Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What do I think about the London Riots?

People are talking about the riots in London. It comes after economic uncertainly, police brutality, and other factors going on in the UK. Before I go on, it’s interesting to go into rioting first. The original riots in Tottenham came when the police killed Mark Duggan. Some people have legitimately protested in street and others have immorality destroyed property, harmed innocent people, and burned down people’s homes. The riots aren’t made up of one ethnic group as racists maintain. It’s made up of a wide spectrum of social and racial backgrounds. Now, it’s a historical fact that some of the bad rioters harming innocent people have been paid by certain fed or governmental authorities. This has occurred in Seattle back in 1999, the anti-North American integration protests in Montebello, Canada, etc. Now, we have the accusation that youths were offered money to start chaos in Leicester, UK. These individuals offering money are called “journalists.” Provocateuring is a real possibly in this affair. This accusation was made by tweets that were sent to people who were in the city of Leicester (and people there tried to secure their communities). Leicester was hit by violence later that night, as youths attacked buildings in the city center. “There were swarms of hooded Asian, black and white youths in their 20s, and some as young as 12, being hounded out of Leicester city centre at around midnight,” nightclub owner James Cockerill told the BBC. In a message that was forwarded to Leicestershire police, a Twitter user called “leicestertalk” wrote, “AadamSparkzz & his mates just offered money by these journos to start a riot in #Leicester.” Historically, from the UK to Canada plus America, authorities have used phony anarchist types to cause violence or relied on undercover police to pose as troublemakers to provoke mayhem (in order for the state to have more authoritarian control in society). Riots are wrong. They are social destructive, they aren’t revolutionary, and they are intolerable. Yet, at the same as Dr. King said, riots are a symptoms of a problem. Many people riot for no reason (I of course don’t agree with any rioting) and some riot in the UK because of the legitimate opposition to the intolerable conditions of certain parts of the United Kingdom (where there is bigoted hatred of people of color in the UK, there are civil liberties being violated in some cases worse than America, and there is economic exploitation there). If we want solutions, then we should seek the causes of riots not just condemn a riot. Bad economic conditions and the government's poor response to the financial crisis are some of the causes of the rioting as well. Worldwide (not just the Brits experiencing this oppressive circumstance), you have huge economic inequality where the wealthy own a huge amount of the world’s wealth. Austerity measures like cutting half of the public schools in Britain, pensions being cuts, and other infrastructure going down in the UK have resulted in a profound economic strain in the country. Cameron’s government wants spending cuts to social programs in order to cause a reduction to the country’s debt. Cameron lied and said that a lack of personal responsibility or an entitlement mentality caused the riots. That’s false since those suffering economically in the UK aren’t feeling entitled to anything. I know coded language. Cameron used coded language to imply that these rioters are representative of amoral, dependent youngsters that must worship at the altar of neoliberal trashy economic philosophies. Protests are going on globally in order to promote economic justice also. You can’t get up by your bootstrap in obscene economic depravity that causes the poor to suffer. Poor people are suffering and radical austerity measures will not equate into a reasonable resolution in ending the tremendous, abhorrent condition plaguing the poor. Cameron (the lying son of an Englishman) said that all of the rioting is related to criminality alone. These protests and rioting aren’t just transpiring in the UK. There are lies involved in the riot too. He’s a hypocrite since his ilk is involved with the News of the World hacking scandal involving the reactionary Rupert Murdoch. Mark Duggan was shot. Yet, an independent investigation found that the police lie about being shot at. Forensics show that the police bullets were the only bullets found in the scene. 333 people have been killed in UK police custody from 1998 to 2010. This was about more than 1 police killing each every other week. There has always been revolt against evil. That is not evil. So, you have a banker puppet government in England, police brutality, and betrayed youth being major factors on why the London riots occurred in the first place. 16,000 police officers came to try to calm the streets since rebellions came in London, Bristol, Birmingham, Leeds, Liverpool, and Nottingham. Now, some British politicians want to have more political repression in the UK as a response to the rebellions. About 600 people have been arrested, which include the youth, workers, university graduates, and the unemployed. These human beings are not criminal underclass folks at all regardless of what Cameron says. The youth want liberation from a corrupt social system. You will notice that the mainstream media will not focus on the thousands of innocent people peacefully protesting in the UK (in calling for political & economic reforms) in August 2011 either.

