Wednesday, April 21, 2010

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Ed Schultz Goes Into Meltdown After Registered Democrat Slams Obamacare

Southern Poverty Law Center Publishes Patriot Hit List

Ethan Allen Says:

April 21st, 2010 at 6:35 am
I think Alex is misguided in claiming that Michael Weiner (Savage) is coming around to hold patriot positions.

1.) Under Bush he openly called for the arrest of anti War protesters under anti sedition laws.

2.) He now claims that the push for amnesty for illegal aliens is the work of Communists/Leftists. How soon has he forgotten W’s efforts for amnesty?

3.) More importantly now he STILL frames every criticism of Obama in terms of a Left Right conflict. Obama is consistently denounced as a Communist. Even Rahm Emmanuel is explained as an Israeli Leftist.

4.) All of Savage’s talk about a false flag is confined to Obama as a Communist. The truth is that Obama is a NWO creation – his first administration is like W’s third term.

5.) Savage also repeatedly has stated that Obama is soft on terrorism – he still holds to the Islamo fascist myth.

6.) He claims the NWO is controlled by Democrats.

7.) By discussing any potential false flag from the false perspective of Obama being a Communist Savage is most likely setting up his listeners to accept a police state after Obama in order to restore order to the USA.

Philippe Reply:

April 21st, 2010 at 7:53 am

Although true, you’re missing the center of the issue, Savage is at leas talking about these issues instead of being a gatekeeper like Hannity, Beck and Ingraham by calling you nuts if you dare speak of these topics. He’s still in the false left/right paradigm, no doubt, but this is a far bigger improvement than just playing along like all of his competition does.

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