His overt advocacy of miltiarism and his disgraceful budget proposal (which can ruin a large section of legitimate programs) outline Trump as a fake populist (and a reactionary of the 21st century). Harvey is just plain wrong not only in his alliance with Trump, but his words about he doesn't care about slavery (which is totally a disrespect to our black ancestors). This year shows us the distinctions between people who are real and those who revel in deception. We will act accordingly to use discernment. We will also fight wherefore the system of injustice is replaced with a real system filled with justice. We don't respect evil people. If the office of the President even is filled with ineptitude and tyranny, then we don't have to respect that office either. If the office is filled with progressive insights and true respect, then we can respect that office. It depends on the situation in my judgment. Harvey has made disrespectful remarks about slavery without any apology. It is what it is. Trump is a wicked hypocrite.

By Timothy