Mormonism Exposed Part 2
Mormonism is an interesting religious organization. Mormons have more clout now than in previous years. Glenn Beck and Mitt Romney are Mormon people that have huge followings. They present the image of them being conservative and embracing family values. Yet, they ally with a religion with known heresies. The LDS is pulling off a public relations campaign in order to get more converts and try to control more of the U.S. government. Now, any Mormon should be treated with dignity and respect. People of another creed shouldn't be unfairly demonized. Yet, the truth must be shown. The truth is that Mormonism is not authentic Christianity. Mormonism was created by the Freemason Joseph Smith not the Lord Jesus Christ. This invention of Mormon came about in 1830, which was 1800 years after ca. 30 A.D. The Book of Mormon is an addition to the NT and has many places that contradicts the teachings of the New Testament. There are secret temple rites that only a few faithful Mormon will experience according to Bill Schnoebelen. It's been found historically that many rituals of the Temple and Temple architecture of Mormon Temples are rooted in Freemasonry, witchcraft, and occultism. For example, there are resemblances of the Endowment ceremony and the rituals in Freemasonry. Like in the occult rituals of witchcraft, there is in Mormonism the practice of stitching markets on garments. There is a teaching included in LDS doctrine called, "The Law Of Eternal Progression", the Mormon teaching mentions that, "As man is, God once was and as God is, man may become..." (Joseph Smith, HISTORY OF THE CHURCH, v.6, p.305; JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, v.6, p.305; JOURNAL OF DISCOURSES, v.6, p.3, 120). The Book of Abraham 4:3 teach that there are many gods in Mormonism. The Mormon church teaches that mere human can be gods and goddesses in the celestial Kingdom (as found in Doctrine and Covenants 132:19-20; Gospel Principles, p. 245; Achieving a Celestial Marriage, p. 130). The Old Testament and the New Testament teaches that there is only one True and Living God without no other gods. This statement is found in Mark 12:29-34, Deut.6:4, Isaiah 43:10,11, etc. This view of human godhood found in Gnosticism, Freemasonry, and the occult.
Some LDS Church members have an extreme view of trying to promote the Constitution, but rule America in some religious dictatorship. LDS Mormon false prophet Joseph Smith believed that black skin was a curse, which is false and insanity. He said that: "...Not only was Cain called upon to suffer, but because of his wickedness he became the father of an inferior race. A curse palced upon him and that curse has continued through his lineage and must do so while time endures. Millions of souls have come into this world cursed with a black skin and
have been denied the privilege of Priesthood and the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel. These are the descendants of Cain. Moreover, they have been made to feel their inferiority and have been separated from the rest of mankind form the beginning..." (The Way to Perfection, pages 101-102). Having black skin is a blessing from Almighty God. LDS Mormon Apostle Bruce R. McConkie said that Cain was cursed with black skin and blacks are descendants from Cain (not worthy of the Priesthood). Brigham Young said the same thing in the Jouranls of Discourers. People have the nerve to accept Mormon tripe when they never accepted blacks in the Priesthood until the 1970's.
have been denied the privilege of Priesthood and the fullness of the blessings of the Gospel. These are the descendants of Cain. Moreover, they have been made to feel their inferiority and have been separated from the rest of mankind form the beginning..." (The Way to Perfection, pages 101-102). Having black skin is a blessing from Almighty God. LDS Mormon Apostle Bruce R. McConkie said that Cain was cursed with black skin and blacks are descendants from Cain (not worthy of the Priesthood). Brigham Young said the same thing in the Jouranls of Discourers. People have the nerve to accept Mormon tripe when they never accepted blacks in the Priesthood until the 1970's.
