Friday, January 21, 2011

2011 Chronicles Part 1 (The New Decade in Action)

2011 Chronicles

2011 is here. Nothing changed with my core belief system, but the world is in a new era. 2011 is technically the real beginning of this new decade. Pong is replaced with the PS3 system or the Wii Nintendo system. Old school television is replaced with advanced high definition television. I'm reminded of the different backgrounds of the human race. Although, I know how to fight and I will fight as a man for my liberty. All of us in our existence comes from 1 God (we all acquire equal worth and equal value in the eyes of God regardless of what we look like). So, economic issues, foreign policy subjects, social topics, and other political matters ought to be discussed and figured out. This is achieved in order for us to transmit a better mode of human existence. Tranquility is better than nihilism. Hope for human race is much better than acquiring a permanent pessimistic attitude about people. There are a lot of pain in peoples' lives and the solution isn't to mimic the worldly culture. This means I don't agree with confirming to a damnable system. I don't respect cruel people, I don't respect crooked cops, and I respect folks fighting for some sense of realness in the globe. In life, I've figure out that the prevailing composition of the worldly culture is made up of unrealistic expectations, materialism, foolishness, bigotry, self-hatred, compromise, and very importantly hypocrispy. So, real solutions in a complex and sometimes harsh world is for us to acquire the strength to overcome challanges and stand up for ourselves (including others. We should help other people in fullfillment of the great Golden Rule from the Lord Jesus Christ). We have to have the will to be authentic in creating for our lives a sense of moral improvement. Life is a journey and it will have twists plus turns. Therefore, it's going in the right path of compassion, real tolerance, and real fighting against evil that acculuminates into a wide spectrum of benefits among human beings.

Howard University exists in Washington, D.C. and it was founded by General O. O. Howard. Howard was once the head of the Freedman's Bureau in 1866. The Freedman Bureau tried to help newly freed black people to have a comprehensive educational experience. The prevailing attitude among generals regarding escaped slaves prior to the January 1, 1863 Emancipation Proclamation, wrote Howard, became ''God means us to free all the slaves. We will not succeed in putting down the rebellion till we set every slave free.' It was not a brazen attempt to interpret the divine will, but, somehow, a settled conviction of men's souls.'' The Reconstruction period was an unique time in American history. Black people have been educated by themselves for thousands of years on their own. Oliver Otis Howard wanted to educate newly freed slaves. Howard was a Civil War general. He was made Army commander under General William T. Sherman before Sherman's famous march all across Georgia. Ironically, Howard was known by others to not have smoked, drink, or curse. Howard had a spiritual commitment that General Ulysses S. Grant teased him about, but he was unabated in his religious views. Howard wanted an aggressive program revolving around the Freedman Bureau. Howard was hated by the Freemason and bigot President Andrew Jackson (including his staff, etc.). Many Southern Freemasons allied with the Ku Klux Klan hated Reconstruction and wanted to conquer America for white racist reactionaries.
These racists used black codes to oppress the rights of African Americans. Clearly, the purpose of the black codes in general and the vagrancy laws in particular was to establish another system of forced labor. In W.E.B. Du Bois’s words: “The Codes spoke for themselves. . . . No open-minded student can read them without being convinced they meant nothing more nor less than slavery in daily toil.” This was why federal civil rights legislation came about in that time to fight against the black codes. The federal government passed the Thirteenth Amendment that abolished slavery. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 bestowed full citizenship upon African Americans. The Fourteenth Amendment prohibited states from denying citizens due process and “equal protection of the laws.” The Fifteenth Amendment provided that the right to vote should not be denied on account of race. There were the Ku Klux Klan Acts, which, among other things, declared interference with voting a federal offense and the violent infringement of civil rights a crime.

