Tuesday, August 09, 2011

JFK and Tax Cuts




Jay Ell on January 1st, 1970 12:00 am
This is the problem with the Democratic Party purging liberal voices and adopting the right wing talking points. Kennedy cut the top marginal tax rate from 91% to 71% and at the same time closed loopholes that he himself benefited from. He knew millionaires in the 91% bracket didn’t pay anything close to that rate and in fact because of complicated tax scams, often paid next to nothing. By ending welfare and loopholes for the wealth class he, in effect, RAISED taxes, or revenues. He spoke about this “revenue increase” in his third debate with Nixon in the 1960 debates and again after he was President in May of 1961 in front of a joint session of Congress. Also, lowering top marginal rates to 71% at a time when the economy was growing a 4 to 5% a year is not comparable to today’s lethargic growth.The following link is a pretty good argument against the right wing myth that Kennedy was a “supply side” tax cutter. http://www.usnews.com/opinion/articles/2011/01/26/the-myth-of-jfk-as-supply-side-tax-cutter Also see my rant on this if you’re interested. http://definitiveliberal.wordpress.com/category/the-economy/Enjoy,Jay



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