Friday, January 28, 2011

Revolution, and a new time in 2011

Today, there is rioting and protests in Egypt. People sincerely want liberty and real human rights in Egypt. Egypt is run by the Sunni Hosni Musbarak. Hosni have banned the Internet and put some people in house arrest. Folks in Egypt, the Arab world, and other places worldwide desire radical reforms that come against authoritarianism. Now, this new Revolution is related to the technological age. This era of the Internet, twitter,, etc. have made the truth more readily avaliable than any other time in history. There are calls for reforms in Cairo. The American government is trying to have a tightrope in promoting balance in the Middle East (to use Egypt as a bulwark against "extremists"). Some fear that the Muslim Brotherhood might take over Egypt if the present Egyptian government is overthrown. Yet, one thing is true. People have the right to legitimately call for real freedoms or real reforms in any nation. There are tanks in Egypt in allowing the authorities to try to take control of the nation. Some believe that NGOs might exploit the situation in order to control region of the Middle East. Many young people in the Middle East are tired of the autocrats and the theocrats trying to dominate the lives of human beings. This is history in the making. This is the first in many decades where a large portion of the Middle East having nations whose leadership could embrace real human rights. At least 58 people have died in Egypt and rising food prices is one contributing factors on why the protests have occured in the first place (along with calls for human rights reforms inside of the vicinity of Egypt).

2011 is a new era in politics and other concepts of life. Now, President Barack Obama wants to have consensus with the GOP to get his agenda going. This was expressed in his 2011 State of the Union address. He wants to freeze domestic spending for five years, cut corporate tax rates, and wait for that trickle of capital to flow. Barack Obama in the State of the Union address didn’t talk about unemployment (effecting blacks, Latinos, Asians, whites, etc.). Freezing finances is silly during a time when poverty is wrecking havoc in communities nationwide. Wall Street isn’t going to radically help the common people at all. Repacking items from the past don’t work either. There is nothing wrong with innovation, self invention, etc. but if you’re not having policies to help the poorest of the poor (then you’re agenda will not be really effective among all demographics of America). Public sector jobs are declining. Sputnik from 1957 caused the United States to spending a lot of money on education. Under the Obama/GOP austerity era, this isn’t going to occur. The President does want real spending in some area and he promotes the Race to the Top Program. This educational system allows privately managed and publicly financed alternative national charter school system (a multi-billion dollar market for hedge funds plus speculators). Public educational infrastructure has been cut too. The corporate tax rate cut will be loved by the wealthy. These profits will accrue companies to hoard over 2 trillion dollars. This new bipartisan consensus is about slick reactionary tactics to get the establishment’s agenda moving along. Today, we have to seek community improvement instead of popular acclaim. We should disagree with the long U.S. military occupation in Afghanistan too along with the unjust bombing of Pakistan.  So, the propagandists for the Republicans or Democrats have no excuse. Communities now are being spied upon and coming from assault by crooked police. Unions are being destroyed when some unions have protected populations. It's silly to assume that the President is a socialist when he's acting more center left. That's tell you how radical some Republicans are.

