Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Michele Bachmann Repeatedly Sought Stimulus, EPA, Other Government Funds

Hank10303 10:59 AM on 8/10/2011
This is typical of republican­s. They rant like mad men/women over this government program or that government program and then when they are out of sight of the camera's they do everything in their power to get government grants and funding. Nearly every republican that openly expressed disgust and were applauded over the stimulus program took photo opts at ribbon cutting ceremonies over and over

"The Lord abhors dishonest scales."-Proverbs
0 minute ago (4:13 PM)
Even Ayn Rand eventually accepted social security and medicare benefits, proving their efficacy. She talked a good game but yeah, in the end it was all socialism.           


like not collecting stamps is a hobby
1 hour ago (2:57 PM)
Bachmann is all for government spending, as long as it is for good, moral, peaceful things. Like fighter planes..




cma6 said...

The premise of the Team Obama media jackals at HuffPost is false: that a politician opposed to certain government programs is not permitted to participate in them. That is like saying that someone who thinks taxes should be higher must personally contribute funds over and above taxes owed on Form 1040. The laws apply equally to all citizens, whatever their political views.

Timothy said...

Here is my response to you. It doesn't matter if the Huffington Post gluencuflects over President Barack Obama or not. The truth is the truth. The is truth is that Michelle Bachman hypocritically sought government funds, stimulus, plus EPA influences. A real politican that accepts trickled down economic philosophy or pure Austrian economics should not follow programs funded by the government at all. Also, government has created jobs for thousands of years. Also, having a Congressional seat by definition is a government job. This circumstance is different from taxes since Bachmann can have the option to not accept certain governmental funds. Laws apply to all citizens, but people like Bachmann can reject some of the funds though. She's a hypocrite by claiming to hate more government spending, but adhering to it to benefit her own self interests. Frankly, there is nothing wrong with government spending done in an appropriate way.

By Timothy