Tuesday, January 20, 2015

History and Dr. King.

I've done research and a book on Dr. King. If anyone is interested in LEGITIMATE scholarly sources, I can share some of them. But to address the question (probably intended as rhetorical and defamatory) Dr. King was both a PRINCIPLED agitator and a Christian and democratic socialist. The FBI (which infiltrated the Movement with traitorous negro spies) may have known about this. If they did, their small paranoid minds would have equate democratic and Christian socialism with Soviet style "Communism ", and inferred from this that Dr. King was a Communist. Also, there were former Communists (like Stanley Levinson) as well as democratic socialists (like Bayard Rustin and Michael Harrington) with whom Dr. King did have contact. But even had they been CURRENT (rather than FORMER) communists that wouldn't prove that Dr. King himself was a Communist any more than their association with him would prov3 that they were Christians and Baptists.



I've actually been able to trace King's CRITIQUE of BOTH capitalism and USSR style communism even back to his STUDENT diaries of the late 1940s and early 1950s...well before he was a public figure who may have had something to hide. Even in his late teens his writings show a definite antipathy to both capitalism and Leninist state "communism ". But he does show sympathy for democratic socialism. Check out THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. See if you can't find his student diaries on line. It may come up if you google: "This, capitalism has done. It has failed to meet the needs of the masses." That phrase marks the transition in that diary from his critique of Marx to his critique of capitalism. More background information can be found in some interesting historical works. See FROM CIVIL RIGHTS TO HUMAN RIGHTS: MARTIN LUTHER KING, JR. AND THE STRUGGLE FOR ECONOMIC JUSTICE by Thomas Jackson and GOING DOWN JERICHO ROAD by Michael Honey. Of course, my own book (which you know of if you're Barros) also discusses King's version of socialism. King clings to no specific model, but Scandinavian social democracy he seems to suggest comes closest to what he has in mind.



Photos which Michael Honey (among others) have exposed as fake. And what if a Communist was seen at a rally at a Christian church? Would that be evidence that the Communist was secretly a Christian? Malcolm X was charged by the FBI with "breaking bread with the Communists on account of his appearance (for REAL) on a platform with members of the Socialist Workers Party. Malcolm's reply? In essence (or in so many words): "I've also spoken on the same platform with Baptists and Methodists? Does that make me a Baptist or Methodist?"



Barros is right on this. Both King's own writings and those of King scholars bear out the fact that King leaned in the direction of democratic socialism, not Sov9iet style Communism. Whoever posted a red "X" for disagree ought to do some homework. Everything is not a matter of opinion; and although everyone has a RIGHT to his or opinion every opinion is not of equal value. Do some homework.




Of course to some of these Faux-News aficionados, anything to the left of the Archduke Ferdinand is “communist”.