Andrew Johnson investigated him twice for malfeasance. The Freedman Bureau were falsely accused of crimes. The Bureau allowed in the future the power for more universities and colleges that trained African American scientists, doctors, and teachers. This was one piece of American history that we can be thankful of. In March 1865, Congress established the Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands, overriding President Andrew Johnson's veto. Generals Grant and Sherman had been lobbying for some institutions to be established in order to guarantee the rights of the freedmen. Howard also wrote that ''The prevailing thought was: The slaves are becoming free; give them knowledge--teach them to read--teach the child!'' Wherever aid societies sprang up to help the freedmen, wrote Howard, there also sprang up schools, ''for ... education was to be the permanent cure for all existing ills.'' The American Missionary Association formed schools for freed black people in Southern states before 1866 (when the Union Army recaptured areas. This was done by Northern benevolent societies as well). Thousands of people were educated in the Bureau organization. Howard wanted railroads to go into the South to help educating children as well. This was the era where free universal education grew. Of the Ku Klux Klan, Howard wrote, ''The oath of ... every chief to obey without hesitation the orders of some 'inner circle,' constituted societies which in some parts of the South came to rival the Nihilistic assassins of Russia.... [Its] main object from first to last was somehow to regain and maintain over the Negro that ascendancy which slavery gave, and which was being lost by emancipation, education, and suffrage.'' The Klan used terrorism against the Freedmen's schools. The Klan threaten a bureau teacher in West Virginia. The Klan murdered a teacher named Frank Sinclair in Ouachita, TX. In Rock Spring, Kentucky the schoolhouse was burned to the ground and the black teacher told to leave the county. Andrew Johnson was a bigot that denied the equality among white and black people. Johnson gave land to the Southerners he pardoned even instead of those who established the loyalty to the Union. His pardons was done for blatant traitors like the 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Albert Pike. So, a Grey Coat Pike recieved that pardon from Johnson. Howard University was created as a means to have an University system for black people. Teachers in these universities were well qualified. The Copperhead mayor of NY Congressman Fernardo Wood investigated General Howard. Copperheads are Northern sympathaziers to racist Southerners. Schools like Howard University, Atlanta University, Wilberforce University, Hampton College, Morehouse College, and many others, even in the ugliest period of the Jim Crow laws, did not shut down. They continued to educate human beings. Booker T. Washington founded Tuskegee Institute (which educated civil rights leaders like as Amelia Boynton Robinson, George Washington Carver, and Martin Luther King, Sr., whose refusal to ''think like a slave'' served as an example to his son, Martin Luther King, Jr.). Howard University welcomed the first black Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall. Howard has many leaders in medicine, science, and education as well. Howard is a known place of teaching medical research. In Howard, Dr. Charles Drew mastered the secrets of blood plasma. So, the Freedman's Bureau should be known in U.S. history
I don’t agree with Texe Marrs on all issues, but he is dead on accurate in exposing the real Jared Lee Loughner to a T. He exposed some things about him that I didn’t know of at first. Jared is Jewish. There is nothing wrong with that, but that fact refutes the media lie that Jared tired to kill Giffords since she is Jewish too. He loved heavy metal rock and loved the occult. Rock and the occult though have nothing to do with his attack. This is just some background information on his make up. The man Jared is the person responsible for his own acts alone. He obviously had serious mental illness issues. He believed that reality was ficiticious (This is shown in his surreal books like he loved like Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Gnosticism views physical reality as fiction as well). The attacks by Jared occurred in Tuscon, Arizona. He killed 6 people and wounded 20 others. The media was wrong to blame the attack on conservatives or Tea Party people. The New York Daily news reported that Jared made a Devil-like shrine with an altar and skull on it. There were other paraphernalia in it. It was twisted. Serial killers for decades have been involved with satanic like tendencies. This is nothing new. This shrine looks similar to the Sukkot both or the booth used in the Feast of Tabernacles (although the real feast doesn’t involve death imagery of course. So, Jared’s booth was not of God). Jared loved the Wizard of Oz book, Peter Pan, Siddhartha (this book is about the story of Guatama Buddha. Buddha believed in no Heaven, and some Buddhists reject God’s existence. The Buddhists believe that man can hold to go into various cycles of life until they reach nirvana or perfection. Even Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin was a Buddhist. Lougher didn’t believe in a personal God that is common among the New Age crowd. This doesn’t mean that Buddhists are response for the chaos in Tuscon though. So, I want to make that clear), the Communist Manifesto, etc. On the same Facebook page, Loughner listed only one political columnist whose work he enjoyed reading—Ben Smith, a liberal who writes for the pro-Democrat Party Internet site, Politico. Meanwhile, a young woman named Caitie Parker who said she went to school with him reported that Loughner was “left wing, quite liberal, and oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy.” She also said that he was “a pothead into heavy metal rock music like Jimi Hendrix, the Doors, and Anti-Flag.” According to the Tucson Police Department, Loughner had been arrested once for possession of drug paraphernalia. So, he wasn’t a conservative or liberal (since real liberals & real conservatives don’t kill innocent people at all). He was an extremist plainly speaking. He hated human life and wanted a baby’s body to be exploded after he heard a poem about a baby being aborted. He was a sociopath that only cared for himself. He dropped out of school and he hated God. On a YouTube video he said that: “…Now, I will not trust in God…” The Bible from Proverbs 8:36 is clear that: “…All they who hate me love death.” It’s simple to that Jared wasn’t a liberal nor conservative, but a disturbed man that is a murderer. He should receive justice for his evil deeds. I don’t have sympathy for him. I don’t have sympathy for a murderer. I wish the murderer should have gotten help and not done what he had done though. I have sympathy for the victims of the attacks.

