Friday, January 21, 2011

2011 Chronicles Part 4

Greek Fraternities and Freemasonry Part 3 (The Triology)
For years, tons of people have talked about or discussed about Greek fraternities and sororities. They have been popularized in popular culture, the secular world, and even in some cases the religious world. I've seen people like this all of the time in the Hampton Roads region. They wear clothing to identify themselves. Some act like regular people and other Greeks (I've seen this personally) act arrogant or stuck up toward people. Some of them praise the ideas of cliques (or fitting in with the latest fashions, styles, slang, etc.) when life is different than that. Life is about promoting a real sense of self worth, treating your neighbor as yourself, and going out following the direction of the Lord God. That's the role of us as human beings while we're on this world for a limited period of time (which is only less than 130 years). Greek fraternities are used as conduits as the establishment in order to control Western society more effectively. They aren't in the top of the pyramid, but they are in the beginning of the pyramid though. After the Fraternities are the CFR, then the Bilderbergers, and then the Pilgrim Society, and the high level bloodlines (plus the Vatican/Jesuit network too). Greek frats are recruiting grounds for the elite in basic terms. These groups have a role in promoting globalization (or the code name for the new world order). Fraternities and sororities exist in many races, classes, and other backgrounds all across universities. Those in Greek Lettered Organizations have increased risked of being doctors, lawyers, and other professions in the realm of the establishment.

Some of these groups use hand signs to identify themselves or their "clique" as the world calls them. Some use the hand sign looking like a Roc a fella image (in Deltas) and the hand beside their heads (like in the Omegas or Qs). These signs look very Masonic too. Some join these groups in order to be a part of something, their relatives are in GLOs, and for many other reasons. Many of them were founded in our schooling system. Yale have the Skulls and Bones too. Some rich children of the Black Nobility/blue blood bloodlines join Freemasonry and the Skulls and Bones too. Many occult like fraternities are related to or have founders from Freemasonry. 33rd Degree Freemason William A. Hill said that his college fraternity was created in 1868 at the Virginia Military Institute (or VMI) by 3 members of the 1870 graduating class. One of the 3 people were James Frank Hopkins. He was a Freemason, a Confederate veteran, and had the task of drafting the fraternity's initation ritual. The tenets of the initiation ritual of Sigma Nu existed back then and now. Alpha Tau Omega, Sigma Chi, and other fraternities have Masonic roots. Ritual initiation are commons in GLOs like in Freemasonry. Some Freemasons in Fargo, North Dakota for years made their Masonic Temple avaliable to college fraternities and promoted the use of the facility for meetings and initiation ritual work. William A. Hill wrote the following on the Masonry/college fraternity ties:

"...This year, our objective of cementing a relationship was taken a step further through the efforts of Shiloh Lodge No. 1. To impress on college-age men the value of Masonic membership, the Lodge, under the leadership of Worshipful Master Stanley A. Jordahl, 32, hosted a Friday evening dinner attended by members of Sigma Nu, Alpha Tau Omega, and Sigma Chi as well as Brother Masons. Seated at a head table were the current president of each fraternity alongside the Masonic alumnus. After a great dinner, a film depicting the philosophy of Freemasonry was shown, and each Masonic alumnus spoke briefly on the relationship between his college fraternity and Freemasonry. Various publications were distributed and the floor opened to questions. Following this, the college men were conducted on a tour of the building and again encouraged to ask questions. What was remarkable was the easy relationship between these young men, not more than 21 or 22 years old, and the Masons in attendance---most over 40..." Their imagery is sometimes occultic or Masonic with cross bone image, stars, candles, Boaz & Jachin, lions, the Phyrgian Cap, the fasces, skeletons, swords, the head of a Sphinx, the All Seeing Eye, etc. It's there. The elite uses these groups to recruit people to be "successful" and get people familiar with worldly society. Some movies use disinformation to portray these groups' rituals as just trivial. It's obvious that the corporate media cover up the true history of Fraternities and the like. One fact that they cover up is that Rhodes Scholar is named after the Freemason and imperialism Cecil Rhodes. He mined diamonds and he was from the UK. He founded De Beers that controls a large part of the world's diamond. Rhodes founded Rhodesia named after himself (later, it was changed into Zambia and Zimbabwe). The Rhodes Scholarship today is funded by his estate. The Rhodes Scholarship is sent to those who been into Oxford like Naomi Wolf, Wesley Clark, Bill Clinton, and others like Rachel Maddow. Rhodes admitted that he wanted an Anglo-Saxon controlled new world order and he wanted minerals to exploit. The elite want us to be controlled. These groups also train future leaders or globalists to be placed in positions of power. The establishment use the nexus points of Washington D.C., the City of London, and the Vatican to influence the political, economic, military, and religious policies of the globe