Kerit Gosnell is known in the new as the person who killed unborn babies. One woman said that the Philadelphia doctor barely survived her abortion. Her name is LaToya Ransome and she couldn’t walk for a year. She commented that the doctor hurt her. The doctor is now charged with murder. Scores of victims from the abortionist are revealing themselves. Some of the women said that the abortionist Kermit Gosnell forced them to abort their child. Robyn Reid told ABC News that she planned to sneak away when her grandmother brought the then 3 month pregnant 15 year old to Gosnell facility in January 31, 1998. “When I said no, the doctor got upset and he ended up taking my clothes off, hitting me, my legs were tied to the stirrups,” she said. “I was fully dressed. He actually managed to get all of my clothes off and tie me down to the medical bed,” she continued. “I just remember my very last thought … looking up at the light and thinking, ‘Don’t fall asleep.’” This man is really sick and a disgrace. There was a 30 minute struggle and LaToya said that the abortionist tried to assure her. The abortionist or Kerit claimed that this is the exact care that he would give his own daughter. Reid said that the drugs Gosnell gave her were very strong and knocked her out for 12 hours. Her mother and aunt carried her home. Gosnell, who is 69, was arrested last Wednesday for 8 counts of murder, (including charges for killing 7 babies that were born alive and 1 count for the botched abortion death of the 41 year old Nepalese refugee Karnamaya Mongar. His arrest followed the release of a 281 page photograph laden Grand Jury Report that showed Gosnell’s bone chilling practices. These act include the killing of hundreds of living, breathing newborn children by severing their spinal cords or slitting their necks. This is like Nazi like actions or crimes. Davida Johnson said that Gosnell in 2001 smacked her (and tied her hands and arms down) to give her more medication. The then later 21 year old suffered gynecological issues and learned that she contracted a venereal disease. She has since had 4 miscarriages and suffers from an unidentified lifelong illness. Gosnell has faced 46 civil lawsuits in the past, the Pennsylvania District Attorney’s office told ABCNews, and more and more victims are coming forward. “Phones are ringing off the hook. There are scores of women,” District Attorney Christine Wechsler said. LaToya Ransome told CNN that her abortion by Gosnell in July of 2007 caused her to get and infection called endocraditis. LaToye later became disabled and she needs others to take care of her. Nicole Gaither who is 38, told ABC News that she experienced excruciating pain after Gosnell aborted her baby at 5 months gestation in 2001. The Pennsylvania Department of Health and other state government agencies have turned a blind eye to Gosnell’s practices. They even knew of the complaints and lawsuits against the abortionists. According to the Grand Jury, the state ceased inspecting abortion facilities in 1995 under the administration of former Pennsylvania Governor Tom Ridge, a pro-abortion Catholic. The inspections were only resumed in 2010 by then-Governor Ed Rendell. “The Pennsylvania Department of Health abruptly decided, for political reasons, to stop inspecting abortion clinics at all,” said the grand jury. “With the change of administration from Governor [Robert] Casey to Governor Ridge, officials concluded that inspections would be ‘putting a barrier up to women’ seeking abortions … Even nail salons in Pennsylvania are monitored more closely for client safety.” The reported criticized the National Abortion Federation for failing to report Gosnell to the authorities (after observing numerous violations during an evaluation as part of a failed membership application). Authorities only found out about Gosnell’s gruesome thirty year abortion operation when they raided his facility for a drug bust. The pro-life group of Operation Rescue called Gosnell’s abortion facility as a house of horrors that exist in America. The report exposed the web of death (that involved Gosnell, co-arrestee Eileen O’Neill, and Delta Clinic’s owner Leroy Brinkley, who also owns the Atlantic Women’s Services abortion facility in Wilmington, Delaware). Gosnell was employed at Atlantic Women’s Services one day per week, and O’Neill, who pretended to be a licensed physician, was employed by both Gosnell and Brinkley. She was arrested along with Gosnell last week. The report implicates the National Abortion Federation, which claims that Brinkley’s Louisiana and Delaware facilities as proud members. We have a long way to go to prevent newborns and forced abortions in America. Yet, the Gosnell story proved that justice will come against those that shed innocent blood whether in this life or in the afterlife by Almighty God.

