Monday, August 08, 2011

Tidbits about Our Lives

People have exposed the new Super Congress as a violation of the legitimate Congress that we have now. This new Super Congress was approved by the House. It’s about a new level of unaccountable government. It strips elected representatives the right to amend legislation or filibuster on whatever issues it sees fit. This can exist beyond the debt situation. It can cause a force of legislation like gun control, evil austerity measures, and other policies. This new super Congress is a slick means where corporate interests can cut benefits that people pay into like Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security. This Super Congress is made up of both chambers and both parties. The Constitution doesn’t site anything of its existence at all. It will have extraordinary new powers. There is a plan of its existence from Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and his counterpart Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev). They wanted to lift the debt ceiling and use a 12 member panel 9of 12 lawmakers from each chamber and 6 from each party) in order to propose some austerity measures. The super committee can make rules without regular lawmakers. With the weight of both leaderships behind it, a product originated by the Super Congress would have a strong chance of moving through the little Congress and quickly becoming law. A Super Congress would be less accountable than the system that exists today, and would find it easier to strip the public of popular benefits. People from across the political spectrum (not just Ron Paul and Andrew Napolitano) have criticized this Super Congress as unconstitutional even Keith Olbermann. You have to have congressional means to handle domestic and foreign policy issues without a Super Congress in work. The Council of 13 has been exposed as well.

The present political times now are interesting. Many liberal pundits and activists complain that the President won’t show the progressive agenda. Some people like New York Times columnist Paul Krugman even label him as a pushover President. The reality is that the President knows what he is going. He acts on an imperial agenda. He worked with the organized political establishment in order to promote his policies. He used his power to promote the war on terror, the existence of Czars and another bailout for Wall Street. He has the strength to pass a Heritage Foundation inspired bailout of the private health insurance industry without showing more progressive proposals. On foreign policy, the President escalated old wars and created new ones. The Patriot Act continues now and the indefinite detention of terrorism suspects has existed as well.  So, the President is strong is handling his own agenda. The establishment fights against any serious plan to re-regulate banks after our economic meltdown. There are ongoing bank bailouts and Wall Street thieves aren’t even prosecuted. Massive deficits are here even though the Bush tax cuts are here. Massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare could be done by the late part of 2011. A large majority of Americans oppose these goals and the future is here. Democratic support is eroded and his support is in decent shape. His more centrist policies have him more in common with Ronald Reagan indeed. Even some in the mainstream media promote the Tea Party lie that the government is going broke when we have trillions of dollars hoarded by Wall Street interests. The President is a puppet and many folks are waking up about it.  There is the Seal Team 6 crash. It killed over 30 people. These people according to the media was not the team that killed Osama bin Laden. Witnesses on the ground in Pakistan told national News outlets that the Seals went in to the compound then came out got in a stealth craft and it exploded. What do we know for certain is that the CIA, the Mossad, MI6, and the Pentagon have used propaganda and psy-ops operations in the war on terror. The reality is that the Republicans’ demands for concessions are very unpopular even among the Republicans’ own base and some Democrats are making huge concessions in a cowardly fashion. Reganonomics, the Iraq War, etc. aren’t beneficial for the United States of America at all.

One of the strongest and greatest heroes for black liberation has been those from low income neighborhoods. Fannie Lou Hamer was poor including Chaney (or the brother who was murdered in Mississippi. He was killed along with his allies Goodman and Schwerner). Even Dr. Martin Luther King noted that the poorer community supported his policies in Montgomery. That it is important to continue to think about how my own people have a better ability to feed, house, clothe, and employ ourselves. Other ethnicities like the Indians, Korean, Chinese, Arabic peoples, Italians, the Irish, etc. have been doing it and black people have the right to take these policies to the next level as well. In the course of black people’s lives progress was made. 50 years ago in America alone, black people had no real rights whatsoever. Black people were living in segregated locations, were abused and brutalized by crooked police officers; we were being lynched, and had difficulty owning major lands in America. Long, black people are Presidents, Professor, scientists, doctors, inventors, dealing with technology, food manufactures, , surgeons, musicians, billionaires, millionaires, military leaders, and in a wide spectrum of fields of labor. Dr. Mark Dean is a person partly responsible for the invention of the PC and he’s a black scientist. We should be thankful and happy with our accomplishment in just 50 years, but we have a long way to go in order to achieve that dream or prize that we all seek. So, the solution is for us as black people to keep striving ahead to make more positive accomplishments in this world excluding the negative, lying stereotypes that are so common in society. Michelle Alexander’s “The New Jim Crow” book exposes other forms of oppression against our people even now in 2011. The truth is that black men and black women (who are very beautiful indeed. The sisters are number in beauty, no question about it in my opinion) made great achievements and this will continue forth. We can’t be satisfied with the status quo either. We have the right to promote our issues from African issues, poverty, education, issues about crime, health, civil rights, civil liberties, opposition to privatization, economics (as the top 2% of the wealthiest people on Earth control about half of the world’s wealth. This isn’t progressive or a part of authentic economic justice), the war on terror, STDs, and other important matters interrelated with our community. In laymen’s terms, we have to learn about history, learn about culture, learn about what’s going on in the world now, go out to assist our own communities, and love our beautiful black selves in the mirror for real. Strong black men, strong black women, and strong black children should unite to build upon more black unity. Indeed as the book from Umoja reads, Black Love is a Revolutionary Act. We have to take care of our own culture, heritage, and lineage.