The FBI filed talk about Ezra Taft Benson, Ike (or President Dwight D. Eisenhower), and the John Birch Society. J. Edgar Hoover had a letter from Ezra Taft Benson marked as "personal-confidential." Benson served in a Presidential cabinet and was a part of the Mormon Church. Benson wanted to make Hoover to support the idea that the John Birch Society was a clear thinking anti-communist group. Benson believed in a worldwide communist conspiracy in a paranoid fashion. The JBS slandered former Dwight D. Eisenhower as being a tool of Communists. Communism is a rival and immoral political philosophy, but paranoia isn't a solution to handle it. You answer Communism with rational thinking, rational actions, and real cooperation with human beings in order to devise a better, more liberty enriched society. Benson ironically served under IKE from the beginning of his 8 year Presidency as the Secretary of Agriculture. Benson believed that Eisenhower wasn't going hard enough politically to combat Communism. Benson was Hoover's friend. Benson viewed Eisenhower's actions as being soft in fighting against communism. Benson had a thick FBI file that was obtained by the Freedom of Information Act. Like the Tea Partiers today, Benson was worried about threats to freedom and the Constitution. He spoke out against the U.S. President as aiding enemies. The New Yorker magazine, in its Oct. 18 issue, included Benson as one of the tea party’s ideological founding fathers — which it called its “confounding fathers” —noting how Benson’s public writing and speeches are quoted and admired by commentator Glenn Beck, an icon of the movement. Glen Beck is a Mormon like the late Utah author/activist Cleon Skousen (who denounced communist corruption in America while defending the John Birch Society). The FBI files on Benson shown that he persuaded the FBI to not condemn the JBS. The JBS was created by Robert Welch in 1958 and it was named after a missionary turned murdered soldier (he was killed by Chinese Communists after WWII). The FBI twice spied on Benson for Eisenhower possibly (on whether he might resign from the cabinet during times of widespread criticism). Files also show that Hoover lied in later years to avoid Benson, seeking to distance himself from Benson’s support of the Birch Society. Benson fought Communism as a part of his LDS church's mission. Benson called government farm subsidies as socialistic that upset many farmers and their members of Congress. The FBI spied on him some more. For example, a Nov. 20, 1953, FBI memo says that an undersecretary of state (whose name was censored from released files) informed the FBI that “the president is a little ‘teed off’ with Secretary of Agriculture Benson” because he “has not been successful in quieting the farmers, cattlemen, dairymen and Capitol Hill.” The FBI memo said “the matter has now been passed to the White House and … the president is unhappy about the whole thing.” It added that the State Department source said, “It looks like Benson will be the ‘fall guy.’ ” Hoover and Benson exchanged books and speeches. “I realize that only in the next life will we fully appreciate all you have done to preserve freedom in this country,” Benson wrote Hoover in 1965. “I am most grateful for your exposure of the communist conspiracy and for the wonderful organization you have established in the FBI.” Benson viewed the JBS as promoting less govenrment, more individual responsibility, and a better world. Benson lived to be 94 at 1994. Hoover died in the early 1970's. Benson saw the fall of communism in Eastern church. He was the President of the LDS.
There is another high profile Mormon person in America. His name is Jon Meade Hunstman Jr. He was born in March 26, 1960.

There are all sorts of Masonic and occult symbolism in Mormon Temples worldwide. It can be found even in the Navoo Temple in Illinois back in the 1840's.
Some believe that that Mormon Jon Huntsman could be another 2012 Presidential candidate like Mormon Mitt Romney. He was the former government of Utah. President Barack Obama appointed Huntsman as the ambassador to China in 2009. He acted as a moderate conservative governor in Utah. Huntsman recently bought a $3.6 million home in D.C. He was born in March 26, 1960. He resigned as the 16th Governor of Tuah in August 11, 2009. Jon Meade Huntsman Jr. was the son of a billionaire businessman and philanthropist Jon Huntsman of Huntsman Corporation. Jon was a Mormon missionary in Taiwan. This isn't unusual since Mormon in high positions of power (from working in the FBI, Congress work, etc.) have done missionary work in the world 9 times out of ten. Jon can speak standard Mandarin Chinese fluently and he's fluent in Taiwanese Hokkien. After college, Huntsman worked as a White House staff assistant in the Reagan Administration, Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce and Ambassador to Singapore in the administration of President George H.W. Bush and a Deputy United States Trade Representative in the George W. Bush Administration. He was re-elected as governor of Utah in November 2008 with 77.7% of the vote, defeating Democratic Party nominee Bob Springmeyer. Huntsman listed economic development, health care reform, education, and energy security as his top priorities. He wants to expand health care mostly by the private sector and negotiations to keep prices down. The establishment media says that he toes the conservative line on abortion and gun rights plus he supports civil unions (which is nothing more than a different title for gay marriage. Regardless of what you think about this issue, one thing is true. All human beings should have the right to work, to vote, and have all basic human rights as under the tenets of morality. There are no exceptions). So, the Mormons are trying to promote a clean cut, boys next door image to cover up their own heresies (as Mormonism isn't true Christianity. It wasn't even invented by Jesus Christ, but by Joseph Smith).