The V logo has been an occult logo for thousands of years. I realize that resistors of the Nazis during WWII in France have shown the V. Yet, this isn't about them. This is about the V in occult circles. Some use the V for Victory in a meaning. The pro-JBS person Alex Jones is trying to use the V symbol in trying to protest the policies of the Department of Homeland Security. History, the V symbol dealt with the occult and evil. During WWII, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill showed the V symbol for Victory. Yet, many people don't realize something. Winston Churchill was a Freemason and was a member of the Order of the Druids. According to the book Perdurabo: The Life of Aleister Crowley by Richard Kaczynski, the V symbol that was used by Churchill actually originated from the famous occultist Aleister Crowley.  Crowley decided it would be best to use the V symbol as an occult means to counter the Nazi swastika because in Hebrew it means "nail"  which he felt would serve as a representation of "nails' in the coffin for Adolf Hilter and the Nazis. Aleister Crowley believed in his "The Book of Toth" that the V symbol represented the ancient false deities of Apophis and Typhon. Apophis is known as Apep (or the evil god of chaos and darkness). Apophis is associated with the underworld and as an eater of souls. The V symbol has many other meanings, but this information alone proves that this is certainly no some wholesome patriotic symbol. The V image is found in the movie V for Vendetta (it's a film with occult symbols). V for Vendetta sympathatizes with the Jesuit Gunpowder plot that deals with violent revolution, mind control, Christian bashing, etc. The film was based on the the comic series by the same name by the occultist & magician Alan Moore. Moore is a Gnostic and claimed that a false god Glycon. Moore created another comic named "The Watchmen," which was turned into a movie that contains tons of occult symbolism and teachings. The V system is promoted in the View and in the V TV series from ABC (that deals with reptilian like aliens invading the planet). This image is related to the occult, evil, or a special occasion. Even stranger is that one of the V poster submissions that has since been published and described as an excellent entry on the InfoWars web site contains the very suspicious phrase "We Are Legion".  This is a bizarre term considering that there is a little known Catholic based organization called "The Legion of Christ." Legion is found in the New Testament of a group of demons. The Legion of Christ is a Catholic group that its founder Marcial Maciel was proved to be involved in sexual molestation and other immoral behavior. Legion also relates to a Roman military unit. Alex Jones knows this history and still uses the symbol. We don't need flames of a potential new civil war in America. Using the V symbol doesn't prove our dissent when we can use tons of other alternatives to promote dissent to the nefarious tactics of Homeland Security. The Law of Fives is one interpretation of the V hand sign as well.

Occult symbols are found in the murals of the Bank of America. These murals are found in Charlotte, North Carolina. These images look strange. Some either predict in the not so distant future or present the goal of many globalists of a radical world change. The new world order has been a real goal of Utopians spanning thousands of years. These paintings were done by Benjamin Long. They are said to deal with making/building, chaos/creativity, and planning/knowledge in a dealing with abstract art, and realism. The Charlotte Corporate Bank of America center has the 3 frescoes ruling over the lobby of the building. Some find clues in the paintings form right to life. In other words, the frescoes go from the planning stage in the right to the completion of the artistic alchemical process to the left. The fresco in the right is called planning/knowledge. It shows a Masonic red and white checkered floor pattern. Thre are business people, stairs, the burning tree, and a pyramid. The burning tree is similar to the occultic tree of life archetype. The Masonic checkered board pattern is used in the Masonic initiation ritual (where the boy's feet is placed at 90 degrees in an angle). The boy wears business suit and looks like he a part of the new generation. The blond boy is similar to the blond boy of one of the murals in the Denver International Airport (the blond boy in the DIA image has a plowshare and wearing a traditional Bavarian custume. Some allude this to the Bavarian Illuminati). The burning bush is similar to the burning bush of the OT. In Masonic rituals, members are considered to be near the Burning Bush like in the 33rd Degree. The Pyramid is obvious a symbol of the mysteries. A woman trapped inside of a transparent cube hanging from threads coming from the sky. She could be representative of a person stuck in the mateiral world (or the cube) being manipulated by forces. The stars are similar to Jacob's ladder to Heaven. There is a black sun in the mural. In Masonry, ladders are shown to represents mankind's ascendance into enlightenment or godhood. There is Illumination as promoted by Masons. The Masons believe in the 7 arts of human growth (like grammar, rhetoric, logic, arithemic, geometry, music, and astronomy). The black sun is percieved as the material world while the invsible sun is made of pure philosophical gold (in Hermetic tradition). The black sun or sol niger in Latin is the first stage of the Opus Magnum. This means that there is a blackening of crude metals first before transmutation takes place to create pure gold. The black sun is related to the Temple of Set and Nazi occult groups. The Black sun is found in the Bracken House in London (with the signs of the Zodaic as well). The black sun moving in front of the golden sun is found in the design of the DIA. The right fresco deals with the first step of the Great Work that must be done. Men dressed in suits to describe the new generation of people in the elite system. The middle fresco is a transitional period of choas. There is fighting war, disease, military people, protests, etc. worldwide. There are barb wires, nets, and soldiers to see this oppressed. A nun isn't pleased in the mural. A mural with someone with a biohazard suit describes a scenario of chemcial warfare. The DIA mural has a militaristic figure with a gas mask as well. There is a vortex mural of naked bodies in fire (or whitening in the alchemical work.  Jung compared this step with daybreak, the preparation for the next and final stage, which is the sunrise, characterized by the color red. Which is, of course, the most prominent color of the left fresco). The left fresco is heavily red. It shows working using shovel to build a new world or society. Red is related to the final step of the alchemical Magnum Opus or the Rubedo (the Red Work).  In real life, the occult elite want to transform society to be a new world order (as a part of the Great Work. In alchemy, material metals are changed into pure gold. In a spiritual sense, occultists believe that the profane man becomes a regenerated man via alchemical transformation). The mural shows a man sleeping in the Earth, which similar to a little boy sleeping in the DIA mural. The Knights of Malta and the elite control the Bank of America being the largest bank in America. The frescoes outline 3 stages of world transformation into the new age. These stages are planning, chaos, and achievement. There are color coded and some of the murals' images look similar to the murals of the Denver International Airport. Some symbols are related to Masonry and the Mystery schools. Those in the know realize a lot of the murals' meanings. The second fresco has unrest in order to achieve the mission. These frescoes show the elite's agenda that is hidden in plain sight. Symbols have many levels of meaning as Dr. Robert Heirmonous says, but we can know a lot about these occurences.

