Wednesday, January 26, 2011

President Barack Obama's 2011 State of Union Speech

President Barack Obama gave his 2011 State of the Union Address yesterday. He shook Congresspeople's hands and Supreme Court Justices' hands as well. He expressed agreement of debate being essential to enrich our American culture. Yet, in his mind, the events in Tuscon proved that we are apart of the American family (despite differences of our different political beliefs). In other words, you don't have to agree with me, but that doesn't mean a person is less of a person. The President desired solutions of cooperation among both major parties in order to have effective governing. Now, legislation can't be passed without Republican and Democratic collaborations. The President wanted investments in technology and other services to develop economic progress. He said that the economic is growing again after the bad economic recession. President Barack Obama made known of the new economic reality in the era of globalization (or international competition where the rules have changed in this technological revolution). He wants America to not be stationary in the changing wins of change in history in order to meet the demands of a new age. President Barack Obama wants to encourage innovation, especially that deals with research. In other words, the President desires investments in information technology, clean coal technology, renewed energy, etc. He wants supercomputers and other innovation to have 1 million electrical cars by 2015. He set a goal of 2035 of 80 percent of all our homes to be used by alternative energy resources. President Barack Obama wished that No Child Left Behind to be replaced with a law that's flexible to work with local communities plus school boards. A comprehensive immigration solution is apart of the President's agenda (that deals with the border security and illegal immigration exist here in America now). The President wants to build up our infrastructure from high speed rail and high speed Internet. So, he wants to redouble those efforts in order to rebuild our construction centers, attract private investments, etc. (since China has huge transportation systems now). The President wants to possibly reform the new health care law in the 1090 provision, but he refuse to allow private insurance companies to deny a patient with a pre-existing condition. He wants cuts in community action programs and the military in his mind to handle the deficit and debt. He considered dealing with malpractice lawsuits. He doesn't believe in the privatization of all of Social Security. He rejects the notion of permanent tax cuts for the richest people in America. President Barack Obama wishes to simplify the tax code. The President didn't mention one word on the poor, which is interesting. President Barack Obama wants this time to be a Sputnik moment to revive our spirit of ingenuity and innovation. The President's State of the Union address was a decent, eloquent display of his agenda. Some parts of his speech are some items that I don't agree with. I don't agree with the President calling for the continuation of the war on terror, a spending freeze, and corporate tax rate cuts. President Barack Obama didn't say a word or syllable on foreclosures, hunger, poverty, food stamps, fighting outsourcing our jobs overseas, and solutions to help the most poor in America. The GOP and the Tea Party's responses to it (via Ryan and Bachmann) were either little plans or the same old laissez faire, supply side economics that got us in the mess we have now (this mess commenced before Barack Obama was ever elected President. We had 2 wars, tax cuts for the rich, and a high deficit before 2008). 14,000 laws were passed to open loopholes in the TAX code for the RICH and Corporatio­ns over the last 30 years has destroyed our DEBT, DEFICIT, Middle Class, Trade Balance, and OUR ECONOMY. What was interesting was that Ryan said that he believes in a social safety net, which is taboo for his Tea Party ilk to promote. Ryan wants to cut government revenues and raise taxes on 90 percent of Americans. Ryan has declared that the 2009 stimulus package to be a failure. This does not appear to comport to factual reality. The stimulus have made some economic improvements, but not in a radical sense. You can't say I want no spending and rich tax cuts then expect radical economic growth in America to develop. It doesn't work in that fashion.


