Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The super rich and taxes



13 minutes ago (8:35 AM)
It's obvious that Buffett is now being attacked by the people who refused to share the burden of cutting deficits by raising revenues. If you don't have job, cutting expenses to the core is not the only solution. You MUST get a job (raising your revenue) so as not letting your family starve with your cuttings. Cutting deficits alone doesn't solve the problem. The equation obvious is skewed even before we try to solve the problem. As for Buffett, at least he showed his humanity in proposing to raise his own tax to share the "sacrifice­". At the present the GOP and Corporate-­Owned Tea Party's pledge is no tax raise for the rich at all in accordance with their philosophy 'PRIVATIZE THE PROFITS AND SOCIALIZE THE LOSS". If all of us are trying to do the same as the GOP/C-OTP demanded then we shouldn't try to look for jobs to raise our revenue at all. Just starve to dea*th as the GOP/C-OTP'­s mantra "LET'S HELP THE RICH GET RICHER AND THE MIDDLE CLASS GET POORER!" is so true.


Knowledge is Power
6 hours ago (2:44 AM)
Yes! Bush tax cuts should never have been allowed, have caused much of our deficit problem, along with tax loopholes for big business/t­he wealthy!! Big business moved most jobs out of the country,do­wnsized to get richer/big­ger/ political power, causing less taxes to be paid, as fewer people working, big business/ wealthy decide to hire people from all over the world to come to the U.S., giving them jobs that are left, the government decides to give out all that tax money, paid in by natural born american citizens, to these same individual­s and all the other minorities in the U.S., so they can go to college for free, get food stamps, by a home, clothes,et­c., while the rest of us natural born american citizens worked our rearends off, paid taxes and have done without everything­!!!! How fair is this??? Add two wars and fact that U.S pays the bills of most of the world, makes sense that our country is broke and now there are two social classes, the TAKERS/FIL­THY WEALTHY/FO­REIGNERS/M­INORITIES who have all been given the american dream and doing better than 80% of natural born american citizens and the GIVERS/THE POOR NATURAL BORN AMERICAN CITIZENS who have NOTHING, no jobs, money, food, savings, clothes,re­tirement,c­ar, home, only a ton of debt!! We do not qualify for ANY assistance because we are not a minority, foreign, have ten kids or a farmer! Where is OUR american dream??

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