Libya has been in a state of chaos since 2011, because of the NATO intervention. Gaddafi was killed and soon Libya is basically in a state of partition. Factions like the Muslim Brotherhood, etc. are fighting for total rule in Libya. Ironically, NATO forces aided many rebel factions in Libya years ago. Many of the rebel factions are now ISIS. The West once aided the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) terrorist group. Therefore, the complexities exist in Libya. The West still wants Libya to be a future client state and civil war is still waging in that area. First Lady Michelle Obama is a very beautiful, intelligent black woman. Also, she is doing an excellent job in showing more awareness on healthy living. It is very important for men, women, and children to eat more fruits and vegetables (and exercise). Exercising and eating healthy cause a myriad of benefits for human beings. The Let’s Move campaign also deals with the helping children. Helping others out of motivation of love and human compassion is such a blessing. Bless the First Lady. There has been study after study showing that a radical taking of refined carbohydrates carry many negative health risks. We know what works certainly. There must be a focus on fruits, vegetables, and other natural foods. We can have proteins in a moderate fashion and exercise is very important too. Exercise carry great benefits from improved brain function, improvement in our emotions, the enhancement of our immune system, the strengthening of our bones, and increasing our life expectancies. We have to study accurate health related information, which deals with fats and other nutrients. We have to not only help ourselves. We can educate others, especially our relatives and friends, on how much beneficial it is for people to execute a healthy lifestyle. One of the easiest things that we can do as a means to be healthier is for us to not drink any sodas. Learning great health information should never to be used to demonize someone in an inappropriate fashion, because of their weight or their fitness level (as humanity should be treated with dignity and with respect). This action is about building up folks and inspiring human beings in a positive direction.
At the end of the day, we can get back to what’s natural if we want to radically improve our health. Eating more fruits and vegetables is important. Also, we should not eat foods with massive carbohydrates and massive salt. We have to reject toxins too. In other words, we have to understand what we eat and what chemicals the food contains too. We have to eat healthy, quality food. We can eliminate sodas, massive sugars, etc. We have to learn about our family history. The reason is that when we learn about genetics found in our family tree, that information can prepare us to handle our physical health. Dr. Robyne Chutkan is a very intelligent person. The video is great in how she refuted numerous misconceptions about health. On the issue of minimum sentences, people from across the political spectrum do have agreement on eliminating the War on Drugs (and outlining alternatives). Mandatory minimums, being used constantly in society, are blatantly archaic. The crime rate overall has gone down since the 1970’s. Mass incarceration has a huge cost on black families constantly too. The criminal justice system has a long way to go in creating a fair society. FOX News promotes a distraction on numerous issues. The truth is that the West, decades before Obama was President, aided radical groups via Operation Cyclone, Operation Ajax, etc. ISIS is a counterrevolutionary, evil organization. ISIS’s ideology is repugnant just like imperialism is a repugnant ideology too. We have to understand the complexities of the Middle East in order for us to solve the problems in that region. Many of the problems over there were caused by Western neocolonial actions in that part of the world from the end of WWI (via the slick Sykes-Picot Agreement) to the present.
Azealia Banks is very honest about her views. We all respect her honesty. I agree with her on some issues like on the TI controversy, but I disagree with her on other issues (like her descriptions about Erykah Badu). Colorism is a serious problem not only in this country, but worldwide. We have to listen and empathize with any victim of colorism. Azealia Banks is obviously hurting. Yet, being hurt is no excuse for others to hurt others. People get hurt all of the time, but many people have used that hurt as a way for them to stand up for human justice. She definitely needs mentorship from older people and encouragement. Strong elders can tell her the truth and give her inspiration. She is a young human being and she has the whole future ahead her as a black woman. Her words represent the angst, the anger, and the hurt that is found in many of our youth. The youth need to realize that they are respected and they are loved by us. No dark skinned black woman should be oppressed, stereotyped, and demonized. There are dark skinned Sisters who are standing up for their human dignity and are making great contributions in the world. The Sister Lupita has shown the world that beauty is diverse and beauty deals with compassion including growth of the human soul. When the soul is blessed, the human consciousness is blessed too. We have to not only show the truth in season and out of season. We have to combat anyone who expressed colorism or stereotypes against black people. Love is not just about goodwill. Love is demanding real, transformative, and positive change in society. I don’t believe that all men despise dark skinned women, but it is true that many males have patriarchy and colorism as part of their psyches. No one can deny that. We understand her frustration and we understand her pain. Her pain is part of the pain of our ancestors who suffered unspeakable mistreatment and abuse by evil people. We want her to grow and all of us wish the best for Sister Azealia Banks.