Some people believe that over 15% of the Protestant males in Northern Ireland enter the Scottish Rite or the Orange's Royal Arch Purple York Rite Masonic Degrees. It's true that only a select group of people join the Honorary 33rd Degree or the York Rite Knights Templar Degree. The first 3 Degrees of Masonry are the Entered Apprentice, the Fellow Craft, and the Master Mason. In Masonry, there is a death, birth, and resurrection ritual involving the fictional character of Hiram Abiff. It definitely mocks the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ since the Lodge claims to only have the Light. The New Testament is clear that the Lord Jesus Christ only has the truth light of the world. That is a why a real Bible believed saved person has no business being blindfold, walk around the Temple, and swear blood oaths to the so-called "Master Mason" in a Temple. This things are blatantly unscriptural and violate key moral principles or tenets among the human race. These oaths are done by those in other faiths as well not of Christianity. Masonry is of the Mystery School. Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma book on pg. 80 admitted that: "The identity of the legends is also confirmed by this hieoglyphic picture, copied from an ancient Egyptian monument, which may also enlighten you as to the Lion's grip and the Master's gavel..." Masonic gribs are done by many figures from Presidents, business leaders, and even apostate, pro-establishment figures like Pat Robertson. Mr. William McCrea is a famous member of the York Rite Royal Arch Purple Mason Orange Order. One cross and crown York rite Masonic logo reads In Hoc Signo Vinces or "in this sign you will conquer" in Latin. This comes from the sun image that Constantine claimed to see as inspiration to defeate his military rival Maxentius. This logo is the crown and cross image. Freemason William Ferguson Massey was the Prime Minister of New Zealand from 1912 to 1925. He grew up in Limavady, Northern Ireland. He supported the British-Israel movement as many secret societies love it for its promoting Europeans dominating the Middle East (and a supremacist doctrine that Anglo-Saxons are the only Jewish people in the world today. This theory has no true Biblical validation at all). The Scottish Rite is a French/Prussian developed system. Many U.S. Presidents have been 32nd or 33rd Degree Freemasons. Even honarary 33rd Degree Scottish Rite Freemason Reagan & Bush were apart of the SMOM Order of Merit. These 2 Presidents were faithful U.S. servants of Rome. Even George Washington had a position in the Society of Cincinnati.

The British Royal connections to Freemasonry and the Vatican are easy to see. the Duke of Kent (United Grand Lodge of England Grand Master & husband to a Roman Catholic & whose son was married in the Vatican in 2006) & his younger brother Prince Michael of Kent (whose wife is the Senior Dame for the British & Irish delegation of the Papal-loyal Franco-Neapolitan Constantinian Order), both first cousins to the Queen of England. Queen Elizabeth II (or the Patroness of Freemasonry) regularly shakes hands with the Pope of Rome. What does that tell you? It tells you that low level fights exist in low level Masons and Vatican agents. Yet, they are one in agenda and act in unity when you see the highest levels of Freemasonry & the Vatican. Freemasonry view their group as a custodian of the ancient knowledge. Albert Pike in his Morals and Dogma wrote that:

"...The custodian and depository (since Enoch) of the great philosophical and religious truths, unknown to the world at large, and handed down from age to age by an unbroken current of tradition, embodied in symbols, emblems and allegories.” (page 210)

There is the group called the Alpha Scholars Alliance. This group is the auxillary of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity. This is similar to the Demolay group being an auiliary part of Freemasonry. Pastor Hatchett, their pledge process ritual is strange. People according to the pastor, the pledges are in shoulder to shoulder in locking arms. They start snatch each other and trip the pledges up. Pledges are led into a dark room and all pledges are locked up. There are chants in a work song. People push the line and try to break it by any means necessary. They are led into another room and they are told to treat people bad. This is sick stuff here. Greek fraternities in my opinion can be creepy.

The reality is that people who haven't join that stuff have always been great men and great women for thousands of years. You don't have to pay money to have friends or get into socially stimulating social groups. Being an individual is better than being indoctrinated into wearing identical T-Shirts, baggies, folders, sing the same house songs, and march in campus, etc.

