Sunday, February 15, 2015

Savant's Words

The second two paragraphs of my post # 61 have already "debunked " most of your nonsense here. And I knew enough history in high school for that to be old news. If you wipe out HALF the population of Germany in religious wars, you have killed a larger proportion of Germany's population than Stalin killed of the Russian population even though German casualties by 1648 was not above 10--12 millions. If you wipe out 90% of the Aztecs and virtually ALL of the original Caribbean peoples---in the name of your Christian god, of course---then you've even outdid Hitler....though an important difference is that since Hitler didn't win the wars he could not exterminate ALL the Jews without conquering all of Europe. For the same reason he could not permanently enslave the Slavs (whose fate he intended, though over a longer period, to be not really different than the Jews) without crushing Russia. Again, if Belgian Christian imperialists wipe out half or more of the population of the Congo, then they have equaled or excelled the SCALE of atrocities committed by Stalin or Hitler. Aside from Christian arrogance, it is only because of white racism that the names of King Leopold, Andrew Jackson, Cortez and others are not in the same company as the names of Hitler, Stalin and Franco. But those European Christian imperialist murderers did to people in Africa, Americas and Asia what Hitler did to other Europeans. Their victims were of a different religion and color than the peoples of Western Christendom.



Marx killed no one that I know of. If he had I've no doubt that it would have been religiously reported in the mainstream corporate media and in a million books. Lenin was not even Jewish. And Trotsky, like Marx, was an atheistic person of Jewish parentage who was as disinterested in Judaism as many of my secular Arab, Iranian and Indian students are disinterested in Islam and Hinduism.



While I'm not a PROFESSIONAL historian I've read quite a bit of history. I even have a B.A. in history. Again, I've read that in North and South America there were MILLIONS of Indian before the coming of the European Christian invaders. The most conservative estimate of the Aztec kingdom's population that I've seen is 8 millions, with 10 millions being a more commonly cited figure. European fire and sword, forced labor and European diseases (most Europeans didn't bathe in those days) cost the lives of about 90% of the Aztecs. And that' s just ONE indigenous people among those upon whom fell the murderous white Christian holocaust. Not withstanding some rhetorical flourishes, Aime Cesaire was on point in DISCOURSE ON COLONIALISM when he wrote the before Europe became victims of Hitlerism she was its perpetrator. Force labor, genocide, racist dehumanization---a ll the evils that Hitler applied more scientifically upon other Europeans---were imposed on peoples of Africa, Asia and the Americas during the first four centuries of the imperial expansion of Europe. In CRITIQUE DE LA RAISON DIALECTIQUE, Sartre implies that even the disaster of fascism in Spain was partly a matter of chickens coming home to roost. Part of the army which Franco used to topple the Republic were Spain's own colonial armies. And we all know the Catholic Church blessed and supported the cause of Spanish fascism---as Protestant and Catholics often did in Germany as well. And we know how Franco's lunatic Falanquistas massacred civilians while complementing the staccato of their machine guns with cries of "Vive el Christo rey!". The murdering theocratic bastards!



I've heard that soooo often. Jews were supposedly in control of both the Muslim and Christian slave trades. Wrong. Granted, some Jewish merchants were involved. And that was criminal, but no more or less than Christian and Jewish merchants involved. And BOTH trades were dominate and controlled by gentile Christian and Muslim traders. It's the same junk about Jewish bankers. I generally dislike bankers, but see no reason to dislike Jewish bankers any more than Christian bankers. Wall Street sucks, but I could care less about which Wall Street pirate is Jewish or gentile. Corporate piracy and gangsterism is an abomination.



By the way, I am against the persecution of Christians as I am against Christian persecution of others--or even Christian persecution of EACH OTHER. Which was very commonplace until fairly recently. Actually, capitalism was the cause of WWII, not atheism. No Depression, no Hitler. No fascism. No wars of aggression--at least not in Europe among Europeans. Oh, there was also nationalist and racist resentments and hatreds---some of it fostered by Christianity--with out which the likelihood of war would probably have been considerably less even with the Depression. World War I became a prelude to WWII. And the war makers were quite often devout (or hypocritical) Christian rulers.



Charlemagne waged wars of aggression against pagan tribes. Muslims also waged aggressive war against pagans. And we haven't mentioned wars between Christians and Muslims. Or wars by Christians against other Christians, or by Muslims against other Muslims (still happening, sadly). Then there were the Christian war against Native Americans. I don't recall that Native Americans ever invaded Europe. Yet even here invading European Christians often claimed they were acting in self defense.

