Wednesday, March 22, 2006

100% Indepedent

Just today, the Unhived Forum have had error problems. I hope it will be improved soon. Well, life keeps on rolling. Focusing on the truth is a continued goal. Bush is continued to endorse his preemptive strategy in dealing with invasions. In truth, pre-emptive strategy provoke and Bush's 2 recent wars dealt with no direct threat on American shores. Rupert Murdoch's $580 Million acquisition of MySpace in July 2005 was a new tactic in censorship. Alex Jones and Paul Watson recorded shutting down blogs that disagree with them and other tactics. Murdoch has stated that he wants the establishment media to be dominant and not independent, alternative media like books, the internet, and blogs. Steven Ertelt on March 20, 2006 wrote about abortion. broke under the pressure and modified their search results. The situation involved a pro-abortion person offended by search results having a majority of Pro-Life information. I guess free speech is offensive and Sanger's evil pro-eugenics past is offensive as well. Reuters on March 20, 2006 talked about the Bird Flu. It discussed on how the bird flu could hit the United States in this year. Andy Sullivan from Reuters on March 21 2006 focused on drug tests. The article further declares that the White House desires more drug tests to students dealing with the drugs of marijuana and crystal methamphetamine. So, what the deal in the world? Well, there is a battle between tyranny and freedom. Multinational corporations, on many occasions, have more power than governments, and are controlling the market to control people's lives and industry. It's really isn't about Dems vs. Repub. People from both parties have agreed on the same issues. Evil is present in both parties as well. I still believe in self defense using firearms and constitutional rights.

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison on March 18 2006 made new info known. Paul shown that Bush signed a bill that wasn't passed by Congress. That bill was a version of the the Budget Reconciliation Act. That was illegal, because only Congress can pass a bill to send it to Congress to allow the President to sign it. By this alone and other events, I wouldn't blame the liberals calling for Bush's censure and impeachment. Like always, I'm independent and I'm nobody's fool. I follow my own mind and think with my own thoughts. I don't agree with Democrats on everything and I don't subscribe to everything in the Republican agenda as well. A lot of individuals used to laugh at us talking about one world Religion and a religious body. Danny Wood, who wrote for the BBC on March 19 2006 have Chief Rabbi of Israel, Yona Metzger calling for an international body of religions. While most Muslims, Jews, Christians, Buddhists, etc. aren't terrorists or want to intentionally kill people, people have a right not to be apart of ecumencialism.
Also, I will not unfairly demonize folks of any faith. The BBC (from author Matthew Davis) on March 21 2006 make known of the apparent military power and equipment utilized by the police. Recently, Charlie Sheen questioned the offical story of 9/11. As many people now know, no aircraft hit Building Number Seven, yet it fell in a symmetrical fashion in less than 7 seconds. The World Trade Centers fell similar to a controlled demolitions with squids and many witnesses heard explosives not only in the basement, but inside of the building. Not to mention that Bush had battle plains invading Afghanistan before 9/11 and the PNAC document mentioned a Pearl Harbor-like events as a cataylst to invade sovereign nations. He's calling for an independent investigation of the strange occurences during 9/11. Not many people in the mainstream media is talking about Sheen. Zee News on March 21 2006 talked about Henry Kissinger. Kissinger in March talked about how a relationship between India and the United States will build up a "new world order." So much for the skeptics saying that a New World Order is fake.

Ri Kwang-chol, a North Korean director, told people that North Korea has a policy of killing infants. They are murdered, because they are viewed as defective. Jack Kim from Reuters on March 22 2006 exposed this information. Dehumanization isn't just in America and China. It's present globally. Tons of folks already know that Kim Jong-il is a sick, degenerate human being for starving his people and killing infant human beings.

By TruthSeeker24


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