Architecture as Riddles in Stones Part 7
For thousands of years, architecture has galvanized the imagination of humanity. Now, we live in a new time. It is time to show more information about architecture in our the world and the various mysteries that surround grandiose structures that have been created by the human race. Throughout the ages of time, architecture represented human creativity and the outline of how we express ourselves in general. Architecture has been like riddles in stone, because architecture can have many different meanings. Also, architecture can have mysteries. Therefore, the mystery, the symbolism, and the diverse interpretations of the meanings of the architecture of the four corners of the Earth will be expressed here. Since humanity existed, human architecture has been part and parcel of our existence. From the Great Pyramids to the skyscrapers of today, buildings deal with mathematics, various patterns, and a lot of human ingenuity.

NY Stock Exchange
The New York Stock Exchange Building from Wall Street has much architectural influence. It is the location where many corrupt Wall Street bankers sold stocks and many people in Wall Street had to pay fines for their abhorrent actions. A statue of George Washington (which was created by John Quincy Adams Ward) looks towards the building. The NYSE is the representation of American capitalism in full display. It is located at 18 Broad Street in NYC. The building has a classical architecture. Its features are found on a typical Greek Revival house. On April 22, 1903, the new New York Stock Exchange building was opened for business. It is found in the financial; district of New York City. The architect of the building was George Post. He made use of this open space to maximize the natural light to the trading floor within. The open view from Wall Street is an architect's gift. The grand facade is imposing from even a block away.
Standing on Wall Street, you can see the 1903 building rise ten stories above the sidewalk. Six Corinthian columns steadily rise from a seven-bay-wide podium set between two rectangular pilasters. From Wall Street, the NYSE building appears stable, strong, and well-balanced. There is the street level podium too. George Browne Post was born in New York City in 1837. He studied architecture and civil engineering at New York University. He passed away at 18 Broad Street.
The façades of the New York Stock Exchange are huge. The two facades are located in the famous one of Broad Street and the other on New Street. They are made up of white Georgian marble. It is inspired by the Roman Pantheon. The New Street facade is complementary in functionality (a similar wall of glass complements the Broad Street windows) but is less grand in ornamentation (for example, the columns are not fluted). The Landmarks Preservation Commission noted that "The entire Broad Street facade is surmounted by a shallow cornice composed of an egg and dart molding and regularly spaced carved lions heads, setting off a balustraded parapet. The major façade has the words of New York Stock Exchange under it. John Quincy Adams Ward was a American prolific sculptor. Above the Corinthian columns, it was entitled, “Integrity Protecting the Works of Man.” The classic design depicts the 22-foot figure of Integrity in the centre, depicted as a woman, hands stretched out to the left and to the right, with Agricultural and Mining figures (human capital) to the right and Science, Industry and Invention figures on left (intellectual capital). These sectors represented the sources of American prosperity. Significantly, two children were strategically placed at the feet of Integrity, and a pregnant farmhand was included. The façade is ironic since the stock exchange is home to so much envy, polarization, greed, and speculation in our generation.

Georgia Guidestones
The Georgia Guidestones is one of the most unique and mysterious structures in the world. It is found in Elbert County, Georgia. It is a granite monument that was erected in 1980. Elbert County is a known location where many granite structures are created. A set of 10 guidelines is inscribed on the structure in eight modern languages, and a shorter message is inscribed at the top of the structure in four ancient language scripts: Babylonian, Classical Greek, Hindi, and Egyptian hieroglyphs.
The monument stands at the highest point in Elbert County, about 90 miles (140 km) east of Atlanta, 45 miles (72 km) from Athens, and 9 miles (14 km) north of the center of Elberton. The stones are visible from Georgia Highway 77 (Hartwell Highway) and are reached by turning east on Guidestones Road. Some have nicknamed the structure as “American Stonehenge.” The monument is 19 feet 3 inches tall. It is made up of six granite slabs that weigh 237,746 pounds in all. One slab stands in the center with four arranged around it. A capstone lies on top of the five slabs, which are astronomically aligned. An additional stone tablet, which is set in the ground a short distance to the west of the structure, provides some notes on the history and purpose of the Guidestones. Back in June of 1979, an person with the pseudonym R. C. Christian hired Elberton Granite Finishing Company to build the structure. The monument was unveiled on March 22, 1980 before 100 or 400 people. For years, people have protested the Georgia Guidestones for many reasons like political reasons and special reasons. Some believe that the stones represent the goals of the new world order. The four outer stones are oriented to mark the limits of the 18.6 year lunar declination cycle. The center column features a hole drilled at an angle from one side to the other, through which can be seen the North Star, a star whose position changes only very gradually over time. The same pillar has a slot carved through it which is aligned with the Sun's solstices and equinoxes. A 7/8" aperture in the capstone allows a ray of sun to pass through at noon each day, shining a beam on the center stone indicating the day of the year.