From the comments of the person, I have witnessed (from the anonymous voter) racism, white privilege, arrogance, and misconceptions about what the film Selma was all about. Many people have said that people cried when they watched Selma. So, the movie had a lot of art and emotion. The director of Selma Sister Ava Duvernay never said that people should vote for the film, because black people are in it. She said that the film should be judged fairly and the anonymous Oscar voter is not the only person with such obtuse views. Actors and actresses wearing “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirts during the NYC screening is fine with me (which is part of the freedom of speech). That should never be a criterion on whether a movie should be voted on by the Oscars or not. One thing that I respect about the Black Lives Matter movement is that this movement can’t be completely contained by the establishment. Selma has been awarded by the Image Awards. We, as black people, don’t need token white validation. We should just express ourselves, promote excellence, and oppose injustice (as liberty is always the part of path of righteousness). Hollywood is not run by black people. They are run by a select group of mostly male white people. Another point is to be made too. Money is not necessarily the sole indicator of power. There are many people with a lot of money, but the elites own specific forms of diverse wealth, own millions of square miles of land, own oil, own commodities, and own other resources beyond just money. So, we, as black people, must develop our own infrastructure so our wealth can be readily passed on to our descendants. Also, we have to fight poverty more effectively if we want to be free as black people. Some wealthy black people are doing some things, but many of them just don't care. I have to keep it real. Others have kept it real too. Building our infrastructure is key. Building is one principle that our elders have advocated. After Jim Crow apartheid ended, some black people just left their communities to seek a corporate dominated life at the expense of the poor. We see the economic inequality grown, the growth of the evil War on Drugs, bad trade deals, gentrification, etc. since the 1970's. Black Wall Street proved that we can do this (or establish our independent power base). Unity is important and the embrace of black consciousness is a necessity. I do have faith and hope. We have to keep on fighting and keep on helping others.
There was the public viewing of Malcolm X from February 23-26, 1965 at Unity Funeral Home in Harlem. It was attended by from 14,000 to 30,000 mourners. Malcolm X always loved Harlem and Harlem loved Malcolm X as well. The funeral took place on February 27, 1965. There were loudspeakers set up for the overflowing crowd outside of Harlem’s thousand seat Faith Temple of the Church of God in Christ. A local television station carried the service live. There were many people who attended the funeral including members of the civil rights movement. These people were John Lewis, Bayard Rustin (that’s ironic since Rustin was one of his greatest ideological critics), James Forman, James Farmer, Jesse Gray, and Andrew Young. The actor and human rights activist himself Ossie Davis gave a stirring, great, and eloquent who delivered a great eulogy. His eulogy personified the truth that Malcolm X was our shining black prince and he was our living black manhood. Malcolm X was buried at Ferncliff Cemetery in Hartsdale, New York. Friends used the gravediggers’ shovels to complete the burial themselves out of respect for Brother Malcolm X. There were diverse reactions to the assassination of Malcolm X. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sent a respectful telegram to Sister Betty Shabazz saying that he was sad at the shocking and tragic assassination of Malcolm X. He mentioned that: “…While we did not always see eye to eye on methods to solve the race problem, I always had a deep affection for Malcolm and felt that he had a great ability to put his finger on the existence and root of the problem. He was an eloquent spokesman for his point of view and no one can honestly doubt that Malcolm had a great concern for the problems that we face as a race…” Elijah Muhammad in my view said disrespectful comments about Malcolm X even after he was assassinated. Elijah Muhammad told the annual Savior’s Day convention on February 26 that, “ Malcolm X got just what he preached…We know such ignorant, foolish teachings would bring him to his own end….” Elijah Muhammad lied and said that Malcolm X preached violence when he did not. Malcolm X preached self-defense and human freedom. Writer James Baldwin, who had been a friend of Malcolm X's, was in London when he heard the news of the assassination. He responded with indignation towards the reporters interviewing him, shouting, "You did it! It is because of you—the men that created this white supremacy—that this man is dead. You are not guilty, but you did it.... Your mills, your cities, your rape of a continent started all this." Many of the Western news media individuals were disrespectful to Malcolm X also in response to his assassination. The New York Times wrote that Malcolm X was "an extraordinary and twisted man" who "turn[ed] many true gifts to evil purpose" and that his life was "strangely and pitifully wasted". TIME called him "an unashamed demagogue" whose "creed was violence." TIME will also slander Dr. King after Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. would courageously oppose the Vietnam War (which was done after his Riverside Church speech in April 4, 1967). Outside of the U.S., and particularly in Africa, the press was sympathetic. The Daily Times of Nigeria wrote that Malcolm X "will have a place in the palace of martyrs." The Ghanaian Times likened him to John Brown and Patrice Lumumba, and counted him among "a host of Africans and Americans who were martyred in freedom's cause". Guangming Daily, published in Beijing, stated that "Malcolm was murdered because he fought for freedom and equal rights", while in Cuba, El Mundo described the assassination as "another racist crime to eradicate by violence the struggle against discrimination.”
By Timothy