Alex Jones' Jesuit Connections
pictures and much more documentation of all this here:
He has many. So many that I have to post this as a bulletin. This is all off the top of my head so you can imagine there are a lot more details.I'll start off by saying Rome is the biggest threat to freedom around the world. It is now and always has been. Rome brought Fascist Mussolini to power and socailist Hitler and many, many other brutal dictators including Ante' Pavelic who was the bloody dictator of Croatia and behind mass murder and 100's of thousands of forced conversions. The Vatican opened up what was called the "Ratlines" for the Jesuit Nazi criminals to escape as well and brought these war criminals into their CIA via "operation paperclip".Rome has burned many very good men at the stake because they beleived in the freedom of the press, freedom of speech and right to be free to practice whatever religion they wanted to practice. They also held public Bible burnings as well.
Rome to this day celebrates one of these mass murderers called inquisitors through what's called the "red mass'. Rome plays on every side to manipulate controlled opposition and create chaos. They bring in men like Alex Jones who point fingers at all the wrong people. Like George W. Bush for instance. George Bush at best is a dim wit. A wing nut or as people from Brooklyn would say, a 'jerk off'.Alex was there predicting 9/11. He was on the scene with groundbreaking journalism regarding 9/11 and has been instumental in getting controlled opposition against a false enemy. This is an old war technique called a 'smokescreen'.I've been thinking this for a long time and it's snowballed to an extent that I can not go on without bringing it to every one's attention.Alex Jones Jesuit/Jesuit Coadjutor connections. These men Alex have lauded and praises and publically supported in a tremendous way
1. Hugo Chavez
Hugo Chavez has called for a New World Order against the United States of America three times publically. Yet Alex has yet to utter a word to the public regarding this. Why?Hugo is Very close to satanic ex Hitler youth and Paedophile cover-up Pope benedict (formally Cardinal Ratzinger).A display of 100% submiision to the Pope who is controlled by the Luciferian Black Pope, Superier Jesuit General Hans Kolvebach.
2. Hutton Gibson and Mel Gibson Hutton Gibson who is a vicious Roman Catholic who beleives that the Catholic church should have remained the way it was before the Vatican II where any one who didn't recognize the Pope as the Infallible God was cursed and worthy of death.Hutton Gibson has also publically come forward and said that the Holocaust was greatly exagerated. We also recently remember this drunk of a son, anti-semitic Nazi saying Jews were the problem in the world. This is straight up catholic doctrine. I was taught that in my religious instruction as a small child in the catholic church.As we all know Mel Gibson recently did the movie "the Passion of Christ" which was highly Roman Catholic in many ways. This movie was highly promoted by Alex Jones.Hutton Gibson was interviewed by Alex Jones and Alex considers him a very dear friend.
3. Martin and Charlie SheenMartin Sheen took his stage name of "Sheen" after the charismatic Bishop Fulton Sheen and has done a lot of work for the Jesuits. Alex Jones Lauded Martin Sheen on his short appearance on CNN's Showbiz tonight.
4. Pat Buchanan.Rabble Rouser Jesuit Trained Pat Buchanan here to point more fingers at Bush and push to bring in what he terms as a "New Republican Party" This man has a long laundry list of work he's done while being an agitator of the American people. Also greatly respected by Alex Jones and interviewed Pat recently as well.
5.Tim Russert.This man Alex Jones always uses in the clip where he confronts George Bush and John Forbes Kerry in their involvement in Skull and Bones when he knows full well that the catholic church has a much more deadly history of mass murder, government infiltration, subversion, and intrigue.
pictures and much more documentation of all this here:
every day this thing is growing and it's not good for America.
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