GLOs meet on the basis of social networking to advance in the world or society. Some of them do charitable deeds and academic scholarship. The catch is that secrecy is involved in these groups. There is the Divine Nine or the National Panhellenic Council. Many of these people like those in the Divine Nine & other Greek lettered organizations claim that they (or GLOs) are based on Christian principles. GLO’s rituals and symbols are secret including their books. Their website has a secret log on for those in the groups after they have crossed the sands. So, they act similar to a secret society. Real spirituality isn’t about having secrets on these matters (from the uninitiated. Some of these groups praise or use role models that existed from ancient Greek and Egyptian gods and goddesses). There are ceremonial and dance routines in these groups that some claim deal to relate to spiritual energies. Although, John 3:16-21 says that Jesus Christ is the Light of world. The unity in these groups has a price of gaining worldly acceptance. To be born again, you have to depart from the ways of the world. The oath a person takes in GLOs binds to them to that group. Charitable works don’t validate whether a group is authentic or not. GLOs use rituals to cause a person to submit in their organization.

It's not a secret that the establishment is targeting our jobs. According to CNN, home values in America tumbled another 1.7 trillion dollars in 2010. America lost 32% of its manufacturing jobs since the year of 200. Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is lower in 2010 than it was in 1975. The middle class and the poor have been assaulted on many fronts. The elite want a techno feudal future with the elite ruling over the middle and poor class of workers. Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has just returned to Iraq after 3 years of self imposed exile in Iran (back in November 2010). The Shiites might have more power in Iraq after American forces left. al-Sadr is pro-Iranian and has issues with American policies. There is existence of higher education worldwide. The Illuminati of course devised their student societies at Universities. 2 in Germany are called the Tugenbund and Berschenschaften. William H. Russell matriculated and studied in these institutions in Germany. He returned back into America to form Yale's Skulls and Bones secret Society (with student societies' ceremonies and rites from Germany).  S&B acknowledges today that it came “from the German chapter,” which presented as a gift to S&B a painting that seems to depict the rites of the Regent degree of the Illuminati. Laurence Sterne's "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentelment" was recommended reading for Illuminati initiates. One of the most important characters in the book was "Uncle Toby." "Uncle Toby" is one name used during Skulls and Bones initiations. Just like the Illuminati back then, the Skulls and Bones focused on preparing the elite among what they call "the most ingenious men." Clarence Karier wrote the book in 1986 called "The Individual, Society, and Education: A History of American Educational Ideas." He wrote that the Illuminist Pestalozzi “argued for a practical education for the new proletariat and was looked upon with favor by the power elite for suggesting that ‘the poor must be educated for poverty’ for in order ‘to enjoy the best possible state, both of soul and body… it is necessary to desire and be content with still less’.” This is very similar to the view of Frederick Gates, the head of Rockefeller’s General Education Board founded in 1902. Gates in Occasional Letter, No. 1 revealed that “In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.” In other words, Gates and Pestalozzi wants the educational system to produce docile citizens that lack independent thinking to go against the evil agendas of the elite. Many schools followed Weishaupt's views. German historian Reinhart Koselleck put Weishaupt “in a row with [Comte Henri de] Saint-Simon and [Karl] Marx” from 1818 to 1824, Saint Simon’s secretary was August Comte, who from 1851 to 1857 wrote a 4-volume set titled System of Positive Polity explaining his “Positive Philosophy” in which collective humanity became more important than the individual, and it replaced God as the focus of worship. Some view the positivist philosophy as the origin of the secular Humanist movement. John Dewey was a famous secular humanist. He's the father of progressive education. He was the signer of the first Humanist Manifesto back in 1933, which showed that values are autonomous and situational. Charles Francis Potter was another signer. His book called "Humanism: A New Religion" form 1930 wrote that: "...Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a 5-day program of humanistic teaching?”  Also, Brock Chisholm in the February 1946 edition of Psychiatry advocated world government and children to be world citizens. He was the head of the World Health Organization. Brock wrote that: "...We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests…. The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives… for charting the changes in human behavior.” Adam Weishaupt rejected private property rights, moral absolutes, and other mainstream concepts. Even his second in command of the Illuminati Baron von Knigge wanted to witness "world citizens." 24 years after Chisholm's article was published, something occurred. The leading educator Ted Sizer in his "Five Lectueres...On Moral Education" form 1970 wrote that: "...Moral autonomy… is the ‘new morality’ toward which we are to guide ourselves and other people.” Then in the September/October 1981 edition of The Humanist, H.J. Blackham (a founder of the 4-million member International Humanist and Ethical Union) wrote that if schools teach dependence (moral, etc.) on oneself, “they are more revolutionary than any conspiracy to overthrow the government.” His words are accurate then and now.