Architecture as Riddles in Stone Part 4
One key component of art & human behavior is architecture. Architecture is mingled in human history since early human beings envisioned the construction of buildings. Structures, buildings, and other enclosed environments were utilized in multiple functions from selter to protection. These buildings are in a typical geometric or unique patterns. In the ancient world and presently in 2011, architecture has occult/pagan imagery. This work will not only show historical and esoteric information as it pertains to various architectural images. This work will manifest time frames, politics, and the motivations of why these structures exist in the first place. You need to realize the need to comprehend the essence of a topic to really internalize architecture that spans the eons of time. Then and now, there is a colussus of architecture worldwide. People have the right to know about these issues. Not in America, but throughout the world, people have a love affair with discovering secrets in life. I am thankful to put the time and effort to show credible, accurate information as it pertains to the Mysteries of Life. Author James Wasserman, he wrote that: "...The Basis of the Mystery Traditions is correspondence. The theory of correspondences recognizes an implicit interdependence of all things that with all other things...The Theory of correspondence is the rationale behind the esoteric teaching that the position of the stars will influence thoughts, mood, perception, and gestalt..." He also mentioned that:
"...Symbol and image are the alphabet of correspondence. Man is the image Maker. That is.,,the primary characteristic that relates us to Higher Consciousness. Image making is our link, by the theory of correspondenc, to divinity...communication with Higher Minds..."