Finally, in 2016, we have found the identity of the true author of the Georgia Guidestones. The documentary film “Dark Clouds Over Elberton: The True Story of the Georgia Guidestones” (2015) has revealed the real identity of the creator of the Guidestones. The documentary is part of an Adullam Films Production that deals with documentaries on religious matters, issues that relate to describing information about the New World Order, etc. Filmmaker Christian J. Pinto and Michael Pinto went inside of Elberton, Georgia to discover the truth. They cordially and humbly asked townspeople in Elberton about the Guidestones and did exceptional detective work in finding out the truth. They also found out the real identity of R.C. Christian too. The real identity of R.C. Christian is the late man Herbert Kersten of Fort Dodge, Iowa. He lived from May 7, 1920 to June 10, 2005. He was a well-known physician and conservationist. Kersten’s family had doctors for decades. His views on the environment and population control are identical to the words on the Georgia Guidestones. R.C. Christian’s “Common Sense Revealed” said that the world was too fragile and had too many people in it, therefore population control methods in a radical way is necessary to stabilize Nature. The Georgia Guidestones promoted the Age of Reason, which was copied from Thomas Paine’s Age of Reason book which was established centuries ago. Also, Herbert worked with a man named Robert Merryman (who also believed in a radical population control agenda). Robert Merryman was a conservative, a conservationist, he fought in World War II, and he wrote literature that promoted the philosophies found in the Georgia Guidestone. Merryman is known to have arranged the publication of Common Sense Renewed, a book intended to explain the purpose of the Georgia Guidestones. Also, Herbert Hinze Kersten was a racist and a white supremacist.
Fort Dodge Historian William Sayles Doan said that Kersten was a notorious racist and he was a friend of the white racist William Shockley (who won a Nobel Peace Prize and Shockley wanted people with an IQ lower than 100 to be sterilized).Shockley promoted eugenics as the eugenic measures promoted by Common Sense Renewed are apparently clear. Scholars describe Rosicrucianism as it relates to the Guidestones, because the Chris J. Pinto documentary briefly shows a Rosicrucian document uncovered in Coggins Industries that might describe a time capsule purportedly buried at the Georgia Guidestones site. Eugenics is the evil philosophy that people with desired characteristics must be birthed more while those classified as “less desirable” characteristics must be birthed out or culled. Eugenics uses false, unscientific definition of desirable and undesirable “traits.” Eugenics is linked to racism, classism, and genocide historically. Kersten also praised David Duke (who was part of the Klan, allied with Neo-Nazis, believes in Holocaust denial, and he is another racist). Doan said that Kersten’s racist views were condemned even in a conservative country club when Kersten said evil comments. The truth is clear. All human beings born on this earth are created equal and they have dignity plus value. Human beings should receive mercy, compassion, and love. Many of the claims of overpopulation from Thomas Malthus to Shockley have been proven false. Scholars believe that the world population will peak by 2040 and decline. This doesn’t mean that we have real environmental problems (like climate change, toxic waste, air pollution, etc.). We do. Ecological carrying capacity is established scientific fact. Yet, radical overpopulation that threatens human extinction right now is not true. So, we have to use wise, progressive policies in dealing with environmental issues not extremism or fear mongering. We want a strong planet and we want to promote human dignity.