Glen Beck is presenting his new book. His New Age is New Age like in many ways. Beck is acting like a politically conservative alternative to the more liberal Oprah Winfrey. Beck's new book is entitled, "The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life." It's been co-authored by the famous psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow. It promotes universalism, post modernism, and pagan spirituality. That is why I didn't support his 8/28/2010 rally since it promoted the view that all faiths follow the one true God (and its political philosophies are reactionary). Both Beck and Dr. Ablow promote the controversial Sigmund Freud, the pro-Gnostic Carl Jung, New Age authors Robert Pirsig and James Redfied, Buddha, Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche, Gandhi, The Bible and the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. Sadly, Glenn is confused and all Christians should pray that he will come to salvation in the Jesus of the Bible through faith and repentance. On page 56 Beck says he read A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman which is the Bible of the New Age Movement. Helen Schucman claimed that a spirit channeled her to write her book. On page 79 Beck and Dr. Ablow promote transcendental meditation and Eastern Mysticism. On 85 we read, "As you commit to unlocking and bringing forth the truth inside you, don't be afraid to pray for help. Don't be reticent to sit with yourself in silence and meditate. Connect with the miracle of spirit, of God, that has lived inside you from long before you were born." Christian mediation doesn't deal with bringing forth the truth inside of you or God living in you before you were born. This is New Age ideology period. On page 132 Beck and Ablow proclaim, "Pray to whatever higher power you believe in…Praying that God or Nature or the Cosmos or your own internal, immeasurable reservoir of spirit allows you the courage and faith to find and then face the truth…" On page 236, reincarnation is promoted through the writings of Robert Pirsig's book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, "…the 'spirit' of Chris or the 'ghost' of Chris, then you can say without further translation that the spirit or ghost of Chris is looking for a new body to enter." Glen Beck knows about Mormonism since he admitted that he looked at literature that dissents with the Mormon religion.
The alternative and health freedom movement have made a lot of progress over the years and decades. So much progress have been made that even some in the the mainstream media (that recieve cash from the pharmaceutical industry, the big chemcial companies, and the health insurance industry all of the time) have admitted some realities of health. We know real health facts that we ought to know to protect ourselves, our families, our friends, and our loved ones. These facts are that:
*Fluroide is dangerous and especially high levels of it in our drinking water can damage our immunity causing fluorisis and other problems. Our drinking water are infected with pharmaecutical drugs and other cancer causing chemicals. High levels of the very carcinogenic chemical known as “hexavalent chromium” has been found in 31 U.S. cities' drinking water (according to the Washington Post. Erin Brockovich exposed this chemical). Time Magazine reported that about 3,000 prescription pharmaceuticals in use in the U.S. and thousands more over-the-counter drugs, not to mention creams and ointments we smear on and then shower off are in our water supplies.
*Genetically modified crops can be dangerous.
*CNN reported that at the highest exposure levels, using a mobile phone for a half an hour a day for over 10 years can have a 40 percent increase risk of glioma brain tumors according to a study.
*Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.