The Seven Wonders of the Ancient World are called that in the West. Yet, these 7 places aren't the only places where there was advanced architecture and unique disposition of creativity. Yet, these places are where many of the West model their malls, buildings, parks, and other infrastructure after. These images are from the classical antiquity. The seven wonders list was created by Antipater. He was from Sidon in ca. 140 B.C. He praised the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus mostly. Antipater wrote on the structures in the following statement:
"I have gazed on the walls of impregnable Babylon along which chariots may race, and on the Zeus by the banks of the Alpheus, I have seen the hanging gardens, and the Colossus of the Helios, the great man-made mountains of the lofty pyramids, and the gigantic tomb of Mausolus; but when I saw the sacred house of Artemis that towers to the clouds, the others were placed in the shade, for the sun himself has never looked upon its equal outside Olympus..."
Antipater, Greek Anthology IX.5
The Great Pyramid of Giza is controversy since some people believe that it was created before ca. 2584 B.C. Some believe it housed the tomb of the Egyptian pharaoh Khufu. It is the oldest and largest of the 3 major pyramids in the Giza Necoropolis. The Pyramids match up with the constellations in the Universe. The Great Pyramid was once the tallest man made structure in the world for over 3,800 years. Zahi Hawass is the Arabic Egyptopolist who believes that a secret tomb of Osiris exists in the Great Pyramid. In other words, Zahi believes that Osiris was a historical figure and his mummified body could be in existence in the Giza compelx. In ancient Egyptian myth, Osiris civilized the Egyptians. He gave them teachings on agriculture, writing, and a code of law. Later, his jealous brother Set want to kill him and take his throne. Osiris' wife and sister was Isis. Set killed Osiris. Isis found his body parts except the phallus. Isis used a fake phallus and created Horus or the son of Osiris. Horus defeated Set militarily and Osiris in the afterlife became a god of the dead and the ruler of the Underworld. Pharoahs of ancient Egypt were called a descendant of both Horus and Osiris. Osiris is pictured in ancient Egyptian art as being in white linen. His arms or hands are unbound. He wears a white crown or hedjet. The white crown refers to Upper Egypt or southern Egyptian (while the red crown relates to Lower Egypt. A double crown symbolized the wearer having authority of both Upper and Lower Egypt). Horus is depicted wearing the double crown. Freemasonry praise Osiris. Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma book wrote that:
“Everything good in nature comes from Osiris – order, harmony, and the favorable temperature of the seasons and celestial periods.” (page 476)
Osiris was the ancient Egyptian god whose annual death and resurrection personified the self-renewing vitality and fertility of nature. “The All Seeing Eye” is a Masonic representation of Osiris.
Interesting enough, Robert Bauval wrote a book called "The Orion Mystery" in 1995. The co-author is named Adrian Gilbert. The volume made the hypothesis (that is popular now) that the 3 pyramids of Giza were created as a representiong the 3 stars of Orion on Earth. He views the pyramids as a picture of the heavens on Earth (or the as above, so below hermetic philosophy). Bauval explains,
"Giza, the earthly Rostau, is located on the west bank of the River Nile. Thus by transposition, we can deduce that the celestial Rostau is a region of the starry sky on the west 'bank' of the Milky Way. Furthermore Giza... is a counterpart of a portion of the sky near the Milky Way which contains Orion, Sirius and the constellation of Taurus and Leo. Everything thus strongly points to the idea that we are invited to consider this celestial region as a sort of 'guide map' – one, perhaps, that may lead us to the 'tomb' or 'burial place' of Osiris."
Some still related the Great Pyramid to the story of Osiris. The capstone of the Great Pyramid has been mysteriously missing too. The Pyramid has been made into the consciousness of humanity among of the thousands of years of human history.
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon. It is said to be built by Nebuchadnezar II for his wife Amytis of Media. Diodorus Siculus called it as having multi-levelled gardens reaching 75 feet high, cojmplete with machinery for circulating water. Large trees grew on the roof. It had machinery to deal with circulating water. Large trees were on the roof. It came abotu in abotu 600 B.C. It was destroyed by an earthquake and its location is found in Al Hillah Babil Province Iraq.
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus (or in Turkey) came about in ca. 550 B.C. The Lydians, Persians, and Greeks built it. It was dedicated to the Greek goddess Artemis. About 120 years is the time for create the structure. Herostratus burned it down to achieve lasting fame. Alexander the Great rebuilt it, but it was destroyed again by the Goths.

The Statue of Zeus at Olympia came about in ca. 432 B.C. The Greeks created it. The statue was about 43 feet fall. A fire destroyed the building. Who is Zeus? Zeus is the mythological male diety in the ancient Greek world. In Greek mythology, he was the son of Chronos (or Saturn) and Rhea. Zeus was worshipped in Crete, Aracadia, and Dodona. Zeus was shown with a scepter in one hand and a thunderbolt. The thunderbolt is his image (and of the Indo-European culture so to speak). Zeus was Jupiter to the Romans and Amon of the Libyans. The Statue of Zeus at Olympia was made by the Greek scultpor Phidias. The statue was made of ivory and gold plated bronze. An eagle is near Zeus too and there was a small statue of the crowned Nike (or the goddess of victory). According to a legend, when Phidias was asked what inspired him—whether he climbed Mount Olympus to see Zeus, or whether Zeus came down from Olympus so that Pheidias could see him—the artist answered that he portrayed Zeus according to Book One, verses 528 – 530 of Homer's Iliad:

ἦ καὶ κυανέῃσιν ἐπ' ὀφρύσι νεῦσε Κρονίων
ἀμβρόσιαι δ' ἄρα χαῖται ἐπερρώσαντο ἄνακτος
κρατὸς ἀπ' ἀθανάτοιο μέγαν δ' ἐλέλιξεν Ὄλυμπον.

