Pro-God, Pro-Human Life, anti-New World Order, Anti-Nefarious Secret Societies, Pro-Civil Liberties, anti-Torture, anti-National ID Card, Pro-Family, Anti-Neo Conservativism, Pro-Net Neutrality, Pro-Home Schooling, Anti-Voting Fraud, Pro-Good Israelis & Pro-Good Palestinians, Anti-Human Trafficking, Pro-Health Freedom, Anti-Codex Alimentarius, Pro-Action, Anti-Bigotry, Pro-9/11 Justice, Anti-Genocide, and Pro-Gun Control. My name is Timothy and I'm from the state of Virginia.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Friday late April 2010 Updates
There is an abortion situation. There was an unborn child in Italy who survived a failed abortion attempt and lived 2 days after doctors left him to die is raising questions about a law to prevent that in the United States. A nurse who discovered live birth abortions says she doesn't think the Barack Obama administration is enforcing the law thoroughly. reported that a 22 week old disabled boy survived an abortion attempt in southern Italy, but doctors left him to die afterwards and he survived for 2 days before passing away. The boy's mother was pregnant for the first time but decided to have an abortion after prenatal scans suggested that the unborn child was disabled. Jill Stanek was a former nurse at Christ Hospital outside of Chicago. She knows something about these kinds of situations. She exposed the practice of live birth abortions, where doctors would purposefully birth an infant prematurely and allow the baby to die via medical neglect and lack of proper care. Stanek said that the case isn't limited to Italy. "The story was heartbreaking, more so because I know without a doubt babies his age are surviving their abortions every day across America and getting similar treatment," Stanek said. "I would even venture to say this is a worldwide epidemic." "For instance, only last week I spoke at length after a pro-life event with an L&D RN who told me babies survive their abortions at her hospital, and doctors pressure nurses to give them 0-0 APGAR scores," Stanek explained, "in other words, chart that the babies were born dead when they were not." Stanek complains that the Obama administration is not properly enforcing a national law President George W. Bush signed after she exposed the live-birth abortion practice that ensures doctors (and medical staff are required to provide proper medical care and treatment to babies who survive failed abortions or purposeful premature delivery). She is frustrated that the Born Alive Infants Protection Act isn't being enforced. Stanek commented that she has spoken with representatives of the Department of Health and Human Services who informed her the enforcement of the law is report driven. Also, federal officials according to Stanek will do nothing to enforce the law unless a report is receiving alleging its abuse. HHS officials "refused to proactively query" hospitals and abortion businesses to ensure enforcement. "Yet hospital and abortion staff won't report what they know. Even if they do, we saw with the baby Shanice case in Hialeah, Florida, that viability becomes an issue to prosecutors, when whether one would live or die if not murdered is absolutely irrelevant," Stanek said. Stanek condemned the fact in the Italian case that doctors diagnosed the unborn child as having a cleft palate and lip. This can be easily corrected via a surgery and not a legitimate medical reason for an abortion. So, real pro-life laws ought to be enforced in the USA.
Goldman Sachs has been in the news lately. Congress accused Goldman Sachs of economic fraud and corruption against citizens. Goldman Sachs of course denies the charges. The major charge deals with the accusation that Goldman Sachs misled clients or consumers on the mortgage securities business. Goldman Sachs has been been involved in economic, but they aren't the only ones involved in it. The FEDs are investigating Goldman Sachs for a criminal investigation. Meanwhile, Paulson & Company, the hedge fund linked to civil fraud charges against Goldman Sachs, has moved to head off investor concerns about its role in a deal that has scarred the reputation of the famous Wall Street bank and overshadowed blow-out quarterly earnings. There is irony in this since Goldman Sachs gave almost 1 million dollars in campaign contributions to the Barack Obama campaign. Goldman Sachs have done evil though, so I want to make that clear. This process is done to promote the bill on financial reform, which its supporters even admits have some good provisions, but it isn't perfect. The SEC case deals with the accusation that Goldman Sachs created a financial instrument based on mortgage backed securities that was designed to fail without disclosing that hedge funder Fabrice Tourre, who helped build the instrument, had bet on its failure.Insider emails released by Goldman at the weekend, showing executives bragging about making profits by betting against the mortgage market in 2007, provided more evidence. Both Tourre and Goldman CEO Lloyd Blankfein denies the charges made against them. Furthermore, other major Wall St Investment banks including JPMorgan Chase, Merrill Lynch (now part of Bank of America), Citigroup, Deutsche Bank and UBS were all doing similar deals to Goldman. Lloyd Blankfein has admitted that he believes Goldman Sachs has no moral obligation to tell clients it is betting against a product it is asking them to buy. Lloyd is wrong since transparency and honesty is great to develop economic growth. Critics of the financial reform bill say that the regulation don't go after big banks, but target traditional community banks, exempting most of the investment bank and broker dealer activities that were responsible for the financial collapse. Barack Obama according to Mike Whitney won't deal with OTC derivatives, off sheet balance sheet operations, securitization, ratings agencies, and CFPA. Smacking down Goldman Sachs does little if you won't tackle derivatives and other issues pertaining to the economy. Some people feel that the bill will empower the Federal Reserve, but it is true that financial reform should exist in America.
Pat Bertoche is the Iowa GOP candidate. He wants microchips in illegal immigrants. I don't agree with that at all since personal privacy is a paramount concept to protect. Pat promoted an extreme policy. He is in Iowa's Third District. He had an unique approach to the nation's illegal immigration policy. This policy is similar to how we catch, tag, and release wild animals for monitoring. So, Bertroche said that he wants to round up illegal immigrants and stick a microchip in them. He wants to microchip people and treat human beings as animals. This is extreme and Big Brother overload. This system can allow the government to monitor human beings at every location they reside in potentially. He wants to use that policy for humans. The immigration debate in Arizona is still going on. The law in Arizona has been controversial. Some groups are challenging the legal parameters of the law. This law does nothing to protect our borders have have ambiguous wording that can be exploit to harm the civil liberties of Arizona citizens, especially among those of Hispanic descent. Does this law make people guilty until they are proven innocent and illegal until proven innocent? It believe it does and it agitates racial profiling. This law makes anyone can be stopped by the police at any time and for no reason other than the color of their skin. They can be questioned about their immigration status and forced to carry papers 24 hours a day. They can be questioned about their immigration status and forced to carry papers 24 hours a day. The Constitution never mentions that we carry out papers 24/7 in public at all. Fascist and Communist dictatorships have had this policy though. They must prove they are in the state legally; in other words, police will now consider them illegal until they prove that they are legal residents, with all the proper papers.