Spiritual Matters
There has been religious history known all over the place. The Bible has a long history. It has been translated in numerous languages. The modern Bible was created after the evils committed in the Pope's Dark Ages. The Dark Ages allowed people to use women as vassals; the Bible wasn't allowed to be translated into various tongues. That is why the Waldenses were persecuted strongly by Rome since the Vatican once wanted the Bible to be only in Latin. The Inquisition killed tons of people in this error. Men were moved by the Holy Spirit to create the Scriptures. The epistles in the New Testament reckon the works and the sacrifice of the Lord Jesus Christ as found in 2 Peter 3:15-16 and 2 Timothy 3:16. The real Scriptures were inspired of God. Since the Apostle John received the Book of Revelation of Jesus Christ on the island of Patmos, the Word of God is completed. The Hebrews Scriptures of the OT are preserved as well. The Trinitarian Bible Society in London has copies of the Hebrew/Aramaic and Greek Scriptures as well. There is a difference between the original languages texts of Hebrew and Greek was directly God-breathed and the translation that preserves the original text. The double inspiration heresy believing that the English corrects the Greek/Hebrew, and the denial of the verbal, plenary preservation of the Hebrew plus Greek scriptures are promoted by Dr. Peter Ruckman and Gail Riplinger. This movement has almost a cult like following. Hebrew Jacob Ben Chayim/Bomberg Masoretic Text as edited by Ginsburg, and the Greek Textus Receptus of Stephens and Beza as edited by Scrivener—both texts available from the Trinitarian Bible Society are accurate. Some Jesuit-affiliated people support some of the modern versions too. The Jesuit Bible of Douay was created in 1582. It's known as the Revised Version. The Jesuit version mutilated the Lord's Prayer in Matthew 6:13 by getting rid of the words of "...For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever..." The Jesuits infiltrated Oxford University to try to control religious infrastructure.
Secret Societies have tried to infiltrate spirituality for eons. They can't stop real spirituality, so they event counterfieths in the world. Psalms 12:6-7 says that the words of the Lord will preserve forever. Scholars have found that Broke Foss Wescott and Fenton John Anthonry Hort promoted the idea of replacing the Textus Receptus with the New Greek Text. They believed that the English Bibles of the future ought to embrace the new text. Yet, Wescott and Hort were known heretics and embraced doctrines in favor of Roman Catholicism. People like Wescott and Hort had links to Secret Societies as well. Later, there has been an attack on real religion. This extends into prophetic research too. John Nelson Darby promoted the any moment now Pre-Trib Rapture doctrine (this support has been supported by the trickster Cyrus Ingerson Scofield). The Jesuits and the House of Rothschilds funded these false Bible versions too. The Authorized Version of the Bible and Geneva Bible have been accurate translations from the original Textus Receptus text. Thus, one of the founders of The American Bible Society was Grand Master of the Freemasonic Lodge of New York. This was its Vice-president, Dewitt Clinton, the US Senator who introduced the 12th Amendment to the Constitution, who also professed his Christian faith (albeit through the dark prism of Freemasonry) and his ambition to place the Word of God in the hands of every American. IT was created in 1816 by a group of philanthropists. The British and Foreign Bible Society of London was a very influential organisation by virtue of its associations and especially to its links to the hierarchy of organised Freemasonry via its high level connections to the "Quatuor Coronati Lodge" founded by the Palestine Exploration Fund (PEF). The PEF was founded in 1865 by "a group of distinguished academics and clergymen" dedicated to the "rediscovery" of the Holy Land. The Quatuor Coronati Lodge was established by members of the PEF as an "archaeology lodge" while the PEF was, in turn, established by the United Grand Lodge of England. This Lodge promoted the reestablishment of the new Solomon Temple in Jerusalem to allow the Masonic Christ to sit on a throne. The Wescott Hort Greek Text and the English Revsed Version have been refuted by many scholars. I believe that the Greek Textus Receptus and the Hebrew Masoretic Text are accurately preserved. I am not King James Onlyism or the belief that the KJV is the only text inspired of God that people should study (without learning the Greek and Hebrew meanings of the words in the Scriptures). The King James bible is not superior to the original translations and texts. It isn't superior to the Greek Textus Receptus and the Hebrew Masoretic Text. So, I want to make that clear. The NT is right to mention these following words: “Prove all things; hold fast that which is good.” (1 Thess. 5:21). Wescott was once an Anglican priest.