Glen Beck is presenting his new book. His New Age is New Age like in many ways. Beck is acting like a politically conservative alternative to the more liberal Oprah Winfrey. Beck's new book is entitled, "The Seven Wonders That Will Change Your Life." It's been co-authored by the famous psychiatrist Dr. Keith Ablow. It promotes universalism, post modernism, and pagan spirituality. That is why I didn't support his 8/28/2010 rally since it promoted the view that all faiths follow the one true God (and its political philosophies are reactionary). Both Beck and Dr. Ablow promote the controversial Sigmund Freud, the pro-Gnostic Carl Jung, New Age authors Robert Pirsig and James Redfied, Buddha, Buddhist teacher Sogyal Rinpoche, Gandhi, The Bible and the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. Sadly, Glenn is confused and all Christians should pray that he will come to salvation in the Jesus of the Bible through faith and repentance. On page 56 Beck says he read A Course in Miracles by Helen Schucman which is the Bible of the New Age Movement. Helen Schucman claimed that a spirit channeled her to write her book. On page 79 Beck and Dr. Ablow promote transcendental meditation and Eastern Mysticism. On 85 we read, "As you commit to unlocking and bringing forth the truth inside you, don't be afraid to pray for help. Don't be reticent to sit with yourself in silence and meditate. Connect with the miracle of spirit, of God, that has lived inside you from long before you were born." Christian mediation doesn't deal with bringing forth the truth inside of you or God living in you before you were born. This is New Age ideology period. On page 132 Beck and Ablow proclaim, "Pray to whatever higher power you believe in…Praying that God or Nature or the Cosmos or your own internal, immeasurable reservoir of spirit allows you the courage and faith to find and then face the truth…" On page 236, reincarnation is promoted through the writings of Robert Pirsig's book, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, "…the 'spirit' of Chris or the 'ghost' of Chris, then you can say without further translation that the spirit or ghost of Chris is looking for a new body to enter." Glen Beck knows about Mormonism since he admitted that he looked at literature that dissents with the Mormon religion.

Health Part 2
One of the most important and fascinating topics in human life is health. Health relates to life or a person's standard of living. Health being greatly enhanced can develop a person in efficient ways. Years have passed in my life and now it's 2011. The truth is never buried in my mind, but the truth will flow worldwide like the necessary air that we breathe. The upper body and the lower body are vital parts of the human anatomy that enable us to live. Exercise and stress relievers are legitimate activities (especially if done in authentic, beneficial ways) that can manifest into a stable human lifestyle. Just because a person is overweight though, doesn't mean that person is less than a person or is worth less than any human being. There is equality in all humans and we shouldn't be ashamed of what we look like despite pain in life. That is why I rather go out with a woman (that is a sister) that is a little overweight with a heart of gold than an extremely skinny woman that is stuck up, bourgie (that's short for bourgeoisie) and fake. Health should be a means to improve human development, not a materialistic means to confirm to some fake Western standard of beauty (when beauty is found in many colors, shapes, and sizes spanning human existence). Anyone can be great and be dynamic to contribute to the world irrespective of what they look like or where they come from.

It isn't a secret that the Big Food lobby sent money to promote what critics call an unconstitutional food bill. There are over 200 groups that lobbied for the Food Safety Modernization Act or S.510. People should look at an unconstitutional section of the bill. It was passed in Tuesday. The Roll Call advised that the bill contained a provision called Sec. 107. It allowed the Senate to raise revenues. This violates Article I, Section 7 of the Constitution. It only allows the House to raise revenues. S.510 opponents now celebrate the House's use of the blue slip process. This is to return the bill to the Senate. The Alliance for Natural Health figures that, “The only possible ‘quick fix’ would be a unanimous consent agreement in the Senate to strike that revenue-raising provision from the bill—but Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) has already stated that he will oppose, so unanimity will be impossible.” ANH believes it is unlikely that the Senate will return to a debate on S.510, given its full agenda. Its only other option is to “allow the bill to die at the end of this Congress [which means] a new Food Safety Bill will be introduced next year.” President Barack Obama wants to sign S.510. He feels that this bill will make our food safer. The Senate moved too quickly. Their overreach only supports the natural foods movement's view that the bill is about the federal government desiring to control completely over local foods. Shiv Chopra is a Canadian health whistleblower. Shiv said that this bill will cause a corporate control of the food and public health services ion the rest. Others believe that there is a corporate agenda to allow the feds to impose itself on local food production and distribution. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce, Kraft Foods North America, General Mills, and Big Agra American Farm Bureau Federation funds the S.510 bill. Opensecrets.org said that AFB spent 9.5 million dollars since 2009 to lobby for S.510 and against the House version. Food & Water Watch noted that AFB president Bob Stallman “condemn[s] consumers and farmers who oppose the industrial model of agriculture, referring to them as ‘extremists who want to drag agriculture back to the day of 40 acres and a mule.’” Clearly, the American Farm Bureau Federation does not favor small farms. Other corporations as funded this bill as well. Food industry lobbyists have support this legislaiton. The Tester Amendment “exemption” — defined as those generating less than $500,000 a year in revenue – is ludicrously low. The Tester Amendment doesn't exempt small food producers as proponents said. S.510 opponent Senator Tom Coburn believes that the bill will not make our food safer. In his mind, he believes that the bill will drive small producers out of business. Even food producers giving food to the homeless or supply homeade products at bake sales, county fairs, church cazaars, and community picnics don't need hyper regulation. There is nothing wrong with legitimate regulation to protect harmful chemicals in our food supplies, but not hyper regulation that strifes freedom. It's not a secret that Obama's administration is filled with former employees of Monsanto like making Michael Taylor its Food Czar. Monsanto promotes the dangerous GM food system. S.510 has been recalled to the Senate Chamber. Many natural food proponents and small farm businesses oppose S.510. Large corporations support S.510.
People realize that tap water is highly toxic in America. Dr. Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry at St. Lawrence University in New York gave an interview in exposing water fluoridation. There was the collusion of major industries to put certified toxic waste in our drinking water. Dr. Connett said that the government health authorities refused to conduct scientific studies into the dangers of fluoridation. Cornett said that he once believed that people who opposed fluoridation were a bunch of "whackos." Later, he done his own research. He figured out that sodium fluoride was a toxic substance. It contributed to many health defects. Heavy industyr is banned from dumping this toxic waste into the sea by international law. They are being able to sell it that enables them to remove its hazardous characteristic and it becomes a product according to Connett. It pollutes not only our water supply, but also toothpaste and thousands of different foods. Connett gives a run down of the numerous health problems that exist as a result of fluoride consumption. They can include dental fluorsis that the Centers for Disease Control just recently announced was a problem for 41 per cent of children aged 12-15 in the United States. This reality clearly indicating that children are being over-exposed to fluoride and that this is affecting other tissues and organs in the body,Other organs and tissues that are damange by fluoride include bone disorders, a problem also wreaking havoc amongst adults in the United States (as one in three now suffer from arthritis, which again is being caused by a build-up of toxic fluoride in the body). Connett also points to fluoride’s connection with thyroid disorders. There are over 100 studies involving animals that show that fluoride that can damage the brain. This is why newborn babies who are susceptible to fluoride build up because of their weak blood brain barrier. Connet cites numerous studies which prove a link between moderate exposure to fluoride and lowered IQ in children. Fluoride's impact is found in the pineal gland. This gland is apart of the brain tissue that sits in between the 2 Hemisphere of the brain. Fluoride attracts this gland like a magnet. Researchers have discovered via animal studies that fluoride lowers the ability of the pineal gland to produce the hormone melatonin. This can shorten the time it takes to reach puberty and it correlates with with studies of fluoridated communities that show girls are on average menstruating 5 months earlier than those in non-fluoridated communities. Children are entering puberty at increasingly early stages and this is causing widespread concern, but health authorities have made no effort whatsoever to conduct any studies regarding this development and its link to fluoride. Health authorities in western countries are covering up this threat even in America according to Connett (with refusing to do studies of fluoride's effect on human health). This only continues the evils of mass fluoridation of people. This can harm the health of babies and children.