"It 'sounds a lot like the old 'driving while black' law', Smith correctly pointed out, referring to a time when African-American drivers were allegedly stopped by New Jersey State Police in inordinate numbers. The new law forces the local police to question people about their immigration status if they suspect they are in the U.S. illegally. That's the same as saying if you 'look foreign," you can be asked for "your papers, please'. Certainly this agitating law has nothing to do with protecting our borders, allowing illegal immigrants to be punished before granting legal status, or other reforms. It's about using anti-liberty rules under the guise of opposing illegal immigration. There has been a spring snowstorm in New York. This snowstorm hit New England. This has been a boon for skiers and ski resorts in a region largely spared by the massive storms that blasted the rest of the nation this winter. Snow fall on Tuesday across the Adlrondacks and the St. Lawrence and Champlain valleys. Higher altitudes were expected the most accumulation. There was foot or more by midday last Wednesday at ski resorts and other spots above 2,000 feet. Snow flew in the Adirondacks and the St. Lawrence and Champlain valleys. Higher altitudes were expected to see the most accumulation, with a foot or more by midday Wednesday at ski resorts and other spots above 2,000 feet. Snowstorms in April are unuusal and they don't happen often (except in places of higher elevations). Some places are recieving 5 or 6 inches at 500 feet and more at higher elevations. Some people are shocked by the weather and skiiers are loving it.
Secret Societies exist all of the time. There is a former Nazi Bank that want to rule the global economy. This bank was called Bank for International Settlements. This BIS bank financed Hitler's war machine and have been a financial arm of the new world order after WWII. There is the European Central Bank chief Jean-Claude Trichet. Trichet announced that the BIS is to become the primary engine for global governance is a shocking admission given the fact that this ultra-secretive menagerie of international bankers was once controlled by the top Nazis. These Nazis worked with global central banks, funneled money via the institution, which directly financed Hitler's war machine. During a speech to the elitist CFR organization earlier this week. ECB head Trichet said that the Global Economy Meeting (GEM), which regularly meets at the BIS headquarters in Basel and has: "...Has become the prime group for global governance among central banks..." The GEM works under the BIS as a policy steering committee. The BIS today isn't accountable to any national government. It's made up of banking chiefs from global central banks. Most of these banks are private and have no responsibility to their nation states or their citizens. The board of directors have links to the Pilgrims (they include Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke and Bank of England head Mervyn King, as well as Trichet himself). The Bank for International Settlement was created in 1940 by Montague Norman (the Governor of the Bank of England) and his German colleague Hjalmar Schact (He was once Adolf Hitler's finance minister. He was a Freemason). The bank at first want to facilitate money transfer related to German reparations that existed out of the Treaty of Versailles. Nazis then controlled the leadership of the BIS by top Nazi officials like Walter Funk (who was appointed Nazi propaganda minister in 1933 before going on to become Hitler’s Minister for Economic Affairs). Another BIS director during this period was Emil Puhl, who as director and vice-president of Germany’s Reichsbank was responsible for moving Nazi gold. Both Funk and Puhl were convicted at the Nuremberg trials as war criminals. The Director of IG Farben Herman Schmitz was a BIS director (Herman's subsidiary company created Zyklon B or the pesticide used in Nazi concentration camps. This devices murdered in gas chambers Jewish people and political dissidents during the Holocaust). John D. Rockefeller's United States based Standard Oil Co. worked with IG Farben during the 2nd world war. Higham wrote that Hitler controlled the BIS in the outbreak of World War II. Higham wrote that: "...Among the directors under Thomas H. McKittrick were Hermann Shmitz, head of the colossal Nazi industrial trust I.G. Farben, Baron Kurt von Schroder, head of the J.H. Stein Bank of Cologne and a leading officer and financier of the Gestapo; Dr. Walther Funk of the Reichsbank, and, of course, Emil Puhl. These last two figures were Hitler’s personal appointees to the board.” Higham described that gold was looted from countries invaded by the Nazis was packed into vaults controlled by the BIS and how the Nazis controlled the bank and forbade any discussion of the theft. “The BIS was an instrument of Hitler, but its continuing existence was approved by Great Britain even after that country went to war with Germany, and the British director Sir Otto Niemeyer, and chairman Montagu Norman, remained in office throughout the war,” writes Higham, explaining how Washington State Congressman John M. Coffee objected to American money being invested with the bank in 1944. Coffee said that the Nazi government has 85 million Swiss gold francs on deposit in the BIS. The majority of the board is made up of Nazi officials. In 1948, the BIS was finally compelled to hand over a mere £4 million in looted Nazi gold to the allies, and thanks to people like Harry Truman and the Rockefeller family, the bank was not dissolved. One of its most influential directors, Nazi banker Emil Puhl was later invited to the United States as a guest of honor in 1950. Today, the BIS is a crucial bank of the global elite. The BIS controlled about 7% of the world's available foreign exchange funds. They own 712 tons of gold bullion. This is the size that was presumably stolen from occupied countries by the Nazis who controlled the bank during the war. Controlling foreign exchange currency and gold can determine the economic conditions of a nation. The BIS board can influence an interest rate hike according to Doug Casey. The BIS is a slush fund for the agenda of global government where money is handed to the IMF. Casey wrote that: "...U.S. taxpayer monies can be passed through BIS to the IMF and from there anywhere. In essence, the BIS launders the money, since there is no specific accounting of where particular deposits came from and where they went..." We don't need a global central banking organization that top Nazis were involved in. This BIS is a powerhouse group that have international economic influence. We see moves to global government existing rapidly. Historically, numerous Nazis were key in establishment some of the same groups that seek to manage the imposition of global government. Even Nazi fingerprints existed in the pre-European Union like organizations. The BIS is wrong since its policies consists not of a humanitarian, progessive, or benevolent clique. The BIS deals with centralizing power into the hands of the few. This is definitely and inheritely anti-freedom ,elitists, and a detriment to the people. The Nazis gave life into a framework of another level of global authoritarianism. This is apart of a long goal that elites promote that includes globalization (via ancient banking dynasties), and a world government system either in one way or another.