There has been the elite trying to control religion. There has been John Newman and the Oxford Movement. This movement has been exposed by David Daniel’s book called “Did the Catholic Church Give US the Bible” and other sources. This movement was about to subvert Bible belief in the Church of England. This was done for the Wescott and Hort crowd, the spiritualists, etc. to dictate religious views in the world. The Revision Commission of Elliot, Lightfoot, and Moutlon were once refused by the Queen Victoria. The Jesuits created their Bible. Spiritualism is another tactic that tried to strop the Holy Bible’s authority. This spiritualism was influence by co-Mason Helena Blavatsky. This was the time when Darwinianism was promoted with the Origin of the Species that was first published in 1859. Darwin was right that there is micro evolution of species, but he was wrong to assume genetic inferirority among certain races of people (This was predicted by the apostle Paul as “the oppositions of science falsely so called” (1 Timothy 6:20). There was the Piltdown Man hoax as promoted by Jesuit Theilhard de Chardin. This hoax was found in a gravel pit near the village of Piltdown, East Sussex, England. It was exposed as fake in 1953. Cardinal Manning wanted to target Bible believing English speaking Protestant nation to accept Jesuitism. Manning was a friend of Freemason Cecil Rhodes (Rhodes made the Round table to promote the British empire and he modeled his group after the Jesuits). He admitted that he wanted Rome to reign over England. The Cardinal wanted to discredit the 1611 Authorized King James Holy Bible, because it was formed by non-Papal hands. Westcot and Hort admired Blavatsky and Newman. The converted Catholic and English writer F. W. Faber called the Protestant Bible as a heresy. This is one of the reasons why England has been targeted by the Jesuits for its Protestant/Baptist heritage. It has been attacked in various wars as well. The SJ works in a Satanic agenda, but the Devil will be cast into the lake of fire to be defeated forever (Revelation 20:10), while the Lord will be on his Throne forever unchallenged as found in Revelation 22:1.
Many have talked about David Icke for years. Many of his critics are either Christians or those that reject some of his theories on Reptilian beings. Chris White is one of the biggest critics of David Icke’s philosophies. There has been information on the truth movement. Michael Tsarion, Jordan Maxwell, and David Icke have promoted new age teachings. Icke does promote a forum to his credit that has tons of people expressing their views on subjects from symbolism to the nature of spirituality. The establishment loves Alice Bailey and new age though. For example, the United Nations funds Bailey’s Lucis Trust. Bailey claimed that an “Ascended Master” or a spiritual being worked with her to developed her ideologies. Bailey wanted an Age of Aquarius to grow that existed beyond the confines of mainstream existence. David Icke believes in the truth vibration and supports Rakorski. Icke claims to communicate with other spirits. He claims that an eye appeared to give him visions, etc. Icke admitted in his “Truth Vibrations” that he was in contact with beings and wants to guide into the new age of Aquarius (in the Lord of the Seventh Ray. This view is shared by Alice Bailey). David Icke believes that souls evolution dictates humans. He supports the existence of the Ascended master and the Solar Logos. These are Theosophical Society tenets. The Solar Logos is said to use energies to make man godlike. The Solar Logos to occultists is the spirit of the sun. Bailey believed that the 7 rays came from the galactic logos. Icke believes that Horus was the lamb, the good shepherd, he was born of a virgin, etc. So, David has an anti-Christian bias, but Horus never had these characteristics at all. Many people that promoted these lies are either Freemasons, occultists, or some Luciferians. So, the New Age crowd and some Masons use attacks against mainstream Christianity in order to make people promote the Mysteries in a modern format. Ancient Rome hated Christians since Christianity opposed Emperor worship, and other evils found in pagan tradition. The Roman Empire tried to kill all Christians, but were unsuccessful since the church can never be prevailed against. Other fraudulent people via Constantine and others merged paganism with apostate Christianity. The Vatican back then banned the common people to read the Bible by themselves and translate the Bible in their own native tongues. The Roman Catholics falsely call Mary the Queen of Heaven, when the book of Jeremiah refers to the Queen of Heaven as a pagan title. Even art depicting mothers with children doesn’t mean that Christianity is equivalent to paganism.

By Timothy