Sunday, January 30, 2011

Sarkozy Goes Postal On Jamie Dimon, Says Bankers Made World Into Madhouse (More Words from Flying Dutch)

Court halts transfer of stake in Dutch nuclear plant
The Dutch Supreme Court placed an interim freeze Friday on plans to transfer a 50 percent stake in the Netherla... < Dutch news | Expatica The Netherlands

GOOD! No privatization...already happened last years...and selling of our power grid, certainly not nuclear reactors!!

Better keep state owned power grid, in case you get war and other countries own your power grid, you will get some big troubles. Energy independence is one of the most important things of a sovereign nation state, it´s the economic backbone of a country.

I´ve nothing against Germany, fine country, but i just believe this way, no matter where the company trying to buy up our nuclear plants is coming from.I think Germans are thinking similar, they like to keep things German i noticed.The power grid is so important!!

-Flying Dutch