By Timothy
Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation
Fox News Makes Excuse for CIA’s Afghan Opium Cultivation
Kurt Nimmo
April 30, 2010
In an amazing propaganda segment, Fox News’ Gerald Rivera talks with an occupation soldier about U.S. support of the opium trade in Afghanistan. The soldier tells Rivera he does not like supporting Afghan opium production. The U.S., he insists, has turned a blind eye to the cultivation because it is a cultural thing. He’d rather the Afghans grow watermelons.
Is it possible the U.S. will tell the brother of Afghanistan’s U.S.-installed ruler he should get in the watermelon business?
It was reported a few months ago that Ahmed Wali Karzai was on the CIA payroll and intimately involved in the opium trade Fox News and the rest of the corporate media tell us is run by the evil Taliban.
Fox News did not report that before everything changed on September 11, 2001, and before the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, the Taliban had imposed a ban on opium production. This resulted in opium production collapsing by more than 90 per cent. It was the U.S. supported Northern Alliance that came to the rescue and began protecting the production of raw opium.
“CIA-supported Mujahedeen rebels [who in 2001 were part of the Northern Alliance] engaged heavily in drug trafficking while fighting against the Soviet-supported government and its plans to reform the very backward Afghan society,” William Blum writes in The Real Drug Lords.
Under the interim government of Hamid Karzai, opium poppy cultivation once again began to skyrocket and opium markets were restored. According to the United Nations Drug Control Program (UNDCP), opium cultivation increased by 657 per cent in 2002 in relation to its 2001 level. The UNDCP estimated 2002 opium poppy cultivation would cover an area between 45,000 and 65,000 hectares. Opium cultivation in 2001 had fallen to an estimated 7,606 hectares. According to the UN, in 2006 alone Afghanistan supplied 92 percent of the world’s supply of opium (see Apratim Mukarji’s Afghanistan: From Freedom to Terror, p. 22-23).
“The Golden Crescent drug trade, launched by the CIA in the early 1980s, continues to be protected by US intelligence, in liaison with NATO occupation forces and the British military. In recent developments, British occupation forces have promoted opium cultivation through paid radio advertisements,” Michel Chossudovsky wrote in 2007.
“Respected people of Helmand. The soldiers of ISAF and ANA do not destroy poppy fields,” the radio promo said. “They know that many people of Afghanistan have no choice but to grow poppy. ISAF and the ANA do not want to stop people from earning their livelihoods.” This is basically the same excuse used by the soldier interviewed by Geraldo.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
“Senior Bush Administration officials had displayed a complete lack of interest in the Afghan opium problem ever since 9/11,” James Risen writes in State of War. “In fact, the White House and Pentagon went out of their way to avoid taking on the Afghan drug lords from the very outset of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan.”
Not mentioned is the fact that more than 95 percent of the revenue generated by opium production is siphoned off to business syndicates, organized crime and banking and financial institutions.
“In many instances, drug money is currently the only liquid investment capital,” said Vienna-based UNODC Executive Director Antonio Maria Costa said last January. “In the second half of 2008, liquidity was the banking system’s main problem and hence liquid capital became an important factor.”
Former Managing Director and board member of Wall Street investment bank Dillon Read, Catherine Austin Fitts, has long alleged that the banksters launder imponderable amounts of drug money. “According to the Department of Justice, the US launders between $500 billion – $1 trillion annually. I have little idea what percentage of that is narco dollars, but it is probably safe to assume that at least $100-200 billion relates to US drug import-exports and retail trade,” writes Fitts.
The CIA has long secured the lucrative global drug market for Wall Street and for its own operational “off-the-books” purposes. “The CIA’s operational directorate, in other words that’s their covert operations, para-military, dirty tricks — call it whatever you want — has for at least 40 years that we can document paid for a significant amount of its work through the sales of heroin and cocaine,” Guerrilla News Network reported in an interview with Christopher Simpson.
The CIA has been in the drug running business since the 1950s. In Burma, Vietnam, Laos, Latin America, and Afghanistan, the CIA — also known as the “Cocaine Import Agency” — has remained at the forefront of the international illicit drug trade. The journalist Gary Webb and the San Jose Mercury News tied the CIA and the Contras to a large crack cocaine ring in Los Angeles. Webb paid with his life for revealing this information to the public.
None of this was mentioned by Geraldo Rivera and Fox News. Instead we are told drug dealing in Afghanistan is something engaged in by the evil Taliban (a group of religious fanatics created by the CIA and its partner, Pakistin’s ISI intelligence service).
Not that the Taliban are innocent — they have abandoned their old ways and are now exploiting the opium bumper crop to fund their operations.
“Curbing the Taliban’s multimillion dollar opium poppy business was a major goal of a military operation to seize this former insurgent stronghold,” the Associated Press reported in March. “If they destroy the crops and curb the trade, they lose the support of the population — a problem for which they have no easy solution.”
Support of the population, of course, comes in a far distant second to maintaining the addiction of Wall Street and the CIA to billions of dollars in profit.
Former Nazi Bank To Rule The Global Economy
Former Nazi Bank To Rule The Global Economy
The global elite has chosen the Bank For International Settlements, which financed Hitler’s war machine, to boss the financial arm of the new world order
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 30, 2010
European Central Bank chief Jean-Claude Trichet’s announcement that the Bank for International Settlements is to become the primary engine for global governance is a shocking admission given the fact that this ultra-secretive menagerie of international bankers was once controlled by top Nazis who, in collusion with global central banks, funneled money through the institution which directly financed Hitler’s war machine.
During a speech to the elitist CFR organization earlier this week, ECB head Trichet said that the Global Economy Meeting (GEM), which regularly meets at the BIS headquarters in Basel, “Has become the prime group for global governance among central banks”.
The GEM is basically a policy steering committee under the umbrella of the Bank for International Settlements. In its current form, the BIS, which itself is not accountable to any national government, is comprised of banking chiefs from global central banks, most of which are private and also have no responsibility to their nation states or their citizens.
The board of directors who control the BIS include Federal Reserve chief Ben Bernanke and Bank of England head Mervyn King, as well as Trichet himself.