I don’t agree with Star Parker on numerous issues, but she is right that abortion on demand has been exploited by many in the liberal establishment to promote a borderline eugenics mindset that black people must control their births in a sick population control type of way (when black population growth isn’t radically going up at all in the USA). It’s easy to see that the North Carolina Eugenics Movement targeted black people in an evil way. Lela Mae Moore Dunston was sterilized by forced when she was only 13 years old. She now lives in Raleigh. She was not mentally handicapped and even if she was, it is still morally wrong to have this woman to be forcibly sterilized. Some people were sterilized for being falsely accused of rumors of promiscuity not just epilepsy or blindness. That’s fascism and similar to what the Nazis did to innocent people during World War II. The victims want justice and are doing what they can to achieve justice. In the early 1960’s, Gov. Terry Sanford was in North Carolina and black women were targeted by the sterilization program. Another victim was Elaine Riddick. She was sterilized in the age of 14, because she was poor and black. It’s a disgrace. Planned Parenthood decades ago supported overtly eugenics and funded the North Carolina Eugenics Society. Clarence Gamble funded the eugenics board too that sterilized many black women. Clarence Gamble who helped found the Human Betterment League of North Carolina in 1947 did so to promote eugenic sterilization. Journal research shows a long history of abuses in the N.C. sterilization program – abuses that Gamble consistently glossed over. Gamble wanted sterilizations to increase rather than decrease, and increase they did. Margaret Sanger was an enemy and she didn’t want women to have babies since there wouldn’t be enough to feed them otherwise, which was a lie. This stuff isn’t just happened back then. Back in 1999, the racist CRACK (Children Requiring a Caring Kommunity), the California- based group pays crack-addicted women and men $200 to be sterilized or go on a long-term birth-control method. Barbara Harris, the organization’s founder, acknowledges that her program is controversial. She didn’t call for unique program just bribery and sterilization. A CRACK billboard was pulled down by an angry crowd. The crowd accused Harris’ group of racism and attempting to neuter the poor. This was in 1999.  I will never forget what these eugenics people did at all. Tons of black people have spoken out about this issue. Rev. Johnny Hunter of LEARN and Florida State Representative Daphne Campbell are black people that disagree with abortion and disagree with the agenda of Margaret Sanger. Professor David L. Horne opposes Planned Parenthood’s nefarious pro-eugenics history as well. Black people are disproportionally aborted via abortion (almost 40 percent of all abortions are done against black people in America). So, rational and comprehensive solutions are needed to solve this problem. LaVern Tolbert was once the former board member of Planned Parenthood and now opposes its agenda for dehumanization of the unborn and its other tactics. It’s easy to see the record abortions haven’t made economic recovery, built more jobs, caused more social stability, end police brutality, and caused more harmony in communities. In some cases, it made problems worse.

