Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Michael Crichton Dies: Predicted Demise of MSM in 1993


Kevin Says: November 5th, 2008 at 2:33 pm
Michael Crichton was a great American and a great man of science and letters. His work was greatly appreciated the world over and his insights and analysis introduced us the the amazing possibilities as well as dangers of technology in all its modern forms. His books entertained us while making us think. He will be missed. God rest his soul and give comfort to his family.

Kevin Says: November 5th, 2008 at 2:54 pm
How convenient for the NWO that a very public figure with credible scientific foundation that was challenging and exposing the fraudulent data of global warming and genetic modification (GMO) dies so suddenly. Al Gore must be rejoicing. His recent book “State of Fear” clearly exposed the evil of eugenics programs. Could he have been taken out by bioweapon grade fast acting cancer virus???? Just a thought. His death is just way to convenient for Al Gore and Prince Philip and the evironmental nazis and their eugenics based “global warming” agenda.

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