Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Standing Up and not worshipping Popularity

The elites are doing corrupt policies. Globalization has been promoted in the 1990’s as a part of a new economic way of life. The world is more economically interconnected. Some people believe that globalization was a good process in the world and America. Now, we see that companies are offshoring jobs, corporations are receiving record profits, and the U.S. economy is being destroyed. Globalization has dismantled the American manufacturing sector, which has caused a large amount of unemployment and lowered our national GDP.  There has been a lust to get oil and gas wealth in Central Asia and Iraq (during the early 21st century), wars in Afghanistan plus Iraq (including the war in Pakistan). These wars have cost Americans almost $3.7 trillion. The private sector is sitting over 2 trillion dollars and some of them are refusing to hire people while state budgets are being slashes. Republicans want to layoff hundreds of thousands of government workers. Many corporations don’t pay taxes, have tax breaks, and this adds to the 6.1 trillion dollar debt increase that occurred during the Bush administration. The real unemployment rate is of 16.2%. The corporate-controlled Federal Reserve “’provided more than $16 trillion in total financial assistance to some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world’” according to a recent audit of the Fed. This $16 trillion is larger than US GDP! One may ask how on Earth was the Fed able to get $16 trillion. The answer is that the financial system is now based on nonexistent money. This argument is furthered when one considers that the derivatives market has been worth more than the global economy. The American elite have caused this debt by waging wars and having tax cuts for themselves. The value of the dollars has decreased as well.

There is the electronic skin tattoo with RFID technology to facilitate monitoring. This object has a RFID chip that can transfer information wirelessly into various networks. Electronic skin tattoos is the new craze now. Some want to use these devices for health monitoring, etc. They can be used to track, spy, and monitor human beings. This hair thin electronic patch can come on the skin. A U.S. study found that it can transform medical sensing, computer gaming, and spy operations. This mirco electronics technology is called EES or epidermal electronic system. Electronics and biology is blurred under this new technology according to John Rogers. John Rogers is the professor in materials science and engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Rogers said that he wanted this goal: “…Our goal was to develop an electronic technology that could integrate with the skin in a way that is mechanically and physiologically invisible to the user.” Some want to use the patch to monitor the brain, heart, and muscle tissue activity instead of bulky electrodes. It can cause communication for those with the disease of the larynx. Solar collectors can fuel the device. It’s less than 50 microns thick or slightly thinner than a human hair. There is no need of glue or sticky material on the object. “Forces called van der Waals interactions dominate the adhesion at the molecular level, so the electronic tattoos adhere to the skin without any glues and stay in place for hours,” said the study. Northwestern University engineer Yonggang Huang said the patch was “as soft as the human skin.” Rogers and Huang worked on this technology for 6 years. Each have created flexible electronics for hemispherical camera seniors. They want to add battery power and other energy options. These devices can be used in patients with sleep apnea, babies who need neonatal care, and for making electronic bandages to help skin heal from wounds and burns.