Ronald Reagan's centennial after his birth is soon coming. A lot of Tea Party people and Republicans praise him. They view as some conservative deity, yet even Ronald Reagan wasn't as conservative as his proponents conceive him as well. I don't agree with Nimmo that any government intervention is some worship of the state. The government is made up of the people and the government doing legitimate deals is not a sin nor evil. Reagan was a different era for America. In his time, the debt and the poverty rate increased in America. Granted, he did sign a tax cut in 1981, but this went to a wealthy minority, not the majority that had their wealth decimated by the banksters and the Federal Reserve. Early in Reagan's term, Social Security taxes increased and inflation pushed millions into higher tax brackets. The federal deficit increased from 2.7 percent of GDP in 1980 to 6 percent of GDP in 1983. This was the largest peacetime deficit in history and was still 5 percent of GDP in 1986. Reagan closed “loopholes” (like tax shelters, the promotion of the alternative minimum tax, etc.) and increased government revenue from $517 billion in 1981 to $1.031 trillion in 1989. Reagan appointed Alan Greenspan as the FED Chairman. The FED has been involved in causing the recession in the early 1980's. The cut in the money supply by the FED existed as early as 1979. This manipulation of the money supply by the FED caused debt placed on the American people (and it's owed to the bankers for money loaned out of thin air to the government Reagan represented). “As governor of California and president of the United States, he enacted policies that, in the main, greatly expanded the role and size of government,” writes Anthony Gregory. “As governor, he oversaw the largest tax increase in Californian history. Democratic Governor Jerry Brown cut back the tax rate when he came to office.” Reagan wasn't a libertarian. He was a puppet politican. After his near death, Ronald Reagan was promoted as the poster child of a conservative even when he wasn't totally a conservative. Reagan's allies (the following is what Kurt Nimmo didn't show) supported the reactionary Mont Pelerin Society of Von Hayek, Friedman, and others. The elite fund these movement in order to further cause the disparity of the rich and the poor. Reagan when he was governor of California sucked up to the oil companies. He took up a balanced budget from Jerry Brown into a huge debt. Once before Reagan's time as Governor, Ronald Reagan is known for busting unions and promoting deregulation that Nimmo slyly omitted. Ronald Reagan has that conservative Christian tag by the establishment media. Yet, he was a follower of the occultic Bohemian Grove, he joined with his wife in astrology, and he was a honorary 33rd Degree Freemason. Iran Contra was under Reagan's watch as well. Like Palin, Bush and Schwarzenegger, all these huge Republicans are created by George H. W. Bush (or the CNP/Right Paradigm crew) as superstars. When they are nothing more than Haliburton/Bush/BP and war industry puppets. So, you have to have balance in economics. The globalists want little balance or regulation with total business exploitation of the common people. Our wages under Reagan are half of what they are now because now 2 people have to work to pay for a house, and the savings rates have also crumbled and credit card debt stacked. There is a direct relationship between prosperity and things like; public investments in technology and infrastructure, public support for commodity prices, tariff rates, etc. If you want to redistribute wealth, either up or down, you’ve got to create it first.

Jesse Ventura wants a lawsuit against the TSA because of his airport experience. Jesse was the former Minnesota Governor. He was subjected to TSA harassment. Now, he's suing the federal agency. Some want the TSA replaced with private security. The TSA has experience the situation of them responding to a FOIA request filed by former Congressman Bob Barr that could send further shockwaves via the Homeland Security controlled federal body. Ventura's lawsuit directly names DHS chief Janet Napolitano and the TSA head John Pistole against the new invasive groping measures introduced last year has provoked a tidal wave of media coverage. The TSA has become embroiled in a number of lawsuits and legal challenges over the past few months as the agency's policies are flagrantly abused by TSA staffers in numerous blatant examples of sexual harassment, violations of the Americans with Disabilities Act, and wanton disregard for the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution. There is the case of the 24 year old woman named Lynsie Murley. She was from Amarillo, Texas. She received compensation from the agency after TSA workers pulled down her blouse and exposed her breasts. The TSA workers laughed in her face, leaving Murley, "extremely embarrassed and humiliated” according to the lawsuit. Ventura has his television series that is in risk of being cut and he's exposing the TSA. He's refusing to fly until the TSA policies change. This can stir another national debate about the TSA policies (that occurred back in November of 2010). Some had a national opt out day protest on Thanksgiving. This revolt was led by the Drudge Report website that flexed its power to make sure that this issue was shown in the public. The TSA reversed its procedures for travelers temporarily roped off naked body scanners and relaxed supposedly mandatory invasive pat down policies. The former Congressman Bob Barr's Liberty Guard organization filed a Freedom of Information Act to request demanding an explanation as to why the TSA felt comfortable in briefly mothballing policies it claimed were vital for national security simply as a propaganda ploy. The TSA wanted to pull out its legal trickes to be reticent in addressing the FOIA request. The Liberty Guard;s Shane Cory wants the FOIA request to exist. Any admission that the TSA amended its policies as part of a coordinated media stunt will send shock waves through an agency already on the ropes.