It’s not a secret that many in the ruling class don’t want the rest of the people to be well educated in creating their own system of economic growth. A lack of education can allow more brainwashed people to exist in society. This is why the corporate media constantly whitewash and sanitize Dr. Martin Luther King in order to portray him in the context of just the words that he spoke in the 1963 March on Washington, D.C. The reality is that Dr. King became more radical. By 1968, he critiqued capitalism, imperialism, and he believed in the interrelatedness of racism and economic exploitation. On many times, legitimate black power or Black Nationalist movements have been destroyed by white racists or by the FBI via COINTELPRO. The August 1967 FBI COINTELPRO documents showed that the FBI saw real black unity as a threat. The document described the FBI's intension to try to create their version of "law and order." The FBI according to COINTELPRO wanted to use tactics to pit my people against each other (as a means to stop community solidarity, self determination, and other acts running in contrast to the agenda of the ruling class). That is why Black Unity is one great antidote to the white supremacist system. It’s foolish to want to be in a system where you are viewed as inferior or a 2nd class citizen socially. It’s better to fight for something that’s real than live in a nefarious way of life. Still, black people have made great accomplishments in the world despite struggle. Dr. King’s Poor Peoples Campaign represented his political incorrect, revolutionary, and populist views. He even wanted the government to give black people their due check since people were given government funded resources via the Homestead Act in the 19th century. We should always remember that Caribbean black people have had a huge influence in the struggle for black liberation in America (There are Jamaicans creating their own cars and a Jamaican billionaire as well). Marcus Garvey promoted black Nationalism in America, he set up his black shipping company, and he was from the Caribbean from Jamaica. Kwame Ture was Trinidadian.  As the Revolutionist mentioned: “…The Civil rights movement which contained groups such as NAACP, SNCC, CORE and SCLC drew influence from a Jamaican (Marcus Garvey) who first promoted Black Nationalism in our modern age. Out of this era was born the Black power movement, a term which was given to America by a Trinidadian (Kwame Ture) leader of the SNCC this term became the black panthers anthem!...” So, Black Unity should be promoted here, now, and forever. Black Unity in international since historically real black Revolutionaries (like Marcus Garvey, Nanny and Bob Marley, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, etc.) discussed about uniting with Black people worldwide not just in a national framework. Black brothers and sisters living in North & South America, Africa, Europe, Asia, and other places worldwide are our brothers and sisters forever. Also, it’s important to not act like a reactionary and show vitriol against a human being based on their color or creed. We treat everyone the same with respect, but we should definitely respect of our own people too. When unity is discussed, it not only deals with social tolerance of black people worldwide, but economic power (which deals with not only building capital, but growing communities, building inventions, building resources for people, and promoting a true intellectual revolution of change), political power, and taking solutions into another level.

Tons of people have mentioned the Gnostic link in Hollywood films. They are accurate in this point, because tons of Hollywood films portray God or the Creator as the enemy, the material world as all bad, and new age philosophies as legitimate for human beings to adhere to. Gnosticism believes that senior gods exist, the Goddess Sophia and the evil Demiurge Creator god made Jehovah (and he created the material world, which is evil in the eyes of Gnostics). Hollywood movie critics and writers like Richard Stanley and their fellow Hollywood entertainment producers are embracers of Gnostic beliefs (and promote them in their productions). In Gnosticism, Sophia or wisdom is responsible for sending the serpent (or the savior to Gnostics) to help humans know about their enslavement to the Demiurge or Yaldabaoth. Popular writers and actors in such efforts such as Philip K. Dick and Keanu Reeves are also quoted as tapping into external spiritual entities when practicing their craft. A particular focus is given to Alan Moore, a veritable laureate of the graphic novel, whose popular and ground-breaking works such as “V for Vendetta”, “From Hell”, “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” and “Watchmen” have been brought to the big screen, and who is a practicing magician and purveyor of Aleister Crowley’s legacy. Gnosticism is one portion of the modern New Age Movement. Some Church leaders know about this information and are legitimately exposing this agenda and some aren’t knowledgeable about this issue. There is the film called “The Thirteenth Floor,” programmers of a virtual reality game are concerned that their creation is taking one life of its own. They discover, via their investigation that are simply creations themselves with imperfect Creators. This bases the Creator, which the Gnostics hate.

The Rockefeller Center has many sculptures and murals in the locations with occult imagery. The image of Prometheus is found throughout the Center in NYC. It was owned by the Rockefeller family, so it’s elite style and it’s a reflect of their belief system. Prometheus stole fire from the gods to give to man as found in Greek mythology. He has numerous similarities to Lucifer. Both have great intelligence, both wanted to manipulate mankind in various ways, both are called the fire or light bringer, they were punished either by Zeus (by being tied up and had his liver eaten by an eagle daily) or God (who expelled Lucifer form Heaven). They both suffered wrath for their disobedience. Prometheus and Lucifer are seen as representing enlightenment according to occultists. That is why there is Paul Manship’s sculpture in the Sunken Plaza of the Rockefeller Center showing Prometheus holding fire stolen from Zeus. He lies in a ring representing the Zodiac. There is an inscription behind the statue of Prometheus saying that: “…Prometheus, teacher in every art, brought the fire that hath proved to mortals a means to mighty ends…” The statues of Prometheus’ son and daughter are found in the vicinity as well. There is the famous Urizen engravement in the front of the GE building entrance. The beard man looks like Santa Claus. He holds a huge compass and a quote from the Book of Isaiah. This is exactly in reference to William Blake’s “Urizen” engravement where he depicts “God” as a bearded man holding a compass.

By Timothy

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