Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Information in late January

A Bilderberg owned publication called the Economist admitted that powerful globocrat elites are ruling much of the geo-political systems in the world (beyond a conspiracy). So, the agenda for global centralized control system is in public and out in the open. The push for centralized world government control system as an open conspiracy. There are groups that promote this ideology. The groups promoting this agenda are the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, and the CFR (they shape the politicians and power brokers that they have bough in numerous circumstances). The Economist admits that the cosmopolitan elite” do indeed “flock together” at such gatherings and elusive clubs to shape the world that the “superclass” wishes to inhabit. It's assumed that the open conspiracy is flaunted by the established. Its editor is a regular attendee in the annual Bilderberg conference. This is an admission that the piece proudly discloses in its opening paragraphs. The Bilderberg group in real life does influence world policy and acts as an conspiracy to promote that globalization agenda. Its members and proponents were instrumental in creating the single European currency. It hosts the world's most influential business people plus aristocrats (including a small group of journalists). It represents the biggest global media corporations and its sworn to comply with the Chathan House rules (that means that the can't disclose any of the big ideas that are hatched at Bilderberg).
“The world is a complicated place, with oceans of new information sloshing around.” the piece continues, “To run a multinational organisation, it helps if you have a rough idea of what is going on. It also helps to be on first-name terms with other globocrats. So the cosmopolitan elite–international financiers, bureaucrats, charity bosses and thinkers–constantly meet and talk. They flock to elite gatherings… They form clubs.” One such club is the Bilderberg Group. The Pilgrim Society is more secret and more powerful than the Bilderbergers today. Under the Bilderbergers are the Council on Foreign Relations, The Trilateral Commission, The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and The Group of Thirty. Many people are exposing their plans and their influence. The Economist quotes how these international events shaped policies involving diplomatic agreements and even decisions on major wars. The Economist quotes former Kissinger luminary and international elitist David Rothkopf, the author of the book The Global Power Elite and the World They Are Making. What they offer is access to ‘some of the world’s most sequestered and elusive leaders’. As such, they are one of ‘the informal mechanisms of [global] power’, Rothkopf adds. The Economist magazine acts slick and tries not to blame the globocrat elites for the financial crisis, but that they or the superclass were just caught napping. They still admit that these international bankers have been caught looting the system wholesale. It tries to convince readers that ultimately the presence of  an inter-connected international elite actually saved the world from complete financial meltdown – so you can sleep easy at night. They omit that the international financial crisis was carefully massaged back in 2006. Reports from the Bilderberg meetings in Canada in ’06 and in Turkey in ’07 predicted a global housing crash and forecast a prolonged financial meltdown as a result. The group has since been debating exactly how it should move to shape the economic situation in order to further its own global influence and that of the (honestly, we’re not evil at all) “superclass." A decade ago, people were called extreme for just mentioning the fact the the Bilderberg was a major manipulator of world events. Now, these views are admitted in editorials of the world's mainstream press engines.

Romanism teaches that Mary was immaculately or sinlessly conceived. She participated in Christ's suffering, and ascended bodily into Heaven to be crown the Queen of the Universe (and intercedes for sinners) according to Catholics. This is a heresy. This is why critics of Romanism believe that the Roman Catholic Church worships Mary. Pope Pius XI gave a radio message concluding the Jubilee of the Redemption on April 28, 1935. He gave their Catholic Mary (not the real, biblical Mary) the title of Co-redemptrix. At least 5 times, Pope Paul II referred to her by this title in his papal statements. In his general audience on April 9, 1997, he said that Mary “collaborated in obtaining the grace of salvation for all humanity” (Vatican Information Service). This pope dedicated himself and the whole world to Mary. In reality, only God is the author and finisher of our salvation not anyone else. The influential book The Glories of Mary by Alphonsus Mary de Liguori, a Catholic saint, calls Mary our Life, our Help, our Advocate, our Guardian, our Mediatress, our Salvation, and the Hope of Sinners. Chapter 5 says “Mary’s intercession is necessary for our salvation.” This book was tested 20 times by the rules of Pope Urban VIII and Pope Benedict XIV and was said to contain not “one word worthy of censure.” It was pronounced to be without error by Pope Pius VII and by Pope Leo XII. Pope John Paul II acknowledged Liguori’s influence in his own idolatrous affection for Mary. Liguroi's book is blasphemy plain and simple. The Catholic church publishes it under title of imprimatur (or the Latin word meaning, "let it be printed"). The Church of the Mother of God of Polish Martyrs in Warsaw, Poland have Mary being depicted as hanging in the cross holding the child Jesus. There is a large crucfix with Jesus hanging on one side and a crowned Mary hanging on the other (outside of the main Mary basilica in Rome in the Santa Maria Maggiore). The statue shows Rome's dogma that Mary is the co-redemptress with Jesus Christ that she intercedes for men from Heaven and aids in their salvation. This is mentioned in the Vatican II Council. The Saint Stanislaus Kostka Catholic church in Chicago features an image of Mary on the very Ark of God. She is sitting above the Ark in the place that was occupied by God’s presence in the Tabernacle, and she is surrounded by adoring cherubim.  The icon depicting Mary as the Ark of Mercy was dedicated in May 2008. This is 100% blasphemy. This is bad. Mary isn't the Queen of Heaven at all. The Ark of the Covenant back in the OT days was in the tabernacle and this was where's God's presence (or the Skehinah Glory of God) as found in Exodus 25:22. Angles don't worship creatures as found in Acts 14:11-15, Rev. 19:10). This idol worship is found in Roman Catholic churches globally. Mary is revered by some Papists more than Jesus. This is some other stuff. We have every right to answer to God and contented for the faith once delivered to the saints (Jude 3). We don't do the evil of using idols of Mary, etc.