Connett wants to show that there is no difference in the health of teeth between people in fluoridated areas and non-fluoridated areas. This proves that there are no health benefits at all that can be achieved through fluoridating the water supply. Connett exposes how out of control health authorities in America are. These authorities put out lying studies that claim that injecting mercury into a baby’s bloodstream through vaccines is perfectly safe and good for babies’ brains, while regulating mercury emissions in every other field because it is highly toxic. They have taken a similar approach in the fluoride debate, issuing studies that claim sodium fluoride, a toxic waste which has been heavily regulated in the industrial sphere for decades, has many beneficial health advantages when ingested into the human body. This is fostering widespread distrust in government health agencies because scientists involved with them are overseeing a “sickening” cover-up of the fluoride issue, states Connett. Fluoride has no place in our public water supply at all. Fluoridation of our water supply should be banned worldwide completely.
Connett wants to show that there is no difference in the health of teeth between people in fluoridated areas and non-fluoridated areas. This proves that there are no health benefits at all that can be achieved through fluoridating the water supply. Connett exposes how out of control health authorities in America are. These authorities put out lying studies that claim that injecting mercury into a baby’s bloodstream through vaccines is perfectly safe and good for babies’ brains, while regulating mercury emissions in every other field because it is highly toxic. They have taken a similar approach in the fluoride debate, issuing studies that claim sodium fluoride, a toxic waste which has been heavily regulated in the industrial sphere for decades, has many beneficial health advantages when ingested into the human body. This is fostering widespread distrust in government health agencies because scientists involved with them are overseeing a “sickening” cover-up of the fluoride issue, states Connett. Fluoride has no place in our public water supply at all. Fluoridation of our water supply should be banned worldwide completely.

Glen Beck shouldn't drink Diet coke. I don't agree with him on many issues of course. Glen Beck said that he was a medical reason to take a brief leave of absence. Beck said that something is wrong with his voice and he isn't sure what it is. They have doing CAT scans, MREs, MRIs, and PET scans, and they are doing blood work like crazy. Of course, we would wish Beck would get better. Glen Beck admitted that he suffers from macular dystrophy in July 2010. Beck told an audience of 6,000 people in Salt Lake City that he had a problem with my eyes. He said that: "...A couple of weeks ago, I went to the doctor because I can’t focus my eyes … So I went to the best doctor I could find… he did all kinds of tests, and he said I have macular dystrophy.” Beck drinks alot of Diet Coke and chocolate since Mormonism forbids drinking coffee. Rumsfeld promotes aspartame inhis previous corproation for years. Coca-Cola have put the sugar subtitute aspartame in Diet Coke in 1982. According to the Department of Health and Human Services, aspartame is about over 75 percent of adverse reactions to food additives reported to the FDA. Many of these reactions are very serious including seizuers and death. In 1999, the Independent on Sunday found out that Monsanto (or the maker of Monsanto) used genetically engineered bacteria to produce the sweetner at its U.S. production palnts. Aspartame is made by combining phenylalanine, which is naturally produced by bacteria, with another amino acid. To make the bacteria produce more phenylalanine, Monsanto has genetically engineered them. “Increasingly, chemical companies are using genetically engineered bacteria in their manufacturing process without telling the public,” said Dr. Erik Millstone, of the Science Policy Research Unit at Sussex University, and a member of the National Food Alliance, told the newspaper. Glenn Beck needs to realize that aspartame is linked to blindness. It is made up of 50% phenylalanine, 40% aspartic acid and 10% methyl alcohol. Methyl alcohol inevitably affects vision. Back when the government imposed prohibition on the country, thousands of people went blind due to the use of wood alcohol/methanol in spirits.