Steve Harvey is at it again with his antics. Once again, it’s on. He slandered Tavis Smiley and Cornell  West as Uncle Toms when he’s a complete and utter liar. For years, these 2 men went across the nation (long before the President was inaugurated) to speak out and promote solutions in the black community in dealing with the issues of poverty, education, health, and other important issues. For years, they have defended black people against the attacks from racists and reactionaries like ex-President George W. Bush (like his treatment of the Katrina disaster). For years, they have gone out and confronted bigotry and believed in civil rights. Harvey is a worshipper of the President like his ilk always is. This religious hypocrite is only right that the President ought not to be blamed for every problem in America and that the President shouldn’t be disrespected or slandered at all. That’s where it stops. First off, dissenting with the policies of any politician including the President isn’t hating or immoral. That’s a part of the First Amendment and the freedom of speech. It’s the free speech right of any citizen or any human being to make grievances known and to make leaders accountable for their own actions. This lair Steve said that we shouldn’t criticize the President since Presidents before have made errors. What kind of logic is that? The President is continuing the neo-con agenda of the Patriot Act, the evil war in Libya, and warrantless wiretapping. How are you going to be a real man or a real woman and support the killing of people of color unjustifiably in foreign lands? Cluster bombs and war crimes by NATO don’t move me to worship the President. I respect the President as a man, but I don’t view him as God like others do. Harvey (the religious deceiver who believes that we men should think like a lady and act a man. Forget that since I will act like a man and think a man without equivocation or neo-modernist politically correct nonsense) said that he’s the President of all Americans. He is President of all Americans. Yet, this lair omits is that progressives and people from across the political spectrum (and across racial backgrounds) have criticized not the man, but his policies. Real people don’t hate the President. We respect the President and he’s our brother, but the Patriot Act is wrong, the war on terror is wrong plus it’s economically draining, and refusing to outline a massive jobs plan  immediately to get people to work is wrong as well. We have every right to promote a fight against poverty. This doesn’t deal with an entitlement mentality since the super rich have received record entitlements and kick backs for decades. The poor aren’t in radical improvement when corporate profits are in a record, when tent cities are increasing all over America, and when you see compromise for the sake of compromise becomes the order of the day. It’s takes real cowardice to slander 2 men as Uncle Toms without proof and not saying that stuff to these 2 people’s faces. He or Steve can worship his fake god of materialism, Presidential worship, and non-judging. Likewise, I can worship the real God with judgment, power, inspiration, and non-cooperation with militarism. Militarism is the smoking gun to refute these worshippers of the status quo. They can talk all of this stuff about hating, but when we say why the President should end militarism worldwide, they become silent. Both Republicans and Democrats have made errors here and I won’t unconditionally follow either one of those parties. Also, I trust real progressives like the Sister Cynthia McKinney for exposing the evil war on Libya rather than Steve Harvey. That war in Libya has the rebels executing and lynching black African peoples. US forces supporting these criminal rebels doesn't make a bit of sense. One thing that refutes these worshippers is telling them that the foreign policy of the USA (which is militarist, pro-neo con) hasn’t radically changed for decades. Calling for peace, opposing ARFICOM, and economic justice aren’t about promoting racial decisiveness or having hatred of the President. I and others want success and the world to radically improve its composition. It’s about promoting real justice for all of the people in this country of America. Constructive criticism isn’t a sin. Constructive criticism isn’t about slandering the President, but inspiring the President to do better. We should do better as well. These hypocrites omit that people like us criticized George W. Bush in great terms in some cases even more than President Barack Obama. President Barack Obama has made some legitimate policies in America. On the other hand, to assume that any free thinking black person(that disagrees with some of the White House’s policies) is an Uncle Tom is racist and disgraceful. Not to mention that it’s an attack on intellectual freedom plus political freedom. Criticizing the President on legitimate points doesn’t mean that someone is an Uncle Tom. I don’t consider Tavis Smiley or Cornell West perfect, but they aren’t Uncle Toms at all. People have the freedom to think for themselves. Plus the nominees of the current White House are corporatists heavily and influenced by the CFR, Bilderberg Group, and Trilateral Commission. That’s a fact. There is not a single tax increase on the super rich and we have proposed massive cuts affecting the poor. Over 46 million poor people have to rely on food stamps. When the recession began came, Bush and Obama addressed the bankers directly. Yet, the current administration don’t give a serious iota of concern for addressing poverty plus the poor (in the ghettoes, the trailer parks, and the dilapidated areas) in the same way that they ahave ddressed the Wall Street bankers. 21% of all children in America live in poverty. No one said that the President should do it all anyway. 1 out of 4 corporations pay no penny of taxes in the USA. Also, West and Smiley have mentioned plenty of times that they want to end poverty for all people not just for black people. How dare you, Steve Harvey, damn 2 people as Uncle Toms (when they aren’t) when your hypocritical self don’t believe in judging another person as a part of your so-called “theology.”  The comedian's ad hominem attacks are silly, tired, and old (despite his legitimate programs in helping young people in various places of America). All of the comedy in the world can’t defeat the truth. The truth is that we should worry helping the people and creating solutions instead of party allegiances or political genuflection. Also, these liars say that where people like me before 2008 were. Before 2008, I’ve criticized Bush Jr. very harshly and other previous Presidents for their errors. Not to mention, that tons of the poor aren’t that  way because of laziness, but because of corporate culture and socioeconomic issues. It’s easy to say to get up by your own bootstrap, but many people don’t have boots to begin. You have to give resources or boots first and then allow the solutions to poverty flourish. Also, these liars are omitting that people like me have criticized Beck, Limbaugh, etc. for years. I’ve written articles about these people before 2008 and exposed them to the roof tops. I know that the Lord isn’t through with him yet since the Lord isn’t through showing him that intimidating religious people into accepting compromise is silliness (but promoting true justice is honorable). Real people have existed for thousands of years calling for forthright reforms in society. People using religion as an excuse to be a brainwashed sheep is highly offensive to me. Regardless of what I write, never be discouraged. Vote, fight for equal rights for all peoples, be active in your community, fight for reforms, help your fellow people out, and don’t be ashamed of speaking out. Speak out and never shut up inspite of the words of celebrities.