Rick Warren is having a New Age Health care program. CFR member Rick Warren wants a church wide, year long health care program. This program was created by men influenced by New Age principles. It's called the Daniel Plan. It was written by Mehmet Oz, Daniel Amen, and Mark Hyman. Oz follows Emanuel Swedenborg, who entertained spirit guides and was involved with Eastern mysticism. Lighthouse Trails from January 11, 2001 in its Special Report document this. Amen is a professor of psychiatry and founded Amen Clinics. This group teaches Eastern meditations, deals with pop psychology, and self help. Both Oz and Amend endorse Reiki. Reiki is of course the occult practice that tries to channels universal healing energy. Amen told Warren that he wants to help Saddleback church members to have good brain health. What does this mean? Amen wrote books on this issue. One is called "The Brain in Love." This book believes in Hindus tantra. Tantra is yogic medication with sex. Making a Good Brain Great promotes Hindu-style meditation through the vain repetition of the alleged primal sounds saa, taa, naa, maa, aa. We wonder if Amen will be teaching Hindu tantric yoga at Saddleback. This would go right along with the current emphasis on good sex programs in emerging churches (and some fundamental Baptist ones, as well). This stuff was taboo 3 decades ago. Rick Warren brought these people into contact with their recommendations (even if these demonic practices aren't a part of the Saddleback health program). Mark Hyman agree with Buddhist principles and mediation. Mark don't believe that “diseases don’t exist; their symptoms are related to effects” (“Rick Warren’s Celebrity Health Plan Draws Thousands,” The Orange County Register, Jan. 16, 2011). To say that disease doesn’t exist apart from human causes is New Age nonsense. Diet and exercise can improve one's health. Yet, we have a sin nature from Adam and Eve that causes us to die beyond our lifestyle. Mixing health with paganism doesn't cut it: “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils” (1 Corinthians 10:21).  Improving our physical health is fine, but we shouldn't embrace New Age ways in getting our health rights. Also, our spiritual health is vital for our souls too.

Some believe that that Mormon Jon Huntsman could be another 2012 Presidential candidate like Mormon Mitt Romney. He was the former government of Utah. President Barack Obama appointed Huntsman as the ambassador to China in 2009. He acted as a moderate conservative governor in Utah. Huntsman recently bought a $3.6 million home in D.C. He was born in March 26, 1960. He resigned as the 16th Governor of Tuah in August 11, 2009. Jon Meade Huntsman Jr. was the son of a billionaire businessman and philanthropist Jon Huntsman of Huntsman Corporation. Jon was a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. This isn't unusual since Mormon in high positions of power (from working in the FBI, Congress work, etc.) have done missionary work in the world 9 times out of ten. Jon can speak standard Mandarin Chinese fluently and he's fluent in Taiwanese Hokkien. After college, Huntsman worked as a White House staff assistant in the Reagan Administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Ambassador to Singapore in the administration of President George H.W. Bush and a Deputy United States Trade Representative in the George W. Bush Administration. He was re-elected as governor of Utah in November 2008 with 77.7% of the vote, defeating Democratic Party nominee Bob Springmeyer. Huntsman listed economic development, health care reform, education, and energy security as his top priorities. He wants to expand health care mostly by the private sector and negotiations to keep prices down. The establishment media says that he toes the conservative line on abortion and gun rights plus he supports civil unions (which is nothing more than a different title for gay marriage. Regardless of what you think about this issue, one thing is true. All human beings should have the right to work, to vote, and have all basic human rights as under the tenets of morality. There are no exceptions). So, the Mormons are trying to promote a clean cut, boys next door image to cover up their own heresies (as Mormonism isn't true Christianity. It wasn't even invented by Jesus Christ, but by Joseph Smith).

