First, it is important to acknowledge the 160th anniversary of the evil Dred Scott decision. That decision deprived Dred Scott unjustly of his human rights. Ultimately, the 13th, 14th, and 15th Amendments (including the Civil and Voting Rights Act) would negate the evil Dred Scott decision. Today, we see once again how slavery ought to be remembered. Our black ancestors suffered huge injustices and this is why many of our people desire reparations. We owe a lot to the sacrifice of our ancestors. Harvard acknowledging its role in the slave trade obviously isn't enough. It isn't enough when police brutality, gentrification, and systematic racism still manifest itself against the black community. It isn't enough when Flint families suffer poisoned waters. It isn't enough when black girls and black women suffer epidemic levels of assault, harassment, and rape. We don't want tokenism. We want black people to have the power to determine our own destinies as human beings. We want true liberty in our everyday lives regardless of our sex or our income. We want economic justice and universal health care. We desire growth of our infrastructure in a Pan-African fashion. So, we know that revolutionary change is needed. I have no issues with reparations despite the difficulty of reparations transpiring in our generation. We will continue to fight to make sure that black men, black women, and black children have not only freedom, but justice.
This is certainly monumental news. Sister Nancy Abu-Bonsrah explicitly has mentioned that she desires to use her expertise to help people in Ghana (where her relatives live in). She is dedicated, extremely intelligent, and talented to soon become a physician. Her family is with her. Also, her being the first black woman accepted by Johns Hopskins as a neurosurgery resident once against outlines the genius and the power of black women globally. She honors her family and she is her own woman. Her dreams are her own and she believes in helping people in an ubiquitous fashion. I wish more blessings for Sister Nancy Abu-Bonsrah.
Ironically, many of the same Evangelicals who condemned Clinton's adultery are massively silent on Trump's bigotry, sexism, and other extremist views. It is right to compare the Trump supporters of the SBC to the Pharisees of old. They lecture people on morality, but blatantly support a person (Trump) who is a habitual liar and expresses vulgarity in a regular basis. We know many Christians who are not like bigots and who have their own love for humanity. Likewise, in order to get things rights, we have to clean our house. We can't talk about others without getting our own house in order. The members of the SBC who support Trump are embracing views antithetical to the views of Jesus Christ, who believed in helping the poor, caring for the immigrant, and standing up for justice overtly. Moore should never had apologized for his statements. We reject racism and xenophobia and we believe in the Dream. The Dream states that equality and justice is made real for us and we endorse societal changes, which can improve the world, in order for human beings to achieve joy, peace, and tranquility.
The following is a sad story that must be told. Kalief Browder is the personification of what's wrong with the prison industrial complex. Black people, for years and decades, have told the public about how vicious and nefarious the prison system is. In prison, people are assaulted by guards, money laundering exists, human beings are raped in many cases, there is massive corruption in many prisons, and human exploitation is in epidemic levels. America imprisons more people than any other nation on Earth. Even when people leave prison and paid their debts to society, there are in virtually second citizenship status (as in many states, many ex-prisoners can't vote and some struggle to find stable employment). Kalief Browder was a black man whose mother loved him a great deal. He endured vicious, , unjust, and inhuman treatment. It is totally incomprehensible to understand the turmoil that he experienced in his daily life. His story must be shown as a way for everyone to reflect and to be motivated to change conditions in society. In the final analysis, the status quo doesn't work and we desire revolutionary solutions to horrendous problems.
Rest in Power Brother Kalief Browder.
By Timothy