The late Dr. Morgan Raiford was a specialist in methanol toxicity. He warned about the danger of blindess that was associated with the consumption of aspartame. Raiford wrote in an aspartaem factsheet that: "...“This product [NutraSweet] has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the optic nerve, such as blindness, partial to total optic nerve atrophy. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration." When the drug goes into the digestive tract even in the upper portion, the aspartame molecule spins off a by product called methanol or methyl-alcohol. Methanol is a very powerful neurotoxin. It can cause blindness, it can destroy cells in the brain and spinal cord (even in the otpic nerves that has to do with our vision) according to the neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock in a radio interview. His book is called "Health and Nutrition Secrets that Can Save Your Life." It explains that a study shows that diabetics who drink large amounts of aspartame drinks are more likely to go blind. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness. There is a report produced by the Department of Health and Human Services. It listed over 90 symptoms that are related to aspartame like migraine headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. The following chronic illnesses are triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. About over 6,000 food and drink products worldwide contain aspartame. Many foods have them like diet sodas, some chewing gum. Most non-fat diet foods have an amount of aspartame and the same goes for most sugar free candy. Many brands of cereal, ice cream, yogurt, iced tea, powdered power drinks, nutritional bars, pudding, vegetable drinks, and many more food products contain aspartame. There are neurologic, psychologic, eye, endorcine, and metabolic problems in dealing with aspartame consumption. It can cause addiction (according to H.J. Roberts, M.D. of St. Mary's Hospital and Good Samartian Hospital in West Palm Beach). Many recovered alcoholic patients repeatedly stated that they felt worse after avoiding aspartame than alcohol (asserted that they had traded one addiction for another). Some doctors say that it's difficult to kick aspartame cold turkey. Many doctors and nutritionists say that a 30 day regime of slowley eliminating the toxin from the boyd is fine. Glen Beck talked about eugenics on the show. There are tons of evidence that the globalists are indeed serious eugenicists. Some are using food as a soft kill weapon to reduce the population of the planet. There are toxins other than aspartame that theaten people like fluoride, GMO, mercury-tainted pesticides, cross species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon. These entities have entered our diets and enviornments. We don't want that. Glenn Beck might be a victim of aspartame. Beck attracts millions of viewers per week. We wish him well, but we should expose evil chemicals in the world and eugenics.
The late Dr. Morgan Raiford was a specialist in methanol toxicity. He warned about the danger of blindess that was associated with the consumption of aspartame. Raiford wrote in an aspartaem factsheet that: "...“This product [NutraSweet] has some highly toxic reactions in the human visual pathway and we are beginning to observe the tragic damage to the optic nerve, such as blindness, partial to total optic nerve atrophy. Once this destructive process has developed there is no return of visual restoration." When the drug goes into the digestive tract even in the upper portion, the aspartame molecule spins off a by product called methanol or methyl-alcohol. Methanol is a very powerful neurotoxin. It can cause blindness, it can destroy cells in the brain and spinal cord (even in the otpic nerves that has to do with our vision) according to the neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock in a radio interview. His book is called "Health and Nutrition Secrets that Can Save Your Life." It explains that a study shows that diabetics who drink large amounts of aspartame drinks are more likely to go blind. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of blindness. There is a report produced by the Department of Health and Human Services. It listed over 90 symptoms that are related to aspartame like migraine headaches, dizziness, seizures, nausea, numbness, muscle spasms, weight gain, rashes, depression, fatigue, irritability, tachycardia, insomnia, vision problems, hearing loss, heart palpitations, breathing difficulties, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, loss of taste, tinnitus, vertigo, memory loss, and joint pain. The following chronic illnesses are triggered or worsened by ingesting aspartame: Brain tumors, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s, mental retardation, lymphoma, birth defects, fibromyalgia, and diabetes. About over 6,000 food and drink products worldwide contain aspartame. Many foods have them like diet sodas, some chewing gum. Most non-fat diet foods have an amount of aspartame and the same goes for most sugar free candy. Many brands of cereal, ice cream, yogurt, iced tea, powdered power drinks, nutritional bars, pudding, vegetable drinks, and many more food products contain aspartame. There are neurologic, psychologic, eye, endorcine, and metabolic problems in dealing with aspartame consumption. It can cause addiction (according to H.J. Roberts, M.D. of St. Mary's Hospital and Good Samartian Hospital in West Palm Beach). Many recovered alcoholic patients repeatedly stated that they felt worse after avoiding aspartame than alcohol (asserted that they had traded one addiction for another). Some doctors say that it's difficult to kick aspartame cold turkey. Many doctors and nutritionists say that a 30 day regime of slowley eliminating the toxin from the boyd is fine. Glen Beck talked about eugenics on the show. There are tons of evidence that the globalists are indeed serious eugenicists. Some are using food as a soft kill weapon to reduce the population of the planet. There are toxins other than aspartame that theaten people like fluoride, GMO, mercury-tainted pesticides, cross species chimeras, plastic compounds in chicken, high fructose corn syrup, cloned meat, rBGH and new aggressive GM species of salmon. These entities have entered our diets and enviornments. We don't want that. Glenn Beck might be a victim of aspartame. Beck attracts millions of viewers per week. We wish him well, but we should expose evil chemicals in the world and eugenics.