So how did the Bank for International Settlements get started? The BIS was founded in 1930 by Governor of The Bank of England, Montague Norman and his German colleague Hjalmar Schacht, who later became Adolf Hitler’s finance minister.
The bank was initially founded in order to facilitate money transfers related to German reparations arising out of the Treaty of Versailles, but by the start of the second world war, the BIS was largely controlled by top Nazi officials, people like Walter Funk, who was appointed Nazi propaganda minister in 1933 before going on to become Hitler’s Minister for Economic Affairs. Another BIS director during this period was Emil Puhl, who as director and vice-president of Germany’s Reichsbank was responsible for moving Nazi gold. Both Funk and Puhl were convicted at the Nuremberg trials as war criminals.
Other BIS directors included Herman Schmitz, the director of IG Farben, whose subsidiary company manufactured Zyklon B, the pesticide used in Nazi concentration camp gas chambers to kill Jews and political dissidents during the Holocaust. IG Farben worked closely with John D. Rockefeller’s United States-based Standard Oil Co during the second world war.
Baron von Schroeder, the owner of the J.H.Stein Bank, the bank that held the deposits of the Gestapo, was also a BIS director during the war period.
As Charles Higham’s widely acclaimed book Trading With The Enemy, How the Allied multinationals supplied Nazi Germany throughout World War Two points out, several parties at the Bretton Woods Conference in July 1944 wanted to see the Bank for International Settlements liquidated, because its role in aiding Nazi Germany loot occupied European countries during the war. Norway called for the bank to be shut down, a view supported by Harry Dexter White, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury and Henry Morgenthau, but the BIS survived despite its highly contentious Nazi influence.
Higham writes that the BIS became, “A money funnel for American and British funds to flow into Hitler’s coffers and to help Hitler build up his machine,” founded by Nazi finance minister Hjalmar Schacht on the basis that the “Institution that would retain channels of communication and collusion between the world’s financial leaders even in the event of an international conflict. It was written into the Bank’s charter, concurred in by the respective governments, that the BIS should be immune from seizure, closure or censure, whether or not its owners were at war.”
“The BIS was completely under Hitler’s control by the outbreak of World War II,” writes Higham. “Among the directors under Thomas H. McKittrick were Hermann Shmitz, head of the colossal Nazi industrial trust I.G. Farben, Baron Kurt von Schroder, head of the J.H. Stein Bank of Cologne and a leading officer and financier of the Gestapo; Dr. Walther Funk of the Reichsbank, and, of course, Emil Puhl. These last two figures were Hitler’s personal appointees to the board.”
Higham details how the gold looted from countries invaded by the Nazis was packed into vaults controlled by the Bank for International Settlements, and how Nazis who controlled the bank then forbade any discussion of the theft.
“The BIS was an instrument of Hitler, but its continuing existence was approved by Great Britain even after that country went to war with Germany, and the British director Sir Otto Niemeyer, and chairman Montagu Norman, remained in office throughout the war,” writes Higham, explaining how Washington State Congressman John M. Coffee objected to American money being invested with the bank in 1944.
“The Nazi government has 85 million Swiss gold francs on deposit in the BIS. The majority of the board is made up of Nazi officials. Yet American money is being deposited in the Bank,” complained Coffee.
In 1948, the BIS was finally compelled to hand over a mere £4 million in looted Nazi gold to the allies, and thanks to people like Harry Truman and the Rockefeller family, the bank was not dissolved. One of its most influential directors, Nazi banker Emil Puhl was later invited to the United States as a guest of honor in 1950.
Despite its inglorious past, the Bank For International Settlements continues today as a major management arm of the global elite. The bank wields power through its control of vast amounts of global currencies. The BIS controls no less than 7% of the world’s available foreign exchange funds, as well as owning 712 tons of gold bullion, presumably a sizeable portion of which is the bullion which was stolen from occupied countries by the Nazis who controlled the bank during the war.
“By controlling foreign exchange currency, plus gold, the BIS can go a long way toward determining the economic conditions in any given country,” writes Doug Casey. “Remember that the next time Ben Bernanke or European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet announces an interest rate hike. You can bet it didn’t happen without the concurrence of the BIS Board.”
The BIS is basically a huge slush fund for global government through which secret transfers of wealth from citizens are surreptitiously handed to the IMF.
“For example, U.S. taxpayer monies can be passed through BIS to the IMF and from there anywhere. In essence, the BIS launders the money, since there is no specific accounting of where particular deposits came from and where they went,” writes Casey.
The fact that top Nazis were intimately involved in the activity of a global central bank that is now being touted as the primary powerhouse of the economic arm of world government is frightening. Every time we delve into the origins of the march towards world government, we find that top Nazis were instrumental in setting up and managing the same institutions that today seek to manage the imposition of global government.
Just as with the institutions that comprised the embryonic stages of the European Union, Nazi fingerprints are all over the origins of the move towards a global authority ruling the planet with nation states and sovereignty playing second fiddle. This fact demolishes any notion that global government is benevolent, humanitarian or progressive. Centralization of power into the hands of the few is inherently undemocratic, elitist, and to the detriment of the people.
The Nazis who breathed life into the same framework of global authoritarianism being used to set up world government today may have been usurped by an elite altogether more patient in their bid to impose a dictatorship run by banking dynasties, but the ultimate agenda remains the same – world government by consent or conquest.
Anti-Immigration rhetoric and Eugenics
By Timothy
Monday, June 23, 2008
Eugenics and Nativism: Joined at the Hip
Eugenics: Literally, meaning normal genes, eugenics aims to improve the genetic constitution of the human species by selective breeding. The use of Albert Einstein's sperm to conceive a child (by artificial insemination) would represent an attempt at positive eugenics. The Nazis notoriously engaged in negative eugenics by genocide.The word "eugenics" was coined by Sir Francis Galton (1822-1911) to denote scientific endeavors to increase the proportion of persons with better than average genetic endowment through selective mating of marriage partners.The practice of eugenics was first legally mandated in the United States in the state of Indiana, resulting in the forcible sterilization, incarceration, and occasionally euthanasia of the mentally or physically handicapped, the mentally ill, and ethnic minorities (particularly people of mixed racial heritage), and the adopting out of their children to non-disabled, Caucasian parents. Similar programs spread widely in the early part of the twentieth century, and still exist in some parts of the world. It is important to note that no experiment in eugenics has ever been shown to result in measurable improvements in human health. In fact, in the best known attempt at positive eugenics, the Nazi "Lebensborn" program, there was a higher-than- normal level of birth defects among the resulting offspring.

