Our economy isn't recovered yet. A recent CNN poll says that 3/4 of Americans believe that the recession is over. Yet, this isn't so. Unemployment hasn't been this high for this long in most Americans' lifetime. The U.S. economy isn't recovering in an efficicent way. Corporate profits has risen at its most fast pace on record in the last 18-20 months. Non-financial companies are showing the highest free cash flow in a half of century. This cahs flow are profits after dividends and capital expenditures. Profits margins at S&P 500 companies are now higher than 9%. This is uncharted territory. Joseph Lavorgna, chief U.S. economist of Deutsche Bank, stresses, “Not only are we seeing a tremendous V-shaped recovery in corporate profits, but we are in fact seeing the biggest corporate profit recovery ever.” This tells us that corporate profits are in record levels, while there is little recoverty in Main St. The greatest recovery in corporate profits and a big recessions are 2 major developments in our economic situation today. There is wage stagnation and people fighting for wages according to the Worker advocacy group Change to Win. The empolyers' bottom line is increasing while workerts are having no raise in their paychecks. Andrew Sum, professor of economics at Northeastern University, concludes that the current expansion “has seen the most lopsided gains in corporate profits relative to real wages in our history.” The corproate executives have grew their power since they waged war on labor for over 50 years in America. Profits at the expense of wage is vice. The top 1% of the income earners have nearly 2/3s of all economic growth. Profit margins expanded in an unprecedented super-cycle while workers struggled through increasingly lopsided, jobless recoveries. The last three expansions presaged the Greatest Recovery and defined its precise shape. This situation represents an unequal distribution of income between profts and wages. There is an unequal distribution of power between business and labor in the workplace and in Washington. President Barack Obama believes that the private sector would create most of the jobs when they aren't. Obama's advisors rejected the public employment option in it healthcare reform law. Even the stimulus according to some wasn't large enough since there was a decline in demand. Larry Summers, Obama’s former chair of economic advisors, designed the stimulus to maximize GDP rather than employment—job creation, private sector included, was at best an incidental goal. 26 million Americans are presently unemployed or underemployed. According to Economic Policy Institute’s Heidi Schierholz, “If the rate of job growth were to continue at October’s rate, the economy would achieve prerecession unemployment rates (5% in 2007) in roughly 20 years.” Some have called the Obama administration's approach to the labor market was a laissez faire attitude (causing corporations to recieve subidies by default because of the problems). The White House gave direct assistance to the financial industry (in prevent prices from falling in the real estate, bond, or equity markets), but not toward labor. The administration’s economic policy regime compels workers to the free market while protecting banks from its ruinous fallout. This is a real unemployment crisis, while workers' benefits are struggling. An article in the December issue of The Economist explains, “Since the end of 2008 business-sector productivity has grown at an impressive annualized rate of 4.2% while hourly compensation has crept ahead by just 2.1%. Unit labor costs have fallen at an annualized 2% rate, the steepest cumulative decline since the 1950s. Profits owe their V-shape in great part to employment’s L-shape.” This unemployment crisis is a national emergency. That's all the more reason to promote radical solutions to fight against poverty from a public works programs, a guaranateed annual income, a citizen dividend, develop infrastructure development in a massive scale, restoring our safety net, ending mandatory sentencing for people, getting rid of the War on Drugs to have alternatives, and other solutions.
