Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Savant's Words in early March of 2015

Interestingly enough, in the 2/25/2015 Huffington Post comment, Orlando Patterson was specifically referencing black MALE youth when he wrote "They are trapped in a seemingly intractable socio-economic crisis" and "yet are among the most vibrant creators of popular culture in the nation and the world." You can look that up in the 2/25/2015 edition of the Huffington Post. Of course, THOSE words and analyses by Orlando Patterson won't support your one -dimensional diatribe and demonization of Black men. It is the same thing with your reference to Joy Jones' interesting article "Marriage is for Whites." Her nuanced analysis was VASTLY different from (and superior to) your simplistic reduction of her analysis to the childish view that Black marriages and relationships are troubled due to the dysfunctionality of black men. Patterson, like Jones, acknowledges dysfunctional and self-destructive tendencies among Black men AND Black women. But Patterson also recognizes the profound CREATIVITY of Black men and Black people. Anyone who has at heart the well being of Black America--men, women and children--must be aware of these complexities and perplexities of African American personal and social existence. You lack that awareness, but you also do not have at heart the well being of the Black people. It's inconceivable to you that Black men---like other men and women--can be a tissue of contradictions, at once both self-destructive and culturally creative. YOur one-dimensional picture of Black men (and really, when you're pressed on it, BLACK WOMEN too) is pretty much in stream with white racist depictions of Black people and Black like as a morass of unmitigated pathology. Moreover, you seem unaware of another reality which ole Don Barros mentioned in another thread, but which many psychologists, sociologists and other thinkers have noticed: ""Oppres sion breeds dysfunction." Oppression breeds dysfunction. Erich Fromm, Frantz Fanon, Paulo Freire and numerous others have noticed this to be the case with oppressed people, and not just Black Americans. Of course, this is no justification for the dysfunction, any more than there justification of the oppression that breeds dysfunction. But it does mean that if we wish to diminish the tendency toward dysfunction, and increase the tendencies toward personal and communal creativity, then we must commit to the overcoming of oppression; we must commit to an ethics and politics of liberation. But I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for dysfunctional (and often mentally deranged) bourgeois Negroes like you to make this commitment. Instead I work with black YOUTH, male and female, who seem to be re-awakening now, to aid in every way I can the struggle to transform the social conditions of our people, and to raise us all to a higher plane of human living. But you, "SadbutTrue ", "te te", or whatever you now call yourself---you are simply irrelevant. And so are other cynical and superficial ankle biters and scoffers like "freddy" , Capree, and the white racists who are your spiritual kindred. History is passing you by, and you guys are just along for the ride.



I'm part of the BLACK STRUGGLE, not flight. It is right wing ass kissing bourgeois Negroes like YOU who are in flight---and who are contemptuous of the Black masses whence I come, and whom the sociologists describes as being so culturally creative. Hence your comment in another thread that only "hood____ " and ghetto thugs have a problem with police . But the masses of my people are not "rats," you petty bourgeois punk. It is the buck dancing negroes like you, spiritually impoverished and culturally shallow, who constitute the real TRASH and scum of black society. The sooner we are rid of you, the better. Were I not opposed to the death penalty I might even recommend a firing squad. But exile or deportation is, I suppose, more humane.

-Savant (in response to a person)


Adolph Hitler was not an atheist, but Joseph Stalin was. Being an atheist does not automatically make you worse or better. But I guess an atheist cannot justify his wickedness, if he is wicked, by appealing to god. That privilege belongs to theists alone. I am myself an agnostic, and thus still a "non-believer ". But I feel I have more in common with a Christian like Dr. King than with an atheist like Ayn Rand. On the other hand, I do feel a certain kinship with secular thinkers like Frantz Fanon, Richard Wright, Angela Davis, Aime Cesaire....and yes, some secular whites like Tom Paine, Marx or Rosa Luxemburg. That's because they, like PROGRESSIVE theists (not fundie rightists) are committed to the agenda of LIBERATION and FREEDOM. My area is Philosophy; and some surveys indicate that maybe 70% of American philosophers are atheists. But some of those philosophers are conservatives or right wingers of various sorts. Some of them are progressives and humanists. I can relate to the latter, but not to the former (for the most part)



The black guy killed in Miami which sparked the Miami riot of 1980 was an entrepreneur. Cornel West was jacked up by police precisely because they believed he couldn't be so well dressed unless he was selling dope. Wesley Snipes, Skip Gates (Harvard U) and Denzel Washington all had their run ins with the fascistic cops. I know at least one Maryland state senator who was detained by the police because a HOMELESS white woman said he stole her purse. As an academician around the neighborhood of the age of Barack Obama, I can assure I don't dress in baggy pants. I find them distasteful. But I've had my encounters with police who wanted to know if I'm selling drugs or have weapons in my car. Also, I would deem it racist and also classist if the cops pick on someone because of how he or she dresses. And contrary to the stupid racist and bourgeois negro assumption that "ghetto" people are mainly thugs and dope dealers, I can assure from having grown up in the ghettoes of east Baltimore that the vast majority are not. And at any rate, more whites both use and sell drugs without being put upon by the cops.....poor whites sometimes excepted. But if some Negroes want to be apologists for fascist police tactics which are being denounced by the UN and Amnesty International; if these silly Negroes want to be butt kissers of the white capitalist establishment, then that's their business. Real Black men and women, and HONEST people of all races, creeds and colors will oppose the injustice, and determine the next phase of history.


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