During the first decades of the century… major political figures such as Henry Cabot Lodge had unblushingly defended Anglo-Saxonism, the superiority of the “original” American stock. The eugenics movement flourished in these years. Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson embraced racist theories; Henry Adams, Henry James, the president of Harvard, and other cultural heavyweights did the same. Many key members of the new generation of social scientists, including E.A. Ross and John R. Commons, doubted the intellectual capacity of racial and ethnic minorities. These pioneers in sociology and economics provided additional authority to nativists’ arguments. As late as the early 1920s, when the prominent social psychologist William McDougall proposed a racist interpretation of history based on the results of intelligence tests, when Madison Grant’s The Passing of the Great Race and Lothrop Stoddard’s The Rising Tide of Color found a wide audience of college-trained readers for their racist theories, the “genetic case” for nativism remained a position that could be defended in rational discourse. (“The Party of Fear: The American Far Right from Nativism to the Militia Bovement,”David H. Bennett (Vintage Books 1988) p. 283)
The decline of American intelligence will be more rapid than the decline of the intelligence of European national groups, owing to the presence of the negro. These are the plain, if somewhat ugly, facts that our study shows. The deterioration of American intelligence is not inevitable, however, if public action can be aroused to prevent it. There is no reason why legal steps should not be taken which would insure a continuously upward evolution.The steps that should be taken to preserve or increase our present intellectual capacity must of course be dictated by science and not by political expediency. Immigration should not only be restrictive but highly selective. And the revision of the immigration and naturalization laws will only afford a slight relief from our present difficulty. The really important steps are those looking toward the prevention of the continued propagation of defective strains in the present population. (Brigham 1923) (“The Mismeasure of Man,”Stephen Jay Gould, p. 260)
Laughlin’s efforts at immigration restriction included an attempt to survey every public charitable institution or mental hospital in American. He combined those data with material on the number of foreign-born persons in jails, prisons, and reformatories to provide a basis for testimony to Congress as its appointed “Expert Eugenics Agent.” Reflecting in large part Laughlin’s testimony, Congress passed the Immigration Restriction Act of 1924, which was consciously drawn to block the flow of Jews and Italians from 1900 to 1920.Hitler praised the racist features of American immigration legislation in Mein Kampf even before he came to power. He condemned the automatic grant of citizenship, extended indiscriminately to “every Jewish or Polish, African or Asiatic child” born in Germany as “thoughtless” and “hare-brained.” America, “by simply excluding certain races from naturalization,” was making “slow beginnings” toward a vision Hitler could support. A preoccupation with controlling migration was just one of the habits that Laughlin and his fellow immigration restrictionists shared with Adolf Hitler. "The American Breed" (“The American Breed”: Nazi Eugenics and the Origins of the Pioneer Fund, by Paul A. Lombardo, J.D., Ph.D., Albany Law Review (2002) (emphasis added)).
The success of U.S. English taught Tanton a crucial lesson. If the immigration restriction movement was to succeed, it would have to be rooted in an emotional appeal to those who felt that their country, their language, their very identity was under assault. “Feelings,” Tanton says in a tone reminiscent of Spock sharing some hard-won insight on human behavior, “trump facts.More than anyone, Tanton served as the liaison between the “mainstream” anti-immigration movement, whose arguments were still rooted in population and job concerns, and its natural allies on the far right, who saw an epic struggle to maintain America’s national and racial character. He courted mainstream conservative donors, like the Scaife family, as well as the fringe Pioneer Fund, whose current president argues that blacks are genetically less intelligent than whites. He had the Social Contract Press translate, publish and promote The Camp of the Saints, a starkly racist apocalyptic novel about a wave of Indian immigrants overrunning France. In 1996, Tanton coauthored The Immigration Invasion with Wayne Lutton, who sits on the advisory board of a publication put out by the white nationalist Council of Conservative Citizens. Editor of the Social Contract Press since 1998, Lutton now occupies an office just a few feet from Tanton’s.Though he plays the victim, Tanton wants it both ways: harnessing the political power that comes from tapping into nativist grievances and building bridges with outright racists, while at the same time dismissing any of the negative consequences that might come from such partnerships. Perhaps Tanton shares the views of his allies, or perhaps he simply understands that if what people like Taylor euphemistically call “cultural” issues were taken out of the equation, there wouldn’t be the same flood of phone calls to senators. “If the 12 million illegal immigrants in this country were all good-looking, English-speaking, white people,” Taylor told me, “the opposition to illegal immigration would be considerably less.”
The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is almost certainly the most-quoted immigration restriction organization in America. … In the past six years, FAIR officials have testified at least 30 times to Congress. Day in and day out, FAIR is taken seriously as a mainstream commentator on the immigration debate…The founder, chief ideologue and long-time funder of FAIR is a racist. Key staff members have ties to white supremacist groups, some are members, and some have spoken at hate group functions. FAIR has accepted more than $1 million from a racist foundation devoted to studies of race and IQ, and to eugenics — the pseudo-science of breeding a better human race that was utterly discredited by the Nazi euthanasia program. It spreads racist conspiracy theories. Its political ads have caused numerous politicians, Democratic and Republican, to denounce it.Much of this has been known for years. But last February [2007], underlining the way that FAIR does business, its leaders met with the leaders of Vlaams Belang — a hastily renamed Belgian party that under a prior appellation, Vlaams Blok, was officially banned by the Belgian Supreme Court as a racist and xenophobic group. It was, for some, a final straw — the Rubicon of hate, as it were. When FAIR officials met with Vlaams Belang leaders to seek their “advice” on immigration, we decided to take another look at FAIR. When our work was done, it was obvious that FAIR qualified as a hate group.The identification of FAIR as a bona fide hate group is important. FAIR is the hub of the American nativist movement, the group that more than any other has contributed to the rancid turn the national immigration discussion has taken. With FAIR fanning the flames of xenophobic intolerance, hate groups, hate crimes and hate speech directed at foreigners and Latinos continue to rise in America.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Director of Wyoming Gun Owners Association Confronted by Cops with AR-15s
Director of Wyoming Gun Owners Association Confronted by Cops with AR-15s
Kurt Nimmo
April 29, 2010
Anthony Bouchard, defender of the Second Amendment and director of Wyoming Gun Owners Association, was confronted by police in Sheridan, Wyoming, after delivering a speech at a local Tea Party event.
