Thursday, March 09, 2006

There is no Quit in Me.

Recently, error problems existed in my blog. Now, they appear to be cleared. As you know, I don't back down. I will continue to expose the Jesuits, Freemasons, Skulls and Bones, and all Secret societies. I will continue to discuss evil in all nations, yet inspire the good people in all nations to do better to help their neigbhors. Kirby Puckett and Dana Reeve just died. I may disagree with Dana on embryonic stem cell research, but we must mourn any type of death that happens to anyone period. The abortion ban situation is good, but I fear many in the Pro-Life Movement are compromising. They want exceptions for rape and incest and to save the life of the mother (in this instance I can see where people are coming from). I don't believe in the exceptions of rape and incest because the baby is an innocent victim and shouldn't be punished for the crime of someone else at all. Barbour of Mississippi and Bush want those exceptions. That tells me that they aren't fully Pro-Life at all. Even in the instance of saving the life of mother, you ought to save both lives equally within your power and not abritarially allowing either the baby or mother to die. More news exist in the world. Bill Nicholas from the USA TODAY on March 7, 2006 cite that 8,000 troops desert during the Iraq war since it began. The Iraq war is used by the global elite and secret society for money, take resources, control the Middle East, globalization, and to form their new world order utopia (as written about by one worlders like Sir Francis Bacon centuries ago). Cindy Sheehan recently got arrested in New York City.

Recently Joe Scrarborough has been on a Bush worshipping fest this week. He criticized a teacher for just citing simple similarities between Bush and Hitler and he claimed that nothing is justified for Bush's impeachment. I guess he forgot that George W. Bush signed an order to kill people (even American citizens with no due process of law) suspected of being terrorists (click on the link and be shocked). He forgotten that Bush violated the law by ordering a wiretap without a FISA court. He won't listen to the crimes of Iraq, his friends signing torture memos, and other facts are justification for his impeachment. Clinton was impeached for lying to a grand jury involving a sexual affair, yet Bush can't be impeached for the previous information that I've mentioned here. The following is suprising information. The ASSOCIATED PRESS on March 8, 2006 mentioned Democrat Governor Janet Napolitano of Arizona ordering National Gaurd troops in the Arizona border. JACQUES BILLEAUD wrote that article about Napolitano. Tons of people realize of the illegal immigration problem in this country. Most illegal immigrants are very sincere in what they do, but to tresspass in another's land is still morally wrong. AP on March 8 2006 mentioned that about 12 million existed in the United States. Additionally, while it's good to expose many Dominionists wanting a theocracy, I believe in exposing far left secular humanists who want to soil society as well.

I wanted to mention this as well. I'm not indoctrinated by anyone. I'm my own man and I think with my own mind. I will fight against evil and forever oppose the Jesuits, Freemasons, and all Secret Societies. Human beings can make mistakes, but people can learn from mistakes and move on. Many ex-Masons, ex-drug addicts exists, so just because people made mistakes, doesn't mean that there is no hope for them to change and be righteous. I'll stand on my own 2 feet as a man and I'm not indoctrinate by no one. I regret any Masonic influences in the Universities, but many patriots and great men graduated from colleges before modern Masonry existed in the world. You don't have go to college to be successful and great in God's eyes also. Like always, I'm not going to submit to no one here and be intimidated by no one. Well, recently I heard Brother Nicholas Rivera cite info about how Knight of Malta Thomas S. Monaghan owned Domino Pizza, 33rd Degree Freemason late Dave Thomas who used to own Wendy, and other folks involved in the corporate. I agree with those that fast foods contribute to the denigration of the human immune system. Also, flouride, aspartame, and other chemicals are destructive as well. Just for that, I'm going to work harder. I'm going to think clearer and better and I'm going to write better. Really, I'm not going do this for no one here. I'm not doing this for not even myself but to my God.

China is a corrupt nation. Death vans, torture, religious & political persecutions, etc. are a common occurence in that country. Many good people live there though. UUR on March 9 2006 exposed that China issued 1.3 billion RFID identification cards. China's Ministry of Public Security (MPS) will try to execute and oversee the plan to track over a billion second generation Chinese human beings. Dehumanization just kicked up a notch inside of China indeed. More and more rumblings are occuring about Iran. As many people know, the CFR invented Project for a New American Century Document wish for invasions of Middle Eastern nations and others to form an utopian world.

In the PNAC document mention genotype-specific viruses to use against people, which is the essence of eugenics. Is this another reason for the wars in the Middle East and a possible one in Iran. The war on terror is taking a toil in extreminating many Arabs and those in Central Asia. The opium production have dramatically increased and poisonous chemicals are polluting that land. In the meantime, many anti-Semitism are using the unjustified slaughter of Arabic people as an excuse to bash all Jews (especiallly those living in Israel) in general. The whole deal is bigger than money, but to exterminate people to create a democratic revolution in the world (as said directly by George W. Bush himself) or a new world order. This was a Plan of the Ages that stretched from a long time. I don't agree with invading Iran, but President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is an enemy as well. He not only said that the Holocaust is a myth (which is a lie because Jews and Gentiles died in it), but he said that Israel should be eliminated from the Earth. Like I said for years, I don't support the evil Leadership in Israel (i.e. I don't follow the Talmud, Noachide laws, Kabbala, etc.), but we must support the patriotic Jews in Israel also. There is no quit in me and there will never be a quit in me. Quitters are for losers and winners are victors. As for WINGTV, I think they embrace too much pessimism about the alternative media. Many in the alternative media are fighting for truth and liberty. Recently, I've read some of this article about Joel Army in Watch Unto Prayer Ministries. I agree with a lot of the article about not all Jews being involved in the evil in the globe and other points. I disagree with some of their points as well. One is that they support the Pre-trib rapture, which the Bible and the early church (you can read their own quotes) never supported. In fact, the Jesuits (i.e. FRANCISCO RIBERA and CARDINAL ROBERT BELLARMINE) as early as the 1500's invented the Pre-trib rapture along with Darby and the apostate Scofield. I'm Post-trib prophetically. Well, I accept the unifications of all people for truth, not under the Brotherhood of the Lodge or under the Jesuits.

By TruthSeeker24 (Timothy)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

BREAKING NEWS: A new article on Google and Yahoo with the intriguing title of "Pretrib Rapture Diehards" has hard, documented (and not hearsay) facts about the 19th century beginnings of the pretrib rapture view that LaHaye etc. have turned into big business - facts that LaHaye etc. do NOT want you to know about, especially the part they play in them!