He spoke, the son of Kronos, and nodded his head with the dark brows,
and the immortally anointed hair of the great god
swept from his divine head, and all Olympos was shaken
In America, the image of Zeus is found in Washington, D.C. The image of Zeus (or Destiny in the above image. FDR mentioned that America have a rendenvous with destiny) is found in the National Archives Building in the Masonic city of Washington, D.C. 6 stars are above this image of Zeus. The figure of Destiny is flanked by 2 figures representing the Arts of War and the Arts of Peace. The fasces are in the throne of Zeus in the National Archives Building. America is like a place with tons of occult/classical symbolism indeed. The fasces back in the day in the age of the Roman Empire identified with unified power in centralized authority (fascists used and America used it in the buildings of Congress). There are 2 seprents near a ball in the bottom of the throne of Destiny as well. The design of Washington D.C. was influenced by George Washington, Major Andrew Ellicott, freeborn African American & astronomer Benjamin Bannaker, Pierre Charles L'Enfant, Thomas Jefferson, and others. Scholars believe that a secret Square and Compass pattern exists in D.C. Of course, mainstream Masons deny this.
The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus was formed in 351 B.C. It was formed by the Carians, Persians, and the Greek. It stook about 150 feet tall. Each of the four sides had sculptural reliefs. Mausoleum is named after the satrap Mausolus in the Persian Empire. A satrap is like a governor in the Persian Empire. They act as agents of the Empire. The structure was destroyed by 1494. The original structure was destroyed by a flood. It was damaged by an Earthquake and eventually disassembled by European Crusaders. Its location is found in Bodrum, Turkey.
The Colossus of Rhodes was developed from 292 to 280 B.C. It was formed by the greats. The statue is in the form of a giant statue of the Greek god Helios or the god of the sun. It's about 110 ft. tall. It was destroyed by 226 B.C. via an Earthquake.
The Lighthouse of Alexandria came about in ca. 280 B.C. It's found to be created by the workers in Hellenistic, Egypt. It stood about 380 to 440 feet high. It was one of the tallest structures in the Earth for many centuries. Its name of the island that it's build on is called Pharos. The Latin word for lighthouse is pharos. It was destroyed from 1303 to 1480 A.D. by an Earthquake.

File:King louis statue tonemapped.jpg

The Apotheosis imagery is found in paintings in Washington, D.C. and other locations worldwide. The Apotheosis of Homer was created by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres in 1827. First, the concept of the apotheosis must be defined first. The apotheosis is about a pagan view. This belief is that a person does good deeds and is crowned in the stage of godhood in the aftermath. This concept is exempflied in the paintings of Washington, D.C. in the Capitol Building and a painting of the Jesuit founder Ignatius Loyola in Europe. This image was exhibited at the Louvre. The painting showed Homer crowned by an angelic fiture. Homer recieved praise from the well known peopel of Greece, Rome, and modern time. Herodotus burns incense in the painting while the Illaid and Odyssey sit at his feet. Dante is shown being led by Virgil. Moliere is pictured as the personification of the Odyssey. Figures like Mozart, Sappho, Apelles, Lycurgus, Euripides, and others are found in the painting as well. The apotheosis statue of King Louis IX of France is found in St. Louis, Missouri today. This statue is found in the front of the Saint Louis Art Museum in Forest Park. Even before the Gateway Arch was a symbol for St. Louis, the Apotheosis of St. Louis still stood up. The statue is bronze and was donated to Forest Park by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition Company following the 1904 World's Fair. The original artist of it was Charles Henry Niehaus. It was unveiled on October 4, 1906. The pedestal has the inscription of "Presented to the City of St. Louis by the Louisiana Purchase Exposition in commemoration of the Universal Exposition of 1904 held on this site." On either side is, "Saint Louis." The Gateway Arch was createdi n the 1960's. The statue was restored in 1999 by Russell-Marti Conservation Services for $23,000.