Bouchard’s speech centered on states’ rights, Obamacare, and Wyoming House Bill 95 known as the Wyoming Firearms Freedom Act. Mr. Bouchard criticized senator Bruce Burns, a Republican, for introducing resolutions that removed “the teeth” from the bill, according to The Sheridan Press.
A d v e r t i s e m e n t
On the day after the event Bouchard and his family were leaving a hotel when two police officers armed with AR-15 rifles approached his vehicle. The cops ordered Bouchard, his wife and little girl to put up their hands. Bouchard was then ordered to exit the vehicle. An officer named Sgt. Kody Lamb was particularly agitated. His “hand shuttered like he was on an extreme adrenaline rush,” writes Bouchard, who was practicing his Second Amendment right at the time of the encounter.
Bouchard instructed the cops on the Second Amendment and the Bill of Rights and told them he was not violating the law. Realizing he did not have a reason to confront Bouchard, Sgt. Lamb threatened to arrest him for disturbing the peace.
On the day after the encounter, the police stonewalled Anthony Bouchard. They would not allow him to have copies of the dispatch recordings or the police report. “I also contacted Evidence Technician Stephen Johnson inquiring about exactly what statute they are using to deny the dispatch recordings, he has refused to return my call,” writes Bouchard on his Cheyenne Gun Rights Examiner blog.
“Wyoming statute states that ‘the person in interest’ is allowed to have access to the recordings, but the the City of Sheridan would rather flex their power. The City Attorney Mia Mikesell said ’she didn’t have to cite statute’ to me and ‘it was their policy’ to ask for a Subpoena, she then hung up on me,” he adds.
Bouchard suggests his blog readers call the Sheridan City Hall and protest his treatment.
Anthony Bouchard states he was stopped at gunpoint and harassed because he is an advocate of the Second Amendment who insists on practicing open carry and because he delivered a speech at the Sheridan Tea Party event.
Read the entire account of the encounter on his blog.
Baby Boy Survived Abortion, Lived Two Days After Doctors Left Him to Die
Baby Boy Survived Abortion, Lived Two Days After Doctors Left Him to Die
by Steven Ertelt Editor
April 28, 2010
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Florence, Italy ( -- A 22-week old disabled boy survived an abortion attempt in southern Italy, but doctors left him to die afterwards and he survived for two days before passing away. The boy's mother was pregnant for the first time but decided to have an abortion after prenatal scans suggested the unborn child was disabled.
The London Telegraph says the abortion was done at the Rossano Calabria hospital but the baby survived the procedure.
Father Antonio Martello, the hospital chaplain, discovered the baby alive the next day -- about 20 hours after the abortion was reportedly completed.
Martello had wanted to pray over the baby but the newspaper indicates he found the child wrapped in a sheet with his umbilical cord still attached and he was moving and breathing.
After the Catholic priest notified doctors, they moved the baby to a specialist neonatal unit at another hospital for treatment -- but the child eventually died on Monday morning.
Now, the Telegraph newspaper reports the Italian police are investigating the case as a potential homicide because infanticide is illegal under Italian law. Law in Italy makes it clear doctors should provide proper medical care and treatment for children who survive botched abortions.
A representative of the Pro-Life Alliance in England told the newspaper, "There cannot be anybody in the world who is not horrified by a story like this nor anybody in the UK who would not support a massive reduction in the upper limit for abortion."
This is the second time in three years that a baby in Italy has survived a failed abortion.
In 2007, doctors worked furiously to save the life of a baby boy who was born alive after he survived an abortion that should never have happened. The boy was slated to become the victim of an abortion but physicians realized they had misdiagnosed a physical deformity. Doctors at the teaching hospital Careggi performed two ultrasounds on the boy and his mother and they said he had a defective esophagus. That's a disorder that surgery could have corrected after birth in some cases.
However, when they went to abort the baby boy, they discovered he was healthy and desperately tried to resuscitate him.
The baby, born at 22 weeks into pregnancy, weighed 500 grams (less than 18 ounces) at birth but physicians say that he had a brain hemorrhage during the abortion and doubted he would survive.
And in 2008, a British baby survived an abortion at eight weeks into pregnancy and, six month later, was healthy and showing no signs of illness. Doctors told mother Jodie Percival she should consider having an abortion because her unborn child supposedly had a major kidney problem.
Percival, of Nottinghamshire, England, went ahead with the abortion of her unborn son at eight weeks into the pregnancy.
"I couldn't believe it,' Percival said. "This was the baby I thought I'd terminated. At first I was angry that this was happening to us, that the procedure had failed. I wrote to the hospital, I couldn't believe that they had let me down like this."
"They wrote back and apologized and said it was very rare," she added.
Italy's abortion law allows abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy in certain cases but it also requires doctors to do all they can to save the life of a baby who survives a botched abortion attempt.
There are about 138,000 abortions that take place annually in the European nation.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
New York Considers Stealing Organs from Citizens
New York Considers Stealing Organs from Citizens
Kurt NimmoInfowars.comApril 28, 2010
It is the height of authoritarian arrogance — the state of New York wants to take the organs of its citizens without permission.
New York State Assemblyman Richard Brodsky has introduced a bill that would automatically enroll all New Yorkers as organ donors unless they specifically opt out of organ donation.
It is called “presumed consent,” doublespeak for theft. It should be called grave robbery.
Presumed consent is the same thing as a thief stealing your car and when you confront him he says, “Since you didn’t tell me I couldn’t steal your car, I presume you granted permission to steal it.”
Brodsky told Fox News he just wants to force all New Yorkers to make the decision. And if they don’t the state will presume consent and steal their organs. The disgusting part is Brodsky makes it sound like the state wants to make sure citizens retain control of their organs (see video above).