Rick Santorum is having his controversy that deals with race, abortion, and other subjects. Before presenting whether I agree with Rick's comments, it's time to show the situation. Rick Santorum went on FOX News to say that "...Well if that human life is not a person then I find it almost remarkable for a black man to say ‘now we are going to decide who are people and who are not people.." He was talking about President Barack Obama back in 2008 saying that knowing when human life begins was above his pay grade. Many liberals believe that his comments were condescending and racist, while conservatives praised his comments of course. The truth in some of these matters lies beyond the rhetoric of the Left/Right Paradigm. The Freemason Al Sharpton publicly debated Santorum on his comments. One good thing out of the debate was that both men wanted common ground solutions to try to decrease abortions in the black community. Rick is right and wrong on some issues. He's right that it's a scientific fact that human life begins in conception. This isn't my opinion. This is stuff documented by doctors, books, research, and genetic evidence (when conception occur, new genetics and new DNA exists among the unborn human being signifying new human life period). He's right that record abortions in the black communities and other communities is a tradegy and solutions should be made to deal with this issue. He's right that Margaret Sanger was an enemy of black Americans, she promoted eugenics, she hated charity & real anti-poverty measures, and used the Negro Project (not as a means to sincerely promote birth control, but to to decrease especially poorer communities of blacks, Slavs, other Eastern Europeans, and others she deemed "undesirable" or human weeds) against people. These are facts. Now, Rick is wrong to equate the suffering of black people as 100% equivalent to abortion. Abortion and slavery are similar in coming from the same tree of selfishness, bigotry, and destruction. Yet, these 2 actions have strong differences. Rick is also wrong to assume that blacks must be Pro-Life by force. Blacks should be pro-life or not voluntarily as a result of rational thinking. Black people have a lot of intellectual maturity to make up their own minds in deciding a position on this serious moral issue. Blacks have a great sense of moral character. Also, blacks shouldn't be a bunch of Republicans or conservatives (on every single issue) to prove that we are Pro-Life. Many African Americans from across the political spectrum are Pro-Life (like non-blacks are pro-life from many political persuasions too). Many Pro-Life people support his comments since they feel that it's hypocritical for some to claim person hood of blacks while denying the person hood of the unborn. That's an interesting point. Rick Santorum is a Knight of Malta, so that's an interesting tidbit to be shown. You notice that Santorum won't call for health care reform, radical anti-poverty measures, real sexual education, and other solutions that can radically reduce the abortion rate in communities. I do agree with Rick Santorum being opposed to abortion on demand. It's silly to assume that Rick had racist intent behind his commentary, but public and private solutions ought to be made to fight against abortion on demand. After Santorum’s initial remarks, which came in an videotaped interview last week with CNS News, he told David Brody of CBN News that he meant what he said, sending the statement:  “For decades certain human beings were wrongly treated as property and denied liberty in America because they were not considered persons under the constitution.  Today other human beings, the unborn of all races, are also wrongly treated as property and denied the right to life for the same reason; because they are not considered persons under the constitution.  I am disappointed that President Obama, who rightfully fights for civil rights, refuses to recognize the civil rights of the unborn in this country.” His words on this point are quite accurate. To assume that the unborn has no value, no life, and no purpose is one of the biggest lies around. Many Republicans legitimately expose high levels of abortions as an serious complication in West, but they advance reactionary policies that do little to nothing to solve this problem (except for crisis pregnancy centers, which I have no problem with). Many Republicans (being brainwashed by the globalist promoted Austrian School rhetoric. Their ilk want to demonize government so much that they want an international banking cartel to run our government & have evil austerity measures) abhor Head Start, Upward Bound (to give low income children to have the same opportunity to further their education after high school), and other programs to help human beings that live outside of the womb. The Southern strategy doesn't work anymore. I want mention this too. The extreme of the Left Gatekeepers can never use my own people as some underclass to promote radical abortion on demand too (abortion on demand has never been apart of African culture at all. Abortion and population control has been supported, promoted, and funded by the elite like the Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, even the religious establishment, etc.). Also, the left gatekeepers legitimately expose gun violence as a serious problem in urban and suburban areas (and desiring reforms in mental health, etc.). Yet, some of them want to heavily restrict the gun rights of law abiding citizens. There is nothing wrong with preventing criminals or having safeguards to not allow others (after due process) to not own a gun. Yet, it's wrong to arbitrarily have innocent citizens to be treated as equivalent as a Jared Loughner type of person. The good cop Democrats and the bad cop Republican only cause the system to divide, confuse, and conquer the deluded masses in general (as opposed to those awakened from the Matrix of control). The elite of both major parties don't care about blacks or anyone else really. We shouldn't suck up to the Republicans or the Democrats. They only want control. They use issues like abortion as a means to control the masses and make them to be in the Left/Right Paradigm, while radically independent solutions are shunned by the establishment. Roe didn't solve our problems in a real way. Sometimes, Roe made problems worse. We don't need to be managed by proxy. We need to be our own leaders. Instead of looking Right or Left for our purpose, we need to look straight ahead or forward. Keeping going forward is great advice instead of worshipping some political philosophy.