There are tons of architecture in Richmond, Virginia. I've been to Richmond a few times. Richmond is the capital of Virginia right on the shores of the James River. The James River transvered all over the Peninsula. It has a long controversial history filled with mistakes and contributions to the fabric of American culture. The image above is the reconcillitation triangle. This triangle signifies the apology that Virginia made to people that are of my heritage for the evil, unjusitifable crime of the international slave trade. There is a plague that gives a short description of the slave trade. The traded involved men, women, and children being captured from West & Central Africa mostly to be sent into America by Europeans. Some were imported and exported in Richmond, VA. The forced labor involved in this act was immoral and wrong of course. The plague mentions the Benin region of West Africa and triple apologies for slavery. It was created by Stephen Broadbent near a former slave market in Shockoe Bottom.

This statue is in the Virginia State Capitol. Jefferson wanted the Capitol to be built in the neoclassical fashion. The French draftsman, antiquary, and decorator Charles-Louis Clérisseau. Richmond was the capitol of the Commonwealth of Virginia back in 1779. The Virginia State Capitol was designed by Thomas Jefferson. By 1788, the Capitol was completed in 1788 in the orientation of the neoclassical style. The neoclassical style is a common motiff of architecture among Capitol buildings nationwide. There were wings added to the original structure. In Jefferson's "Account of the Capitol in Virginia," he explains that the temple form derives from "the Temples of Erectheus at Athens, of Balbec, and of the Maison quarrée....All of which are nearly of the same form and proportions, and are considered as the most perfect examples of cubic architecture, ad the Pantheon of Rome is of the spherical" (quoted in Brownell et al 214). The whole image above is the equestrian statue of George Washington. Thomas Crawford was the designer of the complex. He was the sculptor of the figures of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and George Mason. After Crawford died, Randolph Rogers made the statues of Marshall,Thomas Nelson, Andrew Lewis, and other allegorical figures. Thomas Jefferson is called Independnece, George Mason is allied with the Bill of Rights, Patrick Henry is assigned with Revolution, John Marshall is equated of course with Justice, Andrew Lewis is allied with colonial times, and Thomas Nelson is equated to finance. George Washington is on the horse. To this day, there are debates on whether Washington was a Deist or a real authentic Christian. He criticized the Illuminati in correspondence with people, but he participated in a corn, wine, and oil Masonic ceremony for the U.S. Capitol in Washington, D.C. during the late 1700's.

The Indianapolis Scottish Rite Temple Cathedral is filled with symbolism and various forms of unique architecture. Like in Masonry, they promote that charity and so-called "good works" to have in their organization. Masonry teaches that good works can merit salvation for the Father God. Yet, in real life, we do need to have good works in our life. Yet, our works alone don't save a soul. What saves us is the grace of God through faith not works alone. We do our works after salvation to show and prove our testimony and witness about our spiritual relationship with God (also, we do works to fulfill the commandments of God like loving our neighbor like ourselves and to preach the Gospel to all Creation). The Cathedral has the 4 major areas of Tiler's Room, the Ballroom, the Lounge, and the Auditorium.
The Tiler's room was created as the main entrance of the Cathedral. It's a perfect cube of 33 feet, which alludes to the time of Jesus Christ lived on Earth. 33 is the highest degree of Freemasonry when Jesus Christ disagree with swearing oaths from the New Testament. Masons are something else. The ceiling is hand painted plaster. The walls are Italian travetine marble. The marble and woodwork are carved. The floor is a reproduciton of the floor in the Inner Chamber of King Solomon's Temple. Freemasons obsess with King Solomon's Temple as some Masons covertly want a rebirth of Solomon's Temple (and the story of Solomon is found in Masonic initiation rituals in the Blue Lodge). The floor show the 12 signs of the Zodaic and the 4 bodies of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry.

By Timothy