The structure of Stewart Memorial Fountain as found in Glasgow, Scotland is filled with symbolism from Freemasonry, etc. The structure is located in Kelvingrove Park. The memorial fountain is found in Glasgow’s West End. Many of their symbols are blatantly Freemasonic. The east of the Stewart Memorial Fountain had many Masonic symbols. It was completed in 1872. The architect was James Sellars and the sculpture was designed by Freemason John Mossman. He was called the father of Glasgow Sculpture. It tried to commemorate Robert Stewart of Murdostoun (1811-1866). Stewart was involved in Glasgow’s water supply. First, the shield of the fountain has the disguised Masonic square and compass. Overtly, Masonry says that it represents truth, morality, and brotherly love (which are promoted by Masons as virtue). The truth is that the highest levels of Freemasonry view of the square and compass as representing something else. J.S. Ward wrote that the compass represents the spiritual side of man while the square represents the material world. The other shield has the 3 columns which refer to the 3 pillars of Freemasonry. These pillars represent Wisdom, Strength, and Beauty. These columns outline the part of the Masonic tracing board. Above the shield, there are 2 hands holding one another in a Masonic handshake of the real grip of a Fellow Craft (called Jachin. Jachin refers to the Jachin and Boaz pillar imagery found in Freemasonic literature too). Such handshakes have been done by many famous people like Pope Benedict and Tony Blair, including Russian premier Mikhail Gorbachev and President Ronald Reagan. The Lady of the Lake statue is found in the top of the Fountain. The Lady of the Lake depicted Ellen Douglas, from Freemason Walter Scott's poem entitled the Lady of the Lake, who is straining to hear the call of her lover, James Fitz-James. The statue of the Lady of the Lake holds the swoard of Excalibur in her right hand. Excalibur is sometimes attributed with magical powers in mythology and is associated with the sovereignty of Great Britain. One interpretation of this statue is that the Stewart Memorial Fountain is proclaiming (for those who understand the imagery) that the Freemasons are the (secret) rulers of Great Britain. The other images include lions and unicorns, the zodiac, owls, pelican, hawks, and symbols of Government, the symbol of Freemasonry, and the circular moat guarded by cherubs. These images relate to Freemasonry and other secret orders. The lion statue in the monument refers to Great Britain. As the lion is a symbol of England. The uniform represents Scotland. Yet, with symbols, there are multiple levels of meaning.

The Pyramid in Germany
There is a pyramid monument at the location of an important Bavarian Illuminati Congress. The Bavarian Illuminati was created in May 1, 1776 by Adam Weishaupt. He was a rationalist and was educated in a Jesuit University. Weishaupt wanted an Utopian society where monarchs, mainstream religion, etc. was abolished, so humanity can live in turned with Nature and form a state filled with their order. The Bavarian Illuminati worked in secret, infiltrated governments in Europe, and many members were Freemasons like Adam Weishaupt himself. The Bavarian government suppressed them later on before 1800. Back during the summer of 1782, the Landgrave of Hesse William IX invited Europe’s leading Freemasons in a conference. This conference was the famous Masonic Congress in the summer of 1782 (from July 16 to August 29, 1782). The masons in the conference deliberated on the fate of the rite of Strict Observance. Adam Weishaupt’s Bavarian Illuminati wanted to recruit key Masonic people like Landgrave himself. William built the pyramid on an artificial island two years later in 1784 to commemorate the death of his 11 year old son Friedrich. Friedrich died prematurely. Franz Ludwig von Canerin designed the pyramid. William IX wasn’t a Freemason, but his brother Prince Karl, Landgrave of Hessen-Kassel (1744-1836), was. Karl was the chief organizer of the conference, and second in command to Grand Master (Magnus Superior Ordinis; ‘Eques a Victoria’) Ferdinand, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg-Wolfenbüttel (1721-92) – Illuminatus, February 1783. The Landgrave later became Prince-Elector of Hesse. The Prince-Elector of Hesse later worked with the House of Rothschild.
By Timothy