Many people have found images in the Indianapolis State Capitol building. It housed the General Assembly ,the Governor of Indiana, the Supreme Court of Indiana, and other state officials. The building was built in 1888. It was the fifth building to house the state government. The third building was a structure inspired by the Parthenon, but was condemned in 1877 because of structural defects and razed so the current statehouse could be built on its location.
The Indiana State Capitol has occult paintings in it as well. This has been exposed by with the YouTube name of protestantsep (or Protestant seperatist). He tried to get close up pictures of the mural. The Indiana House Chambers has these murals. The murals have people sitting down. There is an image of a man and a Goddess-like figure. The mural is called “The Spirit of Indiana.” Yet, the real title of the mural according to the contract is called, “The Apotheosis of Indiana.” Eugene Savage made the contract back in 1961. The contract is a legal and binding document. The apotheosis is once again, an old pagan concept that believes that man can achieve godhood. It’s not a secret that State capitols nationwide have Masonic/occult influence and some of their cosmology related from the pagan Temples of old. The House prayers in the state capitol of Indiana can’t invoke Jesus Christ’s name. Even the Indiana state poem reads that: “…For a Pagan voice within me seems to answer to it all.” This is paganism promoted since the early days of America. The name of the mural was changed from the Apotheosis of Indiana to the Spirit of Indiana to cover up the lawless ones (or the covert occult elite governing many affairs in our world today including American affairs). There are gods and goddesses in the painting. These characters are mythical characters. The state is depicted as a Goddess. In our time, the truth is coming out in great measure. References that deal with Christianity are banned from this Chamber, but not pagan images on the mural. Some Ten Commandments plagues are promoted by the Masonic Fraternal Order of the Eagles. The man with the hat in the painting is named William H. Harrison (or once the Masonic Governor). The apotheosis deals with trying to deify the personification of Indiana. In real life, the rulers of this land use the Mysteries not to enlighten folks, but to control the common people (while keeping real wisdom withholden from human beings).
By Timothy