The famine in Somalia is terrible and many people have passed away. The mainstream media is promoting the disinformation that the famine is increasing because al-Qaeda affiliated al-Shabab is preventing food from getting to the victims of the famine. The BBC is reporting on this story as well. Some view the origin of the famine as complex beyond just food supplies. Michel Chossoudovsky believed that the experience in Somalia is caused by the global oversupply of grain staples not a shortage of food. Grain markets in his opinion were deregulated since the 1980’s under the supervision of the World Bank. The U.S. grain surpluses were caused to destroy the peasantry of Somalia and disrupt national food agriculture. This disaster is taking place in the war on terror error. There are conflicting stories on the conflict. For example, on July 6, the BBC wrote a story about how Somalia Islamists fit aid ban to help drought victims. On July 22, the BBC reported that the Somali Islamists maintain aid ban. I don’t agree with any aid ban brought about by any group, but the U.S. have made sanctions against Somalia for a while now. The BBC carries one story on the subject of the sanctions put in place by Obama in April 2010 that banned any US aid to areas controlled by al-Shabab (which is pretty much the entire country apart from a few streets in what's left of Mogadishu, the capital) and now revised with the following proviso made by the deputy administrator of USAID (that wants the UN agencies to aid Islamists areas with aid as long as they aren’t taxed by al-Shabab). Bombs still occur in Pakistan. The IMF has made errors. Back In 1991, according to documents (found by the Times) almost 2/3s of Somalia was allocated to the American oil giants Conoco, Amoco, Chevron, and Philips in the final years. This was before Somalia's pro-U.S. President Mohamed Siad Barre was overthrown and the nation plunged into chaos in January, 1991. So, U.S. companies wanted a foothold in Somalia to get its resources in millions of acres of Somalia. The BBC form July 5 to August 3, the BBC’s 30 stories on the famine in Somalia without a mention of the role of the West in creating conditions that have led to the unfolding disaster (or the history of Somalia). The reality is that in the 1970’s to the early 1980’s, Somalia was self sufficient in food (with their nomadic pastoral system with small agriculturalists). In the 1970’s, nomadic pastoralists make up for 50 percent of the population. In the 1970s, resettlement programs led to the development of a sizeable sector of commercial pastoralism. Livestock contributed to 80 percent of export earnings until 1983. The IMF and the World Bank intervened to the crisis of the Somali agriculture. The deal is that an austerity program was imposed on the government (to break up the fragile exchange relationship and the sedentary economy). The plan released the funds required to service Somalia’s debt with the Paris Club. A large part of the external debt was held by the Washington based financial institutions. This structural adjustment has caused over 100 indebted economies.

Captain America: The First Avenger is a film in 2011 with tons of symbolism and messages. It’s based on the Marvel comics character Captain America. Its world premiere came in July 19, 2011 and it was released in America by July 22, 2011. The movie was directed by Joe Johnson. Its writers were Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely. It stars a lot of people like the following: Chris Evans, Tommy Lee Jones, Hugo Weaving, Hayley Atwell, Sebastian Stan, Dominic Cooper, Samuel L. Jackson, Neal McDonough, Derek Luke, and Stanley Tucci. Captain America is about a regular, sickly man genetically transformed into a superman in order to fight the Nazis and the Scull. This man to be become Captain America in the movie is named Steve Rogers from Brooklyn. He works with other Western soldiers to defeat the Nazis during World War II. The Red Skull is Hitler’s head of weaponry and a leader of a terrorist organization. The end of the movie has Rogers crashes a vehicle in the Arctic. He sleeps for nearly 70 years and is awaken by Nick Fury (played by Samuel L. Jackson). Nick Fury approaches Rogers in present day Times Square about proposing a mission with worldwide ramifications. The film have the Nazis talking about Yggdrasil or the tree of the world. For thousands of years, folks from the 4 corners of the Earth view this image of the tree of life as a means to reach enlightenment or become one with Nature. Yggdrasil is a part of Nordic mythology, yet similar pagan mythology exists worldwide in Africa, other parts of Europe, Asia, and even in the ancient Americas. Yggdrasil has a snake in roots and an eagle at the top to try to kill themselves. This tree of the world is similar to the stories found Siberia and other Native American peoples. In Norse legend, this world tree surrounds the nine worlds connecting the heavens with the Earth. The move has the snake around the roots of the tree. The Book of Genesis has a similar story about the tree of knowledge (of Satan deceiving man that eating the fruit of the tree will give them godhood, which it didn’t). The movie has the Nazi Johann Schmidt seeking the tessaract of Odin or a blue, glowing cube. Johann presses the eye of the snake (found to be shown in positive in the Mysteries and symbolically shown as evil in the Bible) and finds the tesseract in a secret compartment at the base of the stone carving of the World Tree. He powers a large amount of machines in his evil organization called “Hydra.” Hydra in Greek mythology was a mythical snake with many heads. It was impossible to kill since one of its heads was cuts off, but 2 would quickly grow back in its place. Schmidt or the Skull wants to make a global government under him. He wants power and control (this theme is found in movies and comics). This common goal is the plan of numerous politicians and the elite (and the Antichrist according to scriptural prophecies). There is a checkered board in the movie, a woman in a red dress, etc. The movie deals with militarization and WWII history. It’s very popular because of its action, subject line, and similarity to the topic of patriotism.

By Timothy

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