The alternative and health freedom movement have made a lot of progress over the years and decades. So much progress have been made that even some in the the mainstream media (that recieve cash from the pharmaceutical industry, the big chemcial companies, and the health insurance industry all of the time) have admitted some realities of health. We know real health facts that we ought to know to protect ourselves, our families, our friends, and our loved ones. These facts are that:
*Fluroide is dangerous and especially high levels of it in our drinking water can damage our immunity causing fluorisis and other problems. Our drinking water are infected with pharmaecutical drugs and other cancer causing chemicals. High levels of the very carcinogenic chemical known as “hexavalent chromium” has been found in 31 U.S. cities' drinking water (according to the Washington Post. Erin Brockovich exposed this chemical). Time Magazine reported that about 3,000 prescription pharmaceuticals in use in the U.S. and thousands more over-the-counter drugs, not to mention creams and ointments we smear on and then shower off are in our water supplies.
*Genetically modified crops can be dangerous.
*CNN reported that at the highest exposure levels, using a mobile phone for a half an hour a day for over 10 years can have a 40 percent increase risk of glioma brain tumors according to a study.
*Bisphenol-A (BPA), known as the “gender bending” chemical because of its connection to male impotence, has now been shown to decrease sperm mobility and quality.
The right to having health is a human right. Public health is an important issue to talk about. The WHO and the World Bank have controversies with health care. Health care deals with local and international communities. People want a roadmap to transition from the health care reforms promoted by the World Bank to a more equitable system that has been poorly addressed. It must be a solution nationally and internationally. There is still gender inequality, HIV, AIDS, maternal morbi-mortality, etc. that are interrelated. You have to address these issues to improve health care. There require other complementary responses in other sectors to handle the structural and social inequalities behind health rights violations. You have to address economic issues, food sovereignity issues, and poverty to handle health care (among migrants and minorities). The people's socioeconomic conditions should be known (including legal and policy context plus cultural norms in nations) to find health care solutions too. People should be enpowered directly. People living in naitons should be makers and shapers of solutions. The neoliberal mantra is that those who can pay should pay and if you're poor, you're basically on your own. Neoliberals don't want comprehensive health care options in the public sector, but mostly in the private sector with resources sent to disease control interventiosn in the public sector (for neoliberalism). Sometimes you need more than the market to handle health care problems or diseases. In short, leaving provision of health services to the market means that the poorest people must put aside a larger share of their incomes for fees for health services thus increasing inequalities in access and in income. Many doctors use market power to induce a demand for profitable services (many services plus technologies are expensive). More inequalities in health does nothing to maintain long term economic growth. Health equity is apart of knowing social justice. You have to have equity in the distribution of health in order to build up the standard of living among all peoples. We need real economic policies, social reforms, and political engagement to have health reforms. You have to increase the disability adjusted life years or DALYs in order to benefit the disabled and other disadvantaged people health wise.
It is the overall distribution of resources that ultimately determines the state of people’s health. This addresses the fact that differences can be (and are) very large between different social classes, but can also be large between the sexes (e.g., difference in life expectancy at birth between men and women in the UK is even greater than that between social classes). Health care resources should be distributed in a way that is feasable to an equal distribution of health. It must be fair. Some want poor users to be excluded by the fees since the poor can't afford a modest co-payment in many times. Uganda have had success in their health care situation when user fees were abolished. User fees, especially among the poor, are regressive and ill advised. More user fees according to some undermines international health right laws.
By Timothy
By Timothy