Glen Beck is presenting his new book. His New Age is New Age like in many ways. Beck is acting like a politically conservative alternative to the more liberal Oprah Winfrey. Beck's new book is entitled, "The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life." It's been co-authored by the famous psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow. It promotes universalism, post modernism, and pagan spirituality. That is why I didn't support his 8/28/2010 rally since it promoted the view that all faiths follow the one true God (and its political philosophies are reactionary). Both Beck and Dr. Ablow promote the controversial Sigmund Freud, the pro-Gnostic Carl Jung, New Age authors Robert Pirsig and James Redfied, Buddha, Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche, Gandhi, The Bible and the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. Sadly, Glenn is confused and all Christians should pray that he will come to salvation in the Jesus of the Bible through faith and repentance. On page 56 Beck says he read A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman which is the Bible of the New Age Movement. Helen Schucman claimed that a spirit channeled her to write her book. On page 79 Beck and Dr. Ablow promote transcendental meditation and Eastern Mysticism. On 85 we read, "As you commit to unlocking and bringing forth the truth inside you, don't be afraid to pray for help. Don't be reticent to sit with yourself in silence and meditate. Connect with the miracle of spirit, of God, that has lived inside you from long before you were born." Christian mediation doesn't deal with bringing forth the truth inside of you or God living in you before you were born. This is New Age ideology period. On page 132 Beck and Ablow proclaim, "Pray to whatever higher power you believe in…Praying that God or Nature or the Cosmos or your own internal, immeasurable reservoir of spirit allows you the courage and faith to find and then face the truth…" On page 236, reincarnation is promoted through the writings of Robert Pirsig's book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, "…the 'spirit' of Chris or the 'ghost' of Chris, then you can say without further translation that the spirit or ghost of Chris is looking for a new body to enter." Glen Beck knows about Mormonism since he admitted that he looked at literature that dissents with the Mormon religion.

It's not a secret that Alex Jones is kissing the ring of CNP minion Phyllis Schlafly. The CNP is a powerful and secretive religious and political based group. Jones recently in early 2011 had an interview with Phyllis Schlafly. She is the woman that was a high level operative in the Republican Party. She was apart of the phony opposition group called the John Birch Society. The JBS exposes Communism being evil (which is true), but they omit that Communism is an instrument that the big bankers utilize to strife real Nationalist movements (especially in the Third World). Even Fritz Springmeier expose Masonic and Papal members of the JBS. Now, she's a high level member of the CNP. Phyllis is a Dame of Malta and some believe that she's related to the Merovingian bloodline. Schlafly created the Eagle Forum in the late 1960's to act as phony, controlled opposition group to the feminist movement (which has its faction of controlled opposition like Ms. Magazine and Gloria Steniem. Women should have equal rights and equal opportunities in society. Yet, there are physical, emotional, physiological, and hormonal differences between males and females that are documented. In spite of this, males and females are equal and have equal value). Jones doesn't expose the CNP, the John Birch Society, or the affiliation of Schlafy to the Knights of Malta at all in hardcore links. CNP member Paul Weyrich once headed the Heritage Foundation. The Heritage Foundation according to Iserbyt wants to promote charter schools in order to control elected government & our mainstream schools. Charter schools are documented to have big corporate cash to fund them even though not every charter school person is trying to harm people. The CNP goes into the neo-conservative agenda. The CNP talks about some legitimate issues like abortion and individual rights in order to merge opposition into one establishment umbrella. That is why some believe that Alex Jones omits these things in covering up many world rulers. The new world order crowd wants to dominate and enslave humanity in a globalized system. Some globalists have called for global government or a new world order too. What makes all of this so ridiculous is that Charlotte Iserbyt the former Assistant Secretary of Education in the Reagan administration who for many years was a close associate of Schlafly was interviewed by Jones a little over a week earlier stating accurately that the Council for National Policy is a group pushing along the globalist agenda.  Iserbyt even mentioned that Schlafy wasn't on the side of those wanting individual freedom. The CNP was financed by the deranged cult leader Sun Myung Moon, the Hunt oil family, the Coors family, and numerous wealthy and powerful figures associated with the Republicans Party. People like the Hunt family are tied to the eugenics movement. The Council for National Policy have had close associations with the group like Larry Pratt, Paul Craig Roberts, Jerome Corsi, Stan Monteith, Joel Skousen among others. Pat Buchanan is a member of the Knight of Malta as well. So, the lesson is that not everyone exposing the new world order are an enemy. Yet, we should be careful of controlled opposition cliques like the CNP, Left Gatekeepers, the SMOMs, and other entities. Recently, I heard Alex Jones talking about the CNP and he's still in favor of supporting the John Birch Society (when its founders & famous members were pro-fascists, Freemasons, CFR members, etc.).

By Timothy