President Barack Obama had collaborated with the Republicans on many endeavors and some Republicans still feel that he's some socialist extremist. Months after the primary election, Obama is acting more center-right in a collaborationist mode. He's praised as a statesman since he's compromising politically. This is similar to Bill Clinton compromising with the Republicans and supporting NAFTA plus banking deregulation. That's why he hired Clinton's old economic system. In a way, Barack Obama created a more effective comfort zone by allowing many Democrats to be defeated in the 2010 Congressional elections. Barack Obama will soon issue what he wants in his 2011 State of the Union address. Weeks after his swearing in into office (on January 20, 2009), he appointed the Bill Clinton's Wall Street deregulation crowd (to handle economic policies). George W. Bush's Secretary of Defense was still there for time to expand the American Empire. The administration of President Barack Obama changed little in substance from the Bush 43 administration in substance in foreign policy with only a little changes in some domestic policy. The political Kool Aid has caused many to support the present administration unconditionally without much independent thinking. The Republicans are having their comeback. The Democrats are confused. The reason is that Obama's allies criticized much of their own constituents, supported Wall Street banker bailouts, promoting the war on terror, etc. Now, new corporate Democrats head much of their own party system. William Daley (or the JP Morgan Chase executive) was appointed as President Barack Obama's chief of staff. Gene Sperling is heading the National Economic Council. The White House is used to coordinate even more seamlessly with Wall Street. Daley was the man that was involved in passing the Clinton/Republican NAFTA bill even though 60 percent of Democrats in the House opposed the bill in that time. Daley and Clinton are rich now allied with bankers to move from the boardroom to where the public's money is kept. Sperling made money from Goldman Sachs and the economist Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research have no issue with it. Sperling say the stock market bubble causing the 2001 recession. The economy only radically grew and create jobs 2.5 years after the beginning of this recession. It grew due to the growth of housing bubble. Gene supported Bil Clinton's financial deregulation that made Goldman Sachs a lot of money. There is an U.S. trade deficit and an over valued dollar. The trade deficit undermined the bargaining power of manufacturing workers and helped to redistribute income upward. The policies beneficial for Wall Street are akin to Sperling's agenda. Barack Obama may agree or not agree with radical deregulation, but some people in his cabinet are. Wall Street used him as a puppet to sugarcoat imperialism and other reactionary rhetoric under the guise of "left wing cover." He is sent to make the Clinton DLC-lite Democrats have more influence too. Western hegemony continues. The elite allowed NAFTA to to export the U.S. manufacturing sector, and destroyed the financial regulatory infrastructure of the New Deal so that Wall Street could dominate every aspect of American economic and political life, has no interest in productive enterprise or good jobs creation. Daley being a part of the Barack Obama administration is typical of the corporate influence of government in 2011. That is why we should reject Kool-Aid and drinking the waters of truth.

The Helegian Dialetic runs deep. It's been found that the billionaire Scaife donates cash go to both CSIS and the Reason Foundation. CSIS promotes cybernetics and Reason claims to be all about libertarian. Scaife is known to fund both the Left and Right Paradigms since he's a nexus point in exposing the left/right paradigm. Reason promotes an establishment form of libertarianism. It's feudalism. While, local, country, and state government are shrinking in extreme austerity, the federal government is expanding (in the wrong areas like the military, Homeland Security, and banker bailouts). The false solution is to blame the government for all evils in the world and privatize everything (like some Tea Party people want). If all public infrastructure was sold, all public lands were sold to the highest bitter, and if all government functions are run privately, then only big corporations like Goldman Sachs will rule most of that power base. Ironically, these bankers stole the money. This is why the Kochs and other elite bankers co-opted the Tea Party. They wanted rhetoric form the Tea Party to be utilized as an excuse for the bankers to steal public lands and infrastructure (under the guise of a free market). This is nothing more than anarcho-capitalism and Austrian economic propaganda (that include a gold standard like the people from the World Bank). The anarchists and some libertarian want private courts, private police agencies, and private prisons. The reality is that we have those things now in high measure. Corporations have huge influence in our contrary as contrary to the Constitution. The establishment allow the Mormon Glen Beck and other people in the hijacked Tea party Movement to claim that President Barack Obama is a Communist (including Stern, Ayers, van Jones, etc.). The reality is that we have a more fascist system (communism is still wrong since that involved an authoritarian centralized state that controls most facets of the economy. Individual liberties are suppressed under Communism). Here, the government are influenced by big business with bailouts and corporate welfare. The mega corporations oppress the state and use the state as an instrument of controlling the people. It's as simple as that. They use the government via lobbyists to enslave and bankrupt us. So, we don't need the Left Paradigm (using the schemes of new age religion, Agenda 21, neo-eugenics, transhumanism, abolition of all private property, ending borders, etc.) or the Right Paradigm (that is about anarchy, Austrian economics, allow corporate raiding in our land, etc. They exploit the name of God and Jesus to get brainwashed Christians not real Christians pacified) ruling us. We have to have some checks and balances as a solution. Each level of government (like the federal, state, and local branches) have functions. There is a safety net for the poor and disadvantaged in society, state banks in America (North Dakota's bank is successful now), and the use of interest free money. I'm older so, the problems we see isn't just about race. It's about us the people (of every background) vs. the banking elite (and the rest of the establishment). The elite want us pacificied emotionally, spiritually, economically, and politically. I believe in compassion. Also, I believe that people should prepare for the future. We should have reserves in food, water, medicine, and other resources. We should be prepared if necessary to help our fellow human beings if they need real assistance in life. We have that right to resist tyranny and promote our God-given rights of self determination, independent thinking, and collective & individual cooperation to solve problems. Good will always triumph against evil.