More people have exposed facts that not too many human beings have known. Rick Perry is the Texas Governor running for Republican. Some view him as the “Republican messiah” coming to save America. Rick Perry is a part of the globalist system even though he attempts to portray himself as a populist. He claims to be an anti-big government politician, but spending increased from 49 billion dollars to 90 billion dollars in 2010.This isn’t reducing the size of the government. Although, I do believe in spending money for the right reasons, helping people, building resources, etc. The debt in Texas increased in his watch. Rick Perry led efforts to lease roads in Texas to foreign companies in order to turn roads that are already free to drive on into toll roads. He wanted to build up the Trans-Texas Corridor as a part of the planned NAFTA Superhighways system. The NAFTA Superhighway is criticized as violating national sovereignty. Rick Perry claims to have a track record of not raising taxes, but he raised taxes and fees when he had been governor. The oil boom is in Texas and 23 states have a lower unemployment than Texas does. Perry once supported Al Gore for President in 1988 and he served as Al Gore’s campaign chairman in Texas in 1988 too. Between December 2007 and April 2011, weekly wages in the U.S. increased by about 5 percent. In the state of Texas they increased by just 0.6% over that same time period.  Texas is now one of the worst educational systems in the country. Perry went into Bilderberg Group meetings in 2007. That’s a red flag since the Bilderbergers promote globalization and the new world order agenda. Texas has the highest percentage of workers making minimum wage out of all 50 states. Rick Perry actually issued an executive order in 2007 that would have forced almost every single girl in the state of Texas to receive the Gardasil vaccine before entering the sixth grade. Perry would have put parents in a position where they would have had to fill out an application and beg the government not to inject their child with a highly controversial vaccine. Later, safety issues about Gardasil existed. Merck and Perry have financial links like a $6,000 campaign contribution and Merck’s hiring of former Perry Chief of Staff Mike Toomey to handle its Texas lobbying work. Girls have died from Gardasil. Republicans, Democrats, libertarians, and independents have criticized Perry before. He is a globalist like George W. Bush. 2012 will be an interesting year for politics indeed.

Alice Bailey knew that the new world religion can’t be done by promoting the New Age alone. She wanted the Christ to stimulate the spiritual consciousness in man and change the world’s religious paradigm. The Christ to the New Agers is a world teacher that can bring common ground, compromise, and a new system in the world for humans to accept. Alice Bailey wanted the present world to change, so a new world and a new race men to come into being. This New Age relates to the hatred of mainstream monotheism, the belief in the coming evolution of humanity, the unification of world systems, and the view that man can become like God. Astrotheology is one big part of the New Age Movement as well. This is about the view of constellations have spiritual significance in the Universe.

By Timothy

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