The message is crystal clear — the state owns the bodies of its subjects and they will be required to come crawling to officialdom in order to prevent the looting of their organs.
Flying Dutch on Debt
In fact the US or UK also would have junk economically...but they don't get downgraded by their own federal reserve related rating agencies...these corrupt institutes.
There was talk of downgrade of the UK and US, but until now it never happens, financially seen they should have been downgraded a long time ago, the US is actually in the worst shape of any Western advanced nation if you look at real long term debt and liabilities, over 7 times GDP, twin deficit, no manufacturing percentually to speak of, infrastructural debt of no replacement/ maintenance of it of over $10 trillion ( several trillions only for the lack of maintenance of inter-state's not France or Germany fo Japan with their topnotch infrastructure)
Industries that are on average many decades old with outdates technologies compared to Europe or Japan on average.
Sorry folkes...not nice.... i'm talking it a bit into a more fair balance right now,..saving my own behind before i'm walking here with holes in my socks due to IMF austerity "haircuts".....haha.
Just hit me if you want...these virtual hits can be pretty nasty by the way, you don't see them coming!! hehe.
Just kidding American friends!!
-Flying Dutch
Times Changing and the Police State world
Some people feel that downtown Toronto will turn into a locked down police state in the summer of 2010. There are massive preparations being done to prepare for the G20 summit in Toronto. There has been a huge, unprecedented level of security being undertake. There is a giant holding facility for "unruly protesters." The summit will occur in the weekend of June 26-27. Toronto law enforcement officials have announced that they are tapping social network sites to monitor the potential activities of protesters as they gear up for the event. “(Social media) allows people to communicate in a lot more different ways. It’s just another tool,” Const. Wendy Drummond told CP24 news. “The way we police our protests hasn’t changed.” Const. Ed Boltuc is from the Toronto Police Services officer and liaison with the RCMP-led Integrated Security Unit told the Toronto Star recently said that the winter Olympics in Vancouver saw the largest security event ever to take place in Canda. The G20/G8 surpasses that completely. Boltuc said that there is will a massive presence of police and security on the ground that has never been seen before. The Globe and Mail reported that up to 10,000 uniformed officers along with a 1,000 private security guards will be deployed including Canadian military forces. This security costs are expected to cost the Canadian government (and taxpayers) $179 million. The plans include 2 security perimeters, walled in with huge 3 meter high fences with the Toronto police in charge of the outer zone (and the RCMP in charge of the inner zone). If someone goes into the inner perimeter, then the Metro Convention Centre is located, they will processed via five levels of airport style security screening. Various checkpoints all over Toronto will have the "Magnetometers", "walk through metal detectors," “X-Ray belt driven scanners” and “hand-held metal detectors.” Registration will occur among residents and workers in the area to gain access to their homes and businesses during the meeting. This is fascism since human beings have the right to have access to their own homes without registration. The Canadian Forces plan to have air and land surveillance, underwater safety and security for the venues and some logistic and ceremonial functions. Support also includes drawing on the CF's ongoing partnership in the North American Aerospace Defence Command or NORAD. Protesters will experience designated free speech zones. If they breach these zones they will be forced to move or be arrested. This is a violation of the human right of the freedom of speech. The police say that they will use a massive movie studio as a temporary jail. The building is about 5 kilometres from the Convention Centre, which is outside the 2 security zones. The plan echoes tactics employed in the U.S. at recent DNC and RNC Conventions, where thousands of protesters were indisriminately rounded up and kept for up to several hours in temporary prisons. Sunday saw tactical officers take over part of the underground in the finanical district of downtown Toronto in an unannounced simulated hostage event. Police are working in tandem with private security guards and seen herding people through the building. The drill was caught on video by Dan Dicks of Press for Truth. Another training exercise on Sunday saw two military helicopters flying around the Metro Toronto Convention Centre and then landing at the nearby CN Tower. The heightened security will begin two weeks before the summit.
There are life news here. One candidate blasts Pro-Lifers at an Indiana Tea Party event. He loses an endorsement. This means that the Indiana Right to Life has withdrawn its endorsement of Republican U.S. Senate candidate Richard Behney after he attacked pro life advocates at a tea party rally. The conservative so-called activist lost support from the pro-life groups' PAC after speaking to an Indianpolis Tea Party event for candidates. In the event, Behney made the wild accusation that top pro-life leaders are more concerned about themselves than stopping abortions. He's a liar a of course. "One of the things I'm most disappointed about in running for the United States Senate - I've met many people here - I've met many of these leaders - pro-life leaders - here in our state," Behney said. "And I'm convinced as sure as I'm standing here that they are more concerned with their egos and with their jobs than with saving lives."Behney didn't cite examples to back up his claims about pro-life leaders at all. Mike Fichter is the Charmian of the Indiana Right to Life PAC that took exception to Behney's statement. "Mr. Behney's comment reveals an uninformed and cynical view of what drives Indiana's pro-life leaders to invest their lives in the most selfless of causes by speaking on behalf of unborn children," he told "Indiana's pro-life leaders are mostly volunteers who give sacrificially of their time and money so that children they will never meet might be given a chance at life. This is the heartbeat of Indiana's pro-life movement," the IRTL leader added. Fichter said that he has never met Behney and is not aware of Behney ever meeting with any member of the Indian Right to Life board of directors of any President of one of Indiana Right to Life's 38 county affilates. Fichter said that Behney made an error of perception and judgement. Behney shouldn't stereotype pro-life people if he wants to fight for the unborn. Ficther said that the Indiana Right to Life Political Action Committee is encouraging pro-life voters to thoroughly review the survey responses and voting records of its remaining endorsed candidates to the U.S. Senate Republican primary race before casting their votes primary election day. Behney is seeking the GOP nomination for Senate against pro-life former U.S. senator Dan Coats, pro-life former congressman John Hostettler, pro-life former state legislator Marlin Stutzman and Republican bank branch manager Don Bates. The winner will face Democratic candidate Brad Ellsworth, who says he is pro-life but voted for the controversial health care bill.