The Helegian Dialetic runs deep. It's been found that the billionaire Scaife donates cash go to both CSIS and the Reason Foundation. CSIS promotes cybernetics and Reason claims to be all about libertarian. Scaife is known to fund both the Left and Right Paradigms since he's a nexus point in exposing the left/right paradigm. Reason promotes an establishment form of libertarianism. It's feudalism. While, local, country, and state government are shrinking in extreme austerity, the federal government is expanding (in the wrong areas like the military, Homeland Security, and banker bailouts). The false solution is to blame the government for all evils in the world and privatize everything (like some Tea Party people want). If all public infrastructure was sold, all public lands were sold to the highest bitter, and if all government functions are run privately, then only big corporations like Goldman Sachs will rule most of that power base. Ironically, these bankers stole the money. This is why the Kochs and other elite bankers co-opted the Tea Party. They wanted rhetoric form the Tea Party to be utilized as an excuse for the bankers to steal public lands and infrastructure (under the guise of a free market). This is nothing more than anarcho-capitalism and Austrian economic propaganda (that include a gold standard like the people from the World Bank). The anarchists and some libertarian want private courts, private police agencies, and private prisons. The reality is that we have those things now in high measure. Corporations have huge influence in our contrary as contrary to the Constitution. The establishment allow the Mormon Glen Beck and other people in the hijacked Tea party Movement to claim that President Barack Obama is a Communist (including Stern, Ayers, van Jones, etc.). The reality is that we have a more fascist system (communism is still wrong since that involved an authoritarian centralized state that controls most facets of the economy. Individual liberties are suppressed under Communism). Here, the government are influenced by big business with bailouts and corporate welfare. The mega corporations oppress the state and use the state as an instrument of controlling the people. It's as simple as that. They use the government via lobbyists to enslave and bankrupt us. So, we don't need the Left Paradigm (using the schemes of new age religion, Agenda 21, neo-eugenics, transhumanism, abolition of all private property, ending borders, etc.) or the Right Paradigm (that is about anarchy, Austrian economics, allow corporate raiding in our land, etc. They exploit the name of God and Jesus to get brainwashed Christians not real Christians pacified) ruling us. We have to have some checks and balances as a solution. Each level of government (like the federal, state, and local branches) have functions. There is a safety net for the poor and disadvantaged in society, state banks in America (North Dakota's bank is successful now), and the use of interest free money. I'm older so, the problems we see isn't just about race. It's about us the people (of every background) vs. the banking elite (and the rest of the establishment). The elite want us pacificied emotionally, spiritually, economically, and politically. I believe in compassion. Also, I believe that people should prepare for the future. We should have reserves in food, water, medicine, and other resources. We should be prepared if necessary to help our fellow human beings if they need real assistance in life. We have that right to resist tyranny and promote our God-given rights of self determination, independent thinking, and collective & individual cooperation to solve problems. Good will always triumph against evil.
By Timothy