It's not a secret that the establishment is targeting our jobs. According to CNN, home values in America tumbled another 1.7 trillion dollars in 2010. America lost 32% of its manufacturing jobs since the year of 200. Manufacturing employment in the U.S. computer industry is lower in 2010 than it was in 1975. The middle class and the poor have been assaulted on many fronts. The elite want a techno feudal future with the elite ruling over the middle and poor class of workers. Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has just returned to Iraq after 3 years of self imposed exile in Iran (back in November 2010). The Shiites might have more power in Iraq after American forces left. al-Sadr is pro-Iranian and has issues with American policies. There is existence of higher education worldwide. The Illuminati of course devised their student societies at Universities. 2 in Germany are called the Tugenbund and Berschenschaften. William H. Russell matriculated and studied in these institutions in Germany. He returned back into America to form Yale's Skulls and Bones secret Society (with student societies' ceremonies and rites from Germany).  S&B acknowledges today that it came “from the German chapter,” which presented as a gift to S&B a painting that seems to depict the rites of the Regent degree of the Illuminati. Laurence Sterne's "The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentelment" was recommended reading for Illuminati initiates. One of the most important characters in the book was "Uncle Toby." "Uncle Toby" is one name used during Skulls and Bones initiations. Just like the Illuminati back then, the Skulls and Bones focused on preparing the elite among what they call "the most ingenious men." Clarence Karier wrote the book in 1986 called "The Individual, Society, and Education: A History of American Educational Ideas." He wrote that the Illuminist Pestalozzi “argued for a practical education for the new proletariat and was looked upon with favor by the power elite for suggesting that ‘the poor must be educated for poverty’ for in order ‘to enjoy the best possible state, both of soul and body… it is necessary to desire and be content with still less’.” This is very similar to the view of Frederick Gates, the head of Rockefeller’s General Education Board founded in 1902. Gates in Occasional Letter, No. 1 revealed that “In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hand. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.” In other words, Gates and Pestalozzi wants the educational system to produce docile citizens that lack independent thinking to go against the evil agendas of the elite. Many schools followed Weishaupt's views. German historian Reinhart Koselleck put Weishaupt “in a row with [Comte Henri de] Saint-Simon and [Karl] Marx” from 1818 to 1824, Saint Simon’s secretary was August Comte, who from 1851 to 1857 wrote a 4-volume set titled System of Positive Polity explaining his “Positive Philosophy” in which collective humanity became more important than the individual, and it replaced God as the focus of worship. Some view the positivist philosophy as the origin of the secular Humanist movement. John Dewey was a famous secular humanist. He's the father of progressive education. He was the signer of the first Humanist Manifesto back in 1933, which showed that values are autonomous and situational. Charles Francis Potter was another signer. His book called "Humanism: A New Religion" form 1930 wrote that: "...Education is thus a most powerful ally of humanism. What can the theistic Sunday schools, meeting for an hour once a week, and teaching only a fraction of the children, do to stem the tide of a 5-day program of humanistic teaching?”  Also, Brock Chisholm in the February 1946 edition of Psychiatry advocated world government and children to be world citizens. He was the head of the World Health Organization. Brock wrote that: "...We have swallowed all manner of poisonous certainties fed us by our parents, our Sunday and day school teachers, our politicians, our priests…. The reinterpretation and eventual eradication of the concept of right and wrong which has been the basis of child training, the substitution of intelligent and rational thinking for faith in the certainties of the old people, these are the belated objectives… for charting the changes in human behavior.” Adam Weishaupt rejected private property rights, moral absolutes, and other mainstream concepts. Even his second in command of the Illuminati Baron von Knigge wanted to witness "world citizens." 24 years after Chisholm's article was published, something occurred. The leading educator Ted Sizer in his "Five Lectueres...On Moral Education" form 1970 wrote that: "...Moral autonomy… is the ‘new morality’ toward which we are to guide ourselves and other people.” Then in the September/October 1981 edition of The Humanist, H.J. Blackham (a founder of the 4-million member International Humanist and Ethical Union) wrote that if schools teach dependence (moral, etc.) on oneself, “they are more revolutionary than any conspiracy to overthrow the government.” His words are accurate then and now.

By Timothy