Economic populism is in the wave of the future and I'm glad to embrace it. Bill Still (he produced "The Money Masters: How the International Bankers gained Control of America" and "The Secret of Oz" is right that it isn't what backs the currency necessary, but who controls the quantity. Stephen Zarlenga's "The Lost Science of Money" talks about this issue too. Certainly, we shouldn't agree with the private banking elite controlling the quanity, use inflation, use deflation, and etc. The net production of an economy is determined by the value of money. The net production of an economy can change constantly. Deflation will cause the net production of the economy grow faster than the supply of money. Deflation ought to stop since its transfers wealth from those who hold debt, investments, or commodities to those who hold monetary units. Deflation is prevented via monetary expansion or the creation of adding monetary units to the economy. Inflation is caused when the supply of money is expanding faster than the net production of the economy, which is one of the most important basic laws of economics. Both inflation and deflation are wrong since it can cause a unpredictable nature in the real interest rates of savings and debt (It can distort markets in savings and loans to). Inflation can destroy wealth and deflation can decrease wealth. Using gold as a currency will primarily benefit those who control the gold quantity. The Federal Reserve system use a debt currency and private banks form money by loaning money (the banks keep the interests, but money is depleted in its value). True economic reform would allow the public to control the quantity and banks should work in reasonable rates. There should be no government corruption (without a regressive tax system in payroll taxes) and public wealth exists as public wealth and private wealth exists as private wealth. There is the neo con/FOX News lie that the top 5% of wage earners pay 50% of the income taxes. So, they want the working class to pay higher income taxes and the rich should get more bailouts and tax cuts. The keyword is income taxes since the bottom 95% of wage earns pay most of the payroll taxes, sales taxes, corporate taxes (indirect sales tax), and many other taxes, as well as a higher percentage of their earnings. It should also be noted that the wealthy pay taxes to themselves since they receive the interest on the national debt. It is also the wealthy who buy land as a store of wealth, driving up the cost of land, which drives up the cost of production for things the poor need and buy and drives up the cost of starting a business or buying a home. It is also the wealthy who consume a greater percentage of natural resources, which again drives up the cost of living for the poor. Some people want taxation on found wealth like land value and monetary expansion to prevent deflation (in government free interest).
Northcom backs out of the National Level Exercise 2010. It has withdrawn participation in the Naitonal Level Exercise or NLE with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security. The Department of Defense announced on April 26 that it was decoupling its Ardent Sentry exercise from the National Level Exercise. Ardent Sentry is a Joint Chiefs of Staff that directed and Northcom sponsored "homeland defense" exercise. It is one of the number of DoD and Homeland Security exercises that blur the boundaries between the Pentagon, the federal government, and state and local governments (under the guise of combating terrorism and responding to natural disasters). The Pentagon said that it decided against the exercise after Las Vegas, the planned site for a post-nuclear attack response exercise pulled out in November (fearing a negative impact on its struggling business environment) according to the Washington Times. Officials said a new site couldn't be found. “The official also said the Northern Command’s exercise plans for ‘cooping’ — continuity of operations, during which commanders go to off-site locations — also had been scratched,” writes Rowan Scarborough for the newspaper. The federal government claims that certain exercises are done to assess national emergency preparedness. Senator Harry Reid (D) from Nevada said that to simulate a nuclear detenation in Las Vegas is unacceptable to harm the Southern Nevadan economy. ON April 2, the Washington Post reported the federal government was considering whether to scale back NLE 10. "The decisions are playing into a quiet debate about the future of the large scale national exercises," the newspaper noted. On April 14, the Public Intelligence website posted a story indicating that it had received a message from FEMA requesting the removal of a document entitled "National Level Exercise 2010 or NLE 2010. This is apart of a document made up of about 20 Power Point slides. “The contents of the brief are basically a calender of potential dates for the exercise and very brief descriptions of some preliminary plans for the exercise,” notes Public Intelligence. “The document has already been seen by a large number of people and has been discussed on a variety of websites and forums, which include mirrors in some cases.” The Public Intelligence also published the National Level Exercise 2010 Training Manual. Some people warned that the NLE exercise may go live which is similar to went the drills on September 11, 2001 (like Tripod) went live. Other drills and exercises dealing with hijacked planes were also documented weeks and days prior to the attack. The alternative media and Reid criticized Northcom on their planned exercise. FEMA has sensitivity about the posting of the NLE 10 documents on the Public Intelligence site is indicative. We should reject a false flag attack being create to crack down on political activity that is opposed to the establishment.
The New Age Movement has much influence in the world today. Some in the New Age movement have been manipulated by elitists in trying to form an Utopian world state. People from James Warburg to David Rockefeller have spoke or wrote about wanting to desire world government or the new world order. The New Age Movement is one avenue out of many to desire that aim. The New Age Movement isn't new since it's been apart of human history for thousands of years. The modern New Age movement came in the world during the late 1800's with the Theosophical Society. This society believed in the brotherhood of all people, but believed that nearly all creeds were equivalent to each other. They believed in the occult as well. Helena P. Blavatsky formed it in NYC during 1875. She worked with Masons and recieved the Certificate of the "Rite of Adoption" from Mason John Yarker in 1877. Blavatsky followed the Gnostic view that via knowledge can man achieve enlightenment. Like Gnostics, she viewed Yahveh as corrupt and believed that the serpent or Satan was the good guy. She utilized a reversed hermeneutic. She blatantly wrote in praise of Satan, which is blasphemy against Almighty God. "Isis Unveiled" and her 3 volume "The Secret Doctrine" were her famous worked. Later, in the 1960's and the 1970's, the Hippie Movement followed the New Age's promotion of yoga, gurus, karma, etc. to promote these teachings in a high level in America. The spiritual teachings of the New Age movement in support of religious universalism, the occult, karma, etc. influenced the United Nations as well. Even Alice and 32nd Degree Freemason Foster Bailey supported the Theosophical Society and the New Age Movement (They promoted Lucifer Publishing Company that was changed into Lucis Trust). Alice Bailey falsely believed that the Ascended Master Djwhal Khul told her revelations about life in her trance state. Many New Agers believe that these beings or Ascended Masters come into the world to inspire the world to have Harmonic Convergence or create the new age (The Age of Aquarius or the New World Order where a global religious/political system comes about). Therefore, the New Age Movement is apart of the new world order agenda in a religious flavor. The good news is that more people are waking up about these goals. We don't need karma or repetitive prayer or beads to find spiritual help. We need God, prayer, and doing the right thing in life instead.
By Timothy